#Anyway I plan on watching dt and drawing all weekend let’s see how far I get
Rewatching DuckTales for the first time since 2020 is great because I’ve forgotten like 90% of the jokes which means they’re all freshly funny again.
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mybravesong · 6 years
Week 3
 DAY 17 Monday (23th July) We started the day with Capture the Flag with the Sports DTS. It was hilarious and fun but boy did they make us run. After that I had quiet time. I prayed and I told God don't go far, extended my hand and he came to sit with me. He said I love you. Then I had a view of God crying and I asked him why and he said because you have not obeyed, when I asked what have I not obeyed? The answer was to love the lost. I felt it wasn’t from God because I started to doubt and feel separated from Him, then I concluded it wasn't and bind and broke it in the name of Jesus, felt better after. Seek Him and he shall be found, God won’t hide from you. Got to experience it this morning!
Then I went for morning chores - this week it’s cleaning the toilets. How exciting! After that we had worship with the whole YWAM base and we were asked to pray for someone close to us. God used me to pray for this tall man Adrian. The word I got was that God is breaking his heart of stone and drawing him closer to Him. Like a seed on good soil, drinking from the living water. After that we started on our weekly topics, this week was Repentance. Hot topic! I heard this is the week you cry the most. And it is. After that, we had lunch and went onto lunch dishes. I had a prompting from God to not put the plates at a certain place but I ignored the prompting and I turned, walked away and the plates fell. Brandon helped me clear up the mess, thank you Jesus for Brandon! I apologised to Sala for breaking the plates. I felt down after that, I was embarrassed and awkward. It affected me even during my first band practice. Felt really bad about it but at the same time I hear myself saying to myself - it’s not your fault. Anyway I went to the first band practice, we were doing the song, “Diamonds by JohnnySwim”. 
Our homework was to hear the song. After that, I did some reading while Sarah tried to figure out the drums to the song. I ended the day with dinner and went straight back to shower and back into bed. It took me awhile to fall asleep and I remember telling some of the girls to keep it down.
DAY 18 Tuesday (24th July) Started the day with dance practice - Taylor Swift’s Never getting back together. During quiet time, God gave me the words - Chariots of fire.
2 Kings 6:17 NLT Then Elisha prayed, “O Lord , open his eyes and let him see!” The Lord opened the young man’s eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire.
Isaiah 66:15 NLT The Lord is on our side and He fights against the enemy even when we can't see it.
See, the Lord is coming with fire, and his swift chariots roar like a whirlwind. He will bring punishment with the fury of his anger and the flaming fire of his hot rebuke. After that, we had breakfast and on to morning chores as usual. After that, we had intercession class. David explained that the word intercede in latin means Inter(between) and Cede(go) which means to “go between” or standing in the gap.
Praying on behalf of someone else. God gives us the keys to the kingdom and if we don't use our authority, we are not doing it right. These were the steps of intercession.
Steps to intercession
1. Praise God Aligns us to God's truth Psalm 100:4
2. Have a clean heart Psalm 139:23 God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble. Holy spirit come and search our hearts and reveal the parts, we don't want to be away from you.
3. Surrender thoughts Lay down all thoughts to God Proverbs 3:5 God we wants us to surrender our thoughts to him, give so focus and present about this time.
4. Resisting the Enemy Speak out against the enemy We rebuke the works of the enemy. We bind and break any scheme of the enemy James 4:8
5. Inviting Holy Spirit God is everywhere but He likes to be welcome ( God come sit next to me) Romans 8:26 
6. Wait and share back
Taking these steps, we split into groups. We were meant to pray for Nepal. The words we got was God is shaking the earth and heaven, there’s a sense that God’s comfort and mercy will be over the place and there was a cry from the children. After that, we went back into lectures and I felt so convicted during the lecture to own up and talk to Karmen and apologise about last night (she was one of the girls that was awake at the time). I wasn’t rude or anything but I felt the attitude of my heart was not right. After that, we had lunch and I also felt convicted about the plates I broke the day before. I had a good talk with Sala and apologised for breaking the plates. God prompted me to take ownership and pay for the plates. Sala also prayed for me, thank you Jesus for her awesome attitude. After that, I promptly left to accounts to pay for dishes. I rushed back for lunch dishes. After which, a couple of us headed to the city because over the weekend, we were told that we’ll be having a secret santa and that we’d have a christmas in july on Wednesday which was tomorrow! I had Matthew, a fellow graphic designer! Woot! I had wanted to get him stickers because he’s also a skateboarder but I couldn’t get a hold of any YWAM stickers. He had happen to come to the city with the group so I had to find a convenient excuse to separate from the group. Fortunately for me, Sarah had to get her transperth card done, so I followed her and after that we went to Target with Karmen. In the end, I purchased a black note book. I wasn’t completely sure but I had some sort of plan. We headed back to base just in time for Dinner. After that, we had a class with Cliff about Fundraising. The perspective of fund-raising was interesting, they talked about a partnership rather than a transfer of your money to my bank. Because in the end, all money is God’s. After that I showered and went to sleep.
DAY 19 Wednesday (25th July) We were told we had no early morning exercise yay. I had my quiet time with Jesus and prayed for a hatred of separation from God. He was also talking about rest and also He brought to mind - that I have a mindset that says I need a break from God. But that’s wrong because God doesn’t want separation from us so I prayed against that. We had morning chores after and I started my Secret Santa Mission. I drew Matthew’s face on the black note book I got and I got Alex to compliment Matthew’s hair. After that we had Music DTS worship - I prayed a loud that we’d not be satisfied with just this, that we’d have a real hatred for the sins we were struggling with. We prayed Spirit move in this place. After that, Randy played a song and the word I got is you're not done with me yet. You are a raging bull, ready to chase us down and our response to you is to say yes Jesus. After that, we continued our Repentance Lecture. I got Emily to buy Matthew a cookie and coffee. The lecture continued and there were so many things God just convicted me, again and again. After Lecture, Randy took aside Ben, Jonathan, James, Jake, Smutts and I to talk to us about changing our location to Manila. Honestly I thought I was alright but I did feel sad and I felt like I disappointed the staff. Did I not hear from God right? Was my reasoning not accepted? A lot of negative talk tbh. During dish washing, I pondered on this issue and God was speaking to me, this is an opportunity I had asked about in lecture, to hate what is not God’s and also to overcome disappointment. I spoke death to the doubts and lies and began to speak life in that situation. I had my one on one with Abigail and we talked about it. She definitely felt it was spiritual warfare and we prayed against the attacks of the enemy. After that, we went into dinner and right after into the Christmas party. It was super fun, we got to reveal to our secret santa person who we were and sang into the night. 
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^ Matthew and the book I drew for him! :D
My secret santa ended up being lovely Iel. She gave me highlighters and a little note!
DAY 20 Thursday (26th July) We didn’t have morning exercise this morning. Went straight into quiet time, the words I got from God was that ..You are an obedient child followed by this verse:
Ephesians 4:23-24 NLT Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.
The thing that stood out for me was that, God gives you a new nature. That’s pretty amazing! We had breakfast and then class. Brandon talked about Nepali world view. Eg. White might mean purity to us but in china, its the clothing of mourning. I had wanted to do laundry with Karmen and Leonie but unfortunately there was no space to do it together. Then as I was doing lunch dishes, I broke a glass bottle of salad dressing all over my shoe and floor. The day was not going very well. After lunch dishes, I went back to get my laundry and get it done. I also had another one on one with Abigail. It was a rush!! After that, I got my laundry back, hung it and woke Kate up for dinner. Honestly I was in better spirits after my one on one! Thank you Jesus for Abigail! :D At dinner, Zoey got a birthday cake cause her birthday was coming up. 
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After that, I went straight back to 228 and showered. We also had some homework to do - mainly write our list of repentance and forgiveness for Friday. I’m pretty sure I knocked out after.
DAY 21 Friday (27th July) I felt like God wanted me to wake up and spend time with Him at 5:30am so I crawled out of bed and sat in the kitchen area of 228. While doing quiet time God gave me these verses: Shifting mountains, making a way in the desert
2 Thessalonians 3:3-5 NLT But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.  And we are confident in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do the things we commanded you. May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ.
Isaiah 43:13, 19 NLT “From eternity to eternity I am God. No one can snatch anyone out of my hand. No one can undo what I have done.” For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
He also gave me the song, Lord you are good and your mercy endures forever. He also provided me with breakfast through Shailyn who gave me Coco pops and Samira who gave me milk! <3 They are such sweet hearts! We did morning chores. Right after, we spent the entire day - 16hrs doing repentance and forgiveness. Each one who come to the chair and sit between Randi and Cristine. We’d say aloud I repent for ______. We went through sexual immorality, idoltry, control, communications etc. It was very daunting but God had been convicting me each day and I hadn’t realised it but it was spiritual warfare every day! And the Lord made a way! The staff had been praying for the start of the session because the first person kinda set the tone for the whole session and wow! I feel so grateful to God for using me as an answer in prayer! The whole session was amazing as people poured out deep things to God in the presence of the whole DTS. We all experienced FREEDOM. We also physically nailed our sins to the cross!
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^ the guys being funny!
DAY 22 Saturday (28th July) We started the day pretty late, Iel and I brought Zoey out for breakfast at Sayers to celebrate her birthday! Zoey’s amazing! :D After that, Iel and I stayed at Sayers and worked on our journals. It was great because I got to reflect on what God had done over the week. After that, we headed back to base for lunch and a whole bunch of us made our way to Harrison Island! We made 3 U-turns before reaching the right carpark. That was pretty hilarious!! I’d never been before so it was pretty cool. The island was so beautiful! 
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After that, I came back to 228 and finished the rest of my journal. Then it was just in time for dinner! After dinner, I headed back to 228 because I was having a tummy ache. Went to shower and started on my updates here! Shailyn, Leonie, Zoey, Alex and Sam were hanging around the common area and we were just chatting and hanging out! Alex made me hot chocolate <3 so much love! I went to bed at around 11pm.
Oh, here’s a bonus life experience by Zoey. She spoke of her time in Africa, and she had a ring on her ring finger and this dude was flirting with her and asking her if she had a boyfriend and she lied and said yes. asking her who her boyfriend’s name was. To which she replied, Miles. Her mom later took her aside and asked her why she said she had a boyfriend, Miles and her reply was, “Cause he’s miles and miles away and I don’t know who he is.”.
DAY 23 Sunday (29th July) I woke up with this feeling that I was sleeping at home. It was weird! I got up ready as I was meeting Yue Mei and Sheryl! The funny thing is I had met this girl named Sandra and Sheryl asked if I knew her, apparently they had gone to eat dinner at Ps Benny’s place a week ago! So funny! Anyway Yue Mei came pick me up at 9:00am. We went to Toast for Breakfast.
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We went back to their staycation place at Sabel’s. After that, we took a nice stroll to the optus stadium! There was a game happening so it was pretty crazy. After that, we went to office works for some scotch tape and went to Authentic Bites for soup dumplings! SOO GOOOOD! They’re so kind - they treated me for everything <3 So much loveeeee! After that, they dropped me off at 228 and I dropped my stuff off and wanted to walk to base but lol, they were still outside so Yue Mei offered to drop me off! My friends are the best! <3 Spent the rest of the time sticking in some stuff into my journal and updating my online journal! We had dinner and went for a little bubble tea run! (I was good, I didn’t get any)
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Until next week fellow readers!
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