#Alhaitham is a mischievous fuck change my mind
p3rchance · 3 months
I just know Alhaitham buys these little shits in bulk and hides them around the house (much to Kaveh's horror)
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bloodymiso · 1 month
★ matchup exchange
— with @imjustabeanie
a/n: sorry this took a little long:3 hope you enjoy, i made sure to match the length with the average length of the exchange matchups you write!
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i ship you with.. alhaitham :3
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ygs would be a literal POWER couple. like i literally do not care what you say “b-but he’s too distant!!” shhhh😾😾
youre one of the few people he actually enjoys spending time with. library dates, museum dates, picnic dates you name it. im thinking ygs met in your early akademiya days. not canon but i have a feeling he was a little mischievous when he was younger, sneaking in and out of the library at 3am, climbing up large trees for peace and silence to look out onto the forest. he acts like he “doesn’t understand” acts of romance but bfr this man would set up the most sick ass dates ever.
hes not the type to make hand made gifts but this man will 10/10 write you letters, written in pretty cursive, always a small heart at the end of your name.(he “thinks its cheesy” yet continues to put it) *cough* sometimes with some *cough* items for *cough cough* experiments *cough*
more of a research guy than an experiment dude but ygs would work on projects together. he’ll do most of the research parts, you’ll do most of the..hands-on activities. about your childhood dream, i dont expect alhaitham to be..accepting of it. but—i quote, “from a research point of view, that would be..interesting.” procrastinating? that man will shove you out of that.
a. hey, love you have a project due tomorrow. r. how the fuck did you know that?
SPARRING oh my god ygs would spar together you cant change my mind. idk what kind of weapon you’d wield but if you wouldnt wield one then hand-to-hand combat works too.
im just gonna admit it, both of you would be kind of slow when it came to opening up. this is cheesy but ygs would have met through a school project idc what you say. you always spotted him in the library, was he hot? fuck yeah. would you admit that? no. im thinking it took you guys a long time to even get on a first-name basis.
alhaitham understands being misunderstood, he gets it. he masks his feelings, pushes others away even. this man is touch starved like seriously. he acts all “mr stoic” but this man could sob his ass of with you. even if you cant open up back, he’ll open up to you. i can imagine your relationship lasting a pretty long time(maybe up until,, yk). sure you guys would argue here and there but never to the point that pride would stop ygs from apologizing to eachother. he always knows when he’s in the wrong.
i always see those fanfics w chars reading to their s/o but like bfr who the hell likes being read to. like?? its so boring just let me read it on my own. rather than that i can imagine you two on the couch, as you read your silly/pos books and he reads something on like idk trees?? he’d probably ask you to teach him one of the languages you know:3
ygs probably wouldnt have announced your relationship. the first time alhaitham ever really said “yeah this is my lover” to someone else except you was when kaveh dropped the pile of books in his hands seeing a girl on alhaitham’s bed(he screamed like a seagull).
k. ALHAITHAM!!!the—there’s a girl on your bed! a. yeah that’s my girlfriend kaveh pauses k. wait—girl friend with a space or no space? a. no space
after that kaveh blabbed to like half of sumeru that “alhaitham has a golly gosh girlfriend!!!!”
other possible matches. albedo, tighnari, dottore & baizhu
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