kragelundbooth60 · 11 months
Minecraft Free Download: Unlock the Power of Creativity
Alusky's Minecraft, the wildly popular sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios, has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions of players worldwide. With its unique blend of exploration, creativity, and adventure, Minecraft offers a boundless world for players to discover and shape according to their imagination. The best part? Minecraft is available for free, allowing players to unlock the power of creativity without any financial barriers. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Minecraft Free Download and how it enables players to unleash their creative potential. - Endless Creative Possibilities: Minecraft is often described as a digital sandbox, and for a good reason. The game provides players with a vast, procedurally generated world that serves as a blank canvas for their creativity. From building towering structures to designing intricate landscapes, players have the freedom to create anything they can imagine. With the free download of Minecraft, you gain access to this limitless playground of creativity. - Building and Architecture: One of the core aspects of Minecraft is its building mechanics. With a variety of blocks at your disposal, you can construct impressive structures, from humble cottages to sprawling cities. The free version of Minecraft allows you to experiment with different architectural styles, materials, and layouts, honing your skills as a virtual builder. - Redstone Engineering: Minecraft's redstone system introduces basic circuitry and logic gates to the game, enabling players to create complex machines and contraptions. With the free version, you can dive into the world of redstone engineering, designing automated farms, elaborate mechanisms, and even functional computers within the game. This aspect of Minecraft encourages problem-solving and critical thinking, fostering a creative and logical mindset. - Customization and Resource Packs: Minecraft offers various customization options to tailor the game to your preferences. Resource packs allow you to change the game's textures, sounds, and even add custom models, transforming the visual experience. With the free download, you can explore a wide range of community-made resource packs, each offering a unique visual style or thematic overhaul. Customization allows you to express your creativity and make Minecraft truly your own. - Multiplayer Collaboration: While the free version of Minecraft does not support online multiplayer by default, it is still possible to connect and play with friends using LAN or local servers. This opens up opportunities for collaborative projects, where you and your friends can build together, embark on adventures, or engage in friendly competitions. Collaborative play encourages teamwork, communication, and shared creativity, enhancing the overall Minecraft experience. - Modding Community: Minecraft has a vibrant modding community that creates and shares modifications, or mods, that can enhance the game in countless ways. While the free version of Minecraft has limited modding capabilities compared to the Java Edition, it still allows you to explore a wide range of community-made modifications that introduce new gameplay mechanics, biomes, creatures, and more. Mods offer endless possibilities for expanding and customizing your Minecraft experience.
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kesslerkey43 · 11 months
Survival Challenges: Testing Your Skills on Hardcore Servers in Minecraft
Minecraft is a game that offers players a wide range of gameplay experiences, from creative building to intense battles. Among the various modes available, Hardcore mode stands out as a true test of skill and endurance. Hardcore servers in Minecraft present players with the ultimate challenge: a single life, unforgiving gameplay, and the constant threat of permanent death. In this article, we will explore the world of Hardcore servers and delve into the thrilling survival challenges they offer. - What is Hardcore Mode?: Hardcore mode is a special game mode in Minecraft where the difficulty is set to its highest level, and players have only one life. Unlike other game modes, death in Hardcore mode is permanent. If a player dies, they are immediately banned from the server, and their progress is erased. This high-stakes gameplay adds an intense level of challenge and risk, pushing players to their limits. - Selecting the Right Hardcore Server: Choosing the right Hardcore server is crucial for a challenging and enjoyable experience. Look for servers with active communities, a stable and reliable server infrastructure, and clear rules and guidelines. Additionally, consider the server's difficulty settings and any additional gameplay features or modifications. Finding a server that aligns with your preferred playstyle and level of challenge will enhance your Hardcore survival journey. New minecraft servers - Prepare for the Ultimate Survival Challenge: Hardcore mode requires a different mindset and approach compared to other game modes. Before embarking on your Hardcore adventure, prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the challenges ahead. Understand that setbacks and failures are inevitable but also valuable learning opportunities. Embrace the thrill of high-risk gameplay and be ready to adapt and persevere in the face of adversity. - Resource Management and Planning: Survival in Hardcore mode relies heavily on efficient resource management and careful planning. Every decision matters, from gathering essential materials and food to constructing secure shelters and defenses. Pay close attention to time management, prioritize tasks based on urgency, and allocate resources wisely. Being strategic in your actions will increase your chances of long-term survival. - Danger Lurks Everywhere: In Hardcore mode, the world can be an unforgiving place. Hostile mobs are deadlier, environmental hazards pose greater threats, and even simple mistakes can lead to irreversible consequences. Stay vigilant at all times, watch out for ambushes, and be cautious when exploring unknown territories. Preparedness and situational awareness are key to surviving the perils of Hardcore mode. - Perseverance in the Face of Setbacks: Hardcore survival is a journey filled with setbacks and challenges. Unexpected events such as mob encounters, accidental falls, or surprise attacks can quickly end your journey. However, it's important not to be discouraged by failures. Learn from your mistakes, adapt your strategies, and approach each new attempt with renewed determination. Perseverance is the key to success in Hardcore mode. - Community and Support: Engaging with the Hardcore server community can enrich your experience and provide valuable support. Interact with fellow players, share survival tips, and learn from their experiences. Collaborate with others to form alliances or join communities that focus on Hardcore mode. Sharing your journey with like-minded individuals creates a sense of camaraderie and helps alleviate the challenges of Hardcore survival. - Document Your Journey: Consider documenting your Hardcore survival journey through videos, screenshots, or a written journal. This not only allows you to reflect on your progress but also serves as a testament to your achievements. Sharing your experiences with others can inspire fellow players and create a sense of accomplishment in overcoming the most difficult challenges Minecraft has to offer. Surviving on Hardcore servers in Minecraft is a true test of skill, perseverance, and adaptability. It pushes players to their limits, demanding careful planning, resource management, and a keen survival instinct
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francisjochumsen37 · 1 year
Minecraft made $350,000 in a Single Day
It turns out that the server issues that plagued Minecraft last week -- which led to an unplanned weekend of free-to-play- might have served as an ideal marketing strategy for the indie game that builds worlds. When paired with exposure from Penny Arcade the free weekend apparently served to keep players begging for a legitimate version of the game. According to a Minecraft sales tracking website, the game was bought 25936 times in the 24 hours following its return online on Wednesday. The game's sales brought Markus Persson somewhere in the range of $350,000.
The game's sales dropped off slightly following the server's revival, but have remained significantly higher than before the free-to-play weekend. This is a significant amount of money, but it's nothing compared with the paychecks that players of the game have lost as they invested their entire lives in DIY projects. We're looking to revamp our marble floors in our palace, complete the diamond tower, and dam the lake and then we're done. We're serious! alusky
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cullenfranco00 · 1 year
Big City Life
MattuFIN starts with the infrastructure. He sketches a rough sketch of his plans and then adds new districts. Then, he determines the areas where residential industrial, commercial and residential construction should be done.
"Google Maps has proved immeasurably helpful for me when it comes to replicating real-life structures in Minecraft. Moving around different areas of a structure in 'Street View' can help you get the smallest details right and give you a sense of the building's scale far better than reference pictures from the image search. You can even explore the interior of the building in certain instances.
When I go on a tour through the city, I quickly notice the level of detail not just in the architecture, but in the urban planning as well. There are more than 150 high-rise structures in the city, including an observation tower modelled on Seattle's Space Needle. The large park also has trains, a courthouse and convention center. IKEA, shopping malls, IKEA, and a obligatory McDonald's. You might also consider an outdoor music festival, a library, or even a railway station. Everything you could think of is right there in Mattupolis, carefully crafted and laid out in districts.
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munkholmballe61 · 1 year
Minecraft Snapshot 20w15a
It's a wonderful day in Sweden today! The sun is shining and spring is in the air. When I say "spring" I'm talking about pollen. Let's get rid of that by 1.) staying inside and 2)) introduce a brand-new biome made up of basalt, blackstone, and magma cubes! We also have some fresh songs that you can listen to while you're exploring the Nether. Enjoy the photo!
New Features in 20w15a
Accessibility improvements - Addition of Piglin banner patterns The Basalt Delta biome was added to the Nether – Added soul campfires. Get your buns toasty with the warmth of a thousand souls Three new tracks have been added to the collection of Nether music. chiseled nether bricks, cracked nether bricks, and quartz bricks! - Added a new set of stone blocks dubbed Blackstone with regular, polished and polished bricks! Addition of Gilded Blackstone- This is a Blackstone which has been impregnated with gold and may drop gold nuggets when broken. Blackstone can be used to create furnaces and stone tools.
- Added "Line Spacing" chat and accessibility option - Added "Chat Delay" accessibility option
Basalt Deltas
Basalt Deltas can now be found in the Nether!
This biome is a remnant of volcanic eruptions. It has a high concentration of basalt columns and lava deltas. When you stroll through the biome, you will see flakes of flowing ash. Magma Cubes finally have somewhere to call home. Large areas of Blackstone can be found here.
Nether Music
We are pleased to announce the inclusion of three tracks in the Nether Update. They were all composed by Lena Raine who is a talented musician. ALUSKY
Rubedo will be played in the Nether Wastes Chrysopoeiawill be played in Crimson Forests
So Below will be played in Soulsand Valleys or in Basalt Deltas
Two lines from Lena about the music. More details will be posted in a separate blog post.
- "One of the primary instruments in Minecraft is the piano, so one of my tasks to myself was to determine how I could extend the piano's sound until it resembled other objects entirely-again, that alchemical process." "I wanted each piece feel like a gradual journey through this world. There's a certain beauty to the Nether, but it is also terrifying in both its details and scale."
Go through a portal to the Nether and then stay for a while and listen...
Changes in 20w15a
Dispenser modifications - Soul sand can now also be used to create soul torches. Nether vegetation blocks (sprouts roots vines, fungus, and wart blocks), are compostable. Walls will be connected to more things! Panes, iron bars, and even pickles are all now available! - Hoes are now the appropriate tool for breaking leaves - Mobs avoid walking on magma blockages and lit campfires
Dispenser Changes
Dispensers can now saddle horses and pigs - Dispensers can now put horse armor on horses . Dispensers can now put carpets on llamas - Dispensers can now put chests on llamas, donkeys and mules - Dispensers can now shear a mooshroom. Dispensers are able to cut snow golems
Technical Changes in 20w15a
Tab completion for the resource location will match any part that is after a _ - Mob and pathfinding-related optimizations
Fixed bugs in 20w15a
MC-171463 Iron Bars don't fully connect to walls MC-172120. Hoglins do not attempt to stay clear of fire MC-172209 - Non-fire resistant mobs do not try to stay clear of fire MC-172226 - Baby animals villagers, zombies, and villager spawned by eggs that spawn on an adult entity always are of the same type MC-172268 Bartering with a piglin by right-clicking will not show hand animation MC-174542 - Killing baby hoglins drops leather and porkchop MC-174559 - Baby hoglins/zoglins uses the same attack damage as an adult when spawned in some cases MC-175030 - Curse of Binding doesn't affect Piglins MC-175169 - Respawn Anchor may create ghost blocks when it explodes. MC-175176 Return portals in The End softlocks the game when /spawnpoint is used in The End MC-175256 - Screen is layered with an opaque grey texture when inside of the transparent block MC-175274 "Quartz pillar" is translated as "White wool" ("Lana blanca" instead of "Pilar de cuarzo") in Spanish (Spain) The MC-175356 is a Piglins and Hoglins cannot avoid magma blocks MC-175538 The sounds of swimming and fish are louder than they should be MC-175566 - Piglins with full inventories will drop the items they received MC-176095 - Striders have an unused fin in the strider.png texture file MC-176384 - CompassItem checks twice to determine if LodestonePos tag exists MC-176517 - Striders spawn in lava pockets that are underground MC-176633 Lime carpets are known as "acacia slab" in Spanish (Spain) MC-177069 - Dispenser cannot drop glowstones as items if not connected to an anchor for respawning MC-177085 Missing UUID field in attributes crashes the game MC-177102 - Zoglins don't count as an undead mob MC-177225 - Tag minecraft:water that was used before it was bound
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New Minecraft Skins With Default Minecraft Skins Recall Steve's Beard
Mojang has changed the default Minecraft skins, Steve and Alex - and Minecraft Steve's beard is back after years sporting a neat-shaven appearance. The iconic blue-shirted character of the game of crafting, Minecraft Steve's first avatar had a brown goatee - which many players mistook for smiling smiles - however, it was removed in a bid to provide a more gender neutral style for the game's default character.
In 2014, another default skin was introduced to Minecraft the game - Minecraft Alex. Alex has a green top with longer red hair and ponytail. This makes it a more feminine version of Steve's. Helen Chiang, the Microsoft studio head of Minecraft has stated in an interview with the company in 2018 that the company wanted to challenge gender stereotypes and present Alex and Steve with similar physical characteristics and abilities.
With the two options now available the decision was made to bring back Steve's famous goatee. A post on the Minecraft subreddit outlined the new skins that also improve the shading on Alex to give the second character model more realistic three-dimensional look. The response has been mostly positive, with many fans thrilled to see Steve's beard back.
Many users have expressed their satisfaction and are content that Steve now once again matches the look given in most official art - including his appearance in Nintendo brawler Super Smash Bros Ultimate. "I can understand why they removed it originally," said the Reddit comment with the most votes. "But it was clearly part of Steve's style, which Mojang seems to agree with." It's great to see it come back after many years.
Jasper Boerstra, Minecraft's lead artist, commented on the change via Twitter. He wrote, "I'm glad you like the return to the beard!" Boerstra also noted that classic banding techniques and "pillow shading" are used in the new skins, but he asked for feedback on whether this was a good one. The skins also include classic choices, in case you prefer the old-fashioned styles.
If the default style of Steve and Alex aren't you, fret not we've got the top Minecraft skins for you. We also have a comprehensive guide to all the Minecraft console commands as well as our top picks for Minecraft mods. Did you know, by the way, that Minecraft Redstone is full of radioactive uranium? This makes you be more thoughtful about the things that go when building your home However, look over the top Minecraft houses for some great build ideas anyway.
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cohenmolloy96 · 1 year
Minecraft Mobs List All Neutral, Neutral, Passive, and Tameable Mobs In Minecraft
There's a staggering number of mobs available in Minecraft as of 1.18 and it's advisable to be aware of as many of them as possible to ensure that you manage each one in a responsible manner.
Below is the full list of Minecraft mobs and animals, ranging from the simple Chicken to legendary monsters such as the Ender Dragon and new mobs like Frogs, Allays, and the Warden, all of which are due to be added in Minecraft 1.19.
List of Minecraft mobs
Since its beginning around the time of the 2010s Minecraft has come long ways. Today, there's a total of 73 mobs available in Minecraft (with more to come in Minecraft 1.19! Each mob's behavior and appearance is very different from the others. Below I've listed every mob in the game, classified according to their passive, neutral, or hostile towards the player.
Passive mobs are groups of people who will not attack the player even if attacked first. They are generally harmless animals that will run away when they are attacked, or at times, if approached. Below is the complete list of Passive mobs with lists of all breedable, tameable, and rideable passive mobs.
Axolotl - Bat - Cat - Chicken - Cod - Cow - Donkey - Fox - Glow Squid - Horse - Mooshroom -- Mule - Ocelot - Parrot - Pig - Piglin (baby) (baby) Polar Bear (baby) - Pufferfish - Rabbit - Salmon Sheep Skeleton Horse - Snow Golem - Squid - Strider - Tropical Fish - Turtle - Villager - Wandering Trader Frog (upcoming mob, arriving with Minecraft 1.19 update) Allay (upcoming mob, arriving with Minecraft 1.19 update)
Breedable mobs
- Axolotl – Cat – Chicken - Cow - Donkey — Fox Horse Mooshroom ­ Ocelot - Pig Rabbit - Sheep SKeleton Horse The Strider?Strider? ALUSKY'S Turtle — Villager -> Mule - Horse and donkey can be bred, but they cannot be crossed.
Tameable mobs
- Cat - Donkey - Horse - Mule - Parrot - Skeleton Horse - Fox Not really tame however, they will "trust" the player - Ocelot - not truly tame but will "trust" the player
Rideable mobs
- Donkey - Horse - Pig - Mule - Skeleton Horse - Strider
Based on the circumstances the mobs that are neutral can be passive or hostile towards players. Below I have listed each mob's behavior when provoked to change their behavior to become hostile.
Bee - provoked when attacked or beehive damaged it only attacks one Cave Spider – hostile if at low light Dolphin – provoked to when it is viewed as Enderman and then provoked if attacked Llama (adult) and Polar Bear (adult). - provoked to attack Polar Bear (adult), attacks only once Polar Bear (adult), when provoked by any person wearing 1+ Gold Armor pieces Panda. (low light Wolf) - hostile (low light Wolf) Zombified if provoked Piglin
Hostile mobs are always ready to attack players in the vicinity if they have the chance. There's just no reasoning with these types of mobs.
- Blaze - Blaze Chicken Jockey Creeper Drowned - Elder Guardian - Endermite - Evoker - Ghast - Guardian - Hoglin - Husk - Magma Cube - Phantom - Piglin Brute - Pillager - Ravager - Ravager Jockey - Shulker - Silverfish - Skeleton - Skeleton Horseman Slime - Spider Jockey - Stray - Vex - Vindicator - Witch - Wither Skeleton - Zoglin Zombie - Zombie Villager Warden (upcoming mob, arriving with Minecraft 1.19 update)
Minecraft boss mobs
There are currently two "boss mobs" in Minecraft. These powerful mobs have their own health bars and are currently the most dangerous enemies in Minecraft.
- Ender Dragon Wither
You'll need to be ready to defend yourself from Minecraft numerous mobs, whether you're fighting Endermen or Guardians or other animals that are hostile like Polar Bears. Make sure you have the best equipment. Read our guides on Diamonds and Netherite to help you locate them. Also, check out our page on how to make potions to boost your combat skills. If you're looking to add even more mobs into your Minecraft world, look through our list of Minecraft mods or alter the appearance of mods already in place by installing the most effective Minecraft texture packs.
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mathismorgan95 · 1 year
'Minecraft' October Updates are Big News for VR and Tweakers
Minecraft is close to some updates that could seriously alter how you play in the event that you are a fan of playing with the game's mechanics... or simply get lost in an immersive virtual world. The update that will be released on October 18th for Minecraft's Windows 10 Pocket and Gear VR editions will include Add-ons. They allow players to modify text files to change the behavior of objects and characters. Are you looking for giant chickens or Creepers that trigger huge explosions? It's simple to make. It's a great way to start exploring the world of mods without knowing programming.
VR players, for instance, get more advanced controller support. You can play with the Bluetooth-equipped Xbox One gamepad (like the one that comes with the Xbox One S) in the Windows 10 or Gear VR versions of the game, and PC players with an Oculus Rift can use Oculus Touch hand controllers. The update will make Minecraft in VR feel more like a mobile or desktop game.
The new software adds boss battles for Windows 10, Pocket, and Gear VR versions.
Console players don't have to wait until the 18th for a new game. Mojang and Microsoft have announced an Chinese Mythology Mash-Up. Alusky This will introduce characters and a world inspired by China's culture. Banners and other biomes that are logical will be featured as well as polar bears and Igloos in arctic environments. The update will be released for Xbox and Wii U gamers on October 4th, and for PlayStation players on October 5th.
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guthriekemp29 · 1 year
Fun Presents For Minecraft Lover
Do you have Minecraft fans in your home? I have an obsession with video games of all kind, and Minecraft is the one I find the most difficult to hate. My kids love it so I am always looking for ways to get it to work. They are taking coding classes online, and I am currently creating some Minecraft challenge calendars for the coming year to keep their interest piqued.
I am always looking for great gifts for my kids that will not only let them to play with the things they love, but also broaden their horizons. Alusky's These Minecraft-themed gifts are just the right thing to get.
Minecraft Toys and Games
There are so many fun toys for children who enjoy Minecraft to play with. These are just a handful of our favorite toys.
Maybe your kiddos would like playing with this diamond foam sword, or lighting up their space with the bright redstone ore nightlight, or keeping hostile spawns away with this light up torch. There's a good chance they'd enjoy the following items.
Light-Up Torch Light-Up Redstone ore Deluxe Foam Sword Minecraft Bow and Arrow Deluxe Foam Pickaxe Minecraft Animal Toy Pack Minecraft Core Player Survival Pack Minecraft Steve with White Horse Minecraft Diamond Steve Pickaxe Stylus Minecraft Playset Minecraft Surprise Collectible Figure Minecraft Creeper Plush Minecraft Periodic Table of Elements
Minecraft LEGO Sets
My kids are kind of LEGO fanatics So the combination of LEGO and Minecraft is a major win here. Check out these awesome LEGO Minecraft kits:
LEGO Minecraft 21114 The Farm LEGO Minecraft The Jungle Tree House 21125 LEGO Minecraft 21119 the Dungeon LEGO Minecraft The Iron Golem 21123 LEGO Minecraft The Cave 21113 LEGO Minecraft 21120 the Snow Hideout LEGO Minecraft 21127 The Fortress LEGO Minecraft 21115 The First Night LEGO Minecraft The Wither 21126 LEGO Minecraft The End Portal 21124 LEGO Minecraft 21122 the Nether Fortress LEGO Minecraft 21121 the Desert Outpost LEGO Minecraft 21116 Crafting Box LEGO Minecraft 21117 The Ender Dragon
Minecraft Clothes and Accessories
One of my son's most loved shirts is one of his Minecraft Periodic Table shirts. I think it's pretty cool, too. These are my top clothing choices.
Minecraft Periodic Table Youth T-Shirt Official Minecraft Sprites Black T-Shirt Minecraft Creeper Inside Hat MJ Boutique's 8 Bit Pixel Retro Sunglasses Minecraft Socks 3 Pack, Green Minecraft Alex & Friends Girls T-Shirt Minecraft Girls' Animal Totem Girls T-shirt Minecraft Adventure Girl's T-Shirt Minecraft Chicken Jockey Girls Raglan Minecraft Boy's Pullover Minecraft - Adventure Youth Long Sleeve Minecraft Diamond Pendant Necklace Minecraft Diamond Earrings Jinx Minecraft Creeper Pendant Necklace Minecraft Pig Stud Earrings Minecraft Diamond Bracelet Minecraft Creeper Stud Earrings
Which Minecraft gift was your favorite? Did I miss anything you've discovered?
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riverakuhn51 · 1 year
Minecraft Creator on microsoft Deal: It's all about My Sanity'
Minecraft creator on Microsoft deal: "It's about my mental health'
Shortly after Microsoft announced it would buy Minecraft Mojang, a developer of Minecraft, for $2.5bn, (PS1.5bn), Markus Persson, the Swedish developer behind Markus Persson - also known as Notch -- released his own statement on the acquisition. Below is the complete statement. alusky
I'm leaving Mojang
I don't consider myself a game developer. I create games to have amusement and because I love programming. But I don't want to create huge hits. I also don't want to make a mark on the world.
Minecraft was a huge success. People say it has changed their lives. It didn't happen on accidental. It's flatteringand fascinating to slowly be in the public spotlight.
It was quite a while back that I decided to end Minecraft development. Jens was the ideal person to run it, and I wanted new things. While I tried to expand it initially but was unsuccessful. But, since I decided to stick to small prototypes, interesting challengeshave come up, and I've had so much fun with my work.
I wasn't sure exactly what I was supposed to do in Mojang where people did actual work, but since my friends said I was important for the culture, I decided to stay.
I was at home with a bad cold a few weeks ago, when the internet exploded with rage against me because of an EULA situation that I had nothing to do with. I was confused. I didn't understand. I tweeted this to express my frustration.
Then, I looked at the This is Phil Fish YouTube video and realized that I didn't feel the same connection I thought I did to my fans. I've become a symbol. I do not want to be a symbol, responsible for something huge that I don't know or don't want to work on, that keeps coming back to me. I'm not an entrepreneur. I'm not an executive director. I am a geeky computer programmer who loves sharing my thoughts on Twitter.
As soon as the deal is concluded, I will leave Mojang and go back to doing Ludum Dares as well as small web-based experiments. If I happen to create something that is gaining momentum, I'll probably end it immediately.
In light of the fact that my public image is already a bit skewed I don't think I'll be free of negative feedback by doing this however, at least for now I won't feel a responsibility to read them.
I'm aware of this going against my previous statements said in public. I have no good response to that. I'm also aware that many of you used me as a symbol of some perceived struggle. I'm not. I'm a person and I'm there with you.
You are my best friend. You're all amazing. Thank you for creating Minecraft what it is today. But there are too many of us and I am not responsible for something as huge as Minecraft. In one sense, it belongs to Microsoft currently. It's been a part of your lives for a long time and will remain yours.
It's not about money. It's about my mental health.
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haugecreech80 · 1 year
Minecraft: new Marketplace For Community Creators
Minecraft: New marketplace for community creators By Steffan Powell Newsbeat reporter
10 April 2017
Minecraft hopes to make it easier to access content created by community members and fans.
Many players have already created intricate worlds to explore, adventure games to play or even alter the game itself to provide brand new experiences within it.
Now they'll be able to sell their content directly through the game itself in the brand new Minecraft Marketplace.
"We would like to help entrepreneurs to start businesses on our platform," producer John Thornton informs Newsbeat.
Up to now, those who design adventure maps skin packs for characters or other experiences to play the game have not been allowed to sell them directly to other players.
Only officially licensed Minecraft content could be sold in that way, but that hasn't stopped a few people from making money from the game.
James Delaney, is founder of the group of Minecraft creators called Blockworks and has been able to establish a business despite the limitations.
He is thrilled to be a part of the Marketplace.
He said to Newsbeat that he hopes that this could be the start of a steady and regular income.
"In the past, we relied on commissions to come into our businesses, and you never know when it will happen."
He is the responsible person for 62 creators that work in 20 countries.
Their main source income comes from the creation of Minecraft-based content for educational and marketing campaigns.
James "got really into" building Minecraft maps with his friends online and realised a few years later that there was an opportunity to earn money.
"At the very least, we know there is an audience there for our content now," he says.
"If it's successful, then we are confident we can continue to work on an ongoing and steady basis.
"Also, it's content that we can decide to create, instead of being asked to create it, so we have creative control over it."
The marketplace will launch later this year and be available on the Windows 10 and Pocket versions of the game.
This means that the majority of the estimated 120 million players of Minecraft around the world will have access to it but those who play on consoles won't.
"Our idea is to connect our players with creators," says John Thornton.
"On Pocket edition it can be tricky to get content onto devices, and so it's difficult for creators to showcase the content they'd like to share with the world.
"By connecting creators to the marketplace it'll make it easier for users to find something they want to play with, purchase it and have it on their devices."
People will still be able to create community experiences without the marketplace, and users will be being able to access them no cost.
Producers hope that consumers will purchase content that is easier to find.
John says, "If you want people to share your content right now, you must put it on the internet and let them know where it is." alusky
"You can make use of existing social networks to do this, but it's much more effective to bring that into the game."
"Players, in the context of playing the game they love, can simply find what they want to do."
He hopes that the game will help James to establish an effective business.
The Minecraft team is launching the new service with nine creators from around the world to begin with.
The adventure maps skin packs, experiences and adventure maps will be monitored by the central Minecraft team to ensure they're suitable for the game's audience.
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pettersonenemark97 · 1 year
Minecraft Etics And Etiquette
It's Sunday, everyone, and you know what that means: it's roundup time. In this weekly post we have gathered everything worth mentioning that we didn't have time to post. We also provide hyperlinks... Continue reading
Minecraft Unified: Better Together Updates Unite Players
Say goodbye to Minecraft: Xbox One Edition. Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition is dead. alusky Every other version is dead. In their place: Minecraft. Pure and simple. Today we are witnessing the Better Together ... Read More
Weekly deals: Xbox One sales, Deals using Gold
We are pleased to have returned for another weekly roundup of Deals with Gold. Be aware that all prices listed below require an Xbox Live Gold membership. Buy a... Continue reading
The Next Episode of Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 is scheduled to be released on August 15th.
Season 2 of Minecraft Story Mode kicked off last month on July 10, sending players on a watery adventure. Jesse returns to Minecraft Story Mode with more questions than answers. Read More
Sunday Roundup: Happy Fathers Day, June 18 17th, 2017.
It's Sunday everyone and you know what that means, it's time to round up. This weekly post will include all the things that are important to mention, but which we didn't publish. We also provide the links... Continue reading
Fallout maps now available on Minecraft Battle Mini
Love Minecraft? Love Fallout? Well you're in for a treat as Mojang and Microsoft have announced the release of the new Minecraft Fallout Battle Map Pack for Console Editions.
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skovnymann17 · 1 year
Mojang Purchased it From Microsoft
One of the most successful games over the last few years is also among the most peculiar titles. We're talking about Minecraft, the sandbox game that combines different genres and has sparked a fury among millions of gamers worldwide eager to create their own worlds.
Crafting as an art form is a way of life
This game, which is also available on other platforms than Windows like Android, iOS, Mac or Linux, comes along with graphics that stand out for their huge pixels. The latter , along with the LEGO-style blocks will assist us to build our own reality. alusky
Unlimitless creativity
One of the most exciting aspects of this game is the possibility of creating an environment that you like. You can make use of the various building blocks and materials to construct castles, cities or fortresses, unimaginable structures and anything else you can imagine in your own world.
This game comes with a variety of features that you can utilize to alter the result.
Create your own virtual world with building blocks, and is only be limited by the laws of physics. Be able to fight off the night creatures with your own sword and armor. Independent game that mixes action, adventure, platforming, building, and much more. - Complete 'Sandbox Editor: Create your own story with cubes that resemble LEGO blocks. - Create buildings, mountains, forests, etc. It also has a multiplayer mode. - Five game modes with different difficulty levels: Survival Creative, Adventure Hardcore, Spectator and Adventure.
You can choose the way you want to play
You can select from a variety of levels of difficulty, which will allow the game to evolve different based on the situation. Each scenario will require you to complete certain actions. You can select between an environment that is more action-oriented or one that is more relaxing, where your only mission is to create and explore.
Survival is possible only when you have the appropriate resources. Take care of your health and take food. Create and explore. There's no need to worry about your survival. Hardcore: in survival mode, you are able to die and be revived repeatedly as often as you want. This isn't the case. You only have one life, so take care of it. Spectator: This option allows you to explore other worlds, but you cannot interact with them. You can also look at them from the perspective of other creatures as well as gamers. Adventure: it's the game mode that is suitable for those who aren't worried about the online version. While you must face dangers as you explore, or perform other actions, there are certain situations like breaking blocks using the right tools.
Modify the game
Another advantage of this game that its players love is the possibility to customize it. You can change your character and game using skins and mods so that it can be brought to a personal level becomes an enormous draw.
It was only one the most popular indie games ever... and we believe that's because Microsoft purchased it from Mojang the company that developed it for around 2 million dollars, so it's now managed by the team at Redmond. If it was difficult to download Minecraft free before it's now even more. At the very least, you can download the Minecraft demo.
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francisjochumsen37 · 1 year
Minecraft Earned $350,000 in a Single Day
It turns out that the server issues that plagued Minecraft last week -- which led to an unplanned weekend of free-to-play- might have served as an ideal marketing strategy for the indie game that builds worlds. When paired with exposure from Penny Arcade the free weekend apparently served to keep players begging for a legitimate version of the game. According to a Minecraft sales tracking website, the game was bought 25936 times in the 24 hours following its return online on Wednesday. The game's sales brought Markus Persson somewhere in the range of $350,000.
The game's sales dropped off slightly following the server's revival, but have remained significantly higher than before the free-to-play weekend. This is a significant amount of money, but it's nothing compared with the paychecks that players of the game have lost as they invested their entire lives in DIY projects. We're looking to revamp our marble floors in our palace, complete the diamond tower, and dam the lake and then we're done. We're serious! alusky
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hensonhogan35 · 1 year
Minecraft Snapshot 20w15a
It's an absolutely beautiful day in Sweden today! The sun is shining and spring is in the air. When I say "spring" I'm talking about pollen. Let's fix that by 1)) staying indoors and) introduce a brand new biome made up of blackstone, basalt and magma cubes! To spice things up, we also have some new tunes to enjoy while exploring the Nether. Enjoy the photo!
New Features in 20w15a
Accessibility improvements - added an Piglin banner pattern - the Basalt Deltas biome has been added to the Nether - Soul campfires have been added. Warm your buns with the warmth of one thousand souls! Three new tracks of Nether Music were added to the. - Quartz bricks broken nether bricks, cracked nether bricks, and chiseled nether blocks were added! - Added a new set of stone blocks called Blackstone with regular polished, polished and polished bricks! - Added Gilded Blackstone- This is a Blackstone that has been imbued with gold and may drop gold nuggets when broken. Blackstone can be used to make furnaces and stone tools.
- Added "Line Spacing" chat and accessibility option - Added "Chat Delay" accessibility option
Basalt Deltas
Basalt Deltas are now found in the Nether!
- Remnants of volcanic eruptions, this biome sports an abundant amount of basalt columns and lava deltas - If you walk through, you'll be enveloped by tiny flakes of white ash that flow from the ground - Magma Cubes finally have a place to call home, and they are spawning often - A brand new block, Blackstone, can be found in large patches
Nether Music
We're pleased to announce that we've added 3 new tracks for the coming Nether Update, all composed by the extremely talented Lena Raine.
Rubedo will be played in the Nether Wastes Chrysopoeiawill be played in Crimson Forests
So Belowwill be played in Soulsand Valleys and in Basalt Deltas
Two lines from Lena about the music. More to come in an additional blog post.
-- "One of the most important instruments in Minecraft is the piano, and one of my challenges to myself was to see how far I could push the sound of the piano until it resembled other objects entirely-again the alchemical process." "I wanted each piece to feel like a progression or a journey through this other world. The Nether is beautiful, but also frightening in its scale and details.
Go through a portal to the Nether, and stay awhile and listen...
20w15a: Changes
Dispenser changes - Soul sand can now be used to make soul torches. Now, nether vegetation blocks (sprouts roots vines, fungus and warts) can be composted. Walls can be connected to more things! (like iron panes, bars, and even pickles!) - Hoes are now the best tool to break leaves - Mobs avoid walking on magma blocks and lit campfires
Dispenser Changes
Dispensers can now saddle horses and pigs. Dispensers also have the ability to put horses in horse armor. Dispensers may now place carpets on llamas. Dispensers can also place chests on donkeys, mules and llamas. Dispensers are now able to cut a mooshroom. Dispensers are now able cut snow golems. ALUSKY'S
Technical Changes in 20w15a
Tab completion for resource loc will match any portion after the _____ - Mob pathfinding-related optimizations
Fixed bugs in 20w15a
MC-171463 Iron Bars don't fully connect to walls MC-172120. Hoglins don't try to avoid fire MC-172209 Non-fire resistant mobs don't try to stay clear of fire MC-172226 - Baby animals villagers, villagers, and zombie villager spawned by a spawn egg on an adult entity always are the same version MC-172268 - Bartering with a piglin by right-clicking will not show hand animation MC-174542 - Killing baby hoglins drops leather and porkchop MC-174559 - Baby hoglins/zoglins suffer the same attack damage as an adult when spawned in some cases MC-175030 - Curse of Binding doesn't affect Piglins MC-175169 - Respawn Anchor may create ghost blocks when it explodes MC-175176 Using return portal in The End softlocks the game when /spawnpoint is used in The End MC-175256 - Screen is layered with an opaque grey texture when inside the transparent block MC-175274 "Quartz pillar" is translated as "White wool" ("Lana blanca" instead of "Pilar de cuarzo") in Spanish (Spain) The MC-175356 is a Piglins and hoglins don't avoid magma blocks MC-175538 Fish/Swimming sounds are louder than they should be MC-175566 Piglins with full inventories will drop the items they received MC-176095 Striders don't have a fin in the strider.png texture file MC-176384 - CompassItem checks twice to see if LodestonePos tag is present. MC-176517 Striders spawn in underground lava pockets MC-176633 - Lime carpets are named "acacia slab" in Spanish (Spain) MC-177069 - Dispenser cannot drop glowstones when not connected to an anchor for respawning MC-177085 Incorrect UUID field in attributes causes crashes in the game MC-177102 - Zoglins aren't considered dead mobs MC-177225 Tag minecraft:water before it was bound
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New Minecraft Skins With Default Minecraft Skins Recall Steve's Beard
Mojang has changed the default Minecraft skins, Steve and Alex - and Minecraft Steve's beard is back after years sporting a neat-shaven appearance. The iconic blue-shirted character of the game of crafting, Minecraft Steve's first avatar had a brown goatee - which many players mistook for smiling smiles - however, it was removed in a bid to provide a more gender neutral style for the game's default character.
In 2014, another default skin was introduced to Minecraft the game - Minecraft Alex. Alex has a green top with longer red hair and ponytail. This makes it a more feminine version of Steve's. Helen Chiang, the Microsoft studio head of Minecraft has stated in an interview with the company in 2018 that the company wanted to challenge gender stereotypes and present Alex and Steve with similar physical characteristics and abilities.
With the two options now available the decision was made to bring back Steve's famous goatee. A post on the Minecraft subreddit outlined the new skins that also improve the shading on Alex to give the second character model more realistic three-dimensional look. The response has been mostly positive, with many fans thrilled to see Steve's beard back.
Many users have expressed their satisfaction and are content that Steve now once again matches the look given in most official art - including his appearance in Nintendo brawler Super Smash Bros Ultimate. "I can understand why they removed it originally," said the Reddit comment with the most votes. "But it was clearly part of Steve's style, which Mojang seems to agree with." It's great to see it come back after many years.
Jasper Boerstra, Minecraft's lead artist, commented on the change via Twitter. He wrote, "I'm glad you like the return to the beard!" Boerstra also noted that classic banding techniques and "pillow shading" are used in the new skins, but he asked for feedback on whether this was a good one. The skins also include classic choices, in case you prefer the old-fashioned styles.
If the default style of Steve and Alex aren't you, fret not we've got the top Minecraft skins for you. We also have a comprehensive guide to all the Minecraft console commands as well as our top picks for Minecraft mods. Did you know, by the way, that Minecraft Redstone is full of radioactive uranium? This makes you be more thoughtful about the things that go when building your home However, look over the top Minecraft houses for some great build ideas anyway.
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