#Anyway in my heart of hearts maybe we should've had ANOTHER party after Last Light Inn.
recitedemise · 7 months
u write good
That, full and vibrant, pulls a rumble of laughter from out his throat. He decides that it's flavored like a sherry, a Myrinjar, and, perhaps, Gale allows, they've drank too much.
But come off it: who here would dare cast their blame? It's the eve after battle, the Last Light delivered from its certain demise. If there'd ever been a time to indulge so shameless, then surely, Gale reasons, it would be right now—right here, with heart and a drink and some hope. He puts on a smile tasting fruit across his gums. And as laughter and chatter soars high unto the bannisters, a color like scarlet climbs up their throats.
"High praise coming from you, surely," Gale half-slurs. Gosh. He stops, aware of the quality of his voice, half-way embarrassed yet deeply pleased. "Word has it that there's something mightier than the sword. The Quill of Frontiers would have wore you beautifully, Wyll. You strike terror into monsters as the man you now are... but I imagine your drunken praise would have done just as well."
His eyes crinkle with a smile. This feels good.
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neptunetheplanet7 · 3 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞
;mikasa ackerman x fem!lesbian!reader
;modern au, band au
word count: 2.1k
warnings: swearing, anxiety, hitch…, gross couple stuff, fluffy in the beginning, angst toward the end
listen to the music masterlist
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Between band rehearsals and time at home, you were happier than you'd ever been. You and Mikasa were officially an item. Honestly, it was hard for you to believe.
Three full days and nothing had gone wrong. Maybe Hitch's threats were empty after all. Admittedly, you were a little worried she'd be right on your tail after you and Mikasa became official.
But there was no way she'd know, anyway. Only the rest of the band and your friend group knew about your new relationship.
Mikasa was never one to care about social media so the public not knowing for a little while wouldn't be a big deal.
You wanted the fans to be aware but you had to be sure you were clear of Hitch before you announced it. You wanted to be sure you'd completely shaken her off before taking to the socials.
Perhaps the scene at the restaurant really was her last stand. You hadn't heard from her since and you were too caught up in your own fear of her to reach out.
Her outburst was something you thought about in times when you weren't focused on your girlfriend.
You were actually a little worried about Hitch. What she said stunned you for sure but so many other things happened that night that you had barely even dwelled on it before you and Mikasa started dating.
It was easy to tell that every word she spoke came from a place rooted deeply within her. You never expected something like that from as calm a person as Hitch. Based on the way she escaped that night, neither did she.
After the kiss with Mikasa, you were too wrapped up in your own doubtful mind to even give Hitch a second thought.
Yet there you were, your thoughts consumed by her while you helped set up for Eren's party.
"Y/n!" Armin called from the floor. His voice was startling and you almost fell off the ladder he was holding.
"What, Armin?" You put a hand to your heart and steadied yourself by pressing your palm to the wall.
"Why are you taking ten years to tape streamers up? They don't even look good because you've got your head in the clouds! Just let me do it." They let out an annoyed huff and motioned for you to come down the ladder.
You obliged and held the ladder steady for Armin to climb up. They started fixing the streamers while mumbling an insult or two about how they were placed.
Eren was on the back porch attempting to put up string lights, which was usually Jean's job. Instead, he was on the phone with Niccolo, who so graciously offered to cater, at the kitchen counter. Mikasa was going around all the rooms and hiding expensive or prized possessions so nothing important got destroyed.
She then walked into the kitchen and sent you an affectionate smile while stacking away plates that used to belong to your grandparents.
You smiled back and took one hand off the ladder to grab hold of her arm before letting her walk to the fridge. Armin swatted your head. "Will you stop dilly-dallying? Hold the ladder steady!"
Jean made a silent gagging motion at you and Mikasa before turning back to the phone.
Although she was hiding her face in the fridge, you still noticed the hint of a smile on her face.
Armin smacked your head again. "I'm gonna get another head injury if you don't hold the ladder steady!"
"Christ, Armin. I got it, okay?" You gripped the ladder with both hands but fought the urge to tip it over. He really took decorating seriously.
Mikasa left the room after putting everything valuable into a closet and getting a drink.
Jean got off the phone after fifteen or so minutes and Eren came back inside to ask for help with the lights. Armin gladly halted his work with the streamers to go help him.
So you were back on decorating duty. You moved the ladder to another part of the kitchen to finish up with the streamers.
After everything was set up, the sun was beginning to set. It was around seven p.m.  People would be arriving soon so you all got dressed and ready for the party.
Sasha and Niccolo were the first people to arrive since they were the ones bringing all the food. Once they got done with putting the food out more people began to show.
First, it was the rest of your friend group. Then, it was people Eren knew but you didn't. Finally, it was so many random people that you lost track of them all.
It was now dark outside and your house was filled with people. Jean and Marco were at the front door as light security to make sure douchebags such as Floch didn't get in.  
The one time he did he broke a bunch of expensive vases. That's where the ritual of hiding valuable stuff came from. You could never be too careful at big parties like these.
Music was blaring through your house, making it impossible to hold a steady conversation with your girlfriend, who stood in front of you. 
Instead of talking, you both decided that dancing would be the better option.
What surprised you was when she started getting handsier with you as the songs progressed. She was never one for physical affection in places with lots of people so you were a little confused, but you didn't mind. 
"Guys! Reiner said he's gonna jump in the lake!" Eren shouted at you and Mikasa. He looked like he was out of breath.
"What?" you yelled back.
"The lake is fucking freezing! You can't swim in it this time of year or you'll straight up die! Holy shit- let me catch my breath. I just ran up the lawn and a flight of stairs. Fuck, I'm so out of shape!" He was still yelling since the music hadn't gotten any quieter. The stupid birthday cake hat on his head was slipping off. 
"Should we stop him?" Mikasa shouted. 
"Yes, we should fucking stop him! Everyone out there is cheering him on! The only reason he's held back is because Armin is stalling him! He's the only one down there with a little responsibility! God, Reiner is like a completely different person when he's drunk." Eren adjusted his hat and motioned for the two of you to follow him back downstairs.
You were about to follow him and Mikasa but you noticed a certain figure standing in the hallway, glaring at you. 
You thought this might've been over. You thought wrong. You'd recognize that glare anywhere.
Hitch had the nerve to show up at your best friend's birthday party knowing you'd be around. You guessed she hadn't known about you and Mikasa until a few minutes ago.
When she noticed your gaze, she abruptly turned to the left and walked into the kitchen.
"You guys go stop him, I'll stay back and monitor things while you're gone." You told your bandmates.
"You sure, Y/n?" Eren yelled again, already getting lost in the crowd.
"Yeah, go without me!"
He nodded and walked off with Mikasa trailing behind.
You felt like you were gonna be sick. You should've been more careful. You should've expected this.
You knew you were upset. You knew you were scared. But you knew you had to talk to Hitch before she talked to anyone else.
She looked angry when you approached her in a secluded hallway off of the kitchen that was luckily out of view from the rest of the party.
"I want to talk about Friday." Your voice came out surprisingly steady and for the first time that night, you could actually hear yourself speak.
She scoffed. "You wanna talk about Friday? I wanna talk about your new relationship. Do you seriously think I'm someone to mess with? Do you take me as a joke?"
"Hitch, I'm worried about you. What you said then, it was pretty heavy." You spoke calmly, trying not to provoke her.
Her glare faltered for a second but she quickly looked down and pretended to fix the wrinkles in her dress. "I lost my composure then. Don't worry about me. It won't happen again so don't ask about it." She looked at you again. "Y/n, why don't you tell me exactly what's going on with you and Mikasa?"
If Hitch wasn't going to crack, neither were you. "Nothing at all. We're only friends."
She quirked an eyebrow. "Really? Because last I checked, friends don't dance like that."
"They can if they want."
She ignored your answer, not buying it, and changed the topic. "I bet you wonder where and how I get my answers to things. I have eyes everywhere. As long as I'm around here there's no escaping the truth."
You were trying very hard to keep up a wall of confidence but you knew it was falling fast. "I do wonder, actually. How did you even know she was coming back? Only two of my friends besides the band knew and they don't talk with you."
Then, she smiled. "Marlo's job has him working internationally. He was on a train before she came back. She was on it too. He overheard her on the phone with your friend Jean. I guess you could say he was in the right place at the right time."
You stumbled back in surprise. Of course something like that happened to her. What else could have?
She laughed at your reaction. "It's all too convenient! Just think about that, Y/n. You can never get rid of me, no matter how hard you try. I know what's going on with you two and everyone is going to know what happened with us."
She laughed again and any ounce of courage you had disappeared. Tears filled your eyes as you hurried away from her.
You hastily made your way through the sea of people and up the stairs. Jean and Marco looked up from the front door at the sudden noise of you running up the stairs. They called your name twice but didn't follow.
 You rushed down the hallway and into the bathroom. The door shut behind you. You dropped to the floor and let the welling tears fall.
You were overwhelmed and cried easily. Soon enough, everyone would know. How could you face them after what you did to Hitch? After they knew? 
A knocked sounded at the door after a few minutes of sitting and crying.
"Occupied," you said hoarsely.
"Y/n? Are you okay? Open the door. It's me. It’s Eren."
Damn, you were hoping no one else noticed. You figured Eren and the others would still be persuading Reiner out of stupidity. 
After a moment of hesitation, you opened the door and he came in. He sat on the floor in front of you as you leaned against the cabinets. 
"I saw you through that crowd. Jean said you came up here. Can you tell me what happened and if you're okay?" He rubbed your arm and pulled you in to hug him as he tried to help you calm down.
You hiccuped and sniffled into his shoulder, dampening the cloth of his shirt, but he didn't seem to care. "Take your time," he whispered.
You wiped at your eyes and pulled away from his embrace. "Eren, I did something so shitty in college."
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posted: 9/29/21
neptunetheplanet7© 2021
no reposts, edits, or modification to my work by anyone other than me.
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