#Also whoever wrote that post about Adolin and Shallan truly enjoying the company of Sarene and Raoden YES I agree
cosmereplay · 3 months
I'm rereading Elantris and thinking about similarities between Sarene and Adolin:
Considered embarrassingly old to still be unmarried (mid-twenties); Adolin was forced to import a potential bride and Sarene was forced to export herself as a bride, both times to someone they hadn't laid eyes on yet.
OH ALSO both of their failures in courtship sound ludicrous. No man in Teod wants to marry the princess because she's tall and outspoken? Seriously? No woman in Alethkar can stand Adolin, cousin to the king? Really? As the Americans say, come on.
Forced to spend time in a bloodthirsty court that they hate, with people who hate them
Love swords and duelling
Trained diplomats
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