#Antonio Veciana
alanshemper · 9 months
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Images of David Atlee Phillips, a.k.a. 'Maurice Bishop', notorious CIA spook. He was involved in the Bay of Pigs Invasion and Operation Mongoose, and he was the director of the Agency station in Mexico City during the time when the phoney Lee Harvey Oswald tried to visit the Cuban embassy. He was also the handler for Antonio Veciana, the founder and a leader of the violent anti-Castro far right terrorists, Alpha 66.
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kw77comunicacion · 2 years
Tal dia como hoy, hace 60 años...
Tal dia como hoy, hace 60 años…
Tal día como hoy, 25 de Julio, pero de 1962, dos cadetes de la O.J.E. (Organización Juvenil Española), Santiago Guillen y Antonio Veciana, partían hacia la aventura tras varios años de preparativos inspirados en la novela de la Vuelta al Mundo en 80 dias de Julio Verne La aventura se llamo ¨operación El Cano¨ , su misión: dar la vuelta al mundo en 79 dias. Para ello se escogió a Dulcinea,…
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ujcdecuba · 4 years
Origen y actualidad de la Operación Cóndor.
Origen y actualidad de la Operación Cóndor.
La Doctrina Nacional de Seguridad de Estados Unidos, sustentada y alimentada por la doctrina Monroe y otros conceptos fascistas (Kissinger) fueron los padres de la operación Cóndor cuyo nombre, según el terrorista de origen cubano Antonio Veciana se debe al complot –así denominado por la CIA- para asesinar a Fidel Castro en ocasión de su viaje a Chile y después sirvió de cobertura para el…
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aguajerord · 4 years
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Noticia | Muere Antonio Veciana, un ex espía cubano entrenado por la CIA http://dlvr.it/RYzz59
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The Books I Read in 2019
Introducción al pensamiento filosófico. Filosofía y Modernidad, por Moisés González (1987)
Una història de la filosofia occidental. Filosofia antiga, catòlica i moderna, per Bertrand Russell (1961) [tr. Jordi Solé Tura, 1967]
The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield (2002)
Atena: Lectures d’història de la filosofia. Plató, Epicur, Descartes, Hume, Marx, Nietzsche i Freud, per Antoni Bosch i Veciana et al. [eds.] (2000)
The Conquest of Happiness, by Bertrand Russell (1930)
La magia del orden, por Marie Kondo (2014) [tr. Rubén Heredia Vázquez, 2014]
Meditacions metafísiques, per René Descartes (1641) [tr. Josep Miquel Costa Ribas, 2008]
The Consolations of Philosophy, by Alain de Botton (2000)
Finding God in the Waves. How I Lost My Faith and Found It Again Through Science, by Mike McHargue (2016)
Platón. Estudio introductorio, por Antonio Alegre Gorri (2017)
3 nits de torb i 1 Cap d’Any. Crònica d’una tragèdia al Pirineu, per Jordi Cruz (2018)
Banquete, por Platón (s. IV aC) [tr. Marcos Martínez, 2018]
La era del vacío. Ensayos sobre el individualismo contemporáneo, por Gilles Lipovetsky (1983) [tr. Joan Vinyoli y Michèle Pendanx, 1986]
This. Becoming Free, by Michael Gungor (2019)
21 lecciones para el siglo XXI, por Yuval Noah Harari (2018) [tr. Joandomènec Ros i Aragonès]
Córrer o morir, per Kilian Jornet (2011)
Breu història de l’antiga Roma, per Joan Oller Guzmán (2011)
El Alquimista, por Paulo Coelho (1988) [tr. Montserrat Mira, 2004]
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and six more, by Roald Dahl (1977)
Gracias, Finlandia. Qué podemos aprender del sistema educativo de más éxito, por Xavier Melgarejo (2013)
Jesus Wants to Save Christians. Learning to Read a Dangerous Book, by Rob Bell & Don Golden (2008)
Del contrato social, por Jean-Jaques Rousseau (1762) [tr. Mauro Armiño, 1980]
The Art of Loving, by Erich Fromm (1957)
El nacimiento de los Estados Unidos (1763 - 1816), por Isaac Asimov (1974) [tr. Néstor A. Míguez, 1983]
Filosofía en viñetas, por Michael F. Patton y Kevin Cannon (2015) [tr. Carlos Mayor Ortega, 2018]
El maestro ignorante. Cinco lecciones sobre la emancipación intelectual, por Jacques Ranciere (1987) [tr. Núria Estrach, 2003]
See other year’s reading lists.
Follow me on Goodreads.
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cubanoti · 4 years
Fallece la cantante cubana Margarita Pracatan, estrella del «Clive James Show»
La cantante cubana Margarita Pracatan, estrella del Clive James Show, falleció a los 89 años de edad según informan medios estadounidenses.
Pracatan tuvo bastante éxito en los años 90 luego de arribar desde Cuba tras las instalación del comunismo castrista.
La cubana falleció en la ciudad de Nueva York, lugar donde se desenvolvió toda su vida.
Margarita Pracatan nació en Cuba en 1931, fue una de los ocho hijos de un maestro de escuela y una organizadora laboral.
Desde los tres años de edad comenzó a mostrar su amor por la música, por lo que muchos sabían que le esperaba una exitosa carrera.
Su familia huyó a Estados Unidos cuando Fidel Castro llegó al poder por la vía del Golpe de Estado.
OTRAS NOTICIAS: Cubana fallece en Sagua la Grande al ser arrollada por un auto
Al iniciar su carrera en la música, trabajó en una tienda de ropa interior masculina durante el día y cantó en pequeños lugares de Manhattan por la noche.
En 1994, el británico Clive James descubrió a la cubana y la invitó a formar parte de su programa de televisión.
Pracatan actuó junto a nombres importantes como Boy George, Liza Minnelli y más.
Su música también llegó a las radios  del Reino Unido, con el DJ de radio Martin Kelner que la presenta regularmente en los populares programas BBC Night Network y BBC Radio 2.
En los años que siguieron, realizó una gira con el festival de Mardi Gras de Gays y Lesbianas de Sydney, actuando en el Reino Unido.
RECOMENDADO: Fallece en Miami Antonio Veciana, el cubano exiliado que fraguó cuatro atentados contra Fidel Castro
El año pasado, Pracatan apareció en un episodio de The Real Housewives of New York City, cantando una versión de «Money Can’t Buy You Class».
La estrella celebró su cumpleaños número 89 hace dos semanas rodeada de sus amigos en Nueva York. A Pracatan le sobreviven su hija, Maria Gorshin.
Redacción Cubanos por el Mundo
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Skyline in La Habana, Cuba, at sunset, with vintage cars on the street and people sitting on the Malecon. Copy space
https://cubanosporelmundo.com/2020/06/24/fallece-margarita-pracatan-clive-james-show/https://cubanosporelmundo.com/2020/06/24/fallece-margarita-pracatan-clive-james-show/ Fallece la cantante cubana Margarita Pracatan, estrella del «Clive James Show» Fallece la cantante cubana Margarita Pracatan, estrella del «Clive James Show» La cantante cubana Margarita Pracatan, estrella del Clive James Show, falleció a los 89 años de edad según informan medios estadounidenses.
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trendingnewstracker · 4 years
CIA-trained Former Cuban Spy Antonio Veciana Dies in Miami
Originally an accountant at Cuba’s National Bank, Veciana was taught to be invisible, to plot, to distrust and most of all to carry out activities meant to tarnish the reputation of the country’s revolutionaries. news18
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The Murder of President John F Kennedy by CIA Operation 40. By Gualdo Hidalgo, Latin Heritage Foundation's publisher
The Murder of President John F Kennedy by CIA Operation 40. By Gualdo Hidalgo, Latin Heritage Foundation's publisher
Operation 40 was presided by Richard Nixon
CIA Operation 40 killed JFK and more than one hundred witnesses
Operation 40 allegedly charged with assasinating Fidel Castro killed a bunch of other people instead,
Operation 40 was the code name for a CIA  counterintelligence group composed mostly by Cuban exiles.
It was approved by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in March 1960, after the January 1959 Cuban Revolution. The group was presided over by Richard Nixon and included Admiral Arleigh Burke, Livingston Merchant of the State Department, National Security Adviser Gordon Gray, and Allen Dulles of the CIA.
CIA assembled virtually the same team that was involved in the removal of Arbenz: Tracey Barnes, Richard Bissell, David Morales, David Atlee Phillips, E. Howard Hunt, Rip Robertson and Henry Hecksher. Added to this list were several agents who had been involved in undercover operations in Germany: Ted Shackley, Tom Clines and William Harvey.
Tracy Barnes functioned as head of the Cuban Task Force. He called a meeting on January 18, 1960, in his office in Quarters Eyes, near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, which the navy had lent while new buildings were being constructed in Langley. Those who gathered there included Howard Hunt, future head of the Watergate team and a writer of crime novels; Frank Bender, a friend of Trujillo; Jack Esterline, who had come straight from Venezuela where he directed a CIA group; psychological warfare expert David A. Phillips, and others.
Vice-President Richard Nixon was the Cuban "case officer," and had assembled an important group of businessmen headed by George Bush Sr and Jack Crichton, both Texas oilmen, as fundraisers.
It seems that Operation 40, created to remove Fidel Castro, had been redirected to kill Kennedy, as part of a freelance operation. David Atlee Phillips in the unpublished manuscript entitled The AMLASH Legacy wrote: "I was one of those officers who handled Lee Harvey Oswald... We gave him the mission of killing Fidel Castro in Cuba... I don't know why he killed Kennedy. But I do know he used precisely the plan we had devised against Castro. Thus the CIA did not anticipate the president's assassination, but it was responsible for it. I share that guilt." And Frank Sturgis stated that "this assassination group (Operation 40) would upon orders, naturally, assassinate either members of the military or the political parties of the foreign country that you were going to infiltrate, and if necessary some of your own members who were suspected of being foreign agents."
This photograph was taken in a nightclub in Mexico City on 22nd January, 1963. It has been argued by Daniel Hopsicker that the men in the photograph are all members of Operation 40. Hopsicker suggests that the man closest to the camera on the left is Felix Rodriguez, next to him is Porter Goss and Barry Seal.Hopsicker adds that Frank Sturgis is attempting to hide his face with his coat. It has been claimed that in the picture are Albertao 'Loco' Blanco (3rd right) and Jorgo Robreno (4th right).
Operation 40 Members
Cubans who became members of Operation 40 included Antonio Veciana, Luis Posada, Orlando Bosch, Roland Masferrer, Eladio del Valle, Guillermo Novo, Rafael Villaverde, Carlos Bringuier, Eugenio Martinez, Antonio Cuesta, Hermino Diaz Garcia, Barry Seal, Felix Rodriguez, Ricardo Morales Navarrete, Juan Manuel Salvat, Isidro Borjas, Virgilio Paz, Jose Dionisio Suarez, Felipe Rivero, Gaspar Jimenez Escobedo, Nazario Sargent, Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz, Jose Basulto, Rafael Chichi Quintero, Alvin Ross, and Paulino Sierra.\
Alvin Ross; Antonio Cuesta; Antonio Veciana; Barry Seal Bernard Barker Carl Elmer Jenkins; Carlos Bringuier; David A. Phillips David Sanchez Morales E. Howard Hunt, Eladio del Valle Eugenio Martinez (‘Musculito’); Felipe Rivero; Felix Rodriguez Mendigutia; Frank Bender Frank Sturgis; Gaspar ‘Gasparito’ Jimenez Escobedo; George Bush Gerry Patrick Hemming; Guillermo Novo; Henry Hecksher. Hermino Diaz Garcia; Isidro Borjas; Jack Crichton Jack Esterline, Jose Basulto; Jose Dionisio Suarez; Jose Sanjenis Perdomo, Chief of Police Cuban Pres Carlos Prio Juan Manuel Salvat; Luis Posada Carriles; Nazario Sargent; Orlando Bosch; Paulino Sierra; Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz; Porter Goss; Rafael ‘Chi Chi’ Quinterol Ricardo Morales Navarrete Richard Bissell Rolando Masferrer; Ted Shackley, CIA station-chief in Miami Thomas G. Clines; Tracy Barnes Virgilio Paz Romero; William C. Bishop; William Harvey. William Robert “Tosh” Plumlee; William “Rip” Robertson;
Jack Alston Crichton
In 1960 Richard Nixon recruited George Bush, Sr and Jack Crichton to gather funds for Operation 40.
Rivhard M Nixon appointed  Jack Alston Crichton in Operation 40 the group that Warren Hinckle and William Turner described in Deadly Secrets, as the “assassins-for-hire” organization.     Jack Crichton   was the commanding officer of the 488th Military Intelligence Detachment. He was Chairman of the Dallas Civil Defense Intelligence Committee. In early 1961, he was behind a program called 'Know Your Enemy' - a phase of defense in the Cold War. This focused on Communists and their perceived purpose to destroy the American way of life.
488th Military Intelligence Detachment
In 1956 Jack Alston Crichton started up his own spy unit, the 488th Military Intelligence Detachment in Dallas. Crichton served as the unit's commander under Lieutenant Colonel George Whitmeyer, who was in overall command of all Army Reserve units in East Texas. In an interview Crichton claimed that there were "about a hundred men in that unit and about forty or fifty of them were from the Dallas Police Department."
In November 1963 Jack Alston Crichton was involved in the arrangements of the visit that President John F. Kennedy made to Dallas. His close friend, Deputy Police Chief George L. Lumpkin, and a fellow member of the the
488th Military Intelligence Detachment
,drove the pilot car of Kennedy's motorcade. Also in the car was Lieutenant Colonel George Whitmeyer, commander of all Army Reserve units in East Texas. The pilot car stopped briefly in front of the Texas School Book Depository, where Lumpkin spoke to a policeman controlling traffic at the corner of Houston and Elm.
As Russ Baker points out in Family of Secrets (2008) Crichton served as the "intelligence unit's only commander... until he retired from the 488th in 1967".
Operation 40 and the Dallas Police Department participated in the assassination of President John F Kennedy (the police officers who participated in the assassination, as members of the 488th Military Intelligence Detachment, led by Jack Alston Crichton, a leading member of Operation 40.
The Dallas Police preparing for the visit of President Kennedy ...
https://www.youtube.com › watch
The Dallas Police preparing for the visit of President Kennedy (English Version) 5,819 views
As Russ Baker points out in Family of Secrets (2008) Crichton served as the "intelligence unit's only commander... until he retired from the 488th in 1967".
During the Second World War he served with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in Europe. In 1946 Everette DeGolyer recruited Crichton.
In the 1950s Jack Crichton became involved with several oil men who began negotiating with Fulgencio Batista, the military dictator of Cuba. A key figure in this was George de Mohrenschildt, who at that time worked for a company called Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Voting Trust Company (CVOVT) that had been established by William Buckley Sr. .
On 30th November, 1956, The New York Times reported that: "The Cuban Stanolind Oil Company, an affiliate of the Standard Oil Company (Indiana), has signed an agreement with the Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Voting Trust and Trans-Cuba Oil Company for the development of an an additional 3,000,000 acres in Cuba. This is in addition to the original agreement covering 12,000,000 acres." George de Mohrenschildt later told Albert E. Jenner that CVOVT had managed to obtain leases covering nearly half of Cuba in the 1950s.
On 1st January, 1959, Fulgencio Batista fled Cuba. The following day Fidel Castro and his revolutionary army marched into Havana. The New York Times reported on 22nd November 1959, that Castro's government had approved a law that would reduce the size of claims for oil exploration and halt large-scale explorations by private companies. These claims were now limited to 20,000 acres. This was a major problem for the Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Voting Trust Company that had signed an agreement with Fulgencio Batista for 15,000,000 acres.
Jack Crichton volunteered his services to the Dallas Police Department as a translator for Russian-born Marina Oswald shortly after the assassination. Jack Crichton translated for Marina during her initial questioning by the Dallas authorities in the crucial hours immediately after her husband Lee had been arrested. While Crichton's role as interpreter on that day is mentioned in at least two Warren Commission documents, the exact details of how he became involved in assisting the Dallas police are unclear.
Preserving the legacy Confessions
CIA legend E. Howard Hunt. In his 2007 book, discussions with his son, and a tape recording, Hunt outlined his "benchwarmer" role in a CIA plot to kill JFK.
Someone would have talked, so the saying goes. But people did talk about their involvement in the JFK assassination--some did so publicly, and some only to intimate associates. So, were at least some of them telling the truth?
Confession of Howard Hunt
- CIA master spy and Watergate participant E. Howard Hunt named names to his son Saint John, and created a tape to be released after his death.
John Martino's Confessions
- John Martino, who played a post-assassination role in the attempts to pin the murder on Castro, talked to his family and his lawyer about his peripheral involvement in the crime.
David Morales - We Took Care of That SOB
- JMWAVE Chief Operations Officer David Morales, aka "El Indio," told lifelong friend Ruben Carbajal and business partner Robert Walton that "we" had taken care of Kennedy.
Santos Trafficante - It Should Have Been Bobby
- "Mob lawyer" Frank Ragano wrote in his book that Santo Trafficante told him that he and Carlos Marcello "should have killed Bobby" instead of JFK.
James Files - Grassy Knoll Shooter?
- James Files claims to have fired the fatal head shot from behind the grassy knoll fence.
Chauncey Holt - One of the Tramps?
- Chauncey Holt says that he forged Oswald's "Hidell" ID card, among other activities, and is the oldest of the "three tramps" depicted in photos of Dallas on November 22, 1963. Holt names convicted murderer Charles Harrelson as one of his companions.
The list above is certainly not a complete list of confessions. Also, many other people have alleged involvement with Lee Oswald or some aspect of the JFK assassination story, but not with the murder plot itself.
The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt
, by Erik Hedegaard.
JFK Murder Plot "Deathbed Confession Aired on National Radio
, by Paul Joseph Watson.
Watergate Plotter May Have a Last Tale
, by Carol Williams.
A Conversation with Gaeton Fonzi
, by Steve Bochan and Gordon Winslow.
The Kennedy Contract: A Review
, by Mike Sylwester.
Excerpts from Ultimate Sacrifice: A New Take on the Murder of JFK
, by Thom Hartmann and Lamar Waldron.
Is James Files Telling the Truth?
, by Wim Dankbaar.
Meet Chauncey Holt
, by William Kelly.
The Kennedy Assassination's Links to Here and Now
, by Edgar Tatro.
Report from Dallas: The Ask Symposium, November 14-16, 1991
, by Martin Shackelford.
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp
, by Alan Houston.
The Killing of JFK by Operation 40
    (References from a variety of sources)
The testimony of Chauncey Holt, a self-confessed CIA operative and mob associate, backs this up. In a videotaped interview made shortly before he died, Holt identified Posada Carriles as one of the Cuban exiles who was in Dealey Plaza at the time of the Kennedy assassination  
In “Deadly Secrets,” authors Warren Hinkle and William Turner named Rafael 'Chi Chi' Quintero, Luis Posada Carriles, Felix Rodriguez and Frank Sturgis as members of Operation 40, under the overall control of E. Howard Hunt. Hunt and Sturgis later spent time in prison for the Watergate burglary and are believed to have been in Dallas the day Kennedy was assassinated.
Historian Arthur Schlesinger referred to it in a June 1961 memo to Richard Goodwin: "The ostensible purpose of Operation 40 was to administer liberated territories in Cuba. But the CIA agent in charge, a man known as Felix, trained the members of the group in methods of third degree interrogation, torture and general terrorism." That man in charge was Felix Rodriguez, who in 1967 led the CIA squad that captured and then murdered Che Guevara in Bolivia. He took Che's Rolex watch and proudly displayed it to reporters afterwards.  
General Fabian Escalante, the former head of Cuban counter-intelligence, author of "The Secret War: CIA Covert Operations Against Cuba, 1959-62," and "The Plot": "Who in 1963 had the resources to assassinate Kennedy? Who had the means and who had the motives to kill the U.S. president?” asked Escalante. "CIA agents from Operation 40 who were rabidly anti-Kennedy. And among them were Orlando Bosch, Luis Posada Carriles, Antonio Veciana and Felix Rodriguez Mendigutia."
General Escalante detailed the many CIA operations in Latin America that involved Cubans from Operation 40, originally trained by the CIA for the Bay of Pigs invasion. These included the coup against President Salvador Allende's government in Chile and the subsequent murder in Washington of former Chilean ambassador Orlando Letelier, as well as the Contra war against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua.
In 1990 The Common Cause magazine argued that: "The CIA put millionaire and agent George Bush in charge of recruiting exiled Cubans for the CIA’s invading army; Bush was working with another Texan oil magnate, Jack Crichton, who helped him in terms of the invasion." This story was linked to the release of "a memorandum in that context addressed to FBI chief J. Edward Hoover and signed November 1963, which reads: Mr. George Bush of the CIA"
In an article published in The Realist in 1990, Kangas claims: "Among other members of the CIA recruited by George Bush were Frank Sturgis, Howard Hunt, Bernard Baker and Rafael Quintero.” Rafael Quintero stated: If I was to tell what I know about Dallas and the Bay of Pigs, it would be the greatest scandal that has ever rocked the nation."
General Fabian Escalante, Chief of Security of State (G2), Cuba, claimed that during captivity, Tony Cuesta confessed that he had been involved in the assassination of Kennedy. He also named Eladio del Valle, Roland Masferrer and Hermino Diaz Garcia as being involved in this operation. All four men were members of Operation 40.
Shortly before his death in 1975 John Martino confessed to a Miami Newsday reporter, John Cummings, that he had been guilty of spreading false stories implicating Lee Harvey Oswald in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He claimed that two of the gunmen were Cuban exiles. It is believed the two men were Hermino Diaz Garcia (Operation 40) and Virgilio Gonzalez (Operation 40). Cummings added: "He told me he'd been part of the assassination of Kennedy. He wasn't in Dallas pulling a trigger, but he was involved. He implied that his role was delivering money, facilitating things.... He asked me not to write it while he was alive."
Fred Claasen also told the House Select Committee on Assassinations what he knew about his business partner’s involvement in the case. He claimed John Martino told him: “The anti-Castro people put Oswald together. Oswald didn’t know who he was working for – he was just ignorant of who was really putting him together. Oswald was to meet his contact at the Texas Theatre. They were to meet Oswald in the theatre, and get him out of the country, then eliminate him. Oswald made a mistake… There was no way we could get to him. They had Ruby kill him.”
Florence Martino at first refused to corroborate the story. However, in 1994 she told Anthony Summers that her husband said to her on the morning of 22nd November, 1963: "Flo, they're going to kill him (Kennedy). They're going to kill him when he gets to Texas."
There is another key CIA figure in Operation 40 who has made a confession concerning the assassination of John F. Kennedy. David Morales was head of operations at JM/WAVE, the CIA Miami station, at the time of the assassination. Gaeton Fonzi carried out a full investigation of Morales while working for the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA). Unfortunately, Morales could not testify before the HSCA because he died of a heart attack on 8th May, 1978.
Fonzi tracked down Ruben Carbajal, a very close friend of Morales. Carbajal saw Morales the night before he died. He also visited Morales in hospital when he received news of the heart attack. Carbajal is convinced that Morales was killed by the CIA . Morales had told Carbajal the agency would do this if you posed a threat to covert operations. Morales, a heavy drinker, had a reputation for being indiscreet when intoxicated. On 4th August 1973, Morales allowed himself to be photographed by Kevin Scofield of the Arizona Republic at the El Molino restaurant. When the photograph appeared in the newspaper the following day, it identified Morales as Director for Operations Counterinsurgency and Special Activities in Washington.
Ruben Carbajal put Gaeton Fonzi in contact with Bob Walton, a business associate of David Morales. Walton confirmed Carbajal’s account that Morales feared being killed by the CIA. On one occasion he told him: “I know too much”. Walton also told him about a discussion he had with Morales about John F. Kennedy in the spring of 1973. Walton had done some volunteer work for Kennedy’s Senatorial campaign. When hearing this news, Morales launched an attack on Kennedy, describing him as a wimp who had betrayed the anti-Castro Cubans at the Bay of Pigs. He ended up by saying: “Well, we took care of that son of a bitch, didn’t we?” Carbajal, who was also present at this meeting, confirmed Walton’s account of what Morales said.
Another important piece of evidence comes from Gene Wheaton. In 1995 Wheaton approached the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) with information on the death of Kennedy. Anne Buttimer, Chief Investigator of the ARRB, recorded that: "Wheaton told me that from 1984 to 1987 he spent a lot of time in the Washington DC area and that starting in 1985 he was "recruited into Ollie North's network" by the CIA officer he has information about. He got to know this man and his wife, a "'super grade high level CIA officer" and kept a bedroom in their Virginia home. His friend was a Marine Corps liaison in New Orleans and was the CIA contact with Carlos Marcello. He had been responsible for "running people into Cuba before the Bay of Pigs." His friend is now 68 or 69 years of age... Over the course of a year or a year and one-half his friend told him about his activities with training Cuban insurgency groups. Wheaton said he also got to know many of the Cubans who had been his friend's soldiers/operatives when the Cubans visited in Virginia from their homes in Miami. His friend and the Cubans confirmed to Wheaton they assassinated JFK. Wheaton's friend said he trained the Cubans who pulled the triggers. Wheaton said the street level Cubans felt JFK was a traitor after the Bay of Pigs and wanted to kill him. People "above the Cubans" wanted JFK killed for other reasons."
It was later revealed that Wheaton's friend was Carl E. Jenkins, A senior CIA officer, Jenkins had been appointed in 1960 as Chief of Base for Cuban Project. In 1963 Jenkins provided paramilitary training for Manuel Artime and Rafael ‘Chi Chi’ Quintero and other members of the Movement for the Recovery of the Revolution (MRR). In an interview with William Law and Mark Sobel in the summer of 2005, Gene Wheaton claimed that Jenkins and Quintero were both involved in the assassination of Kennedy.
It seems that members of Operation 40, originally recruited to remove Fidel Castro, had been redirected to kill Kennedy. That someone had paid this team of assassins to kill the president of the United States as part of a freelance operation. This is not such a far-fetched idea when you consider that in 1959 Richard Nixon was approaching oilmen like George Walker Bush and Jack Crichton to help fund Operation 40. We also have the claim of Frank Sturgis that "this assassination group (Operation 40) would upon orders, naturally, assassinate either members of the military or the political parties of the foreign country that you were going to infiltrate, and if necessary some of your own members who were suspected of being foreign agents.
Further support for this theory comes from an unlikely source. David Atlee Phillips died of cancer on 7th July, 1988. He left behind an unpublished manuscript entitled The AMLASH Legacy. The leading characters were explicitly based on Phillips, Winston Scott and James Angleton. The novel is about a CIA officer (Phillips) who lived in Mexico City. In the novel the character states: "I was one of those officers who handled Lee Harvey Oswald... We gave him the mission of killing Fidel Castro in Cuba... I don't know why he killed Kennedy. But I do know he used precisely the plan we had devised against Castro. Thus the CIA did not anticipate the president's assassination, but it was responsible for it. I share that guilt."
My 6 beloved German shepherds were tortured and killed as retaliation for reporting these crimes
My 6 German shepherds have been kidnapped and killed by @CIA, @DefenseIntel Deep State Nazi Generals (Invisible government) who assassinated John F Kennedy and John Lennon. In the photo, Princess held by one of these Intel psychopaths, demanding my cooperation, otherwise the dogs would be murdered. I guess all my dogs have been murdered some time ago. It is the blackmail of Intel Nazi Generals.
Tiger was brutally murdered in 2014 by the Nazi Gang that murdered John Lennon and JFK - A handful of Miami Fake Hardliners, double agentsm amd  CIA DefenseIntel
psychopathic Generals.
Sasha was removed from United States illegally, and taken to Pereira, Colombia, for the terroeist guerrila skin her and abandon her on the streets of Perera to die.
Petition · Justice for my 6 German shepherd ... - Change.org https://www.change.org › the-president-of-the-united-states-justice-for-my-...
Gualdo Hidalgo started this petition to The President of the United States. My 6 German shepherds dogs have been tortured and have been murdered by ..
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yums-ville · 5 years
The Killing of President Kennedy
This rare 1978 BBC film by Anthony Summers on the Assassination of President Kennedy is one of the best films on the subject, even if you may not agree with the direction it takes towards the end. Contains many rare interviews with direct participants, including the first interview with Silvia Odio and interviews with Dallas police chief Jesse Curry, Carlos Bringuier, William Gaudet, Richard Schweiker, Richard Sprague, DA William Alexander, Warren Commission member John Cooper  and Antonio Veciana.
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxUl4SL5U8A)
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rielpolitik · 5 years
KILL THE MESSENGER: Antonio Veciana, Mystery Man in JFK Assassination (Part 1) - By John Newman
KILL THE MESSENGER: Antonio Veciana, Mystery Man in JFK Assassination (Part 1) – By John Newman
Source – whowhatwhy.org
– “…The former leader of the murderous anti-Castro paramilitary group Alpha-66, Antonio Veciana. Veciana made the explosive claim that he was present in Dallas two months before the Kennedy assassination, with Lee Harvey Oswald and an agent/handler whom he knew by the name of Maurice Bishop (CIA officer David Atlee Phillips)”
Antonio Veciana, Mystery Man in JFK…
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notinthenews · 7 years
Antonio Veciana (AMSHALE-1)
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topcostarica · 7 years
Exespía cubano entrenado por la CIA cuenta cómo fracasó en su intento de matar a Fidel Castro
El cubano Antonio Veciana fue un espía de la CIA que dedicó su vida a intentar matar a Fidel Castro y desestabilizar el gobierno comunista. A sus 88 años, dice que la suya “es la historia de un fracaso”. Y la cuenta con rabia y sin arrepentimientos.
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olindha · 7 years
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cubaverdad · 7 years
Cuba-USA - El Libro de los Doce
Cuba-USA: El Libro de los Doce Dichos y hechos sobre Cuba y los mandatarios estadounidenses a partir del 1ro de enero de 1959 Arnaldo M. Fernández, Broward | 04/01/2017 12:28 pm En medio del jolgorio exiliar por la resonante victoria de la oposición interna que Raúl Castro anunció el 26 de noviembre hacia la medianoche, el presidente electo D.J. Trump largó el 28 un twittazo que fija el mojón histórico más relevante del lindero político Cuba-USA: "If Cuba is unwilling to make a better deal for the Cuban people, the Cuban/American people and the U.S. as a whole, I will terminate deal". Este mojón deja sentado que ahora sí vamos a construir el anticastrismo, por obra y gracia del onceno relevista americano que viene a salvar el juego cubiche tras la explosión del abridor Ike Eisenhower, el 3 de enero de 1961, al romper relaciones diplomáticas con Castro y privar así a Cuba de un factor esencial para el cambio de régimen en el contexto latinoamericano y mundial: la embajada americana. Ahora que esta última reapareció, D.J. Trump (Republicano, 2017-?) marca la gran diferencia con respecto a los mojones precedentes: 1. Barack Obama (Demócrata, 2009-2017): "What the United States was doing was not working (…) A policy of isolation designed for the Cold War made little sense in the 21st century. The embargo was only hurting the Cuban people instead of helping them" [Discurso en el Gran Teatro de La Habana, 22 de marzo de 2016] 2. George W. Bush (Republicano, 2001-2009): "I'm announcing an Initiative for a New Cuba that offers Cuba's government a way forward towards democracy (…) The United States will continue to enforce economic sanctions on Cuba, and the ban on travel to Cuba, until Cuba's government proves that it is committed to real reform" [Anuncio de la iniciativa para una nueva Cuba, en la Casa Blanca, 20 de mayo de 2002] 3. Bill Clinton (Demócrata, 1993-2001): "Tightening the embargo on Cuba is necessary now, both to deal with this incident and promote our overall goal of Democratic change in Cuba" [Posición oficial de la Casa Blanca tras el derribo de las avionetas de Hermanos al Rescate, 29 de febrero de 1996] 4. George H. W. Bush (Republicano, 1989-1993): "I believe I am the first President to visit Hialeah (and) I'm looking forward to being the first President of the United States to set foot on the free soil of post-Castro Cuba" [Discurso durante la campaña Bush-Quayle en Hialeah, 4 de marzo de 1992] 5. Ronald Reagan (Republicano, 1981-1989): "Intelligence reports say Castro is very worried about me. I'm very worried that we can't come up with something to justify his worrying" [Anotación en su diario, 11 de febrero de 1981] 6. Jimmy Carter (Demócrata, 1977-1981): "We will match, together with our allies and friends, any threatening power through a combination of military forces, political efforts, and economic programs" [Discurso en la Universidad Wake Forest, Carolina del Norte, 17 de marzo de 1978] Gerald Ford (Republicano, 1974-1977): "I agree (that) we are going to have to smash Castro" [Respuesta a su asesor Henry Kissinger, 25 de febrero de 1976] 7. Richard Nixon (Republicano, 1969-1974): "I want a report on a crash basis on (1) what CIA can do to support any kind of action which will irritate Castro (2) what actions we can take which we have not yet taken to boycott nations dealing with Castro" [Nota de su puño y letra en memo del Asesor de Seguridad Nacional, 18 de septiembre de 1970] 8. Lyndon Johnson (Demócrata, 1963-1969): "We Americans will welcome these Cuban people. For the tides of history run strong, and in another day they can return to their homeland to find it cleansed of terror and free from fear" [Discurso al firmar la Ley de Inmigración en Liberty Island, Nueva York, 3 de octubre de 1965] 9. John F. Kennedy (Demócrata, 1961-1963): "I can assure you that this flag will be returned to this brigade in a free Havana" [Discurso al recibir la bandera de la Brigada de Asalto 2506 en el estadio Orange Bowl, Miami, 29 de diciembre de 1962] 10. Dwight Eisenhower (Republicano, 1953-1961): "If the Cuban people are hungry, they will throw Castro out" [Observación a su embajador en Cuba, Phillip Bonsal, 25 de enero de 1960] Del libro sobre Cuba y USA que continuará escribiendo el duodécimo autor de la Casa Blanca, sólo un octogenario fuera de servicio como Antonio Veciana, organizador de cuatro atentados contra Castro, puede sacar la lección de que "es un error del exilio [creer] que los Estados Unidos les va a sacar las castañas del fuego". Veciana sostiene que los presidentes americanos no han hecho "nada más que politiquear con el caso cubano", pero queda desmentido por la historia. Aquel no es un error del exilio. De serlo no lo compartirían esos líderes de la oposición interna que también creen que "si todos marchamos los domingos, el miedo y la dictadura se acaban". Sería estúpido pensar que primero tiene que acabarse el miedo para poder salir a marchar, sobre todo porque el pueblo cubano perdió ya el miedo tras darse cuenta, gracias a certeros analistas, de que el desfile del Primero de Mayo —o este último del lunes— es un "performance que no convence a nadie", en tanto cualquier performance de Tania Bruguera es "aldabonazo". Esta vez el pueblo cubano no cometerá el error de subirse al carro del vencedor dentro, como hizo en 1959 con Castro, sino que subirá al carro del vencedor fuera, D. J. Trump, para seguir a los líderes de la oposición que ya lo hicieron "con el mismo entusiasmo del primer día". Source: Cuba-USA: El Libro de los Doce - Artículos - Opinión - Cuba Encuentro - http://ift.tt/2hSeRNi via Blogger http://ift.tt/2iDsGOt
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heraldocubano · 10 years
El terrorismo contra Cuba
#Cuba El terrorismo contra Cuba
Arthur González
El Gobierno de Estados Unidos en 1992 incluyó a Cuba en la lista de países que patrocinan el terrorismo, con el objetivo de hacerle creer al mundo tamaña mentira y justificar sus medidas de Guerra Económica para intentar matar por hambre y enfermedades al pueblo cubano, como castigo por no someterse los dictados de sus políticas imperialistas. (more…)
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cubanoti · 4 years
Fallece en Miami Antonio Veciana, el cubano exiliado que fraguó cuatro atentados contra Fidel Castro
Antonio Carlos Veciana Veciana Blanch, el cubano que presuntamente organizó cuatro atentados fallidos contra el dictador Fidel Castro, falleció este jueves en Miami a los 91 años de edad.
Veciana es un referente dentro del exilio cubano en la lucha por alcanzar la libertad de Cuba, pese a ser un fuerte crítico de las estrategias políticas aplicadas para derrocar a Castro.
El exiliado cubano fue reclutado por la CIA en 1960 y fundó el grupo Alpha 66 junto a Eloy Gutiérrez Menoyo.
Nació en La Habana en 1928 y logró labrarse su camino como un trabajador en Cuba. Con 25 años logra entrar al Banco Nacional de Cuba y llegaría a presidir la Asociación Nacional de Contadores Públicos.
Para 1958 era contralor del Rey del Azúcar, Julio Lobo, en su Banco Financiero y se había involucrado de lleno en conspirar contra la dictadura de Fulgencio Batista.
OTRAS NOTICIAS: Óscar López Rivera “añora” a Fidel Castro y pide que sigan su ejemplo
Antonio Veciana reconoció su participación en varios atentados contra Fidel Castro.
Uno de ellos con bazuca en la tribuna del Palacio Presidencial de La Habana en 1961, con revólver escondido en cámara de televisión durante la visita del líder cubano a Santiago de Chile en 1971 y con rifle de largo alcance en Quito, Ecuador ese mismo año. Así como en otro de su propia factura en Nueva York, en 1979, usando explosivo C-4 en una pelota de softbol.
Al fraguarse el primer atentado, Veciana aún residía en Cuba, pero tras esto abandonó la isla en un bote con su suegra y llegó a Cayo Hueso el 7 de octubre de 1961.
Recientemente este hombre estuvo en los medios locales ya que había dificultades para trasladarlo desde el hogar de ancianos donde se encontraba, hasta otro lugar, debido a la crisis del coronavirus.
Lo sobreviven su hija Ana Veciana, periodista y escritora,  y varios nietos.
Redacción Cubanos por el Mundo
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Skyline in La Habana, Cuba, at sunset, with vintage cars on the street and people sitting on the Malecon. Copy space
https://cubanosporelmundo.com/2020/06/19/antonio-veciana-atentados-contra-fidel-castro/https://cubanosporelmundo.com/2020/06/19/antonio-veciana-atentados-contra-fidel-castro/ Fallece en Miami Antonio Veciana, el cubano exiliado que fraguó cuatro atentados contra Fidel Castro Fallece en Miami Antonio Veciana, el cubano exiliado que fraguó cuatro atentados contra Fidel Castro Antonio Carlos Veciana Veciana Blanch, el cubano que presuntamente organizó cuatro atentados fallidos contra el dictador Fidel Castro, falleció este jueves en Miami a los 91 años de edad.
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