#ARO80: 2022
doomsdaywriter · 1 year
It's The Final Blog Post...of 2022
It’s The Final Blog Post…of 2022
I’ve been spending the last couple days watching old episodes of Columbo, because I have a major soft spot for the bumbling detective. Watching him take down elitist creeps is just soothing – also, it’s fun to check early 1970s prices against an inflation calculator. I also started watching a British series called New Tricks, which features retired officers being brought in to rework cold cases.…
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doomsdaywriter · 1 year
Almost Done
Phase One is nearly done, Operation Apartment Clean still has a ways to go but definitely making real, visible progress. Good night, sleep tight
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
International Transgender Day of Remembrance 2022
Today is the International Transgender Day of Remembrance or TDoR. It’s a day set aside to allow individuals and communities to remember and to mourn those transgender and gender-variant people as who have been murdered by transphobic bigots. The day is also a day to remember those who died because a bigot perceived them to be transgender. The day grew from the “Remembering Our Dead” web project…
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Some Recommendations
Firstly, I am pretty much fully recovered from my bout of food poisoning, so I’m beyond happy about that. Not only because I can eat more than crackers and Sprite (though a good saltine is damn tasty), but because my back was getting down right irksome about laying down so much. Second, speaking of food, I recommend the McDonald’s cheese danish. Especially if you have it while it’s warm, though…
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Wednesday Trifecta
I did some notetaking on The Zone, been journaling – mostly notes on different subjects – and now, I’m getting a post in! And then sleep. Yay sleep!
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Recharging My Battery
I took a half day at work, came home and loaded around doing some research and then got pancakes and now I’m going to sleep cuz I am laden with carbs.
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Journaling Project - Days 1-5
Journaling Project – Days 1-5
I’m off to a decent start, mostly been using this to quickly jot down thoughts and also some research notes on various things. Yesterday, it was on the archaeology of compassion which was pretty interesting. Based on skeletal evidence, there is a solid case to be made that humans have been caring for the sick and/or disabled since the Stone Age. And the impulse to do so even predates anatomically…
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Watching TV...
Watching TV…
Ok, it’s more like watching my phone but I still call it watching TV because I am old. Recently, I’ve binged Rise of the Teenage Mutant Turtles, which I believe came out in 2019. It ran for 2 seasons and a movie – which I haven’t watched yet. I’m saving it because once I watch it, I’m all out of show, unless a third season gets the (no pun intended) greenlight. Of all the incarnations of the…
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Three Is The Charm
I’ve started working on a third book: The Amtrak Wars #1: Cloud Warrior. It’s set 900 years after a nuclear war, referred to as the War of a Thousand Suns by the She-Kargo Mutes, who are in conflict with a group of people who live underground and attack them with trains and planes. And so far (I’m on page three), it’s off to a decent start. It’s a longer book at 311 pages, but I’m hoping once we…
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
They Come in Six-packs Now...
They Come in Six-packs Now…
Still working on The Zone. For these two books, I’ve set a goal of getting ten pages of notes done, then switching books. I’m hoping this will help me get through both books quickly. The Zone is…oddly charming. While it’s set in the then-near future, with hovercraft personnel carriers, it gives off strong World War I & II vibes. The action is set in a post-nuclear no-man’s-land in Germany, where…
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Ashes, Ashes, We Are Finally Done!
I actually finished Out of the Ashes at midnight on September 1st! I’ve started working on two other books which are much shorter – Marauders, which is a sibling series to The Guardians and follows a new group of elite troops who will be fighting in Europe. So far, I’m enjoying it – mainly because things are actually happening! The second book is The Zone, which takes place in Europe in the…
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
The Lower 58...
The Lower 58…
I’m 58 pages from the end, hoping to be done with the rest of the book by this time next week. And then, on to Something Else.
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Nice, Minus Two...
Nice, Minus Two…
I’m 67 pages from the end of Out of the Ashes! Still working through the exposition quagmire, but only have about 20 pages left on that, so victory is drawing closer! Now, it is sleeping time!
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
For the Love of God, Johnstone!
I am now less than 90 pages from the end of Out of the Ashes. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I am almost done! Generally, the under-100 page mark means we’re getting to the action which is easier to summarize and makes for smoother going.  And if this was another book by a different author, it would be.  But this is a William W Johnstone book and why the hell would we want action…
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
And Now, The End Is Near...
And Now, The End Is Near…
I’m 95 pages from the end of Out of the Ashes! Nothing continues to happen! Also, candy corn is available in stores and I have bought a bag and eaten way more than I should have. So now, I go sleep.
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
So Close, And Yet So Far...
So Close, And Yet So Far…
I’m 108 pages from the end of Out of the Ashes. Something happened, which threw me for a minute, but things calmed back down and we’re back to nothing happening except lectures about how cool Ben Raines is and how awesome his post apocalyptic society is. Goal for now is to finish the book in the next week or two – by the end of the month at the latest – then work on a definition of Nuke…
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