#Also like I'm still designing them like I wanted N0t-Slime's friend to be green but Slime is already green so I have to figure out a better
jovialturtleface ยท 11 months
About Maj
Maj doesn't really have much of a story to him, like if I were to describe him it'd be rather vague... He's not really meant to have a storyline but maybe a little backstory.. Maybe that could change in the future but it seems unlikely.
He's the jester, he's tall and fluffy and he has two little horns on the top of his head. Sometimes I draw him looking really anxious but I like to think it's a bit of an exaggeration on his part. Part of his "character". He's like in his mid to late 20s, he's had previous jobs but through shenanigans he's working as a funny jester.
How does he get regularly booked? Who is hiring jesters? Well this is a fictional non-existent world he just does. In a better world jesters would be a very well respected job. I imagine when he gets home he's just very low energy, I guess hopping and bouncing around like a silly little fool takes it's toll so he eats like microwave meals and watches trash TV but it's life. None of it ever really changes, maybe he can just live like that forever. One day at a time.
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