#Advanced Materialsents
gothic-aesthetic-gal ยท 3 years
๐Ÿฆ‰๐”—๐”ฅ๐”ข ๐”‘๐”ฆ๐”ค๐”ฅ๐”ฑ๐”Ÿ๐”ฆ๐”ฏ๐”ก ๐”ž๐”ซ๐”ก ๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ข ๐”๐”ฆ๐”ฑ๐”ฑ๐”ฉ๐”ข ๐”…๐”ž๐”ฑ ๐Ÿฆ‡
Tanz der Vampire Krolockxreader
Warnings: Some mild violence and gore (in keeping with the level you might read in classic gothic literature)
Chapter 16 - Unholy Matrimony
((TW: this chapter contains descriptions of being forced to put on a dress and forced marriage))
The fight with more of the duke's men was unfolding. They surely would not stand much of a chance, you thought. A necessary evil... but as you watched from the shadows something felt wrong. Trying to find the source of a sudden creeping feeling of dread, you suddenly felt a leather gloved hand clamp itself over your mouth. Biting was no longer a defence at your disposal! The hunter roughly dragged you into the lit portion of the hall, towards the fight. You couldn't struggle free as he held you fast.
"The duke may have convinced himself that you're pure enough to marry, but the devil's spawn has poisioned you. His teeth have pierced your lily white skin, and your are marked now. He has marked you forever," he hissed directly in your ear, the stubble of his unshaven face brushing against you.
Enraged and disgusted you struggled even more fervently. He lost his grip over your mouth and you cried out.
"Let me go!"
Krolock immediately stopped and turned in your direction, fangs bared.
"You will stay exactly where you are if you want (her/him/them) to live" the hunter warned.
The remaining soldiers encircled Krolock and he reluctantly stayed still.
"Now is the time," said the hunter ominously.
All of the men withdrew crosses from their coats and held them outstreched as some gleefully recited the lords prayer. Krolock immediately threw his hands up over his face and cried out in pain, trapped within the circle.
Before you could protest a bundle of cloth was held tight against your mouth with a strong chemical smell. The taste of something acrid in your throat caused you to cough and your vision quickly began to warp and darken.
When you came to, the sight of the ballroom gradually materialsed and became more solid. Confused, you looked around you frantically. Your eyes quickly fixed upon the line of men to your left. They thrust their crosses still closer to the count and he shrank back into the very corner of the room.
"Marry us now to save (her/his/their) soul!" The duke commanded.
"B-but, it would not be right, I cannot," the priest stammered earnestly, "you never said anything about this!"
The recollection of how you came to be here and the gravity of the situation suddenly dawned on you.
"You are a priest, of course you can, and you will!" He shot back, a hand moving in threat to his sword hilt.
Looking alarmed at this the priest hurriedly crossed himself, and stepped forward.
"You are insane, we cannot be married if I do not say my vows," you muttered in disbelief.
Krolock's expression was one of terror as he clung to the corner like a mouse cornered by alley cats. You wanted so badly to put yourself between him and the duke's men, to protect him from them.
An evil glint twinkled in the beady eyes of the duke as he roughly pulled you to your feet.
"You will say your vows, or else we will turn the infernal creature to ash in an instant," he crowed with satisfaction, as the hunter advanced toward Krolock brandishing a glinting silver stake.
Your heart felt as heavy as a stone. You knew he would do it without a care in the world - he might even do so after you married him because, of course, he could not be trusted...
Sensing your hesitancy, the duke signalled to his men and one of them pressed his cross to the side of the count's face. In a hiss of smoke his flesh seemed to burn where the cross had touched, and he cried out in pain, like a wounded animal.
"Stop! Stop! I'll do it, don't touch him!" you shouted in desperation.
Two of the count's men brought forth the huge wooden chest that contained your dowry. The cross was withdrawn.
"Put on the dress," the duke spat as his men tossed it to the floor.
"I don't like the colour".
"Put it on you cheap little harlot" He barked.
You hastily threw off your raggedy shift and pulled the swathes of white fabric up around you.
The duke gestured to the priest to do up the corset, which much aggrieved him. Reluctantly and with fumbling hands the priest secured the dress.
"Can we please not prolong this torture?" you muttered.
"Please forgive me," he whispered, whether to you or God you were not sure.
"You will hold your tongue or I will end him..." the duke sneered.
You bit your tongue to keep from cursing him, and your eyes met with Krolock's. His were filled with desperation and despair as he was forced to watch.
As the priest read the duke's vows and he repeated them, you kept your gaze fixed upon the one whom you truly loved. As you blankly began to repeat the priest's shaky words, Krolock seemed to wordlessly plead with you not to finish. You forced yourself to turn away so that you would not cry. As the final question neared you felt sick with anticipation. Those two words were all it took to end your newfound freedom... but they might save his life.
"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
The smug grin on the face of your altar mate and filled you with rage as everyone looked on expectantly...
Continue to the Next Chapter โฌ‡๏ธ
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gothic-aesthetic-gal ยท 3 years
๐Ÿฆ‰๐”—๐”ฅ๐”ข ๐”‘๐”ฆ๐”ค๐”ฅ๐”ฑ๐”Ÿ๐”ฆ๐”ฏ๐”ก ๐”ž๐”ซ๐”ก ๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ข ๐”๐”ฆ๐”ฑ๐”ฑ๐”ฉ๐”ข ๐”…๐”ž๐”ฑ ๐Ÿฆ‡
Tanz der Vampire Krolockxreader
Warnings: Some mild violence and gore (in keeping with the level you might read in classic gothic literature)
Chapter 17 - Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace
Just as you were about to force the words out through firmly gritted teeth, the doors to the ballroom flew open with a tremendous bang.
Standing in the open doorway was an impeccably dressed young man with blonde hair as beautiful as moonlight and another equally handsome man who from his manner of dress you took to be a student. There was a shocked pause from all parties which was broken by Herbert's fine student companion letting his cases clatter to the floor in surprise.
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"What is the meaning of all this? Who are these people?" Herbert asked indignantly.
Before you could cry out the duke had roughly grabbed you and drawn his sword.
As he held it to your throat he commanded you to finish the vow.
Herbert looked on transfixed for a moment before he also noticed his father being held in the corner. He and the student shot one another a concerned look and before anyone could react, they both exploded into a cloud of bats. The bats swarmed the duke and in the counfusion Herbert materialsed beside you.
"There shall be no forced marriage in this castle!" He said directly to the duke.
In one swift movement he knocked him to the floor and swept you to safety before turning his attention to his father. Amidst the erupting chaos, the priest was now crouched upon the floor with his hands clasped over his head. You pulled him to his feet and told him to run and not look back. He did not need to be told twice and swiftly fled in the direction of the castle entrance, clutching his cross tightly to his breast.
The duke roared angrily for the men to stake the count but Herbert and his companion were upon them before they had the chance. As soon as their formation was broken Krolock rose from the corner in another swarm of screeching bats which confused the men still further. All three of them then began to fight the soldiers.
The duke clambered to his feet and lunged toward you. Trying to run in the accursed dress was not possible and you only made it as far as the entrance hall before he caught up to you. At first you successfully evaded his grasp and used whatever you could get your hands on to throw at him or toss into his path. This allowed you to climb the stairs and get a little further before he caught up to you once more.
The count was busy aiding the other two vampires in their fight with the soldiers. Instead it was Koukol who came to your rescue. With a strange and garbled battle cry he ran full tilt at your attacker and caught him off guard. This sent the both of them crashing through the ornate glass window which overlooked the grand balcony. You quickly took this moment of distraction to grab a dagger from one of the wall mounts and began to hack at the dress until the lower half was a ragged mess. Tearing away the outer layers of fabric and long trailing skirt allowed for much more movement - besides it brought you great joy to destroy the accursed thing.
You looked up to see Koukol struggling to keep a hand driving a sword down upon him aloft. Grabbing a cutlass from the wall you charged toward them and in a sweeping upward motion your blade parried that of the duke's. With this, Koukol ducked out of the way and you took advantage of the duke's surprise - slashing at his thigh. He was too slow to fully deflect, and the cut was deep enough to draw blood but not to hinder him.
You were about to overpower him when the crack of a rifle shot tore through the air beside you. You wheeled around to see the hunter advancing after his warning shot. He knocked out the count's servant with the butt of the rifle and he collapsed to the floor.
"Drop the weapon and back away slowly" he barked.
Not being bullet proof, you did as you were told.
"You have caused us a whole world of trouble. This ends now." The duke hissed as he grabbed you and forced you up onto the balcony wall.
"What witnesses will there be to say that we weren't married? To deny my account of fighting your captors in vain, only for you to be killed during our escape?" He taunted, his voice dripping with malice.
"I freed the priest"
"That does not concern me; his account though honest would include the vampyr, and would be easily discountable," he laughed with a dismissive wave of his hand.
You struggled to keep your balance on the balastrade and to control the fear rising within you. Looking behind you at the shadowy outline of the cliff edge and forest in the valley below, you knew that a fall from such a height would be fatal. There was nowhere left to run and no dissuading the duke, you knew that... but if this was how you had to die to avoid marrying a monster, then so be it.
Continue to the Next Chapter โฌ‡๏ธ
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