#Also lmfao Azami
derireo · 4 years
can I just say that I too am hyped over Guy finally coming to EN server but when I read your post I thought they were going to finally reveal his last name HAHAHAH
LMFAO it's ok i understand!!!! i think guy lastname became a thing on twitter and i just started using it bc it actually didn't sound too bad,,,,, BUT YEAH!!! i am also very hyped for the arrival of guy lastname <3 but let's not forget about azami as well! i'm super excited to see him too hehe
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go-our-own-ways · 4 years
Some thoughts on how I’m spending leisure time I guess lol. 
I started reading the Shadowhunter series (finally) and it’s quite good so far. I’m a little annoyed at the sexual tension because it feels so adolescent lmfao but it’s okay; it’s not problem with the writing but rather a problem with me being nearly 30 and reading a young adult novel lmfao. The sexual tension is actually fine and I do find my heartbeat racing a bit whenever it happens, but I chuckle at these moments as well, since they do (appropriately) feel so, well...adolescent, haha. 
On the whole, I’m really pleased at how engaged the novel is keeping me, so I think this series will be a keeper. I’m planning on reading it in the order recommended by the author, so I started with City of Bones, and will be moving on to City of Ashes next. I put the book on hold, but it seems it won’t come in for several weeks...I really wish libraries kept more copies of their ebooks on hand, ‘cause the wait times for several other (popular) books are really quite ridiculous. 
In the mean time, since it seems none of my other books’ wait times will be letting up anytime soon, I’ve been thinking about finally reading the Percy Jackson series. The wait on that is even longer if one can even imagine (it’s months long ugh) so I will be procuring it through...other means. I hate to do it, but a gal is bored and would like to do something other than browse youtube, SNS, and bili for more of the same, ya feel me? 
I do have several books of manga waiting to be read, and other series I’ve been wanting to read for ages now on my list... but I just haven’t quite been in the mood for most of them. I think the one that’s come closest to my range of interest (surprisingly) is Akatsuki no Yona...which is amusing since I haven’t touched that one in years, but it should be fun to come back to it at some point. 
Then there’s the otome game I bought recently (Cafe Enchante by Otomate) which is also pretty interesting premise-wise and (hopefully mostly?) lighthearted so far, but I’m still in the common route and bored by it already... I just need to get through it, I know, but man it’s slow-going, haha. 
And then of course there’s A3, which I’ve slowed down a bit on now that the new episode campaign has ended. I managed to snag two copies of Azami’s blooming trail card, and rolled one copy of his SSR in the gacha, so I’m pretty satisfied! I should probably clear the dailies at least in the next few days since there’s an event coming up, but I’m a little burnt out from how much I played the last week or so, so I’m taking it easy for now. It’s a nice way to kill time and keep my brain on its toes while on phone calls, at least. 
I think by and far, I’m most relieved that I still have the capacity to read novels/books in general... I feared I’d lost the attention span for it, but really it was just a matter of trying to find something that would still capture my interest. I suppose these days I’m more interested in fantasy that has some romance speckled into it, but with a convincing protagonist...so that explains why I had a lot of trouble trying to read anything else (slice of life, romance, non-fiction, etc.). 
Hoping this is a trend that sticks around... I really would love to read novels more regularly again. I don’t know if I’ll ever be into the books that adults are purportedly supposed to be reading, but a book is a book, a novel is a novel... and frankly, I’m allowed to read whatever the hell I want, I think. (: 
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