#And he was also like... Not necessarily suffering horribly. Like he was obviously delusional. But he was in a good group home
vamptastic · 4 months
There's this article on early intervention for schizophrenia that was really interesting but I can't find it... I thought the way the guy who came up with the treatment model explained it was interesting. He basically talked about it like a reversible, but degenerative condition. Like the longer you go without treatment, the more your brain structure changes, and treatment becomes less effective if you've been having psychotic episodes without intervention for a long time.
I think his idea makes sense from a medical perspective, I just wonder how ethical it is, on balance. Because some of the examples of existing programs he was pointing at were involuntary and a lot of cases involved people being forced into treatment after an arrest or through use of the Baker Act (or similar family overrides). It seems like the way things are right now, it may be difficult to actually make the early intervention model the mainstream mode of treatment without resorting to enforcing it through the authorities and through involuntary commitment. Like there's no real attempt to pursue informed consent with the patient. Genuinely, I have encountered a fair number of people who would rather be on the street with unmedicated schizophrenia than employed and housed while taking antipsychotics. I experienced a less extreme version of that before starting SSRIs - when you are mentally ill, you often feel as though your episodes are the only time you experience the 'truth', and that you are losing some kind of profound insight or your fundamental humanity by taking medication. I can't imagine how much stronger that feeling is when you are experiencing full-on hallucinations.
And you're not going to catch everybody with early intervention, some people are always going to go under the radar. I suppose I just worry that if early intervention becomes the mainstream mode of treatment, people who did not have it due to circumstance or refused it will be left in the dust. It makes sense if your goal is to have the least amount of people suffering from hallucinations and delusions, but I wonder if the goal of helping people still comfortably exist whilst experiencing those symptoms might be more beneficial.
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
what are your headcanons for june/serena post-gilead?
Short list, or long? Heh.
I guess I’ll keep it short:
Serena helps June escape.
Serena gets Hannah out.
Serena suffers immensely emotionally, financially, physically, psychologically for everything she’s done in various ways, some of which June has control over, some various govt/law enforcement have control over, and some is just random chance and fate.
June tries to reconnect with Luke, for Hannah and Nichole especially but so much trauma makes that impossible because they are totally different people now.
Fuck Fred. I give zero shits where he is. He could be dead, he could be in Gilead. Whatever. I literally couldn’t care less but he’s out of the picture. Same goes for Nick. I don’t have any specific headcanon about what removes them from June and/or Serena’s lives but they’re just not there and I don’t care lol. Neither are worth my time or concern.
Serena does serious fucking work on herself. Like this is an absolute must. Cos she is seriously a fucking awful person in Gilead, but in my headcanon, she’s not inherently horrible at her roots. So she’s gotta chop down all the deadrot and get back to fresh shoots.
They share custody of Nichole and everyone riots cos wtf why would Serena ever get that? Makes no sense. Who knows, but that’s June’s decision and June canonically makes really odd decisions when it comes to Serena so there’s that.
Trope that everyone hates that I seem to never tire of? Woman cheats on husband with other woman and falls for her instead. Give me all the cheating gay and bi ladies if it means they end up happy with other ladies. *insert shrug emoji*
Other tropes I apparently enjoy too much: Enemies to Lovers, closeted assholes find gay love aka Armoured Closet Gay, Closet Key, Experimented in College, Family of Choice, Gay Conservative, Has Two Mommies, and Everyone is Gay! (Well, almost everyone. Everyone except Luke, I suppose lmao.)
Both Serena and June suffer PTSD, OBVIOUSLY. Who wouldn’t? Same as Moira, Emily, Erin, Rita, Hannah, everyone. Except Nichole cos she’s a dang babby still. They somehow (not important exactly how) connect with each other and find odd solace in that. It’s sad, and it’s probably very unhealthy, but it’s something.
Blah blah blah lots of time, slow burnnnnn. Sex is amazing cos Serena is a big ole lesbian, but shhh, she didn’t deal with that/know that/accept that (not important really which) until post-Gilead, where it’s safe and there’s... June. Who sort of forces her hand.
They still bicker and argue a lot, and the dynamic never totally goes away cos they’re still really good at pissing the other one off.
Moira and Serena are forever enemies cos Moira is the only sane one ever. (This is also canon, so...)
June struggles with everything. For obvious reasons.
Serena struggles, but for other reasons.
Angst. My headcanon loves ANGST. Like, near constant fucking misery lol with a smattering of hot sex, and a dusting of fluff.
Everyone is happy and I get my happy ending and everyone hates me cos it’s stupid and I hate myself sometimes cos I’m a giant hypocrite who just recently bashed The Testaments for Atwood giving June a happy ending but whatever I don’t care right now cos I want my emotional support war criminal and her idiot wife and their little daughters to have good things together cos essentially when it all comes down to it I am a stupid dumb trash marshmallow who believes in redemption arcs for Serena Joy Waterford, despite ALL canon lmao. 
Give me all the redemption arcs and slow burn realisations of love and slowly building and choosing family and happy endings for lesbians. Gimme all that fucking mush, idgaf.
But if you wanna talk the type of headcanon that I would more realistically imagine for a post-Gilead Serena/June, well, yeah... that’s a bit different cos I would have to consider S3, which I do not. I just... block it out, lol. And after S4 I’d have to consider that too, which I will not. I already know that already. So all this is post-S2 only. Fuck S3. I don’t know what amazing mental gymnastics I’d have to do to get Serena/June even close to anything together after that. They totally fucking tore them apart and warped June into a nasty, vengeful, delusional creature (which isn’t necessarily the worst thing ever considering but still, it makes her having ANY sort of even moderately polite relationship with Serena pretty fucking impossible as they left it. And do not even get me started again on Serena’s arrest cos... BYE. I want to delete that entire episode from existence, just like 2x10. I hated the S3 finale so so so so so much in every conceivable way.)
And then for a more detailed exploration of my rather elaborate post-Gilead headcanon, here’s it in full colour.
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