#Apollo nwtb ego
th3w00ds · 4 months
Introducing: Apollo!
Apollo is my fan made NWTB ego based off of the album Sandcastle Kingdoms by NateWantsToBattle. I’ll explain his backstory and powers here, and his backstory will be split up into what I came up with based on each song in SK.
His backstory and powers are below the cut!
-Backstory Section-
Branded: His backstory starts with him being a popular but struggling behind the scenes music artist, selfish and experiencing creative burnout, believing that while he is well off, he’s in a sort of hell in his life. “Shine so bright this star’s gonna burn out.” 
StopRewind: This one is him thinking about wanting to be something more than what he is now. He thinks he isn’t deserving of his popularity and money and everything, and he realizes that he’d rather start over. “When’d I become my own enemy?” 
Live Long Enough to Become the Hero: This song is the one where he actually gets isekai’d! In my opinion, the lyrics are about how happy he is to finally have to at second chance he wanted and to start over. He also was very unsure about the new world he was in, since he didn’t really mean that he wanted to start over in a whole new world when he wanted to start over. His main intention was start over his career, but… hey, being a prince of a kingdom made of sand isn’t that bad, right? “My whole world was crumbling down, but I’ll still mend… I’ve found the strength and now I know where I can confide.”
To the Ends of the Earth: Again, this one still takes place in the isekai world he’s in. He’s reflecting on his feelings of happiness about being here, and is also thinking about the lengths he’ll go to be able to stay. Even if it meant fighting, which through training he can do now, he would fight to stay in his “perfect world.” “I’ll fight and defend, I’ll see this out till end.” 
Heroes Never Die: Now he’s becoming increasingly arrogant and cocky in his abilities, since he’s spent a lot of time in this world and has fought a lot of beings and people, not just to stay, but for his kingdom, his people. “You don’t call the shots, don’t you tell me when I’m done (Live it up, this life is amazing!)”
Perfect by Design: This song is the turning point in the album, starting the “depressing/sad” songs. This is when he realizes that the world he’s been sent to isn’t perfect as he thought for so long, in fact, as with his old world, it is extremely flawed. He starts to become depressed and closed off, a far cry from what he was just a few months before. He also feels immense guilt for his actions in the past in order to stay in this “perfect world.” He thinks that maybe his old life wasn’t that bad, as he had friends, fame, money. Not that he doesn’t have that now, he has the fame and the money, but not really the friends. As the prince of this kingdom he has a great amount of responsibilities and friends don’t really fit that well into them. “A million strangers walking past and stare… Open up the door I’m leaving soon… How did this get underneath my skin… Let me know when it’s all said and done.” 
I’d Love to Break It to You: This one still is kind of depressing, but more aggressive than Perfect by Design is. He’s spiraling more into his negative thoughts, believing he’s completely alone, and that everyone will forget him. He’s starting to become more aggressive himself, taking it out on others and even his people. “Parading like you own the place, give it time we’ll all forget your face.” 
All I See: This goes back to that “depressing” theme I’ve been mentioning. Unlike I’d Love to Break It to You, All I See goes back to being not very aggressive, like Perfect by Design but a bit faster at times. 
We Are Ignited: This one isn’t really aggressive, but to me it feels like Apollo deciding that he wants to go back to his old world, now wanting better days than he has now. He wants to forget the plethora of enemies he made in his so called “perfect world” as well. “You ventured off, no turning back, you’ve gone astray… The room’s too small to spread his wings out and take flight,”
Sandcastle Kingdoms: Before Apollo can make it out of his kingdom and the other world, a disaster happens. A large tidal wave was displaced somehow (don’t ask), and it completely washed over his kingdom. Some thought that before it happened, a wave from the Ocean of Dreams would bring destruction to the kingdom, but nobody believed them. That caused it to fall, as it was made of sand itself. When the tidal wave hits, it destroys the buildings and a lot of civilians drown, and Apollo also drowns there. “But all kingdoms drown, as tides bring them down… The subjects stay loyal, but don’t wait their turn; Now, blindly they follow their king to the fray, but he has no action and they have no say!” 
TLDR; He got fucking isekai’d..
Powers: I wanted to give him some powers. He didn’t have them in his original world, but in the other one he does, and when he woke back up in his “old world,” he kept them. He can control and manipulate sand, water and light. When using his sand or light powers, his eyes glow yellow/orange, and when using his water powers, they glow blue. 
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th3w00ds · 4 months
I kinda wanna say again that it’s completely ok for you guys to make stuff with my fanmade egos, i.e Apollo, Arbiter and Time (Link based NWTB ego who I’ll be posting an intro for really soon!) But if you guys do do anything with them, I wanna be tagged in the post because I REALLY would like to see what you’ve done with them, and either way it’ll be really cool if someone does do stuff with any of them. This is probably really selfish of me now that I think about it, but I don’t really want to be the only one posting about them if that makes sense. Anyway, Time intro will be posted soon! Probably tomorrow!
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th3w00ds · 1 month
NWTB ego list because my collection is growing
Dice Nate
Noah Walker
Night Guard Nate
(The ones listed below are ones I’ve created, I didn’t know if they should’ve gone up with the main list or not so they’re here) 
Arbiter Dragmire
Vincent Brookes
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