#And sometimes you get charged by like ten deer after having sex in the woods
traegorn · 18 days
So I find the notes on that "Public Sex" poll post hilarious. Like, it's a mixture of people mentioning places they've had sex in public and folks amazed that anyone on Tumblr has ever had sex at all.
Like this isn't 2014. This website isn't largely minors anymore, and from the numbers I found in a quick google search, only like a third of the website users are under 25.
Which, uh, roughly matches up to the number of people who selected the "no, I have not had sex at all" option on the poll.
Which is, y'know, not super weird. That's, like, normal correlation. But what makes it funny is people's amazement at the numbers, because they think their experience on Tumblr is universal. That they have no selection bias based on who they follow. Like, I exclusively follow adults on this site. And while I'm sure some of them have never had sex (let alone public sex), the vast majority have. Because the vast majority of them have been in romantic relationships, and having sex is a very common component of those relationships.
A lot of the asexual people i know who are in committed relationships have at least tried it. That's how some of them figured out they were asexual to begin with.
I will admit I am a little surprised at how shocked so many people are that so many folks have had "public sex" (as defined by the poll), but if you think about if for more than five minutes and consider the limitations on a lot of young people's living situations... sometimes having sex in a car off the side of a back country highway feels a hell of a lot more private than in your supposedly "private" home.
Necessity is the mother of invention and all that.
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stone-man-warrior · 3 years
April 3, 2021: 6:02 pm:
My house has been surrounded by a group of people who were trespassing on my property all day since early this morning. The Monroe terror cell is providing scout and watch-dog service for the group, there have been at least four terror soldiers in my yard all day, also are staged at 520 Jackpine, and they brought with them the exotic birds from the Sunflower terror cell.for use as noise cover. I only was able to see one of them, a female, black hair. young looking, under 20 years old is a guess, she is wearing a bright blue shirt, I don’t recognize the girl. I heard others at 520 and at the same time at the mailboxes on the road, and I heard someone was saying some things from there that proved to have been that the person had opened my mailbox and was reading the mail envelopes, I heard the person saying the names and words that are written on the mail envelopes, such as the sender and advertising words, as I noticed after walking to the mailbox to get my mail. That girl had run over towards the Freeberg terror cell by then, tuned around and walked towards the Dietrick terror cell. I think the girl went to the Manning, MedDems terror cell on foot, she disappeared out of view quickly as I was getting my mail out of the mailbox.
These are some of the exotic birds that belong to the Sunflower terror cell, they are still in my yard now, and have been on the roof and hanging around on the front porch and back yard deck making a lot of racket while those people were also hiding on my property, The people have been releasing a poison gas all day, at least one kind that makes blurry vision, and the usual nitrous gas, and it’s the nitrous gas that makes the exotic birds easy to bring over here... the birds will go where ever the nitrous gas is blowing, they follow the gas the same way as the Sparacino terror cell brings the wild turkeys for the noise cover on attack, and also the terror cells use the nitrous to bring deer to a location, as the terror soldiers are actually able to stand next to and hide behind deer while walking along side of deer that are exposed to the nitrous gas as they advance towards an attack location through the woods here.
The people at Monroe terror cell don’t look exactly like Sandy and Jeff, but two people portraying Sandy and Jeff Monroe came outside and were there near my gate when I returned from the mail box. Both of them said to me “Hi!” and used my first name. The one portraying Jeff Monroe would not look at me, he kept his back turned and squatted near the pond over there, while the one portraying Sandy Monroe did look at me. Her hair is not the same as I am used to seeing the current Sandy, Those two people are suspected of being the real Lorena Chapman, and the man that I saw driving the blue Ford F-250 earlier this week and also saw him with someone who looks like the real Lorena Chapman also earlier this week. I don’t think the two people at Monroe’s terror cell are either one of the current Monroe’s that reside there.
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Sometimes I mention a man by the name of Mateo who was a big player in the housing boom of the 1980′s in California and I suspect was someone who came direct from the Vatican to oversee the enormous housing projects that took place back then in the newhall/Saugus/Valencia/Victorville/Palmdale areas. Housing where Canadian terror army soldiers were given brand new homes to live in.
This photo where it says is Freddy Mercury at age 18 looks EXACTLY like Mateo did in the late 1970′s and early 1980′s in the area along the 14 Freeway in California. I feel it’s important, so, there you go.
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Mateo in around 1979 - 1981 was the man in charge of a housing tract I worked at for a couple of years doing framing and other carpentry. The reason I feel it important to point out what Mateo looked like is because he was not employed by any of the contractors, nor was he part of the land developer’s general contractor’s foremen or other representatives, yet, he was the man who was there when problems arose, and when the building inspectors came to the job and that was one of my duties for awhile on some of the phases of the tracts along the 14 Freeway, I walked around with the inspector and I had an apprentice with me, and when I did, Mateo also walked around, so, when the inspector marked something to fix, we fixed it right there most of the time, only takes a few minutes mostly. Mateo seemed to be a man who was capable of intimidating the inspectors. He was a giant of a man in many ways, and was about 6′3″ or more tall.
The reason this is so important for me to say, is that those job sites along the 14 Freeway were guarded by men who stayed at the entrances to the neighborhoods we were building, those guards were what I would say as “unconventional guards“ who stayed there watching everyone who drove in there, and they were armed heavy with machine guns to do guard work at a housing tract during the day time, normal working hours, I learned of the machine guns when I drove to work in different truck than I usually drove, and those guys swooped in on me fast, like rocket powered Velcro ...suddenly I was surrounded by all these guys pointing guns at me, all I did was arrive a little late in a different truck. In 1980, those guys had hidden wireless communication devises.
There may be more to say about those massive tracts of houses along the 14 Freeway and around there in Valencia, but I need to speak in person about it to people who know how important this information really is. The tracts of houses in those days were typically 400 homes per phase, and as many as eight to ten phases of tract homes were built in those areas on the same job site. Before I worked in that area along the 14, the biggest phase of tract houses was about 100 homes per phase in areas throughout Ventura County along the 101 Freeway, and that was a lot.
One of the things I would talk about, given an interview, concerns a framing company called Ruffco Construction, I worked for them for awhile, Ruffco was a non-union employer, so I didn‘t stay long, but I learned that the Foremen of Ruffco spoke French. Ruffco was a contractor that trained Canadian terror soldiers to do framing carpentry, then, those carpenters went to work for Union contractors, such as Lee Bolin Construction, the very biggest employer of Carpenters back then ... I worked for Lee Bolin for a long time, and I noticed that as the framers from Ruffco showed up on the Lee Bolin job sites to work, the carpenters that I knew and had worked alongside all of my life stared to disappear.
That is why Mateo is an important figure, because the tradesmen were all killed and replaced as a product of the massive housing tracts along the 14 and other places.
7:39 pm:
This story about Amazon and urine and bottles is likely to have been rolled out as part of a special offensive attack set of shell language as follows:
Screen Actor Guild uses sex terms, bodily function terms, terms that are associated with injuries, sickness, mental conditions, and basically all things that are very “human“ oriented, and are also difficult subject matter for normal people to discuss in mixed company, and that is why those kinds of subject matter, words, ideas, work so well for use as shell language the is suitable for commanding a terror army to advance.
Having said that, the “Urine”, in SAG circles, is associated to “Golden Shower”. I don’t want to spell it out for you, so, the thing to know is the “Urine = Gold = Guild = SAG” ... Guild = Gold and has for a long time, and “Guild” by way of “Gold” has been an identifying word as a SAG ID, also for a long time. I learned of the “Guild = Gold” in around 1972, when I was very young, and the people I was around at the time were using “Gold Lief”, a very thin sort of gold paper that is used by artists to adorn a statue, for instance. They would get a suitable, small statue and some Gold Lief, and afix the statue with it, then, the statue is placed in a window sill somewhere that is visible to passers by at their homes. That Gold Lief Statue was enough to say: “We are SAG Here” when the statue was placed visibly near the front door of the house. I still have one of the Gold Lief Statues that was used that way in my youth.
So, this Amazon urine story is similar to a Gold Lief Statue, the way I am seeing it materialize locally where I live.
I am seeing recently that some of the vehicles have a sticker, like a bumper sticker, the sticker shows a bottle, the bottle is filled with a yellow liquid. Other indicators so far include that I also noticed that one of the vehicles also had a sticker that depicted a set of sails of a sail boat. The sail sticker did not show a boat, only three triangles, in an artful way, depicting sailboat sails on the same vehicle where the yellow filled bottle sticker was placed centrally on a tailgate of an SUV that I saw Wednesday, So far, I have only seen two such yellow bottle stickers on vehicles, but I am cautious about these kinds of things that seem to connect, so, that is the connection that I am seeing develop and some background about why it’s important to be aware of.
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8:03 pm:
Amazon became what it is today by virtue of stealing everything they have today.
Amazon and Google teamed up together to make a situation where consumers who searched online for products they wanted to purchase, and when they did that, Google presented the search results of places where the searched items could be obtained online. Among the search results was Amazon as a place where the desired product was available, and at Amazon, the desired product was typically offered at $5 less than any other place.
Consumers who chose to make a purchase of the searched items from Amazon, were sent the items from a competing online retailer, and, Amazon billed the customer.
For instance, if someone selected Amazon online for buying an item, say a Toaster, Amazon‘s “Shopping Cart” and billing website was used to make the purchase, however, when the Toaster arrives to the customer, it may have been shipped from Sears & Roebuck.
Somehow, with use of Googles ability to manipulate online commerce, the billing was performed by Amazon, while the shipping was done by some unfortunate retail outlet that was targeted by Google and Amazon to be taken down one product purchase at a time. The customer receives a product from a company such as Sears Roebuck, who shipped the Toaster ... but the Sears was never paid for the Toaster. Instead, Amazon collected the payment through their “Shopping Cart & Billing” website.
I made some purchases that way, the items I bought were not shipped from Amazon, yet the shipper was listed on the invoice, so, I had paid Amazon, then received the product from a company that I did not do business with for that purchase. I think I bought some audio books that way as I recall, paid Amazon online, while some other retailer sent the audio books to the address I listed as the shipping address when I made the purchase from Amazon, as a result of a Google Search for the specific audio books I wanted. I have forgotten where the items were shipped from, but that information may be available to those who do research to find out that Amazon is a Pirate corporation that devoured it’s competition. They have absolutely nothing invested in any of their holdings, it’s all stolen from other retailers such as Sears & Roebuck.
10:06 pm:
Horrible poison attack rash update:
The healing is happening, it’s just happening in slow motion.
This photo shows the wound that is on the right side down low on the ankle. I pointed this one out a while back when it still was looking as two separate puncture wounds. Since then, over that past week or so, the two separate puncture wounds have grown into one bigger wound, as all of the others did. You can also see that a number of satalite smaller wounds are forming in the immediate area around the original puncture areas.
Of all the wounds, this one is healing at the slowest rate. There has been no change in it’s appearance for quite some time, it just sits there looking very alien, is not a naturally occurring looking healing wound. I try to peel some of that red scab away, but the pain is way too great, I am not able to get near that without a lot of pain.
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Here you can see much improvement over the same area from a week ago as far as the big open sores are concerned.
These photos, unfortunately, are as good as I can get with my flip phone camera. I am not able to purchase a good camera because of the terror take over, the terror bastards simply make the cameras either unavailable or make the purchase conditions so dangerous that any attempt to buy a camera will result in an attack in the store. The UPS, USPS, and Fed-Ex delivery companies are all hijacked by the terror army, so online purchases are not delivered. The last things that I bought online included men with machine guns and poison gas in the delivery truck, I was not injured at the time, and still it was way too dangerous to survive the delivery of things I bought online, The last thing I purchased was a drum set, it came Fed-Ex. When I went out to get the delivery in the driveway, those three men came out of the truck with guns. Had I not used my Bic Lighter to clear the air of the nittous gas that they primed the driveway with, I would have been killed. Instead, those three were killed. The driver was not one of the gunmen, he drove away after throwing my delivered items at me.
I am using some aggressive massage to try to move the poisons towards the wound areas, and it’s working. I squeeze the leg in a direction towards the open sores. Instead of the poisons leaking out of the sores that are already there, new lesions opened up, they are brand new surface level and are there in between those dark colored areas. The camera is not picking up those places very well, but they are there, and the poison is coming out when I massage the leg with pressure in that direction. The leaking poisons are enough that it makes a drip, so, that is substantial and I am going to keep doing that until it won‘t leak out any more.
I do about eight to ten peroxide cleansings per day, and at night smearing the contents of the vitamin E gel-caps onto the open sores is working way better than the neo-sporin did, and the Vitimin E somehow works as a pain reliever. it takes the burning sensation away from when the wound is exposed to air, that hurts real bad when the air comes in contact with the open wound, I am not able to sleep at all even with the vitamin E. I don’t think I have slept more than about two hours at a time for many weeks. The peroxide is showing that there is a lot of poisons in my leg, as it makes a big white foamy froth of cleaning.
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The fake doctor at the White City Asante Urgent Care said I needed to have the leg amputated above the knee when I went to try to get medical treatment.
The truth is that I am a United States Citizen, not a Canadian terror soldier, and I am nor a SAG member, and that is why I was not offered medical treatment. All that needed to happen was to open the sores and flush them with cleensing antibiotics, then stitch them back up.
Instead, the asshole terror doctor told me to go somewhere else where an amputation was said to solve the problems.
11:03 pm:
Important other thing:
Although massage squeezing to move the poisons from where it’s all pooled up inside of my calf near the wounds is good for getting some of it to come out, it seems to come at some risk also when I de that, and I think I should mention that in case others are also attacked with this double poison injection in locations where the hospitals and medical facilities have been hijacked and are in control of the Canadian terror army like they are in Oregon.
Don’t go to the hospital whatever you do, it is very difficult to leave once you realize that they are going to hand cuff you to the bed like they tried to do to me the last time I was there for medical help in 2015.
The drawback of massaging the area to push that poison out is that after a few minutes of that it makes a scary chest ;pain. That, and my other leg begins to itch like crazy, so, some of the poisons are being forced into the blood stream, and then I suppose the kidneys and liver are going to have some problems later on as a result of those poisons.
Like I said before, I still suspect the two poisons were Freon that is used for air conditioners, and that is pooled up in my foot, and seems to stay t here. The other poison I suspect is car battery acid, and that is the stuff that s leaking out with the massage technique. I have a Wahl brand muscle vibration massage thing, it has a large flat surfaced vibrating foot sort of thing, and that is what is working to loosen up the poisons in the leg, but like I said, after a little while the scary chest pain happens and the itching in the other extremities,
I am still taking lots of fish oil vitamin, and more ibuprofen than I want to take, in effort to keep the blood flowing, the swelling, and mostly the inflammation away.
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