#Antiquated Teddy drawing because I have no time ahaHAAA
dreammeiser · 29 days
Hello! I really love your project and the wonderful cast <3,it really have that childhood and dreamy feel to it!
Anyways, can you tell us about teddy and oddrey relationships, kinda wondering what they think of each other if it is not too specific ^^!
Hiya hiya!! Thank you for the really nice words! Aaahhh!! I'm really happy to have made something that people really resonate with/makes them feel nostalgic! That's what I'm aiming for! <:o)
And of course of course-- They are so friends! Teddy is definitely not a sarcastic cheekster! Oddrey definitely doesn't try to push him down the stairs or sabotage any attempt from him to get closer to his inamorata! It's so cordial and polite, their interactions! She's so nice to him, it's insane :o0
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