#Also sorry to my guitar teacher from whom I've stolen many picks from over the years. You're not getting them back.
lilypadlys · 1 month
Mushy May Day Seven - Gift Giving
Ship: Phantom/Dewdrop
Notes: I changed the prompt for today :) Dew helps Phantom who has a habit of misplacing all of his guitar picks. Prompt list by @forlorn-crows. See prompt list here
Word Count: 305
Read on AO3 or below the cut
Dewdrop walks into the practice room to see Phantom bent over squinting at the ground.
“Did you lose your pick again?” Dewdrop half chuffs, half sighs.
Phantom’s sheepish grin says it all.
“What happened to the ones I taped to your guitar?”
“...I lost em…”
“And the ones Rain put in your pickguard?”
“...those too…”
“Bug, it's been a week. How did you lose five picks in a week?”
Phantom shrugs then ducks his head.
“Can I-”
“No you can’t have any more of mine you little thief. We’re finding all the ones you’ve lost.”
“Nuh uh. Don’t want to hear it. Start looking.”
The two of them scour the practice room and then the ghoul den and manage to find thirty seven guitar picks, nineteen of which Phantom is responsible for, three dollars and twenty-two cents in change, and Aether’s spare reading glasses that have been missing for a month.
After they pile their finds on the kitchen table, Phantom goes to shove a handful of picks in his jacket pocket.
“Stop that. That's how you lost them in the first place.” Dew chides. He reaches into his own pocket and tosses a small cloth keychain at the quintessence ghoul.
“It’s a pick holder. Put it on your belt or guitar case and keep your picks in there.”
Sure enough it's a little folded diamond of fabric, sew up on the sides and with a little button closure. Phantom can tell from the bat fabric and slightly rough stitches that it’s handmade.
“Did you make this yourself?”
“Yeah.” Dew shrugs. “Don’t mention it.”
“Thank you!” Phantom squishes Dew in a hug that he only slightly resists.
“Yeah yeah, just stop taking all my picks alright?”
“I’ll try!”
Dew sighs but smiles. “That’s about as much as I can hope for, I suppose.”
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