aldiyaralasrea · 8 months
كمبوند 90 افينيو التجمع الخامس | Avenue 90 New Cairo
يعتبر كمبوند 90 افينيو التجمع الخامس واحدًا من المشاريع السكنية الرائدة في مصر، وتأسست هذه الجوهرة العقارية من قبل شركة تبارك القابضة وقامت بإقامتها على مساحة تصل إلى 50 فدان، مجاورة للجامعة الأمريكية، ويتميز الكمبوند بتنوع وتناسب وحداته، سواء من حيث المساحات أو التصميمات، وتم تخطيط هذا المشروع وفقًا لأعلى المعايير العالمية لضمان راحة وفخامة استثنائية، فضلاً عن الأمان القصوى لجميع سكانه.
يعتبر Avenue 90 New Cairo من بين أفضل المشروعات السكنية التي تقدم تصميمات عقارية مميزة بخيارات تمويل مرنة، يقع المشروع في موقع استراتيجي مميز مع إطلالات رائعة على مناطق حيوية توفر حياة متميزة وخدمات معيشية على مستوى عالٍ، يضمن هذا المشروع السكني الفاخر الهدوء والراحة مع توفير أعلى مستويات الرفاهية.
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judod · 9 months
اشتري شقة 154 متر في كمبوند 90 افينيو التجمع الخامس Avenue 90 New Cairo
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houseselect12 · 9 months
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propertygpr · 2 years
كمبوند 90 افينيو التجمع الخامس
Avenue 90 New Cairo Compound سعت شركة تبارك العقارية لتوفير تصميمات عالمية تواكب التطورات العصرية على يد أمهر المهندسين والمصممين وقدمت تصميمات تتسم بالرقى والفخامة وتتمتع بالوحدات بالإطلالة الرائعة على المساحات الخضراء واللاند سكيب.
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realstate2 · 2 years
يتميز الكمبوند بأنه أحد أهم المشروعات العقارية في التجمع الخامس حيث يقع بالقرب من العديد من الأماكن الحيوية على مساحة 50 فدان، وينفرد بتنوع وحداته بين شقق سكنية وشقق ستوديو صغيرة ودوبليكس، وفيلات والتي تم إنشائها بتصميمات عالمية لضمان أكبر قدر من الفخامة والرفاهية، بالإضافة إلى انتشار المساحات الخضراء الشاسعة والمسطحات المائية الكريستالية التي تعطي منظرًا خلابًا مريحًا للنفس.
كما أن الشركة المنفذة للمشروع هي شركة تبارك القابضة التي تنفرد بأعمالها العصرية ذات الجودة العالية التي تضمن لعملائها العيش داخل أكثر الأماكن رقيًا.
تعرَّف على الموقع الجغرافي الرائع لكمبوند افينيو 90
باختيارك كمبوند 90 افينيو فأنت تتخذ قرارًا بأن تكون في أرقى الأماكن وأكثرها هدوءًا وفخامة في القاهرة الجديدة؛ حيث ينفرد المشروع بوجوده في قلب التجمع الخامس، بالقرب من أهم الطرق والمحاور الرئيسية التي تجعل الانتقال منه وإليه يعملية سهلة ومريحة، كما تفصله مسافة قصيرة عن المناطق الحيوية، ويمكن توضيح أهم مزايا الموقع من خلال التالي:
يقع قريبًا جدًا من شارع التسعين التسعين الشهير الذي يزخر بالمطاعم والكافيهات المميزة والمتاجر العالمية وغيرها من المرافق الخدمية.
يوجد أمام جامعة المستقبل ويبعد مسافة دقائق معدودة عن الجامعة الأمريكية؛ الأمر الذي يوفر لقاطنيه خدمات تعليمية ممتازة.
تفصله مسافة دقائق معدودة عن مول كايرو فيستيفال سيتي.
تعد المسافة بين الكمبوند وحي المعادي ومدينة السادس من أكتوبر صغيرة جدًا.
يبعد المشروع 9.5 كم عن الطريق الدائري القاهرة، و7.5 كم عن طريق السويس الدائري.
المسافة بين كمبوند افينيو 90 وطريق العين السخنة هي 10 كم.
محاط بباقة متنوعة من مراكز التسوق والمقاهي والمطاعم والنوادي الاجتماعية والمستشفيات والمدارس والجامعات.
“NATURA” فاميلي زون المرحلة الأحدث داخل كمبوند افينيو 90
بادر بامتلاك شقتك الفاخرة الآن بنظام التشطيب الكامل داخل “NATURA” التي تحتل المساحة الأكبر بين مراحل المشروع، ومحاطة بسلسة من الخدمات التي من أبرزها وجود حديقة خضراء واسعة، وحمام سباحة رائع، ومسرح روماني، ومنطقة ترفيهية خاصة بالأطفال تضم العديد من الألعاب الممتعة، فضلًا عن توفر صالة للجيم مجهزة بأحدث الأجهزة والمعدات الرياضية، هذا بالإضافة إلى أماكن الاستراحة وغرف الدراسة والاجتماعات وغيرها من المزايا الممتعة.
تقدم شركة تبارك القابضة الوحدات السكنية بمساحات متنوعة تتناسب مع ذوق واحتياجاتك تتراوح من 139 متر مربع وحتى 248 متر مربع، بأسعار تبدأ من 3.100.000 جنيهًا مصريًا، ونظم سداد سهلة ومريحة؛ حيث يدفع العميل مقدم تعاقد 10% من قيمة الوحدة، ثم 10% أخرة عن الاستلام على أن ستم تسليم الوحدة بعد 12 شهر من تاريخ التعاقد.
أهم المميزات التي يتمتع بها كمبوند 90 افينيو
تقدم شركة تبارك القابضة العديد من المزايا التي توفر لك كافة سبل الرفاهية التي تبحث عنها أنت وأسرتك؛ ومن أبرزها ما يلي:
توزيع البحيرات الصناعية ذات المياه الفيروزية التي تضفي جوًا من السحر على أماكن متفرقة داخل كمبوند افينيو 90.
انتشار المساحات الخضراء الشاسعة والزهور الملونة الجذابة التي تعمل على تنقية الهواء وإراحة النفس.
الموقع الاستراتيجي المميز القريب من الطرق الهامة التي تسهل عملية الانتقال منه وإليه.
يتميز المشروع بمحاكاته لنظام العمائر الخضراء الحديث، كما أن وحداته السكنية تخضع لأنظمة إلكترونية ذكية.
الاهتمام بالبنية التحتية في 90 Avenue التجمع الخامس من مياه الشرب، والاتصالات، والكهرباء، وغيرها.
تنوع الديكورات الخاصة بالوحدات بما يناسب أذواق العملاء.
توفر الإضاءة التي تعتمد على الطاقة الشمسية مما يجعل كمبوند افينيو 90 صديقًا للبيئة.
نظام مخصص للبث التليفزيوني في كمبوند افينيو 90.
يوجد 2 مبنى إداري على مساحة حوالي 20,000 متر مربع.
الخدمات الراقية التي يوفرها كمبوند افينيو 90
خدمات المشروع لا حصر لها؛ إليك أهم الخدمات المتوفرة داخل كمبوند افينيو 90:
حمامات سباحة عديدة موزعة في أكثر من مكان بالمشروع وتختلف في أشكالها ومساحاتها لتناسب الكبار والصغار.
يضم الكمبوند العديد من المطاعم والكافيهات الفاخرة التي تقدم أشهى المأكولات والمشروبات.
إنشاء مول ضخم تم إنشاءه على مساحة كبيرة جدًا تبلغ 50,000 متر مربع به العديد من المحلات التجارية التي تعمل على توفير جميع احتياجات السكان، وتتميز بأنها تحتوي على أرقى البراندات العالمية.
يوجد نادي صحي مجهز على أعلى مستوى وبه مناطق مخصصة للجاكوزي والسبا لمزيد من الاستجمام والعناية بالجسم.
يحتوي الكمبوند على نوادي رياضية مزودة بملاعب واسعة لكرة القدم وكرة التنس وكرة السلة وغيرها لمحبي ممارسة مختلف الرياضات.
جيم كبير يحتوي على أحدث الأجهزة الرياضية والمدربين ذوي الخبرة لمساعدة القاطنين على الحفاظ على لياقتهم البدنية.
سوبر ماركت تتوفر بداخله كافة السلة والخدمات التي يحتاج إليها البيت.
الاهتمام بسلامة السكان داخل كمبوند 90 افينيو من خلال العيادات التي تعمل على مدار الساعة لإمداد السكان بكافة الخدمات الطبية، بالإضافة إلى وجود صيدليات متوفر بها أنواع الأدوية المختلفة.
تراكات خاصة للركض، والمشي، وركوب الدراجات، بالإضافة إلى وجود أماكن هادئة وسط الطبيعة الخضراء مخصصة للقراءة.
مدارس وحضانات للأطفال بها أفضل الخدمات التعليمية.
وجود أفراد حراسة مدربين على أعلى مستوى، وتركيب العديد من كاميرات المراقبة الحديثة التي تعمل بلا انقطاع لحفظ الأمن داخل الكمبوند.
قاعات مخصصة لعقد المؤتمرات، والاجتماعات، وإقامة الحفلات مصممة بأرقى الطرز المعمارية وتحتوي على أحدث الأجهزة الصوتية.
تخصيص أماكن لإقامة حفلات الشواء.
توفر خدمة انترنت سريعة على مدار الـ 24 ساعة.
توفير خدمات فندقية رائعة لسكان الكمبوند.
وجود مناطق تم إنشاؤها خصيصًا للأطفال بعيدة عن أماكن تواجد السيارات تتوفر بها الألعاب الممتعة التي تساعدهم على المرح.
ملاهي للكبار والصغار لقضاء أوقات جميلة وممتعة مع العائلة.
وجود تكييف مركزي وجهاز إنذار للحريق بجميع وحدات مشروع ناينتي افينيو.
نظام عزل حراري وخدمات صيانة دورية للتعامل مع أي طوارئ.
جراجات بمداخل خاصة للحفاظ على الخصوصية، ومنع الازدحام.
مصاعد كهربائية متطورة في كل مبنى.
مسجد مصمم بطراز إسلامي رائع لتأدية الصلوات الدينية.
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architectnews · 3 years
2020-2022 Aga Khan Award for Architecture
Aga Khan Award 2020-2022, Architects, Architecture, Buildings Shortlist News, Design
2020-2022 Aga Khan Award for Architecture News
18 Mar 2021
Aga Khan Award for Architecture announces Steering Committee for 2022 Award
Geneva, Switzerland, 18 March 2021 – The Aga Khan Award for Architecture has announced the members of the Steering Committee for the 2020-2022 cycle.
The Steering Committee is chaired by His Highness the Aga Khan. The other members of the Steering Committee are:
• Sheikha Mai Bint Mohammed Al Khalifa, President, Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities, Manama. • Emre Arolat, Founder, EAA- Emre Arolat Architecture, Istanbul. • Meisa Batayneh, Principal Architect, Founder, maisam architects and engineers, Amman. • Sir David Chipperfield, Principal, David Chipperfield Architects, London. • Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Director, Institute of African Studies, Columbia University, New York. • Nasser Rabbat, Aga Khan Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. • Marina Tabassum, Principal, Marina Tabassum Architects, Dhaka. • Sarah M. Whiting, Dean, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, Cambridge.
Farrokh Derakhshani is the Director of the Award. For more information about the Steering Committee, including biographies, please see the 2022 Steering Committee page.
The Steering Committee is the governing body of the Award. Perhaps one of its most important tasks is to select an independent Master Jury which, in turn, selects the award recipients from the nominated projects. It is also responsible for establishing the eligibility criteria for project nominations, providing thematic direction to the Award, and developing plans for its cyclical and long-term future.
Established in 1977, the Aga Khan Award for Architecture is given every three years to projects that set new standards of excellence in architecture, planning practices, historic preservation and landscape architecture. The Award seeks projects that represent the broadest possible range of architectural interventions, with attention given to building schemes that use local resources and appropriate technology in innovative ways, and those that are likely to inspire similar efforts elsewhere. Projects can be anywhere in the world but must successfully address the needs and aspirations of societies in which Muslims have a significant presence. Over 9000 projects have been documented.
Ceremonies to announce the winning projects and mark the close of each triennial cycle are always held in settings selected for their architectural and cultural importance to the Muslim world. Previous venues for Award ceremonies encompass many of the most illustrious architectural achievements, including Shalimar Gardens in Lahore (1980), Topkapi Palace in Istanbul (1983), the Alhambra in Granada (1998), Emperor Humayun’s Tomb in Delhi (2004), and the Kazan Kremlin in the Russian Federation (2019).
The Aga Khan Award for Architecture has a prize fund of US$ 1,000,000. The rigor of its nomination and selection process has made it, in the eyes of many observers, one of the world’s most important architectural prizes.
The Aga Khan Award for Architecture (AKAA) is part of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC), which has a wide range of activities aimed at the preservation and promotion of the material and spiritual heritage of Muslim societies. As the cultural agency of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), the Trust leverages cultural heritage as a means of supporting and catalysing development.
Its programmes include the Aga Khan Historic Cities Programme, which works to revitalise historic cities in the Muslim world, both culturally and socioeconomically. Over the last decade, it has been engaged in the rehabilitation of historic areas in Cairo, Kabul, Herat, Aleppo, Delhi, Zanzibar, Mostar, northern Pakistan, Timbuktu and Mopti.
The Aga Khan Music Programme, which consolidates the activities of the Aga Khan Music Award and the Aga Khan Music Initiative, fosters the development of living musical heritage in societies across the world where Muslims have a significant presence, and disseminates this work internationally through collaborations with exceptionally creative musicians, artists, educators, and arts presenters. The Aga Khan Museum in Toronto, Canada offers visitors a window into the artistic, intellectual, and scientific heritage of Muslim civilizations and, through education, research, and collaboration, fosters a greater understanding and appreciation of those contributions. The Trust also supports the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture (AKPIA) at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as well as www.ArchNet.org, a major online resource on Islamic architecture.
The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is a group of private development agencies working to empower communities and individuals, often in disadvantaged circumstances, to improve living conditions and opportunities, especially in Central and South Asia, the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa. AKDN agencies work for the common good of all citizens, regardless of their gender, origin or religion. Its underlying impulse is the ethic of compassion for the vulnerable in society.
Its annual budget for social and cultural development activities is US$ 1 billion (2019). The Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED), an AKDN development agency that makes long-term investments in fragile economies on a commercial basis, operates as a network of affiliates with more than 90 separate project companies employing over 65,000 people.
2020-2022 Aga Khan Award for Architecture images / information received 180321
Previously on e-architect:
2019 Aga Khan Award for Architecture Winner
X-Architects wins Aga Khan Award for Architecture 2019 with Wasit Wetland Centre Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Architect: X-Architects, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Client: Environment and Protected Areas Authority, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Winner selected from the 20 shortlisted projects for the 2019 Aga Khan Award for Architecture, netting US$ 1 million in prize money. The shortlisted projects were located in 16 different countries.
The prestigious prize-giving ceremony in the historic centre city of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation, in the autumn of 2019.
Part of a much larger initiative by Sharjah’s Environment and Protected Areas Agency to clean up and rehabilitate this ancient chain of wetlands along the Persian Gulf coast, the Wasit Wetland Centre aims to supply information and education about this unique environment and to encourage its preservation.
photograph © X-Architects Nelson Garrido
In designing the visitor centre, the architects took advantage of the site’s natural topography to minimise its visual impact by making it appear submerged into the ground.
Visitors descend a ramp to arrive at an angled intersection between two linear elements of the building: one, to the sides, containing services and administrative offices; the other, ahead, a long viewing gallery flanked by aviaries where birds can be seen in their natural habitat. At the far end of the viewing gallery, a third linear element, running perpendicular, houses a café and multipurpose space with views out over the open wetlands.
photograph © Aga Khan Trust for Culture / Cemal Emden (photographer)
A cantilevered steel truss roof over the viewing gallery avoids the need for peripheral columns, allowing seamless glazed façades. The interior is deliberately minimalistic throughout, placing the full focus on the surrounding nature: informative displays are the only adornment on the supporting central wall.
Aga Khan Award for Architecture 2019 Shortlisted Projects
Aga Khan Award for Architecture 2019 Shortlist – selected projects:
Muttrah Fish Market Muscat, Oman Architect: Snøhetta, Oslo, Norway photography © Firas Al Raisi, Luminosity Productions Mutrah Fishmarket Muscat Building by Snohetta
Concrete at Alserkal Avenue Dubai, United Arab Emirates Architect: OMA: Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam, Netherlands photograph © Aga Khan Trust for Culture Cemal Emden Concrete Venue Dubai Alserkal Avenue by OMA
Palestinian Museum Birzeit, Palestine Architect: Heneganh Peng Architects, Dublin, Ireland photograph © Aga Khan Trust for Culture Cemal Emden Palestinian Museum Birzeit by Heneghan Peng Architects
Amber Denim Loom Shed Gazipur, Bangladesh Architect: Archeground, Dhaka, Bangladesh photograph © Aga Khan Trust for Culture Sandro di Carlo Darsa Amber Denim Loom Shed by Archeground
Taman Bima Microlibrary, Bandung, Indonesia Architect: SHAU Architects, Bandung, Indonesia photograph © Aga Khan Trust for Culture Cemal Emden Taman Bima Microlibrary by SHAU Architects
AM Residence Jakarta, Indonesia Architect: Andramatin Architect, Jakarta, Indonesia photograph © Aga Khan Trust for Culture Cemal Emden AM Residence by Andramatin Architect
Courtyard House Plugin, Beijing, China Architect: People’s Architecture Office, Beijing, China photograph © People’s Architecture Office Courtyard House Plugin by People’s Architecture Office
Aga Khan Award for Architecture
Location: Doha, Quatar
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Practice Handwriting Paper Writing by hand reminds you of the value of privacy and personal house. Writing by hand improves your temper and lightens your burdens, easing despair and anxiousness. Writing by hand boosts your memory and slows down psychological ageing. It helps you find options and suppose exterior the box. You can use them time and again should you put the printed pages in plastic page protectors and use a dry-erase marker to trace. Great timing for reminding me to have a comparability of scholars with and without the intervention. I just wished to say what a wonderful convention you did yesterday in New Rochelle. The take-aways have been extremely consumer-pleasant and in a position to be put into place immediately. The more you write, the extra you get to know yourself – and self-acceptance is the place it all begins. No, this one is sensible, low cost and heavy sufficient to lay in my lap. I can write a grocery listing on one page and a journal entry on one other. And so I walked down our main avenue, within the humid Cairo suburbs, to a two-flooring stationary shop to get a model new notebook. A thick, spiral-certain paper brick that I can simply flip open and not worry about wasting paper. I tried putting the construction paper beneath the sheet of paper and it did enable my student to have extra control when coloring in a form. I found the sensory break ideas that we did as a bunch helpful and even tried some of those right now. I look forward to sharing the articles with my staff associated to workload vs. caseload because it has been a sizzling topic recently. It gives your thoughts free reign and an area to breathe and express itself outdoors the standard day by day hassles and worries. Writing by hand boosts your creativity and deep pondering. Ballpoint Pens– the right answer for these in search of a no-frills pen that’s both easy and accessible to make use of. Strong writers can identify relationships between summary ideas and in addition develop unconventional solutions to complicated problems. If you do not write frequently, it might be more difficult to extract meaning from textual content and interpret the context of phrases and phrases. is an occupational therapist who works with kids of varying ages and talents in all areas of pediatrics. Another method is to have your baby place their arms on the table in front of them with their hands on prime of each other. The correct angle for the book is when it is mendacity parallel to the forearm. If we place our forearms on the table in entrance of us, and transfer our hands in direction of and away from one another, they will in all probability transfer at a forty five° angle. Our arms don't move in a ninety° angle at the side of our our bodies like a robotic. Please note that should you had been trying to place an order, it will not have been processed presently. Submit your e-mail address to obtain Barnes & Noble presents & updates. Click on the paper below to get to the complete-sized file, then you'll be able to obtain it to your pc and print as many as you’d like. Rollerball Pens– offer constant ink flow with a variety of types and point-sizes. Rollerball pens are nice for those who want variation however still count on dependability. Not solely do they not relaxation there, our forearms don't transfer in direction of and away from our bodies at 90°. They transfer more like windscreen wipers on a automotive, than like a robot. For full access to thousands of printable lessons click the button or the hyperlink under. Logged in members can use the Super Teacher Worksheets filing cupboard to save lots of their favorite worksheets. We're working on the problem and expect to resolve it shortly. worked as a classroom teacher and as an early intervention specialist for 10 years. She is the author of The Everything Parent’s Guide to Special Education. Tracing shapes and maze-like paths canhelp your youngster build nice motor skills.
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faryrosy · 5 years
avenue 90 - Live New Cairo
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judod · 9 months
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ilovebabylon · 6 years
Events Around The Town of Babylon This Week ~ February 5-9, 2018
Happy Monday Everyone!
For those of you who are recovering from last’s night super bowl, we have you covered with one less thing to think about this week with our weekly line-up of events for you. Even if you didn’t catch the game, it’s still a Monday and who wants to another thing to think about? Not us. So here’s your update on what’s going on around town this week. There are lots of classes, tons of entertainment, some fundraisers to support and more.
Oh, and don’t forget to head over to our Facebook page for The Valentine’s Day Giveaway. Be sure to click, share and win!
  Talk soon,
Here are the Featured Events happening around the Town of Babylon this Week:
  Monday February 5, 2018
Avery Wrap Class Sponsored by Mutoh – New York
Feb 5 @ 8:00 am – Feb 6 @ 5:00 pm
CL Visual, 30 Reith St Copiague
Scholastic Book Fair at Grade School
Feb 5 @ 9:00 am – Feb 7 @ 2:00 pm
Babylon K-6 PTA
GED Prep Classes
Feb 5 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Wyandanch Public Library, 14 S 20th St Wyandanch
Sky Zone Cares
Feb 5 @ 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Sky Zone Deer Park, 111 Rodeo Dr Deer Park
Tanger 50% Off February!
Feb 5 @ 3:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Tanger Outlets Deer Park Ice Rink, 455 Commack Rd Deer Park
Advanced NSA Workshop
Feb 5 @ 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm
Practice Wellbeing, 239 N Wellwood Ave Lindenhurst
Historical Social and Awards
Feb 5 @ 7:30 pm
Community Presbyterian Church, 1843 Deer Park Ave Deer Park
  Tuesday February 6, 2018
Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group
Feb 6 @ 9:30 am
Farmingdale Adult Day Care Center, 407 Main St Farmingdale
Zumbini Winter Session
Feb 6 @ 10:00 am – 10:45 am
Create Dance Center, 5687 Merrick Rd Massapequa
Tanger 50% Off February!
Feb 6 @ 3:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Tanger Outlets Deer Park Ice Rink, 455 Commack Rd Deer Park
Zumbini Winter Session
Feb 6 @ 4:30 pm – 5:15 pm
Create Dance Center, 5687 Merrick Rd Massapequa
Beginners and Intermediate ESL Classes
Feb 6 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Wyandanch Public Library, 14 S 20th St Wyandanch
Adult Craft Night! String Art
Feb 6 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Bubble Boutique and Learning Center, 15 E Main St Babylon
Lenten Study
Feb 6 @ 7:00 pm
First United Methodist Church, Amityville, 25 Broadway Amityville
Early Literacy Program
Feb 6 @ 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Wyandanch Public Library, 14 S 20th St Wyandanch
Chair Yoga
Feb 6 @ 11:00 pm – Feb 7 @ 12:00 am
Wyandanch Public Library, 14 S 20th St Wyandanch
  Wednesday February 7, 2018
231 Business Networking Group
Feb 7 @ 7:00 am – 8:30 am
Olympic Diner, 1536 Deer Park Avenue Copiague
Amityville Monthly Membership Meeting
Feb 7 @ 8:00 am – 9:30 am
Amityville Fire Department, 55 W Oak S Amityville
Tanger 50% Off February!
Feb 7 @ 3:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Tanger Outlets Deer Park Ice Rink, 455 Commack Rd Deer Park
Home Selling Workshop
Feb 7 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Call 631-450-4777
Feb 7 @ 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
The Main Event, 1815 Broadhollow Road #6 Farmingdale
BOARD & Paint Party at TMP Farmingdale
Feb 7 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
That Meetball Place Farmingdale, 206 Main Street Farmingdale
General Meeting
Feb 7 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
La Famiglia, 90 W Main St Babylon
Adult Craft Night! Love Song Lyrics on 6×36” Long Plank Wood Sign
Feb 7 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Bubble Boutique and Learning Center, 15 E Main St Babylon
The Como Brothers @ Lithology Brewing
Feb 7 @ 7:00 pm
Lithology Brewing in Farmingdale
Trivia Night with Dan Stein!
Feb 7 @ 7:45 pm – 10:00 pm
The Turning Point Restaurant, 48 Motor Avenue Farmingdale
  Thursday February 8, 2018
Infinity IBO Networking Mtg.
Feb 8 @ 7:30 am – 8:30 am
South Bay Diner, 185 Sunrise Highway,
Hewitt Middle School PTA Fundraiser
Feb 8 @ 11:00 am – 11:00 pm
Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza, 1280 Broadhollow Road Farmingdale
Tanger 50% Off February!
Feb 8 @ 3:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Tanger Outlets Deer Park Ice Rink, 455 Commack Rd Deer Park
Glass Painting at The Wild Rose, Farmingdale, NY 2/8/18
Feb 8 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
The Wild Rose, 1660 New Hwy Farmingdale
4 The Love. Talk Show & Artistry
Feb 8 @ 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm
Theater 294, 294 Farmingdale Rd Farmingdale
Singles Wanted for Dating Game
Feb 8 @ 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm
Theater 294, 294 Farmingdale Rd Farmingdale
Dueling Pianos
Feb 8 @ 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm
That Meetball Place Farmingdale, 206 Main Street Farmingdale
Charlotte’s Speakeasy with The John Maurice Restrepo Quartet
Feb 8 @ 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Charlotte’s Speakeasy, 294 Main Street Farmingdale
The Ninjas Acoustic at Nutty
Feb 8 @ 9:00 pm – Feb 9 @ 12:00 am
Nutty Irishman, Farmingdale, 323 Main St Farmingdale
The Kings of Entertainment Present: Back To School Bash 02/08
Feb 8 @ 10:30 pm – Feb 9 @ 2:30 am
Revolution Bar & Music Hall, 140 Merrick Rd Amityville
  Friday February 9, 2018
50% Off February!
Feb 9 @ 3:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Tanger Outlets Deer Park Ice Rink, 455 Commack Rd Deer Park
The Power Outlet
Feb 9 @ 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Theater 294, 294 Farmingdale Rd Farmingdale
Edward JJ Jones: 40th Birthday Celebration! at Revolution Bar and Music Hall
Feb 9 @ 7:00 pm
Revolution Bar & Music Hall, 140 Merrick Rd Amityville
Love Yourself ~ Restorative & Yoga Nidra Event!
Feb 9 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Afterglow Yoga, 11 Broadway Fl 2 Amityville
BLC presents: A Fat Friday Party feat. Nonstop To Cairo
Feb 9 @ 7:00 pm
Amityville Music Hall, 198 Broadway Amityville
The White Party
Feb 9 @ 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Sky Zone Deer Park, 111 Rodeo Dr Deer Park
Feb 9 @ 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Sky Zone Deer Park, 111 Rodeo Dr Deer Park
Valentine’s Party
Feb 9 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Wood Kingdom West, 111 Milbar Blvd Farmingdale
One Track Mind Returns to Lily Flanagan’s!
Feb 9 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Lily Flanagan’s Pub-Babylon, 345 Deer Park Ave Babylon
Love Yourself ~ Restorative & Yoga Nidra Event!
Feb 9 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Afterglow Yoga, 11 Broadway Fl 2 Amityville
The Flick – Long Island Premiere
Feb 9 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Studio Theatre Long Island, 141 S. Wellwood Avenue Lindenhurst
Fashion Show
Feb 9 @ 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Chateau La Mer, 845 S Wellwood Ave Lindenhurst
John Cariani’s Love/ Sick
Feb 9 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
South Shore Theatre Experience, 115 S. Wellwood Ave. Lindenhurst
Whiskey Rd* -Friday at Nutty Irishman
Feb 9 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm
Nutty Irishman, Farmingdale, 323 Main St Farmingdale
Ed Ryan Live!
Feb 9 @ 8:30 pm – 11:30 pm
The Turning Point Restaurant, 48 Motor Avenue Farmingdale
Tiger Rose AT Changing Times
Feb 9 @ 9:00 pm – Feb 10 @ 1:00 am
Changing Times Farmingdale, 1247 Melville Rd Farmingdale
from Events Around The Town of Babylon This Week ~ February 5-9, 2018
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zenruption · 7 years
3 Key Project Management Principles for a Successful Brand Activation
By Tony Youssef
Brand activations are all about inspiring consumers to act. It doesn’t matter if the objective is to move products or increase subscriptions to your email newsletters, or even sign new customers. Whether or not it's a fashion show, brand advertisement, or even a new product launch, executing effective brand activation rests on employing strategic project management.
Every successful brand activation calls for strategic planning. Achieving results starts with “why.” Then, the “how.” By starting with “why” and delivering through the “how,” you create a strong bond between your brand and customers.
The use of consumer engagement multi-channel approach fosters engagement and emotion. This activation process positively positions your brand in the mind of the consumer. This motivates them to take desired actions. But more importantly, it fosters a relationship in which your customers become loyal brand advocates.
But it all starts with project management. Here are three key project management principles to achieve a degree of success with your brand activation while inspiring consumers to act.
1. Planning
To create any sort of success, clear expectations must be outlined from day one. Establishing goals and objectives will allow your brand to decide the course of action for your consumers.
Do you want them to support a cause through fundraising or donations? Maybe the desired goal is to move products off the shelf. It could even be social sharing or building marketing opportunities through contest entries.
Your planning process should describe all aspects of your brand activation. It will outline the major brand activation phases and clearly define key steps throughout the process. This ensures your strategy for brand activation is fully actionable.
Whatever the objective, time spent properly in the planning phase will increase the quality of life for the project while minimizing expenditure.
2. Project Workplan
With clear definitions and objectives for your brand activation, your project can create a planning horizon.
Your brand activation work plan will provide step-by-step instructions for managing project deliverables. This will involve creating a detailed work plan that assigns resources and marketing campaigns. Your project work plan will also include the necessary estimates for when phases will get completed.
For some brand activations, this will include using marketing strategies like Below-the-Line, or BTL services. For others, it will require leveraging an event. This will mean employing the right people to represent your brand (models, promoters, mystery shoppers, etc.). And for others still, it's a culmination of all of the different cross-channel tactics.
A detailed work plan provides avenues to leverage promotional opportunities. It will also allow your brand to understand who else shares the competitive landscape. This can help distinguish which channels to allocate your resources. Your work plan will also define key measurement factors for consumer engagement.
Embody your brand’s attributes within the work plan. Visualizing the “how” will create a lasting impression, which will fuel consumer interest and participation.
3. Managing Risk(s)
During the planning phases, effective project management must be able to identify known risks.
Doing so will allow the activation period to run smoothly and limit potential impact on the project. Identifying risks to the success of your brand activation project will allow your brand to create specific plans to mitigate them.
It's crucial that, during the lifespan of your brand activation, risks continue to be monitored. Sometimes this will take shape through scope-change requests regarding deliverables. Other times, it will be adapting to your customer base to continue leveraging your activation and generating additional customer touchpoints.
No matter what brand activation project you undertake, changes will almost certainly occur. Re-calibrate and adjust when necessary to continue amplifying your campaign. Being diligent during both planning and activation phases will allow your brand to resolve any issues that may crop up.
The success of any brand activation requires out-of-the-box thinking. Brand activations are about enduring impressions. This will generate enthusiasm within your customer base and compel them to engage with your brand. Strong project management ensures the brand activation process is streamlined, maximizing interest and participation.
Tony Youssef is the co-founder and CEO of Pulsar Group. Pulsar Activation is a full-fledged hassle-free brand activation agency that has been based in the UAE for 10 years, with branches in Beirut and Cairo. Pulsar Production is the "State of the Art" manufacturing facility in the MENA region. Prior to Pulsar, Tony was Managing Director of Mobile - freshness MENA Marketing Solution Company.
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itsiotrecords-blog · 7 years
The terms snake hole, swallow hole, sink, swallet, or doline are often used interchangeably but they all refer to the same thing – sinkholes. Those who have experienced this phenomenon were probably shocked to wake up one morning and find (if lucky) a big hole where their lawn used to be. Sinkholes can be found all over the world and can develop gradually or suddenly with no warning whatsoever. Take a look at our 25 most devastating sinkholes ever so you can understand the monstrosity of these occurrences.
#1 Qattara Depression Located in West Cairo, Egypt the Qattara Depression is the largest natural sinkhole in the world measuring 50 miles long by 75 miles wide. It is a 100% natural by-product of fierce which tear into the slimy salt beds right down to the water table. Due to its sheer size, scientists are attempting to develop a massive hydroelectric project that would harness the sinkhole’s hydroelectric energy potential. The plan for this project would require digging a ditch from the sinkhole’s edge to the Mediterranean and allowing the channeled water to fall into the sinkhole while passing through a series of hydro-electric penstocks thus creating energy.
#2 Mount Gambier Located between Adelaide and Melbourne in South East Australia, Mount Gambier is known for its geographical features such as water channels, caves, volcanic rocks, and the famous Blue Lake. Nicknamed “The city of craters”, its volcanic craters are actually naturally-occurring sinkholes that are filled with water thus creating gorgeous scenery.
#3 Berezniki The sinkhole in Berezniki, Soviet Russia began in 1986 as a result of a flooding event in a potash mine and has gradually worsened each passing year. At over 200m deep, 80m long and 40m wide, it is expected to swallow up the only rail line that leads to and from the potash mines, where 10% of the world’s potash used in fertilizer come from.
#4 South Florida Due to the weakening of the karst (a type of bedrock) in an urbanized area of South Florida, the ground gave way to a sizable sinkhole. The 20 feet wide by 10 feet deep sinkhole opened up near the University of South Florida in Tampa, swallowing a car and threatening a nearby condo. Eleven people were evacuated from the condo but thankfully no one was hurt (except for the car).
#5 Guatemala City 2007 In late February 2007, residents of Guatemala City heard some rumbling underneath them but were not sure what was happening until instantly a near-perfect circle of earth dropped some 30 stories. The sink hole killed two and forced the evacuation of over 1,000 people. Authorities believed that the sinkhole was the result of a corroded sewage system deep beneath the surface.
#6 Guatemala City 2010 Another giant sinkhole in Guatemala City swallowed a three-story building on May 2010. This 60 ft. wide by 200 ft. deep sinkhole could have been developing for weeks or even years, however the flood waters from the tropical storm Agatha accelerated the sinkhole’s growth and caused it to finally collapse.
#7 Bowling Green Undertaking a major development in Bowling Green, Kentucky can be a very risky business since the city is dotted with naturally-occurring sinks that could open up at any time. One of these sinks halted the plans for the construction of the Trimodal Transpark after the 200ft wide sinkhole gave way near the construction site.
#8 The Sinai Blue Hole (Dahab) A popular (and dangerous) diving site on east Sinai on the coast of the Red Sea a few miles north of the small town of Dahab, The Sinai Blue Hole is a submarine sinkhole which is around 130m deep. The sink hole is renowned for scuba attempts and free-diving, while the surrounding area has an abundance of corals and reef fish. However, it is also renowned for its danger and has been labeled “the World’s most dangerous dive site”.
#9 The Devil’s Sinkhole The Devil’s Sinkhole in Edward’s County Texas is a limestone wonder that has a 40 ft. x 60 ft. opening and a total drop of 400 ft. The sink is famous for being a vertical natural bat habitat for the Mexican Free Tailed Bat which houses an estimated 3 million bats.
#10 Boesmansgat The Boesmansgat, also known as the “Bushman’s Hole,” is believed to be the third-deepest freshwater sinkhole in the world. Approximately 270m (886 ft.) deep, the Boesmansgat in the Northern Cape province of South Africa was first explored by amateur diver Mike Rathbourne in 1977 and is home to the Guinness Woman’s World Record for the deepest dive (a 221m dive by Verna van Schaik on November 24, 2004).
#11 Sarisariñama The most beautiful and most mysterious sinkholes of Venezuela are natural wonders which include four types of round basins containing their own unique ecosystem found nowhere else on earth. Scientists are clueless on the origin of the stunning sink holes.
#12 Saskatoon Sinkhole The combination of underground pipe problems and extremely bad weather produced a three-meter wide sinkhole that opened up in Idylwyld Drive in Saskatoon, Sasketchewan on March 12, 2012. The constant freezing and thawing; and an unseasonably warm winter put pressure on the underground pipes causing a 20-centimeter pipe under the roadway to break spewing water and compromising the road’s integrity.
#13 Bimmah Sinkhole One of nature’s great oddities has been turned into a virtual tourist trap. Residents of Bimmah Oman have turned a spectacular looking natural-occurring sinkhole into a swim park. Located about 6km from Dibab along the coast graded road from Muscat to Sur the Oman sink hole boasts of clear blue picturesque waters.
#14 Toronto Even the biggest city in Canada is not immune to sinkholes two of which appeared in the city of Toronto within the space of a few weeks: the 10m long, 3m wide fissure that ruptured from the street watermain at Woodbine Avenue and John Street on September 28, 2011 and the 30m long 1.5m deep sinkhole on Bayview Avenue on November 4th of the same year. Thankfully there were no casualties when these sinkholes happened.
#15 Agrico Gypsum Stack The most devastating sinkhole erosion in Florida occurred in 1994 when a 15-story sinkhole tore open right beneath an 80-million-ton pile of gypsum stack. The cave-in dumped 4 million to 6 million cubic feet of toxic and radioactive gypsum and waste water into the Floridian aquifer, which provides 90 percent of the state’s drinking water.
#16 Winnipeg Highway Sinkhole The most dramatic example of all the Canadian sinkholes happened on the highway of Manitoba where parts of the highway simply disappeared. After days of heavy rains with up to 12 inches of precipitation, 200 meters of highway 83 near Inglis was literally washed away with some points of the highway dropping to as low as 8m below its original surface point.
#17 Macungie The Macungie sinkhole which formed in June 1986 is a man-made sink hole attributed to aging water infrastructure. At 75 feet wide and 35 feet deep, it caused major disruption of traffic and utility services causing around $450,000 in stabilization and repair costs.
#18 Dead Sea Holes Several large sink holes have been appearing near Ein Gedi, Israel. The phenomenon stems from a dire water shortage, compounded in recent years by tourism and chemical industries as well as a growing population. There are over 3,000 open sinkholes along the coast and likely just as many that haven’t burst open yet.
#19 Daisetta, Texas What started out as a small 20-foot sinkhole in a residential neighborhood in Daisetta, Texas spread to over 900 ft. with a depth of 260 ft. within a day and consumed everything in its path. This former oil town sits on the Hull Salt Dome which is a four-mile-in-diameter geologic formation of compacted salt. Consequently, geologists speculate that years of storing saltwater waste -a byproduct of oil production- caused the massive pit.
#20 Red Lake
#21 Xiaozhai, Tiankeng Also known as the Heavenly Pit, this double-nested sinkhole has 662m deep vertical walls. Located in the Chongqing District, this sinkhole is arguably the ‘world’s largest sinkhole’ at 626m long, 537m wide and between 511 to 662m deep. It is a double-nested structure with an upper bowl of 320m deep, while its lower bowl is 342m deep, and both of them are on average 257 to 268m across. It’s said that the sinkhole formed over the last 128,000 years.
#22 Dean’s Blue Hole Located in Long Island, Bahamas Dean’s Blue Hole is the deepest known sinkhole under the sea at the depth of 203 meters. This is a popular location for world’s championship of free diving and it’s the location where William Trubridge broke a free diving record reaching a depth of 92 meters (302 ft.).
#23 Harwood Hole Located in Abel Tasman National Park in New Zealand, Harwood Hole is one of several important cave systems in Takaka Hill, between the Tasman Bay and the Golden Bay. From the surface is a 50m round sinkhole entrance that descends into 183m. For adventurers, the long rope descent is considered to be one of the most spectacular caving experiences at Hardwood’s, which has an overall depth of 357m.
#24 Sima Humboldt The largest sinkhole in sandstone, Sima Humboldt is located on the summit of the plateau in Bolivar State, Venezuela. At 314m deep with vertical walls it is very unusual sink hole for several reasons: Its location is on top of the only forested tepui; it’s enormous in size and depth; and it has a patch of forest on its base due to the weathering process that formed the sinkhole.
#25 Great Blue Hole Part of the larger Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System, which was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO; the Great Blue Hole is a spectacular sinkhole at 124m deep with stilted stalactites as its most unusual features. The largest submarine sinkhole off the coast of Belize, it lies in the center of Lighthouse Reef. It is circular in shape, over 300m across and 124m deep and was formed during several episodes of Quaternary glaciations when sea levels were much lower.
Source: List25
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judod · 9 months
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