#Also I want animatics of ‘Who live Who dies Who tells your story” with ccrimeboys
winniethepoohbear04 · 2 years
Guys you are missing the fact that Wilbur is bringing this whole thing back and full circle by BRINGING HAMILTON BACK INTO IT
Literally the last song in the soundtrack is about leaving a legacy and having someone tell your story. Hamilton put so much effort and time into making a name for himself, willing to sacrifice ANYTHING, including manyyy of his relationships in order to get his name out there and in the history books. Doesn’t that sound like a certain doomed president that has come back to life. PLUS all the talk about Ozymandias the poem ALSO has that theme of leaving a legacy. And it being forgotten. Literally the actual Hamilton wasn’t talked about until Lin Manual Miranda wrote a musical about him. A common thread between all of them, building and making glorious things and relationships but all of that being either tarnished by a mistake and/or forgotten.
Bonus points if Tommy is Wilbur’s Eliza. Telling his story no matter what. Doing good and inspiring things all to help people remember the good he did. Tommy was practically already Eliza between the period of Wilbur dying and being revived. It’s destined to be Tommy and this point.
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