#An Introverted Curious Child (Pre Persona 5)
oraclememehacker · 4 months
"Here we are Futaba dear, Inaba." The two were in the train station after a long ride from Yokohama to here. Wakaba was here for work related reasons and because Sojiro was going to be busy with his own work, she had no choice but to bring Futaba with her. It wasn't ideal, but she trusted her daughter to behave whilst they were out in a new, unfamiliar place. Plus, compared to home, this area was a lot less densely populated.
Now it was time to head to their place that they were staying at. Work got her hooked up with a place called the Amagi Inn. Apparently it was the premiere tourist destination and a really good place to stay in general. And had a hot springs, which sounded lovely. She hadn't gone to a hot spring in quite some time, and maybe Futaba could experience it for the first time.
They were going through the central shopping district on their way to the Inn, Futaba saw that there was a bookstore there and immediately became enamored. There was a place that she could go! She knew that they had to check in at the Inn but she really wanted to take a quick look in the bookstore. She had some money to spend and maybe she could get a book or two.
After a bit of pleading, Wakaba would eventually relent. However, as Futaba was making her way there, she bumped into a kid. That kid? Ren. It was an honest accident, since she had been so tunnel visioned by the prospect of books that she didn't pay as much attention as she should've. She pushed herself up and helped the other kid up, since that was only the nice thing to do, before looking all shy. "Um...hi..."
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oraclememehacker · 7 months
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Wakaba is enjoying one of her rare days off and just deciding to take her daughter Futaba to a local restaurant. Along the way they find a capsule machine that has some featherman figures. Of course, Futaba wants one and is given the money to buy one or two. As she is watching her lovely daughter get her prize, she hears someone speak to her. "Oh...yeah, my daughter loves that series. Doesn't make any sense to me personally, as transformations don't make any logical sense but...ow. It's true dear! A-Anyways, hi."
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oraclememehacker · 1 year
new tags dump :)
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oraclememehacker · 7 months
Child Futaba looks up at the sky and points at the stars. She finds herself fascinated and wonders if there's other worlds that have species similar to earth.
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