#Also HELLO..... THANKS FOR FOLLOWING ME blunshes sorry this is a stinky sideblog
wifiwuxians ยท 4 months
this is pome! thank you very much for recommending one of my fics!! <33 i'm so glad we have such a lovely, talented, funny (!!) artist in a niche like song lan and xue yang relationship, it definitely is inspo for more sl&xy! just want to echo and also say i'm glad you don't mind certain shippers interacting with you obviously i also subscribe to songxue shipping and was worried you'd have to see it through interaction with me, so happy you reached out and hope there's a lot more positive sl&xy in the future! โค๏ธ thanks again!
hiiii! of course you're genuinely one of my fav authors out there (i just don't read a lot of fic which is why i am not seen often orz) but THANK YOU SM humor is probably my strong suit so I'm very happy to be considered funny ejtlqntke and naturally the rest too ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
i am taking this opportunity to say again that if you or anyone gets inspo from the sillies (or serious things!) i draw PLEASE make things you have my blessing 100% i would be honored to spawn more positivity between them and also in general
BUT ALSO this is a little surreal to me that more than one person feels this way because i always think i'm clear about my dislikes and boundaries ๐Ÿ˜ญ and now i feel like i haven't been despite making mention a fair few times (thru my art too) that i enjoy onesided xy crushing on sl, for instance! and that songxue tags don't really bother me unless i explicitly say like "songxiao only!" or like, yknow, xy is depicted as a kid or they're intended as family etc (people should be able to tell though ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ_๐Ÿ‘๏ธ but ill say it anyway)
in the past i was more averse to it but people change! maybe people are getting confused because my header mentions sxx and that's, well, because it includes my notp in 99% of cases. and again i have to make the disclaimer that No I'm Not Barring People From Entry i just don't wanna read about that particular ship or have my art tagged as it, which i don't think is a crime but has been brought into question before ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
but anyway. i will admit my leniency and the fact i toe the line and explore lots of different dynamics and scenarios between sl and xy has made ME worried that i'd lose favor with all the songxiao folk for instance or that i'd get called a hypocrite haha,, the one time i was asked about the ship i thought i was gonna be cancelled even for saying "i entertain the idea of onesidedness in some of my work" only to be told "ok well can you tag it as something bc it makes me uncomfortable" LMAOOO no offense to that person since i made them a whole tag but i almost feel they were better off unfollowing at that point because they're like all i draw now ๐Ÿ˜ฐ
sorry for the tangent pome!!! and thank you so much for reaching out!!!! i guess i just wanna say that i feel bad if ive made people feel this way, ive struggled with imposing boundaries for myself but now feel better being open ๐Ÿ’• and i hope this conversation helps others!
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