#Also fuck Wilson I could have done that independent study and killed it
banannabethchase · 1 year
I was just reminded of the time in college when my professor tried to insist that King Minos and King Midas were the same person and I corrected him automatically before realizing what I'd done. I expected him to explode at me, but he was like, "Huh I'll look into it." The next class, two days later, he opened class with, "Sara was right, actually, about Minos and Midas. They are two different people."
And the reason I was able to correct a man with a doctorate when I was 19 was because of the fucking Muppets Classic Theatre movie and a mythology book from 2001 my mom bought for a tattoo reference.
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claraxbarton · 3 years
Oh hey!
A thing about John Winchester!!
Remember when Dean is sent back to save his Dad from joining the Scooby gang in s4e3 The Beginning.
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Remember also how John is greeted by Townie #6 as Corporal and “good to have you back”?
Also, just putting this out here, but dear John was born in 1954.
Now, we all know how much SPN takes care to preserve continuity (script supervisor? Literally who is SHE???) but.
That makes John 19.
And sure, in Vietnam when you were drafted you served for 18-24 months (roughly). So theoretically John could have done his time and come home.
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John Winchester was a Marine.
And the Marines? They didn’t take draftees. You had to volunteer for that shit. Which meant three years of service minimum.
So now we know that.
Let me draw our attention back to John’s rank: that of Corporal. That’s the first Non-Commissioned Officer rank. Which means he led fire teams, was someone other people respected and listened to.
Typically it takes 26 months (today) to get promoted to corporal. Which... we’ve already established John didn’t serve that long. So either he got a battlefield promotion (discontinued after Vietnam but totally still in effect during) or he got it as a kind of honorary pat on the ass when he was discharged. Which... questionable.
See those medals and badges?
Let me tell you a bit about them.
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First off we have our Rifle Expert. This means John was THE SHIT with a rifle. This is the highest marksman you can achieve wjth a rifle, and John was a marine- not to be all “this branch is better” (after all my grandfather was a Green Beret so fuck the Marines is what I’m saying) but the Marines in general are THE SHIT with rifles during Vietnam. So good job Johnnie.
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Then we have this random friend- if any of you know what the fuck she is, please share.
Because MY research suggests that she’s some weird version of the Pathfinder Badge.
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Which is a thing you get for completing ARMY Pathfinder School at Fort Benning (this is a big deal, it means you’re a badass who is cool to leap out of shit and save the day- think Sam Wilson but he was Air Force so just... paratrooper badass okay? Not as badass as Ranger School, okay? But like... more badass than basic.
So notice I said Army Pathfinder School.
It’s okay. You could be from any branch and complete that kind of training. Pathfinder school takes 3 weeks. So not a huge amount of time but. Let’s just keep that in mind.
Add that to the basic training for the USMC was 8 weeks (cut down from 11). Which together adds up to 11 weeks okay?
THEN AGAIN look what I found on ye olde Uncle Jeff’s website for sale.
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Huh. Look at her. Not the same- literally I cannot find that enamel pin in the US military (and before you asked yeah I checked Canadian hardware but didn’t find a match either). But she exists and there’s no reason for Properties to make a fake enamel pin when they could run down the street to literally any military surplus store and get all the pins they need.
But if it IS this pin, okay so the Marine Pathfinders were- like the Army kind- the first in, last out kind. The scouted the territory.
That sounds fair and fine right?
Well the thing is, Marine Pathfinders were always part of Force Reconnaissance. Without going into too much detail... basically these dudes went in deep, found out all the shit needed to keep allies alive abs kill enemies dead and a lot of times did a lot of enemy dead actions themselves. They operated independently behind enemy lines.
Listen my dudes. Friends and foes.
John Winchester was 18/19, a Rifle Expert, a Corporal when he should have been a Private, a Pathfinder and in FORECON. I cannot stress enough... how mindblowingly scary this makes him?
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This kind of scary.(if you haven’t seen Full Metal Jacket I cannot in good conscience recommend it. But if you want a character study of John Winchester you MUST watch that and Deer Hunter).
So now to those pretty pretty ribbons.
These are pretty standard but still worth explaining for anyone who hasn’t had to costume military period pieces before like I have.
First up we have our Bronze Medal.
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So she’s been awarded since 44 (my dudes in no way is it appropriate to call them ladies- so of course I call them ladies). Given for engaging in action against a US enemy; engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force; serving with friendly forces engaged in an armed conflict against opposing forces when the US isn’t a belligerent.
Basically this means people shot at you and you shot back and no one can prove you shot the wrong people.
Look not to sound trite because it Is a medal and you DO earn that shit. 719,969 were given out during Vietnam (about 2.5 million soldiers served).
This means John was definitely in the combat zone and he definitely didn’t embarrass anyone.
Next up we have the Purple Heart.
(Scroll to the top to see her)
You get this when you are wounded or killed in combat.
Now we can ASSUME John didn’t die in combat- but please rec any fics you’ve got where he did.
I’m gonna skip that pretty maroon badge for just a minute now and go to the yellow dude: our Vietnam Service ribbon. I can’t add any more images so scroll back to the top to see it.
So yes, John served in Vietnam.
Now let’s look at that sexy maroon and blue ribbon okay?
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Because this baby...
This is the Good Conduct Award
Do you know how you earn her in the Marine Corps?
“Three consecutive years of honorable and faithful service” are required to be eligible.
Which means Johnnie needs to be 21 (20 if he got in at 17) to earn this.
Of course
John Winchester was already pulling scams before the yellow-eyed demon ever came into the picture.
Anyone else have no difficulty imagining 16 John Winchester handing over fake papers to enlist in the Marines?
Then again... anyone else have no difficulty imagining the writers not actually thinking about it enough to do the math?
Either way, there’s some John Winchester stuff for you all to chew on.
Let me know what you think friends and foes!
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