#Also I know Spanish-speaking Meta is very common for headcanons but I grew up with the Subs and never saw the dub so mine's JP
starlytenight · 2 years
what was baby Meta knight like? Any headcanons?
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Oh, he was a little brat at first. There's a reason he offered the kids he found their own homes away from him when he found them. It was what he wanted as a young boy, just wanting to be alone outside some village until Arthur picked him up.
Also Meta came from a Japanese-speaking planet so that was his native language before. There was a funny barrier with their first meeting but they figured things out eventually.
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As a teen he was pretty arrogant and eventually toned it down with time and gentle nudging from his father figure, Arthur. He had his work cut out for him.
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Oh but when he was capable of teleporting, Arthur was dealing with fire. He had no idea how to handle that boy but he trusted him well enough to return when he needed to---and he did. Meta was like that overachiever that knew he was hot shit and could get away with it.
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He also had some emotional issues growing up in such a war-heavy environment and just wishing he was back on the planet he landed on. He was frustrated with being surrounded by death all the time despite doing his absolute best but soon grew numb to it all after a few hundred years.
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As a kid he was also teased for not having a real Ability and for his weird eye-color change thing. The others didn't mean to upset him with it, but they were kids and just thought it was weird that he wasn't like them. It just drove his teenage years into staking his pride on battle and skill to compensate.
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On a lighter note, his relationship with Falspar was grand. They would often sneak out and cause mischief or just have fun together doing things Arthur would kill them for. Meta was definitely encouraged by Falspar to indulge in this behavior but Falspar also very much enjoyed Meta's attitude along with his. They were like chaotic besties. Falspar was even one to defend Meta from too much poking about his lack of an Ability when he realized it was hurting him.
TL;DR: Meta was a troublemaking rascal but grew up into the more level-headed guy we see in present day but hoo boy. It's why he cringes at seeing his Dark self from the Mirror Dimension, he just sees his edgy teen self and wants to hide that.
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