#Aki's Summer Trip 2k18
universal-kitty · 6 years
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   WE MADE IT, GUYS!!! Officially at the beach house! Papy is already with us, apparently...Sans also invited a bunch of the other monster squad to our wedding, so it’s gonna end up a bit noisier than I think we both first expected, but we’re looking forward to it anyways!
   Dunno how much I can dress up, cause...my forethought was not on point, but-! We’re confident we can pull this off. Now I just wish that I had the confidence to believe tomorrow will be a prettier day.... It’s super foggy over here right now, so while I won’t mind too much if it stays foggy for the wedding... I’d also have rather get blue skies for the wedding, you know?
   FOR THOSE NOT IN THE KNOW!!! Sans and I are having a little wedding ceremony tomorrow- the 20th! We’re actually doing a whole SOUL-bond thing that’ll be a lot more private, but it’s the monster equivalent of a wedding, so we’re mashing the two together.
   ...As we basically always do to some degree, considering.
   Anyone is allowed to come, by the way! We just ask for a bit of forewarning, if you do. :>  Feel free to send gifts or congratulations, as well! This is not only an event for guests at the party, but our long-distance friends who can’t make it, as well! After all, you still mean so much to us, even when you can’t be here with us. <3
   I think it’s safe to say @tia-uchiha will be attending with MTT and... @catherine-the-artistic? Are you, Grillby, and Napsta coming? I know Sans invited Grillby for catering, but I don’t remember if you were joining him or...? (And I know crowds can stress Napsta out; no stress if you can’t make it!) @robotarmjokes, we look forward to the Thing! :D
   Expect pictures tomorrow, maybe even a video...and we’ll see you all then!
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c0smicsalt · 6 years
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   Hey, everyone!! My summer trip starts today! I’ll be out for 3 weeks and hopefully seeing @catherine-the-artistic along the way~! I have a queue running, but it...likely won’t last too long, tbh.
   See you guys when I get back!!!!
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rosequartz-queen · 6 years
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   { Alright guys, it’s time! Summer trip begins now!! I’ll be in and out for three weeks so until then... Keep up with me as I do my best to keep up with y’all!!!!
   { Hopefully will be back to normal activity in no time; love you!! }
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universal-kitty · 6 years
N loves you too and would totally let you brush his hair! Maybe even put some flowers in it! 💖🌟[theheckhole]
   I might’ve….gotten inspired…?
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   I intended to add flowers, but-!! I heckin’ forgot!!! So have me brushing N’s hair while our “main” pokemon curiously stare at each other in curiosity. (Also featuring Pokemon Let’s Go gender difference for Eevee!! I’m….warming up to it, tbh; I wasn’t for it at first, but now I think it’s kinda cute!)
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universal-kitty · 6 years
catherine-the-artistic replied to your post “   I’m losing my heckin’ mind as slowly….ship ideas… H e ck.[[MOR]  ...”
Is it bad that I've immediately thought of "WaterLars" as their ship name?
   ...More like the temptation to draw these two only grows and that is helping, aahhhhhh gEEZ--
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universal-kitty · 6 years
   I’m losing my heckin’ mind as slowly....ship ideas... H e ck.
   It’s Lars McFreaking Barriga again!!! And I’m just like... “Oh man, what if though...”
   Watermelon Tourmaline. Already super done with humanity and this planet. It’s...pretty and all, but her Pearl is who-knows-where. Isolation and depression sleep for years on end. The Crystal Gems are still truckin’ around and those that weren’t protected became monsters, so what if that became her Pearl’s fate???
   But Steven is a sweetheart and WT would basically do anything for the kid, so when he’s getting her outta the house to go to the Big Donut, who is she to deny him? Off they go...and Sadie’s pretty enjoyable. They’re both awkward at first, but Steven keeps nudging the conversation along and things warm right up!
   ...Then Lars walks in. Late as hell, shirt a mess, and looking like he woke up ten minutes ago. Sadie has a row with him for it and WT’s already like, “If Sadie doesn’t like this, then I don’t either.” WT is proven right when Steven chipperly goes about encouraging Lars to meet WT and he’s just so....annoying!! And rude!!! How dare he talk to Sadie like that?! She did so much work and he’s being sloppy and lazy!
   So yeah, no good first impressions, there. (As far as WT/Lars; getting along with Sadie? Smooth sailing all the way!)
   WT visits the Big Donut more- mostly hanging out with Sadie- but she gets so passive-aggressive towards Lars, too. WT is fiercely loyal to the friends she makes, so the fact he bothers Sadie and hurts her feelings get WT up in knots over it...and later bounds back to Lars, as he talks to Steven about how Sadie and WT have started hanging out more on Sadie’s free time, meaning he can’t play with his usual “player two” and just-?!?
   It takes until Steven ends up in Lars’ body for WT to realize...maybe there’s more? Cause Steven is happy to yammer about the Behind the Scenes and- initially- try to be “Lars” and compliment WT in hopes she’d lighten up on being so rude to the actual Lars. (It doesn’t go as planned, but... She does lighten up a little on the guy. Tough guy exterior? Yeah, most likely.)
   By the time of Topaz and Aquamarine showing up (”The Good Lars”), they’re getting along better. WT teases him and laughs in a much more friendly way; always messing with him about how embarrassed he is to just...be himself! What’s the shame in that? (Steven’s taught her a lot, by that point.)
   In fact, she’s more than happy to try and help out for the party that night, but doesn’t go with them. It seems like more of a...”human” thing; she’ll leave that to Steven and Sadie! So Tourmaline ends up leaving not too long after Steven and Sadie do, just before Lars leaves for the party. Another typical bout of encouraging words and what seriously feels like a “moment” between them before WT catches on to the emotion of the room and ducks out, blushing up a green ol’ storm.
   ....Hearing Lars and Steven ended up in space, headed to Homeworld, though... It was terrifying. WT and Sadie end up banding together for a good chunk of that time, trying to comfort each other, but... Eventually Sadie finds comfort in the band and WT is left struggling to...figure out what’s left. Sadie’s still a super close friend and the Cool Kids are, well, cool! They’re chill with the space-rock girl hanging around...but it still feels awkward.
   ......That, and she misses Lars more than she’d ever like to admit. Don’t even get her started on when Steven returned and admitted that Lars died, only to come back as a pink....zombie-person!!!
   She’d most likely slip in after Steven and Connie during “Lars of the Stars”, worried for Lars...and amazed at all he’s managed to pull off. For a large chunk of it, she keeps on the down-low as small as she can get with her gem...but eventually allows herself to make a true appearance and start helping out. (Much to the shock and confusion of the Off-Colors.)
   ......As well as finding herself surprised a bit, herself; Lars...is really rocking that pink look. Ohhh geez.
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universal-kitty · 6 years
   Going to the beach house tomorrow!! We’ve stopped off to see my grandma (from my dad’s side) later today...and I managed to meet up with @catherine-the-artistic yesterday for dinner and ice cream! :D (Wish it’d been a longer hang-out, though, sldkfjghfjdkls.)
   Anywho! We’re eventually going to team up and fuse our gemsonas, but in the meantime... Here’s some art stuff I’ve done that you guys can look forward to me posting once I get back home!! ;>
Sketch art of WT in the “Gem and the Gems” style drawings; a prompt from Gemsona HQ’s August Prompt List [Peridot-style and Garnet-style only, atm; will do more later and make them better, too!]
A doodle of Okami Amaterasu that got out of hand (might make it into a print?)
Kool Kat’s official mask!!! As made by Wrench
A sketch [atm] of an Umbreon-Flareon hybrid; Wrench’s pokesona, far as I’m concerned
Colored my Monster Prom self-insert ideas!! [Art Here]
LOTS of Purrfect Anarchy doodles~ ; w ;
Reference for my Danganronpa SI! (It’s not the best and it bothers me; I did the art ONLY with pen! No pencil sketch. Includes my in-school self-insert and the SHSL Despair outfit my SI went into, as she was also involved in the Incident due to her already being previously depressed.)
Colored my 2 year old art of my human SU characters! One is Tripp, the human Centipeetle, along with Snow (human Snowflake Obsidian; my SU OC), and Dal (human Dalmation Jasper; another one of my SU OCs)!
   I have some more stuff to do and LOTS of inspiration, so expect more art I wanna post when I get back~! > w O
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universal-kitty · 6 years
   I should be sleeping, but instead I’m gonna listen to SU music w/ a music box style and tell y’all about my SI for SU, Watermelon Tourmaline instead.
5′2″ with pink-to-white hair. Skin is a light green that looks white in bright light. Wears red framed glasses all of the time. It’s technically not logical why she’d do this, but that’s like questioning Peridot’s visor or Garnet’s shades; in the end, nobody really cares.
Was mostly owned by White back on Homeworld, but wasn’t uncommon to see her in the other courts, as well.
Not...100% on her “official” powers, but so far, I’m working with: slight mood control (can calm raging gems; however, doing an entire court would drain her; best done in a small group or a single gem; fusions are more difficult, especially with the more components that make the fusion), slight plant control, and slight strength (a bit more sturdy, making her harder to poof).
Eventually served the Diamonds well enough to be honored with a Pearl of her own: Powder Pink.
Once Pink was allowed Earth, Watermelon Tourmaline found herself gifted to Pink’s court, hoping that her experience would benefit Pink’s first attempt at living up to her Diamond name.
That went...incredibly well. [/sarcasm]
It started with the Rose Quartz at the Kindergarten. It’s not like Tourmaline knew who was being made, but... The other gem struck her as...odd? Friendly, but extremely weird.
The rebellion rose to power. WT got nervous, but Pink was surprisingly unfailing...or so it would seem. WT knew enough of empathy to know not to trust that aura!!
Of course, that was nothing compared to the war. Pink shattered. Gems fighting everywhere. Homeworld versus the rebels. WT and Powder got separated. Despite her best efforts, WT was poofed by an Amethyst.
Luck was on her side, though: managed to be where Rose would protect Garnet and Pearl in the final stretch against what would be called “the corruption song”... Saving her, but who knows how many others corrupted.
She reformed much later, to a still-empty battlefield, new outfit blank of alliance... Knowing Homeworld was out of reach now and the CGs didn’t know she existed.
WT eventually made her home in the forest not too far off from Beach City. It was an old place, but learning how to fix it wasn’t so bad... Nabs stuff from town, on occasion. Has since made it a comfortable life.
...She’s learned how to sleep on her own due to depression. It’s the best way to waste a few thousand years; sleeping comfortably in darkness.
Rose never finds her. However... Steven does, funnily enough.
If it was canon, the episode would be a filler-type and set before “The Heart of the Crystal Gems” arc, but after “The Return.” Called “Forest Wanderer” Steven and the Gems hear reports of an odd girl in the forest. Not knowing what to expect, they prepare for the worst...but find a rather skittish gem, instead. She keeps largely to herself and- at first- is terrified of the Crystal Gems having finally found her. Steven gets her to calm down, but though she toes around her past, she never gets to the point of it. The group are interrupted by a corrupt gem’s roar- a corrupted Tiger’s Eye. WT admits to not even knowing her own gem summons during the battle’s heat, but with the beast giving everyone a run for their money, WT gives it a shot....hand behind her back and summoning dual chakrams. Helping the gems, WT manages to assist in the poofing...but largely decides to stay behind.
She would become a minor gem character from then on, largely missing key events until later in the series, but always giving Steven a shoulder to turn to when things are getting tough in filler episodes.
Speaks fondly of friends back on Homeworld... Labradorite ( @madamethana ), Tabu Tabu Jasper, and Hematite ( @mayxwolf ). A group of Off-Color Topazes ( @half-fox-demon1020 )...and her Pearl. Worries that she may never see them again.... It’s tough, but Steven does what he can to help ease it a little.
Steven: It’s dramatic and not what he’d want, but she’d shatter for him. Steven teaches her so much about humanity... WT can’t help but feel like she owes him so much for that. Plus, she’s apparently got some maternal instincts of her own; her support is upfront and incredibly humanlike, for her long-running disconnect from others. One of her charms, as Steven would say!
Pearl: She’s a bit...uptight, but WT can respect that. In fact, her strictness helps WT in some ways! Largely in keeping up the upkeep in her forest home and doing better in other certain aspects... Like training! WT has a lot to catch up on, after all.
Garnet: A...fusion? Good stars, how much one can miss in a few thousand years.....!!! However, there’s no beginning disgust (just lots of surprise and confusion) and- with time- WT only respects Garnet more! ...And wishes she could have a relationship like Ruby and Sapphire do... There might be a small, hopeless crush there.
Amethyst: Despite being poofed by an Amethyst, WT’s got nothing against them. If anything, this gem in particular is loads of fun! Overwhelming a lot of the time, but still makes learning of humanity a little more fun...and exciting! So many new foods they’ve tried!! It’s really something incredible.
Bismuth: Never met before, but they sure hit off a first meeting well enough! Enjoying the puns, amazed by the forge, starry-eyed at the upgrades... WT was honestly a little charmed by the larger gem. Of course, hearing that she was bubbled for her stance on shattering Homeworld gems.... That did rise up some nervousness in her; if the CGs had been shattering gems... What would have become of her? Of Powder? It makes their next meeting a little awkward, but that’s what words are for; they’re doing much better since the chat before the wedding.
Peridot: An oddity through and through, WT wasn’t too sure what to make of the shortstack the gem sub-race had turned out to be, but as she got to know the other gem... WT simply found someone a little like her old self; not seeing the real beauty in the world yet and taking too much of Homeworld to heart. Peri’s growth since has only made her happier and the two better friends.
Lapis Lazuli: Cautious at first, these two were much like wolves meeting each other for the first time. If not for Steven, the outcome would’ve surely been concerning, to say the least of it... Still, they did eventually buddy up, especially since Peri had already warmed up to WT by the time Lapis showed up. Meep-morps abound, WT cheering them on during her short visits... It was nice. Y’know, up until Lapis ditched Earth in fear of the Diamonds. WT couldn’t help but be...bitter at that. At the cowardice of it all. She really can’t...be that mad, but it bothers her, regardless.
Jasper: The two never really...had a solid gem-to-gem so far, but considering Jasper’s attitude and Steven’s tales, it’s no wonder. However, WT has a sinking feeling about the gem. Empathetic abilities let her know there is more to this “brute” than most people might first realize and it’s...a little unsettling to feel. It still only endears WT to Jasper...and in a way, fosters a sort of care-love for the gem. (Now just to hope she’ll survive knowing the truth...)
Pink Diamond: A childish, but still somewhat respectable leader, in WT’s opinion. Oh yes, another Diamond, doing their duty...but also noticeably pleased at the small things that’d get anyone else shattered. Every once and awhile, WT would expect Powder to be on approach and greet the Diamond casually, no salute or “my Diamond” in sight; yet it seemed...to make her happy? She was odd....and no wonder things turned out like they did.
Yellow Diamond: Respectful, but absolutely terrifying. Not belonging to Yellow’s court is the best thing that happened to WT, in her opinion. The pressure alone to perform as to the peak of her abilities would’ve made her self-shatter from the stress millennia ago!!
Blue Diamond: A pleasure to serve and be around. The Blue Court tends to be a fairly empathetic, well-thought out place. Makes WT feel at home and gives her enough room to be herself in a way that best benefits her role. A rather homely court, despite not being “hers” at all, honestly.
White Diamond: The air is uptight, but you get used to it after awhile. Dedication, loyalty, and focus always. It felt...like a home. Wonderful, really. Yet after experiencing Pink’s court and finding Earth it’s....difficult to imagine how “home” felt like there. It was empty, devoid of life, and the Crystal Gems have since become all the home she’ll ever need. Never going back to White Court; not ever again!!
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universal-kitty · 6 years
   Noting this down before I forget: I want Wrench to have a gem AU. We’re gonna fuckin’ permafuse and our weapon?? Is a bladed wrench.
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universal-kitty · 6 years
What I Need to Do: Save up money for cosplay stuff. Perhaps dabble more in gems for my own self-healing. Take things slow to save up for stuff I really wanna invest in, like fixing my laptop.
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universal-kitty · 6 years
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universal-kitty · 6 years
   We’re gonna be in San Fran for like.....two days, max. Given that I hang around for both days, it’s still going to be a blow to my heart, considering how much I’m losing my mind over Wrench right now.
   Like..... F u c k. I love him too much. I can’t shut up abt him. I want his hoodie or vest so badly....... I want my sleep cuddles.. ;; x ;;
   Hhhhhhhhh, I can’t handle my emotions rn--
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universal-kitty · 6 years
   Hi, it’s 7:35 AM and I’m about ready to cry over Wrench for no other reason than I’m thinking about him and he gives me too much lovely feeling and I just--
   I can’t handle it--
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universal-kitty · 6 years
   Also: I decided that- in the wake of my Okami-esque fursona- I’d do the same for Wrench. He’s gonna be a young kitsune (a potential ninetails, later in life) and has various powers associated with his tails; the main tail (usually) being fire.
   I’ll draw it at some point, but I got a cute ask I gotta doodle really quick!!!
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universal-kitty · 6 years
....Haven’t slept yet and sleep is sorta important. o _ o;;
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universal-kitty · 6 years
   Under the Read More, some art I wanna do today!!
References of my SI for: Black Butler, Hellboy, Borderlands, Mass Effect (+Andromeda), Death Note, Steven Universe, and SGT Frog [all minus the last two requested!!]
WT covering her face in angry embarrassment
WT and Lars (early days)
WT & pink Lars
A drawing involving Tourmaline saying “I want a cape, too...”
Gemsona HQ July Prompts (which is why I reblogged the post!)
Gemsona 30 Day Challenge [also from Gemsona HQ]
Fusions { Currently: WT + Peridot || WT + Garnet 2.0 || WT + Jasper || WT + Blue Pearl || WT + Blue Diamond || WT + Blue Diamond + Blue Pearl }
   Also open to other art suggestions!!! I’m in an extremely artsy mood and welcome any recommendations y’all wanna give me~ Hell! Ask for a ref of a fandom I haven’t mentioned yet! More art of me and an F/O!!! ANYTHING GOES!!!!!!
   So consider that...and in the meantime, I’ll be sleepin’~!
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