#Aaron is a late-show love interest. just pops up in like the 4th season and ends up with Aphmau. fans are pissed
Okay edgy 00s supernatural romance aphverse au
Garroth is the childhood friend thats inlove with Aphmau and she kind of shares it but she’s all ‘nah it’d be weird, our parents were super close, we were raised like siblings’.
And Laurence is the mysterious stranger that shows up at the same time as a whole bunch of murders and everyone thinks it’s him and it’s heavily implied he’s a vampire because he’s not seen during the day, and he’s queasy at the sight of blood. Except he saves Aphmau from the real vampires and ends up getting bitten.
Katelyn is the cautious best friend that warns aphmau against dating sketchy guys and is correct about pretty much everything but people don’t listen to her because then there’d be no plot.
Lucinda is the sassy queer friend of the cautious best friend who is secretly from a long line of witches, and her mother runs the grand coven of witches. She fronts as just being spiritual but all of the vampires are scared of her and she sells some sketchy shit, so like… it’s obvious to the watcher that she’s more than just spiritual.
And Aphmau herself is the quirky main protagonist with something weird and mystical about her that makes the male love interests want to either bang her or eat her for some reason. She will kill someone at some point and it will be a big girlboss moment even though the rest of her characterisation is borderline misogynistic because it’s the 2000s
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