#Anti Irritant Pet Wash Shampoo
puppyexpressions · 3 months
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For some people, seasonal allergies are a real pain. Whether you’re bothered by a runny nose, itchy eyes, or endless sneezing, it can be a tough time of year to endure.
Just like their human parents, some dogs suffer from the aggravating effects of seasonal allergies as well. Besides chemicals such as those found in household cleaning products, cigarette smoke and certain perfumes, dogs can also be allergic to natural, seasonal substances. This can include plant and tree pollens, mold spores, dust, feathers and fleas.
A dog’s allergy symptoms are generally similar to those experienced by humans: the immune system overreacts to one or more offending substances, leading to itchiness and irritation. Your dog may lick or scratch themselves, develop irritated eyes, or sneeze repeatedly. Some dogs experience itchy, swollen skin, while others suffer from diarrhea and vomiting. In certain cases, a secondary infection may develop.
Here are a few things you should do to help control any discomfort your dog may be dealing with due to seasonal allergies and reduce the risk of more serious problems.
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If possible, avoid walking your dog in the early morning or late afternoon, when pollen levels are typically highest. Steer clear of fields and parks where offending plants are common.
When you return home, wipe your dog’s body and paws with a moist cloth or a hypoallergenic, fragrance-free grooming wipe from your local pet store. This will remove excess pollen and other allergens from your dog’s fur and skin without the hassle of a full bath. Pay special attention to the paws, as the sensitive skin here is often affected by allergens.
Some pet parents soak their dog’s paws in apple cider vinegar to remove pollen and other substances. If using this method, mix 2 parts water with 1 part apple cider vinegar.  Another solution is to put boots on your dog’s paws to prevent them from stepping in irritants and then tracking them into your house.
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Inside your home, regularly change air filters to cut down on airborne allergens that enter through open doors and windows. Running an air conditioner or a dehumidifier will help remove moisture from interior air, making it harder for mold to grow in your home. Minimize the amount of time your dog spends in damp environments, such as basements, bathrooms, or laundry rooms, as these places are more susceptible to mold growth. Vacuum at least once a week, and remember to clean curtains and rugs that may have picked up dust and pollen.
Protect your dog from backyard dangers. Many popular veggies like onions, garlic, tomatoes, and chives are poisonous to dogs and should be fenced off to prevent your furry friend from getting into them.
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It's important to keep the surfaces your dog sleeps on clean, as they can quickly become covered in allergens. To achieve this, wash them in hot water every week. To make the task easier, consider putting towels or blankets on top of beds and chairs, and make sure to keep any offending substances away from the surface underneath. Also, don't forget to wash any soft toys your dog plays with regularly.
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To prevent dry and itchy skin in dogs, it is recommended to bathe them more often with the advice of a veterinarian. While washing their fur, use a gentle, hypoallergenic anti-itch shampoo that contains a soothing ingredient like oatmeal, aloe, or evening primrose oil. Some dog owners prefer to give their pets a 10-minute soak in a bath mixed with a gentle moisturizing oil.
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Consider giving your furry friend a natural dietary supplement like fish oil or a fatty acid such as omega-3 or omega-6 oil to alleviate itchiness and promote healthy skin. Coconut oil has also been shown to be effective in suppressing allergic reactions and improving skin health. To ensure your dog's overall well-being, it is essential to keep their drinking water and bowl clean and free of any contaminants.
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If your dog is constantly licking, scratching, or chewing, and has red, irritated skin or hair loss, it's best to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. Depending on the severity of the problem, a professional can provide more aggressive treatments such as antihistamines, steroids, or allergy shots, which are also known as immunotherapy.
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wyatt-06 · 16 days
7 Must Grooming Products Every Pet Owner Needs
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Bathing your pet is an important part of general pet care. For pets with healthy skin and a healthy coat, the most common reason to bathe is to remove an unpleasant odour. The benefits of bathing can include cleaning the skin and coat which helps to remove loose hair, scale, and debris and improve the hair coat’s shine. Here are 7 must grooming products every pet owner needs to keep them in a tip-top shape -
Bio-Groom has a natural source of Vitamin E, linoleic acid, and omega 6 fatty acids. It’s made with 100% pure Argan oil. It penetrates the hair shaft and hair follicles to help nourish skin and coat. The antioxidants in it are beneficial for your dog’s healthy skin. It soothes irritated, cracked, damaged, or dry skin. It absorbs quickly and doesn’t leave an oily residue. It maintains the pH balance of your pet’s skin and cleanses it gently.
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Price - Rs. 1,425/-
Andis Large Firm Slicker Brush eliminates tangle and matting. It reduces the shedding of your dog’s hair up to 90%. It removes hair from the undercoat and topcoat. It’s made for comfortable grooming, has an easy-grip, and is anti-slip so that it doesn’t fall down if your pet is jittery.
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Price – Rs. 1,050/-
Bad breath act as a neon sign of oral disease. Tropiclean fresh breath mint foam freshens breath, while also supporting a healthy enamel and clean teeth. No brushing is required, just apply directly to your pet’s teeth and gums. Its natural ingredients help to keep your dog’s breath fresh.
Price- Rs. 1,150/-
Does your dog/cat hurt themselves while playing? Do they have long nail that’s becoming dangerous for them? Then these nail clippers are for you. They are safe to handle with a safety lock. Limited prevents claws from being cut too short. It has a plastic handle with a non-slip rubber grip.
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Price- Rs. 750/-
A bath without water is heaven for pets. It allows you to shampoo without wetting or rinsing. It contains conditioner that leaves the skin and coat looking and feeling at its best. It doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals, leaves no irritating residue, and has a mild Ph balance. It’s safe to use with topical flea and tick treatments.
Price- Rs. 1075/-
Letting your pet air dry is not at all smart. If they remain wet for a long time, they can catch pneumonia. Get them dry as soon as you can with Hercules Double Motor Dryer. It is the most powerful hairdryer for your grooming needs. In few seconds, this dryer will dry your pet’s fur without causing any harm.
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Price- Rs. 11,820/-
Fur care glove gives you direct control over the water flow for a clean and quick wash. Plus, since the water flows from a scrubber in the palm of your hand, you can lather, scrub, and rinse at the same time, giving your pet a much deeper clean. It’s suitable for sensitive & young animals. Fur care glove give your pet’s coat a silky shine. It also massages your skin and stimulates circulation.
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Price- Rs. 575/-
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petlifestore · 22 days
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Dog Shampoo For Healthy Shiny coat is an anti-microbial, anti-fungal moisturizing shampoo. Natural actives of Aloe Vera Extracts soothe the coat and skin, reduces skin irritation and inflammation while repelling parasites and other insects from your furry friends. Dog Shampoo For Healthy Shiny coat nourishes and hydrates their coat as well. Blend of Various Herbs serves as a natural Anti-Septic and Anti-Inflammatory aid.Dog Shampoo For Healthy Shiny coat helps relieve pets with skin conditions like rashes, inflammation, itchiness, and fungal infections. #dogshampoo #shampoo #petlife #petlife🐾 #antifungle
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the-organics-store · 2 months
Can you Grow Rapunzel Like Hair Using Rosemary Oil?
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Have you ever dream of having hair as long and luxurious like the fairytale character Rapunzel? Well, it might be time for you to get introduced to rosemary oil.
An effective herb that is believed to hold the key to unlocking Rapunzel like long hair. With its potent properties for promoting hair growth, rosemary oil has become a trending haircare product in the world of natural hair care.
But could we truly use rosemary oil for hair growth? Let's discuss the benefits of this botanical beauty and discover if rosemary oil is indeed the secret ingredient for achieving shiny and lengthy locks.
Common facts about Hair Growth:
Is there a Proper Hair Growth Across the Scalp?
Each individual hair strand follows its own unique growth cycle, which consists of three main phases: anagen (the active growth phase), catagen (the transitional phase), and telogen (the resting phase). This means that at any given time, some hairs are actively growing, while others are dormant or shedding.
Does Genetic affects Hair Growth?
Genetics play a significant role in determining the length and thickness of one's hair. Factors such as age, gender, and ethnicity also influence the rate of hair growth.
Hair Growth with depends upon Seasons?
Interestingly, hair grows faster during warmer months due to increased blood flow to the scalp, while stress and poor nutrition can slow down the growth process.
Cutting your hair can do wonders?
Regularly trimming your hair does not actually promote faster growth, but it can help prevent split ends and breakage, resulting in healthier-looking locks overall. 
Benefits of Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth
Rosemary oil is a powerhouse when it comes to promoting hair growth. Its ability to improve circulation in the scalp helps deliver essential nutrients to the hair follicles, stimulating growth and strengthening existing strands.
Supports DHT Production:
Rosemary oil has been found to inhibit the production of DHT, a hormone known to cause hair loss, making it an effective remedy for those struggling with thinning hair.
Protection of Scalp:
Rosemary oil combats dandruff and other scalp conditions. The anti-inflammatory properties of this oil can soothe irritated scalp, reducing flakiness and promoting a healthier environment for new hair growth.
Best Stress Reliever:
In addition, the refreshing scent of rosemary can also help alleviate stress and anxiety, which are factors that can contribute to hair loss.
How to Use Rosemary Oil on Hair
One effective method for using Rosemary Oil to promote hair growth on dry and normal scalp is to create a DIY hair mask.
Simply mix a few drops of Rosemary Oil with a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil.
Massage it into your scalp.
Allow the mixture to sit for at least 30 minutes.
Finish by washing your scalp out with a gentle shampoo.
This will help nourish the hair follicles and improve circulation, leading to increased hair length over time.
Potential Side Effects and Precautions
Rosemary oil is a popular natural remedy for dry scalp and hair, but it's important to be aware of potential side effects.
Some individuals may experience skin irritation or allergic reactions when using rosemary oil topically. It's advisable to perform a patch test before applying the oil directly to your scalp to check for any adverse reactions.
To prevent any complications, always dilute rosemary oil with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil before application. Additionally, it's essential to avoid using undiluted rosemary oil on children or pets, as they may be more sensitive to its strong concentration.
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6 Tips to Help Get Rid of and Prevent Dog Dandruff
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You’ll find out more information about some of the best ways to prevent or completely get rid of dandruff on your dog. Read through this list to see if any of these solutions may work well for your needs.
Below are tips that can help get rid of dog dandruff:
Consider Food Allergies
One of the most frequent reasons of dog dandruff is food allergies. Dandruff may be an indication of poor skin and coat health in dogs with food allergies, as well as poor coat condition.
The good news is that, once identified, food allergies are frequently manageable to treat. Even without a food allergy, a straightforward switch to a better diet for your dog that uses higher-quality products might help clear up dandruff. Your veterinarian would advise you to feed your pet a different kind of major protein if a food allergy is the root of the problem. Both of these treatments are effective at treating food allergies and the dandruff that goes along with them.
Check for Fleas
Fleas don't typically cause dandruff, but if your dog has dry skin and is scratching a lot because of a flea infestation, you might see more flakes than usual. Check your dog carefully for any indications that he might have fleas by parting his hair in many locations on his body.
If the infestation is bad enough, you might even see the fleas actually leaping or crawling about on your dog. Additionally, you can notice flea faeces that resemble coffee grounds near the hair's roots or discover flea eggs and larvae in the bedding. Fleas can be difficult to find, so if you suspect your dog has them, you should wash anything they come in contact with.
Brush Your Dog
Sometimes just giving your dog a regular brushing may help the dandruff go away. Care for your canine friend includes brushing with the appropriate comb or brush for the type of hair on your pet.
If you're unsure what kind of brush to use, see your veterinarian or a licenced pet groomer for advice. Maintain regular brushing, at least once a week, to lessen the likelihood that dandruff may reappear.
Try an Oatmeal Bath
An oatmeal bath is another method for preventing and/or eliminating dog dandruff. Baths with oatmeal can simultaneously nourish dry skin and calm inflamed skin. You may buy oatmeal bath products for dogs over the counter or make your own using uncooked oatmeal, baking soda, and warm water. In either case, thoroughly soap your dog in the bath, rinse everything out, and then completely dry him.
The more oatmeal baths you give your dog, the less likely it is that they may experience skin irritations. This procedure may eliminate dandruff and lessen the likelihood of developing hot spots and other skin disorders.
Use the Best Anti Dandruff Shampoo for Dogs
Best Anti Dandruff Shampoo for dogs helps to your pet to get rid of dandruff and dermatitis and rejuvenates soft silky hair coat for Dogs and Cats. If you are using good anti dandruff shampoo, it will maintain PH Balanced of your hair. It nourishes dry flaking skin.
Consider Supplements
Finally, consider giving your dog supplements to help the skin and coat health. Fish oil supplements are often recommended for this purpose, but your vet may suggest another option as well. It’s important to always work with your veterinarian’s recommendations when it comes supplements, as your dog may have underlying health problems that alter the effectiveness of certain supplements.
If you do need to give your dog supplements, ask your vet for more information about where to find high-quality supplements that are safe for your pet to eat. Many times, human-grade supplements and vitamins are recommended, but this isn’t always the case.
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disinfecto · 2 years
Do You Make These 5 Common Mistakes In Anti-Dandruff Shampoo For Dogs
Dogs have sensitive skin, and they can be prone to allergies. The wrong shampoo can cause more harm than good.
It is important to know that there is a certain anti-dandruff shampoo that is safe for dogs, while others can cause irritation and health problems.
The following are the 5 most common mistakes when it comes to using anti-dandruff shampoo on your dog:
It is not uncommon for dog owners to use the same shampoo on their pets that they use on themselves. However, it is important to remember that dogs have different skin and hair types than humans.
It is important to know that there are certain anti-dandruff shampoos that are safe for dogs, while others can cause irritation and health problems.
It is not recommended to use human shampoo on dogs, because the ingredients can be too harsh for their skin and can lead to skin irritation.
There are a few reasons why you should not use human shampoo on your dog:
– Human hair is different from dog hair, so the ingredients in the shampoo might cause an allergic reaction.
– Some of these shampoos have sulphates, which are too harsh for dogs and could cause dryness or irritation.
– Dogs don’t need as much conditioning as humans do, so they don’t need a shampoo that has a lot of silicone, which will weigh down their coats.
Dogs have a different skin type than humans. They are more sensitive to the ingredients in shampoo. This is why it is important to use anti-dandruff shampoo on dogs and not regular shampoo.
The first and most important thing to do is to identify the type of shampoo that your dog needs. If your dog has an itchy and dry scalp, then a medicated shampoo is recommended.
If your dog has a greasy and oily scalp, then a medicated shampoo with anti-dandruff properties is recommended.
It’s also important to note that you should not use human shampoo on dogs as it can cause irritation in their eyes or skin.
Many people are not aware of the fact that shampoo is not meant for animals. It’s only meant for humans. If they use it on their pets, it can cause a lot of problems. In this article, we’ll discuss the reasons why shampoo is bad for dogs and how to wash up properly with anti-dandruff shampoo.
It is not uncommon to find people with a scalp that is dry and flaky or itchy scalp. It can be difficult to treat this problem. The most common cause of dryness is dandruff.
Dandruff is caused by the overproduction of skin cells on the scalp, which causes flakes to form. They are a mixture of dead skin cells and oils that have come out of the pores in the skin on the scalp. Dandruff can also be caused by an infection or eczema on the scalp, as well as hair products like hair gel or mousse that contain alcohol and other harsh ingredients.
Anti-dandruff shampoos are specially formulated to address this issue. They contain ingredients like zinc pyrithione and coal tar that help control the overproduction of skin cells on the scalp, which reduces flaking and itching from dandruff
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besurepestcontrol · 2 years
Flea Infestation: How do I know if my dog has fleas?
Let's talk about fleas and ticks on your dog, those nasty and vexing critters that stick to their skin, feast on their blood, and make them exceedingly uncomfortable, if not ill. They are common, but that doesn't make them any less repulsive. Their parasitic behaviours make your four-legged family members miserable; if left unnoticed, they can transmit a variety of unpleasant diseases. 
So, where does a dog get these horrible critters? And even if they do, how would you know if your dog has a flea infestation? Should you contact a flea control London service provider? We have got the answers, as well as why it is critical to respond quickly once they are discovered and how to avoid getting them in the first place. 
But before all that, let us look at the symptoms of fleas on your dog.
 Symptoms of fleas in your dog
Fleas are tiny and hop around a lot on your dog's fur, making them difficult to notice if you don't know what to look for. Here are five red flags that your dog is unknowingly harbouring one or more of these parasites:
·       Fleas bite and this makes your pet scratch, bite, or chew their skin. When they do, the protein in their saliva causes an allergic reaction, causing them to scratch even more.
·       A flea infestation can lead to hair fall in your pet, especially around the tail and neck. Plus, hair loss may occur when your pet scratches to relieve the irritation caused by bites.
·       You see small red pimples on your dog's skin. Fleas are difficult to observe because they jump off their hosts after feeding. However, their bites might irritate your dog's skin, causing discomfort and dermatitis.
·       Small black flecks appear on your dog's skin or bedding. Flea filth is a mixture of blood meal and flea faeces.
·       Your dog gets a temperature, feels drowsy, or loses his appetite. Fleas can transmit tapeworms and induce anaemia.
 How to Examine Your Dog for Fleas
Is it possible to spot fleas on a dog? Make a habit of checking your dog's brush or comb throughout regular grooming sessions. There are numerous ways to inspect your dog for fleas if you feel that there is a problem.
 Adult fleas are little and brown, and they are quite easy to spot with the naked eye. Check sparsely-haired areas like your dog's tummy or the inside of her hindquarters by lying on her side.
 Flea comb: You may purchase fine-toothed metal flea combs through a local pet supply store or your veterinarian. Apply enough pressure to the comb to make touch with her skin as you run it along her back or underbelly. Adult flea faeces, often known as flea dirt, resemble microscopic black pepper particles. Keep a small bowl of soapy water nearby to drown any adult fleas you may pull up with the comb, preventing them from jumping back onto your dog.
The white towel test: Position your dog on a white paper cloth or towel. Rub or brush coat and examine the towel for any black droppings. Flea dirt has the appearance of microscopic grains of sand and turns crimson when wet.
If you don't notice any fleas, flea filth, or eggs but your dog continues to scratch or seems unhappy, take her to the vet. To screen for flea allergies, your veterinarian might give a skin test. It's also conceivable that your dog has another form of allergy, like atopic, food, or contact allergy, which the veterinarian can diagnose during your visit.
 How Can You Get Rid of Fleas?
Fleas can be difficult to remove because they can be found all over the body. Here are a few pointers to help you get through it: 
·       Brushing your dog's coat can efficiently eradicate fleas.
·       Use anti-flea dry shampoos to remove them.
·       You can even use specially-designed anti-flea shampoos and oils available on the market.
·       Vacuuming and washing your dog's bedding regularly may assist.
·       You can also rinse them after they have spent the day playing in muddy regions.
 Fleas are not only a nuisance for dogs, but also pet owners. Although home cures might be effective, it is sometimes necessary to seek veterinary guidance to prevent health problems in your dog. Further, you may even contact professional flea control London service to eradicate them from your property.
  Fleas are annoying, but they can be avoided. If your dog does have fleas, contact a flea control London service provider to keep your home flea-free and pet dog healthy. However, keep in mind that getting rid of fleas can take up to three months. 
 Besure Pest Control London recommends getting flea treatment done at least once a year to prevent future infestation and ensure that pets are hale and hearty. Want to know more about fleas control treatment, get in touch with us today!
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wyatt-06 · 2 months
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Biogroom Super Cream Dog Coat Conditioner
The most effective Oil Treatment for coat and skin. An oil-rich cream that contains wheat germ oil, protein, vitamin E and other special cosmetic grade coat and skin conditioners. Deep conditions instantly-essential for dry, damaged hair. Moisturizes the skin to help prevent and relieve dryness and itching. Easy wet and dry combing. Leaves coat shiny and in top condition with a non-oily feel. Non-irritating, anti-static, pH balanced. Washes out with Bio-Groom Shampoo.
Safe to Use with topical flea and tick treatments. Recommended by top breeders and professional groomers worldwide.
Cruelty Free – Silicone Free.
Moisturizes the skin to help prevent and relieve dryness and itching.
Easy wet and dry combing.
Leaves coat shiny and in top condition with a non-oily feel.
Deep conditions instantly-essential for dry, damaged hair. Moisturizes the skin to help prevent and relieve dryness and itching.
Easy wet and dry combing.
Leaves coat shiny and in top condition with a non-oily feel. Non-irritating, anti-static, pH balanced.
How To Use?
Begin by prepping the product. You will need a 2 cup glass or microwave safe measuring cup.
Fill measuring cup with 1 1/2 cups of water and add Super Cream according to size of pet: 1 heaping tablespoon for small dog, 2 heaping tablespoons for medium size dog, 3 heaping tablespoons for a large dog (Optional: add 1 capful of Vita Oil for every tablespoon of Super Cream to enhance the results more dramatically.)
Heat mixture in the microwave for approx. 2 minutes. Stir after heating until mixture has the consistency of whole milk. Allow the mixture to sit until it is very warm but will not scald the dog.
While the mixture is cooling: Bathe dog thoroughly with Bio-Groom shampoo. Rinse the dog completely but do not dry.
Apply mixture when it is still very warm to wet dog and massage into skin and coat.
Allow pet to remain in a warm area with applied mixture for 15-60 minutes. The longer you allow the treatment to stay on the dog, the more amazing the results.
To complete treatment, shampoo pet once again and groom as usual.
Capacity: 227gm/453gm
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raiyan1 · 2 years
Bathing products
Regular cleaning and washing are not just necessary for you, but for your pets as well. The fur of your pet is literally like a thick carpet that catches and traps all kinds of dirt particles. It could become a house to tons of ticks and mites which could cause irritation to your pet. Hence it becomes even more important to choose the right type of pet shampoos/conditioners that suits your pet's type perfectly.
It is extremely important that extra care is taken when choosing bathing products such as pet shampoos and pet conditioners because some breeds of cats and dogs have extremely sensitive skin that gets irritated very easily. Choosing the wrong pet shampoo could result in a variety of problems for your pet like allergic reaction, dry skin, fur loss, irritation and much more which could be extremely uncomfortable for your beloved pet. Hence, as a pet owner, it is your duty to be aware of all the grooming and cleaning needs of your furry friend and pick the product that suits their skin and fur the best.
In order to help you in choosing the best pet shampoo or pet conditioner for your cat or dog, here are some things that you should be mindful of:
● Fur type of your pet
The first step in choosing the right grooming products for the owners is to be aware of the type of fur their pet has. Furs mostly come in three broad categories, fine coat, moderate coat and thick coats. In the case of breeds with fine coats like chihuahuas, a pet shampoo that repels dust is recommended and a conditioner to go along with it to keep the coat shiny and glossy. Moderate coat and thick coat breeds of cats and dogs usually require an extra bit of care to maintain. It is recommended that for such breeds dog/cat shampoo which forms extra lather is used, because it lets you to rinse and deep clean your pet properly. A pet conditioner to go along with the shampoo is a must to maintain the quality of their fur coat.
● Be mindful of their skin conditions.
If your dog or cat is dealing with any acute skin problems or has sensitive skin in general, choosing the right product becomes even more important. Shampoos and conditioners which do not suit the skin could aggravate any existing condition or cause harm to your pet. If your pet has dry skin or struggles with dandruff, a nice moisturizing pet shampoo or an anti-dandruff will be ideal for them.
In case your pet has problems with external parasites like ticks or fleas, you should go for a medicated pet shampoo. Although one thing to be kept in mind, is that medicated shampoos must always be paired with a nourishing pet conditioner to keep the skin fur healthy.
Basically, the grooming needs of pets are a lot more complicated than what most people think or might be aware of. Hence, doing your research on something as basic as a dog shampoo or a cat shampoo becomes extremely crucial in order to not cause your pet any unnecessary problems and to let them live their best life.
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adsthumbsblog · 2 years
Pet Medicine to Keep Your Pet Strong and Healthy
Your pet is an important member of your family. Keeping him or her healthy will give them a longer life, and you and your family more time to enjoy their loyal companionship. Pets have health care needs that are in many ways much like that of humans. They are also vulnerable to diseases that only animals can be stricken with and preventative care is essential for helping them avoid these.
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Most likely, you already know from taking your pets to the vet that they need yearly inoculations to protect them from rabies, distemper, and other common animal diseases They also need to be tested for heartworm once a year and to be placed on heartworm prevention medicine such as that made by Heartguard® and Interceptor®, for example. There are other tests your veterinarian may choose to give your pet to identify any potential health problems that exist. When health problems are found, your veterinarian can recommend certain pet medicines for treating your pet and restoring their health. Flea and tick medicines are commonly used by pet owners to help keep their pets and homes free from these disease-carrying pests. These are available in prescription and nonprescription formulas. For tested effectiveness and for the safety of your pet, however, it might be wiser to choose prescription flea and tick medicines to treat your pet with.
Many pet medicines can be used as preventatives to ward off the development of health problems in your pets. Boosting your pet's immune system and helping body organs to function correctly will strengthen your pet's health and prolong their life. Pets can fall prey to many human aliments like bladder infections, gastro-intestinal disturbances, kidney stones, liver deficiencies, allergies, lung and breathing disorders, muscle and joint weakness, osteoarthritis, and much more. Antibiotics, anti-fungals, and other prescription medicines are given to lessen symptoms for pets suffering from these health issues, and also as a way of preventing pets from getting sick in the first place.
Some pets have the nasty and seriously harmful habit of eating their own waste or the waste of other animals. Animal waste can harbor bacteria and diseases that are very harmful to your pets. Using a pet medicine such as Forbid® and similar products to discourage pets from eating waste will help keep them from engaging in this unhealthy activity. Other pets have a habit of licking themselves incessantly. Stress, anxiety, boredom, and learned behavior are some of the reasons pets do this. This can lead to loss of fur and skin irritations. A pet medicine that has an unpleasant taste or odor is often successful in teaching pets not to lick themselves excessively.
Nutrition is just as important for pets as it is for humans. Like humans, pets need to get proper neutrino for strong health. You might find it surprising to learn that the commercial food you are feeding your pet may not be giving them all the nutrition they need. The package says it provides complete nutrition for your pet; however, manufactured pet foods do not contain all of the nutrients your pet would get from a "wild" diet derived from plant and animal sources. The solution to helping your pet stay strong and healthy as a domesticated member of your family is to supplement their diet of pet foods with nutritional pet medicines. These are often called health or nutritional supplements. Vitamin and mineral supplements such as fatty acids, omega3, vitamin E, and other nutritional supplements can bolster your pet's diet, giving them the nutrients they need to maintain strong health.
Did you know that regularly bathing and grooming your pet is an important part of helping them to stay strong and healthy? Shampoos made especially for dogs and cats help wash bacteria, debris, and insects from your pet's body. Regular washing of your pet may also reveal skin irritations that might otherwise remain hidden under a thick coat of fur. Pet medicated shampoos that also contain lotions, can help alleviate dry skin conditions on your pet and restore skin health for your pet. Brushing your pet's fur keeps it from matting, which can trap dirt and pests in the fur and make your pet uncomfortable. There are brushes and combs made especially for use on dogs or cats. De-shedders keep both you and your pets happy. They like the pleasurable sensations caused by the brushing and you will like not having stray fur all over the place. Trimming your pet's nails is also important for their health and not just for saving your floors and furniture from scratches. Untrimmed pet nails can grow inwards and penetrate your pet's paws. This can be very painful, encourages the growth of bacteria, and can even limit your pet's mobility. There are several popular pet nail trimmers that make trimming your pet's nails easy on you and them.
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petlogix-blog · 4 years
Petlogix Anti Irritant Wash Shampoo
Buy Petlogix Anti Irritant Pet Wash Shampoo at lowest price from petlogix.in, Shop Pet Shampoo for your dog with all type of coats online at best price in India.
ANTI IRRITANT PET WASH SHAMPOO- Petlogix all natural Anti Irritant Pet Wash Shampoo features oat kernel extracted oatmeal that has natural anti-inflammatory, anti-itch, anti-irritant, and moisturizing properties to create leather on the skin for a healthy, silky and shiny coat wash of your cat, dog, horse or other pet.
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FOR EVERY PET WITH FUR- 100% biodegradable and formulated with sustainable botanical ingredients, Petlogix Anti Irritant Pet Wash Shampoo is an ideal choice to naturally reduce skin irritation while cleaning coat of your beloved pet in a proper manner. An ideal choice for kittens, puppies, hedgehog, etc.
100% SAFE AND SIDE-EFFECT FREE: It is made without the use of MEA, DEA, Phosphate, Sulfate and Parabens so you can always ensure an irritation-free and no-tear formula. Ideal flea & tick repellent shampoo to gift your furry friend a spa-like treatment at your place.
Apple Cider, Aqua, Glycerine, Allantoin, PEG-7Glyceryl Cocoate, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, ChamomilaRecutita (Chamomile) Flower Extract, Cocamidopropyl Betaine,Disodium EDTA, Citrus Limon Peel Extract, Avena Sativa (Oat) KernelExtract, Melia Azadirachta (Neem) Seed Oil, OenotheraBiennis(Evening Primrose) Oil, Citrus AurantiumDulcis (Orange) PeelExtract, Marigold Oil.
How to Use
Wet entire coat and apply diluted shampoo andmassage thoroughly. Rinse and wash.
Price: ₹470.00
Official Website: www.petlogix.in
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puppyexpressions · 3 years
8 Tips for Managing Fall Dog Allergies
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Just like their owners, dogs can show allergic symptoms when their immune systems begin to recognize certain everyday substances and allergens as dangerous. Fall dog allergies become problematic when your dog inhales or ingests allergens, or even when they come in contact with your dog’s skin. As a dog’s body tries to rid itself of these substances, a variety of skin, digestive, and respiratory symptoms can appear, which is why you should know what signs to look for in your dog.
Although fall does not have all the blooms and new growths that bother many, such as pollen and grass, it does have dying plants, wind, moisture, and chillier temperatures that can stir up irritants. The fall also brings mold, which has the ability to negatively affect your pet whether he or she is allergic or not. Fall dog allergies stink, trust us we know.
However, some veterinarians say that seasonal allergies are not limited to springtime, and that pets with fall symptoms are often allergic to weeds that pollinate in the fall, especially ragweed. Other weeds that are known to cause allergic reactions in the fall include sagebrush, Russian thistle, plantain, cocklebur, and lamb’s-quarters.
Common signs of fall dog allergies can include:
Nasal and eye discharge
Puffy red eyes
Ear infections
Pruritus (itching/scratching, licking/chewing at body parts)
Fur loss or color change (tears and saliva contain porphyrins, which stain light colored fur pink to brown)
Itchy, red, moist or scabbed skin
Itchy, runny eyes
What do I do if I think my dog has allergies?
You should visit your veterinarian, who will then take a complete history and conduct a physical examination, and hopefully then be able to determine the source of your dog’s allergic reaction. If this isn’t the case, your vet will likely recommend skin or blood tests, or a special elimination diet to get to the root of the problem.
What are some common fall dog allergies we see?
There aren’t really any specific “fall” allergies, but there are some that tend to surface with seasonal changes. Below are a few general ones that are good to be aware of.
Trees, grass, and pollens
Mold spores
Fleas and flea-control products
Rubber and plastic materials
Immune systems for most canines will adapt to the seasonal changes we experience. However, with animals that aren’t quite able to self-adjust, we as pet owners sometimes need to step in and intervene with eye/ear drops, oral or injectable medications, nutraceuticals, baths, conditioning rinses, and more.
There are a ton of factors that can play a part in affecting your dog’s immune system health, likely making the management of his or her allergies complicated. Allergens will cling to your canine’s coat. Rover is outside sniffing around, breathing in and walking through potential allergens all the time. Also, dogs are only able to sweat through the pads of their feet and the tip of their nose, so they become like wet ‘Swiffer’ pads during allergy season. They’re collecting billions of allergens on and in their bodies throughout the warm months of the year.
8 Tips for Managing Fall Dog Allergies:
The first step is a veterinary evaluation to ensure your pet doesn’t have a secondary bacterial infection that requires antibiotics.
Bathe your dog after camping, hiking, etc. If your pet has irritated skin, bathing will rinse the allergens away and make your canine feel better immediately. Don’t be shy about how often you bathe your pet, especially if he or she is suffering from allergies that itch and irritate her skin. Discuss with your veterinarian what prescription shampoos are best, as frequent bathing with the wrong product can dry out skin.
Foot soaks after outdoor adventures are also a great way to reduce the amount of allergens your pet tracks into the house and spreads all over his or her indoor environment.
Use topical and/or oral anti-parasite (flea, tick, etc.) treatments per the guidance of your veterinarian.
Use an over-the-counter eye irrigating solution to rinse your pet’s eyes on an as needed basis.
Vacuum all carpeting and upholstery and wash all pet and human bedding at least once every seven days.
Start a flea control program for all of your pets before the season starts. Remember, outdoor pets can carry fleas inside to indoor pets. See your veterinarian for advice about the best flea control products for your dog and the environment.
Provide a moist, freshly prepared, whole food-based diet having human-grade protein, vegetables, fruits, fat, and fiber. Avoid ingredients that are lacking in protein and grain “meals and by-products,” artificial colors and flavors, moistening agents (propylene glycol, carrageenan, etc.), sugar, rendered fat, and other feed-grade components (as typically go into commercially available dog and cat foods).
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utahcruz-blog · 5 years
Bodhi Dog
New All Oatmeal New All Natural Anti Itch Oatmeal Dog Shampoo and Conditioner | Hypoallergenic Conditioning Deodorizing Formula for Dogs Cats & Pet | Treatment Wash Soothe Dry Itchy Skin | Aloe for Allergy Relief Nootie Medicated Dog Shampoo: Antifungal, Antibacterial Dog Shampoo – Lather Then Rinse to Soothe Irritation and Strengthen Coat – Pet Shampoo Also Works On Cats and Horses – Best Dog Shampoo for Your Buck
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getvetcostore · 2 years
Petlogix Deep Cleansing Pet Wash Shampoo
When it comes to deep cleaning your pet's coat, Petlogix Deep Cleansing Wash Shampoo is the perfect solution. Designed specifically for pets, this shampoo is effective at deodorizing, moisturizing, and disinfecting the skin. It contains peppermint, lemongrass, and rosemary extracts, so your pet will feel refreshed and clean after every bath. These natural ingredients also help to soothe your pet's skin.
This shampoo contains a combination of botanicals and essential oils. This is a great option for pets with sensitive skin or a dislike of water. Using this product regularly will make your pet feel fresh and healthy, and keep ticks and fleas away. In addition, the natural ingredients will make your pet's skin look and smell better. You can use this shampoo for any age or breed of animal.
This shampoo is suitable for dogs, cats, and birds. The scent is mild and won't be irritating to your pets. This shampoo is also great for cats. It will leave your pet's coat smelling clean and refreshed. Its fragrance will keep your pets away from ticks and other insects. These natural ingredients will help protect your pet's skin and hair. The formula is formulated to be gentle on your pets' skin.
It is easy to clean your pet's coat with Petlogix Anti-Irritant Shampoo. The fragrance of this shampoo is delicate and pleasant to the nose. Unlike other shampoos, it does not dry out your pet's skin. You'll be pleased with the results after using the product. You'll feel great knowing that it is free of chemicals and other ingredients that can be harmful to your pets.
This shampoo is a natural flea and tick repellent. It is made in the USA. This shampoo is ideal for pets with sensitive skin. It is also cruelty-free and sulphate-free. This cleanser is also made with 100% natural ingredients, so it is safe for your pet. You can be confident that it is safe. Whether it's a dog, cat, or other pet, the Petlogix Anti-Irritant Shampoo is the best option.
Petlogix Anti-Irritant Shampoo is a natural shampoo for sensitive pets. It has soothing and nourishing properties. Your pet will be happy to hear that it is made by a company that loves your pets. It is also made with premium ingredients that won't harm your pet. All of these products are completely natural and safe for your pet's skin. If your pets have sensitive skin, you'll love this gentle cleansing shampoo.
This cleansing shampoo contains botanical extracts that help repel allergenic insects. It contains all-natural ingredients and is hypoallergenic, so your pet won't suffer from sensitivity to the shampoo. It also moisturizes your pet's skin and soothes its hair. The natural ingredients in this shampoo make it an excellent choice for pets with sensitive skin. The brand's products are sulphate-free and paraben-free, making it safe for all animals.
Source: https://get-vetco-store.my-free.website/blog/post/1680099/petlogix-deep-cleansing-pet-wash-shampoo
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How to get rid of dog mites in your home?
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When it comes to dog mites, there are different types - and unfortunately, mite infection is easily spread between pets and individuals. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to prevent and treat this embarrassing problem. Dog dandruff and Shedding are common problems for dogs owners, but there is not a single cause for these unpleasant symptoms. For example, allergies can cause skin and coat problems, but worms can also contribute to less than the desired conditions. also read: Happy Tail Syndrome in Dogs
What are Dog Mites?
Although it is easy to mistake a mite for a worm, it is not classified as an insect. Instead, the mites are a type of arthropod (joint-legged invertebrates), belonging to the arachnid, which resembles a spider. There are four types of worms that can harm dogs: - Demodex canis mites - Sarcoptes scabby mites - Otodectese cynotis mites - Cheyletiella yasguri mites
How to get rid of dog mites in your home?
When it comes to dog mites, prevention is better than cure and is considered the best strategy. In addition to adhering to flea and tick prevention medications prescribed by your veterinarian, keep these tips in mind: - Raise your pet regularly - Use shampoos that are suitable for pets - Provide grain-free, dairy-free organic dog food while strengthening your dog's immune system - Dog Ear cleaning solution to wash your pooch ears - Support healthy skin and coat by adding healthy omega-3 fatty acids to your puppy's diet. - Regularly laundry (or re-infect) your pet's bedding - Check your pet's skin regularly for signs of worms, flies or ticks - Consider bathing your pet after any boarding sessions in the kennel
Dog mite symptoms
If you notice any of the below symptoms in your dog, they may have mites: - Hair loss (in patches or all over their coat) - Dandruff - Excessive scratching - Irritation that looks like red skin - You can also see worms on their skin - peel off the fur and look closely
Diagnosis of mites in dogs
You can find out if your dog has worms by carefully studying their skin. If they are mostly scratching, biting, or chewing you may suspect they have worms and examine them closely. However, your veterinarian is the best person to diagnose worms in your dog. They can tell you what worms your dog has and how to treat them. Your veterinarian will usually diagnose worms by examining a piece of skin or hair under a microscope - this is a completely safe procedure. This will help them identify the type of worms that are affecting your dog.
How to treat dogs with mites
The good news is that most insect bites can be treated with a simple anti-parasite wash. Antimicrobial shampoos can help cure your dog of a variety of mites. You can buy them from many pet stores, but it is best to ask your veterinarian first to make sure you are using the right shampoo. Your veterinarian may instead prescribe medicine or spot-on medicine to help you get rid of the disease. Sometimes more than one treatment is used at a time and they need to be performed for a while. The only thing you must do is be patient — and very soon your dog will be free of mites!
How do mites get into dogs?
Dogs can pick up worms from many places. They are usually transmitted from dog to dog, but they can also come from their environment. Your dog can catch worms if it comes into contact with another dog that has things like animal shelter or clothing. Most dogs are inspected before using these services, but accidents do occur. Your dog can also pick them up from another dog when you go out and walk. Dog worms can live in their bed or carpet-like environment, even after they or another dog has become contaminated. Your dog would pick those again, so you need to make sure everything is clean and free of mites after a known infestation.
Basic Maintenance for Prevention
Mites are something every pet owner can see at some point in their dog’s life. But unless you live in a very dirty environment or you adopt a dog from extreme conditions, your dog is less likely to experience mites. Dogs that live in well-maintained clean homes are less likely to have insect problems than dogs that come from clean and dirty areas. Preventing mites is a natural side effect of great dressing practices and keeping your dog areas clean and tidy. Read the full article
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ezatluba · 3 years
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Can Dogs Get Poison Ivy?
If you think your pup has run into poison ivy or poison oak, here's what you need to know.
By Jennifer Nelson 
May 11, 2021
You and your pooch just spent a perfect summer afternoon hiking when you look over and see her rolling around on the forest floor in a cluster of what appears to be poison ivy. The telltale shiny, notched three-leaf vine clusters are known to make humans red and itchy. But can my dog get poison ivy, too?
Can Dogs Get a Rash from Poison Ivy?
"Yes, dogs can get a rash from poison ivy," says Dr. Aziza Glass, Freshpetveterinarian in Houston, Texas. Although some of our furry companions may fare better than others. "Some dogs' fur protects and keeps their skin from being in contact with urushiol oils that cause the itchy rash," says Dr. Glass. If you have an old English sheepdog, he'll fare better than a Chinese crested since dogs with thin, hairless, or short coats are more at risk of developing the rash.
What Should You Do If Your Dog Rolled in Poison Ivy or Oak?
If you're fairly certain the offending plant was poison ivy or poison oak, the best thing pet parents can do is give their pooch a bath right away. "Be sure to have gloves on when bathing them as their coats may retain oils from the poison ivy," says Dr. Glass. Also, use an oatmeal shampoo or an anti-inflammation dog shampoo that will not only remove the urushiol oil but also help to soothe their skin.
You'll need to wash any towels you use, your clothing, and anything else your pup has come into contact with before the bath, like his collar, leash, bedding, or the back seat of your car. This will help reduce the transmission of oils to you, back to him, or anyone else in the family.
What are the Symptoms of Dogs with Poison Ivy or Oak?
If your dog has come into contact with poison ivy, physical signs to watch out for include:
Scratching where the rash developed
Restlessness, lethargy, panting heavily, or trouble breathing may indicate an allergic reaction that requires immediate veterinary care
Check areas of thin, short, or no hair where your dog is most likely to develop the rash such as the armpits, groin, belly, and even the nose.
What if Your Dog has Eaten Poison Ivy or Oak?
Even more dangerous for your dog than developing the rash is eating the plant. "For many, it will give them an upset stomach. But for some dogs this can cause a severe allergic reaction that could cause your pet to go into anaphylactic shock, causing airways to constrict and prevent breathing," says Dr. Glass.
This is an emergency that requires immediate veterinary care. If you suspect your dog has ingested poison ivy, watch him closely to see if he's vomiting or has diarrhea. Contact your vet for advice.
How to Stop Your Dog from Licking or Scratching a Rash
After you've washed your pet, continue to monitor his behavior and check whether he's still touching the rash. "If your dog is still scratching or trying to lick the rash, you can apply a cold compress to the rash area or keep a fan on your pet. The cool air will help to soothe the skin and reduce irritation," says Dr. Glass.
If needed, apply the appropriate size recovery cone or cloud collar to prevent him from further irritating the rash area.
What Else Should You Know about Poison Ivy and Dogs?
If your dog has been in contact with poison ivy, know that he can also pass it on to you or even your other pets. You can contract the rash from petting a dog's coat who's been exposed to the plant and still has some sap or oil on his coat. Your other pets can get it too if one of them rubs up against the pup with poison ivy or oak. This makes it crucial that you wash your pet and everything he's come in contact with before the bath, including other pets, bedding, or furniture just to be safe.
Poison ivy and oak are most common in the eastern and midwestern states but grow throughout North America. Learn what the plants look like so you and your pup can avoid them this summer.
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