#Alastor being an absolute glutton is another fave gender of mine
radio-writes · 2 months
For the event, would something like this work?
"You won
I didn't deserve any of this
This will be the last time you lie to me"
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But There's Something Latching Onto My Throat
300 Followers Event
Warnings: Cannibalism, minor character deaths, blood, manipulation
Tags: Alastor x reader, gn reader, relationship can be read in any way
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"Oh don't you look so cute down there, my dear. Green really is your color." It was hard not to miss the mockery in Alastor's tone as he looked down at you from the bed.
You kept your head down, hands balled into fists as you glared at the glowing green chains cuffed around your wrists.
"You really ought to know your limits, dear. And I say this for your sake, of course!" The demon continued, a red claw coming down to play with the chain. "I mean, did you really think you had a chance in the first place? You really are so cute, I could almost eat you." He laughed at his own sick joke.
Your gaze followed the chain as it swayed lightly; from the cuffs around your wrists, to the bedpost it was tied to, to the red finger it wrapped around.
You finally meet Alastor's gaze, his smile calm and mocking as he lied on the bed, feet kicking childishly in air. You could feel your blood boiling as you tried to hold your tongue.
"But no, I couldn't possibly do that to you, my dear." He didn't really seem to care that you just sat there glaring at him from the floor. "Besides, I'm still quite full, you know, having just eaten your little friends and all."
Your jaw clenched, nails digging into your palms as you tried to hold yourself back. You tried hard not to think about them. How they heard you were still alive, how they spent months scheming to try to help you escape.
How they struggled to their last breaths as this horrid man dropped them into his mouth.
"Oh, their screams of terror made such perfect tunes to accompany my meal." Alastor sighed contently. "And don't get me started, on how crunchy their bones were. Except for that heavier fellow, no, he was rather chewy—"
The sound of your own voice surprised even you.
Your body had moved almost on it's own. You had stood up, yanking at your wrists. The chain pulled Alastor forward by the link he played with. 
"You won, Alastor. I get it." You hissed at him, glaring down at the demon that held you captive with as much fury as you could muster.
Alastor's eyes were wide for a moment, before he started laughing just a second later. He moved to sit up, "Now, I don't see what you're so angry about. You're the one that put your friends on the line, not me."
"The bet was if I lost I'd never see them again! Not that you would—" You tried to fight back the bile that rose to your throat, "eat them!" 
Alastor rolled his eyes as if he found your outburst to be far too overdramatic. "You weren't specific enough, that isn't my fault, my dear."
"You're sick." You snapped at him.
"And you're being unfair, my darling." Alastor said.
"I haven't ever done anything unprompted. You're the one that came to me to sell your soul. You're the one that snuck out. You're the one that insisted we make a bet, instead of just accepting your punishment." Each time he blamed you he gave the chain he held a harsh tug. "And you're the one that placed your friends' lives as prizes." 
Alastor remained sat on the plush bed, seemingly as relaxed as ever as he continued to play with the chains in his hands. "If anything, I have been more than fair to you, my dear."
You were far too close to him than you would have ever liked to be. At this distance, you couldn't even try to hide the tears that stung in your eyes as he spoke. You weren't sure anymore if it was from anger, indignation, or just the sheer overwhelming grief over all you've lost to this man.
"Fair? You've been fair to me? You sold me out to fucking Valentino, I had no choice but to beg for your protection!" You didn't even care anymore that your voice shook as you spoke.
Alastor waved a hand in your direction, as if physically brushing off your words. "I'm sure you had plenty of other options besides begging me to take your soul, but we can agree to disagree, I suppose."
You almost snarled at him.
"You've locked me up in this god forsaken radio tower for decades!" You yanked back at your hands, standing up straighter as you looked down at him.
"For your protection, of course." Alastor only smiled wider—and it sickened you.
You felt like the room was getting smaller, the air a little thinner.
"You've kept me from everyone I cared about, half the people I knew thought I was dead!" Your voice rose in volume, your heart pounded so loudly you swore you could hear each beat. 
"I thought if I behaved, if I just did what you said, if I just followed you, you'd let me go already! But I- I—" You could feel the hot blood rushing through body, every nerve on edge, every cell singing.
And then it was quiet; you couldn't feel anything at all. 
Your shoulders slump and your eyes fall to the glowing green cuffs that bound your wrists.
"I don't deserve any of this." You said softly. 
A hum cut through the silence, soft static coming back to life.
"You are correct to some degree, my darling. You don't deserve any of this pain, this suffering." Alastor said, bringing your attention back to him.
There he sat, just as he was, unbothered by your shouting.
"You don't deserve scum of the earth pretending to be your friends while they try to lure you back into Valentino's well...office." His fingers playfully danced up the chain he held. He didn't meet your eyes as he grinned down at it.
"What?" You felt just a tiny bit unsteady, his words hadn't fully sunk in yet.
"Oh, you know I'd do anything to protect you, my darling. Plus, it's my half of the bargain after all, to keep you safe and away from that stupid moth's hands." Alastor met your unsure eyes. He finally stood up, the chain clinking in his grip as he closed the space between you.
"When I heard that a group of lowly sinners planned to con my dear partner into a new contract, I didn't worry much." He leaned down closer to your height so your dazed watery eyes can see him more clearly.
"After all, I thought better of you. You had to be smart enough not to fall for something so dull. Something so poorly planned." 
He slowly walked behind you, circling around you in a familiar way that almost made you want to shrink away and hide.
"But no, I suppose that was a mistake on my part. I hadn't taken into account how desperate you had gotten for company. You'd even cling onto whores who called you every insult under Hell's hot sun."
You see your friends, smiles wide, relieved, when they first saw you again. The rumors were true, you were alive. They could free you.
"They'd never." Your voice spoke out on its own, but it was soft. So soft that you doubted Alastor even heard it.
"Oh, what was it they called you? A bimbo, a slut, a whore?" He counted off on his fingers as he went on. "I'm pretty sure they said something about you being just an entertaining hole at some point—"
We'll get you out of there. We'll keep you safe.
"They would never say any of that." Your voice was louder now, just a little bit surer.
He finally stopped walking when he was in front of you again. He brought his hand up, knuckles gently caressing your cheek, barely grazing your skin.
The touch almost snapped you back to life. His soft touches, almost loving, had never once been genuine.
He was lying.
"Oh, but they did! Believe me, I was as shocked as you were. The vulgarity of it all—"
There was a sound of metal clinking, a struggle, bodies hitting the floor.
"This is will be the last fucking time you lie to me, Alastor."
You glared at him below you, the green chains tangled and wrapped around his neck as his claws gripped at it.
"I will not let you turn me against the few people I cared about. Double dead or not." You yanked your wrists back, causing the chains around Alastor's throat to tighten.
"Why you ungrateful little wretch." Alastor snarled, his eyes had gone black and you stared down defiantly at radio dials.
"Do you really want all of Hell to hear you begging for mercy?" 
Static prickled against your skin.
The room was steadily growing darker, shadows creeping around you as you kept the demon pinned down on the floor. His antlers grew as he smiled wickedly up at you.
"Try it." You dared him, unwavering.
"And I will use every last breath to tell everyone in Hell about that pretty little collar around your neck."
You swore you heard him growl at you, felt his chest vibrating beneath your body.
You pulled at your restraints again. Alastor's claws scratched at his own skin as he grasped at the glowing metal, trying to keep it from crushing his throat.
You matched his stupid grin with one of your own. 
Sure, you absolutely might die tonight. But seeing the great Radio Demon brought down to the floor, his own leash choking him, was just the perfect parting gift.
You leaned down closer, the tip of your nose brushing against his as his warm breath washed over your skin.
"Green, is absolutely your color too, Al."
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