#A keychain exactly in the line of stuff she was pinching from her friends all the time
kintatsujo · 1 year
Was just randomly thinking of a girl I haven't seen in fifteen years and just had this quiet moment of...
There is theft and there's theft
It was hilarious when she showed up at college one rainy day and it turned out she'd stolen one of the raincoats from the grocery store where we both worked
It was less funny when she'd steal shit from our friends when they left the table and expected me to go along with it
(which I did not do-- I'm not gonna say I told on her for it. Because I have a very expressive face when I want and I don't need to say anything.)
"oh but it's harmless stuff, it's harmless for her to steal the pins off people's bags and then not give it back when they don't notice!"
But why is she stealing little pieces of joy from people she calls friends? I don't care if they don't notice right away, there's this thing called change blindness.
And if she can't really be trusted with your little treasures, how are you supposed to trust her with the big ones?
That's not the jackass that doesn't pay her enough or gives her shit hours, that's the girl that she has two classes with and eats lunch with every day.
There's just something broken about that.
There's theft and there's theft.
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Waiting For you Part One (Ford Pines x Reader) Weird Stuff
“Aren’t you the guy who likes weird stuff?” She blatantly asks.
Ford’s hands freeze on the paper below his digits. He looks up at her and she is smiling. They had run into each other into the hall, Ford had his nose buried in a book, she did as well.
“I’m quite interested in anomalies,” he says, fixing his glasses before picking up the rest of his papers.
Her hand accidentally brushes against his and she can’t help but notice the extra finger. “Amazing,” she whispers. She realizes she is staring and stands back up with her things.
Ford stood up right with his papers held awkwardly to his chest. She extends her hand and introduces herself. He turns the gesture. “Stanford Pines, but please, just Ford is fine.”
“Well, just Ford. Rumor around school is I’m not the only one here obsessed with the paranormal. I’d love to discuss them with you sometime, if you’re free.” She offers with a smile.
Ford can’t believe his ears, a cute girl wants to discuss things with him? “I’m free now.” He blurts.
She digs around in her purse and pulls out a pen and paper and scribbles something down. “I’m actually on my way to a class right now, but I stay on campus.” She passes him the piece of paper and he looks down at it to see she's written her name and phone number. “Is that alright?”
“Yes!” He clears his throat trying to not sound over excited. “I mean, yes. I’d be delighted to discuss anomalies with you.”
“Later days, Ford.” She touches his shoulder as she walks by.
“Fiddleford!” Ford runs up to his friend when he sees him in the quad. “You’ll never believe what just happened!”
“Did ya finally find a ufo?” He teases.
“Almost better! Look!” Ford shows the paper to his friends. He has to take the paper out of his face and hold it back to see what is written.
“Is this a girls number?” Fids looked at his disbelief.
Ford nods excitedly. “I just ran into her in the hall and she started talking about anomalies and gave me her number!”
Fiddleford looked at the paper again at the back of his friend. “Well congrats buddy, you deserve it.” --------- “So you actually believe this stuff exists right? Not just in theory that you think it would be cool, but actually believe it?” She sat across from Ford, hand wrapped around a coffee mug, eyebrow quirked up in question.
Ford could feel his face turn red. “I mean, yes? There are plenty of anomalies that are proven to exist, so I don’t see a reason why there couldn’t be more extreme ones.”
She let out a sigh. “Okay good! Because everyone I’ve talked to about them here only thinks they are cool in theory, but don’t think they could actually be real. What anomalies have you seen proven?”
The two of them sat across from each other in the campus coffee shop. Ford had waited a week before calling her, to not seem overeager.
“Well, mostly small things. Two headed snake, cows with legs growing out of their head, this,” Ford waves his hand and she smiles.
She places her hand out on the table palm up. “Could I?”
Ford hesitantly lays his hand down in hers. Her other hand comes up and runs a finger down each of his. A chill runs down his back at the intimate gesture, but she seems unphased.
“Extraordinary.” She smiles up at him.
“Looks like ufo girl finally got a boyfriend!” Someone sneered as they walked by. She quickly withdrew her hand and placed them in her lap.
“I thought she’d only date bigfoot, looks like she's found another freak to take the place though.” Another girl mocked.
Ford watched as his new friends face twist to where she looked like a kicked puppy. As he started to say something back she grabbed his hand.
“Don’t,” she whispered. “They’re not worth your time.”
“But they can’t talk to you like that!” He insisted.
“I’m used to it.” Her hand withdraws back under the table, she stares out the window. “I went to high school with a lot of the people who go here, they know my interests are uncommon. I never tried to hide what I’ve found interesting but,” she bit her lower lip in thought. “People like to turn a blind eye to what they can’t understand.”
“I’ve always found that to be the case as well.” He agrees with a beaming smiles.
A small smile comes back to her face. “So what do you think about mothman?”
The rest of the afternoon was spent chatting about anomalies, myths, legends, the supernatural, and the paranormal. Ford was surprised about how much interaction with strange things he had.
“I don’t expect you to believe me but when I was hiking with my parents as a kid I got seperated from them. I knew to stay where I was, but by the time I noticed I couldn’t see them I was off the trail. I sat under a tree and cried my eyes out. I stayed there until it got dark. Now, this was over fifteen years ago, I think I was around eight at the time. As soon as the moon shone through the leaves I saw something standing there. It was sort of like a woman, but she looked like she was covered in moss and tree bark. But I remember thinking how beautiful she was. I stopped crying and she held out her hand for me to take. I took her hand and she led me through the woods until I saw lights and heard people calling my name. I looked at her and she smiled, I thanked her and ran towards the light and was found by a search party.” She explained her story.
Ford looked at her in almost disbelief. “That’s…” He was at a loss of words.
“Unbelievable?” Her smile began to fade.
“No! Just… extraordinary!” She assured her.
She had many other run-ins with unexplainable beings and sights. Ford wished he could only be so lucky.
They talked until the sun was down, and a disgruntled employee of the shop had to tell them they were closed. Together they awkwardly stood outside the shop, neither wanting to part ways.
“Would you like to come back to my dorm with me?” Ford finally says before realising what he said might be taken the wrong way. “To continue talking, I mean! My roommate will be there too…”
She agreed and continued their conversation to his place.
Ford unlocked the door mid conversation.
“That’s my thought exactly!” Ford beamed.
“You have no idea how good it is to hear you say that,” she chuckled.
Ford closed the door behind her and noticed someone sitting at the table in the room.
“Fiddleford!” He greeted his friend before introducing you.
“Oh hey, I think you’re in my calculus class.” She offered her hand to shake Fiddleford’s. “Nice to formally meet you.”
“Fiddleford McGucket, ma’am. Feel free to call me Fids. Great to meet you too.” He shook her hand before sitting back at the table. “I was actually working on the homework for that class right now.”
“Really?” She sits beside him at the table looking at the papers. “Do you get it? Because I feel like I’m going to fail, honestly.”
Ford sits across from them and looks at the papers as well.
“Math has always been a breeze for me, so it hasn’t been a problem. I’d offer to give you some help but I’m not much of a teacher.” He smiles at her. “Ford on the other hand is a great teacher, I’m sure he'd be able to help you make sense of it.” Fids shoots his friend a quick glance.
She smiled up at Ford who was looking a little shocked at being offered to be a tutor. “What do you say, Ford? I could really use the extra help.”
Her smile makes Ford’s stomach do a flip. “I’d be happy to oblige.” ---------- “Wait, so, I carry the one and then what?” Her brow was furrowed and pencil poked at her lips.
“We just went over this.” Ford pinched the bridge of his nose. “Think about what we said, carry the one, then…” He tried to help her pull the thought from her mind.
They sat together at a table in the library. Ford couldn’t help as his eyes grazed down to her pouty lips.
“Sorry, Ford.” She glared at the paper. “I thought I warned you how bad at math I saw when you agreed to help me.”
“That’s alright,” he sighs, sliding the paper back towards himself. “Let’s try again. So for this type of problem,” he begins to explain before she interrupts.
“Wait!” She snatches the paper from him, causing a few people to turn their head at the sound. He watches as she scribbles something down, pauses to think, then scribbles more down. “Is that right?” She slides the paper back to him with an anxious expression on her face.
Ford examines the paper. “Well…” He frowns and she frowns back. “That’s exactly right!”
She jokingly smacks his shoulder. “Don’t scare me like that.” She lets out a huff.
“Assaulting you free tutor? Bold.” He smirks.
“You know I don’t have the money,” she jokes. “Plus if you didn't, who would you have to talk about weird stuff with anyways?” She had made a joke earlier about how she wouldn’t talk to him anymore if he didn’t tutor her.
“Alright,” he redirected the conversation. “Let’s do the next one.” ---------- “I passed!” She bursts through the door of the boy’s dorm without knocking. It has become a habit over the last few months.
Fids startles awake while Ford looks up from the book he’s reading.
“Congratulations!” Ford smiles ear to ear and stands to greet her.
She pulls him into a bear hug which he happily returns.
“It’s all thanks to you!” She pulls away from the hug and Ford begrudgingly lets go of her. “How’d you do, Fids?” She looks at her half asleep friend.
He grumbles something about passing with flying colors before rolling back over on the couch.
She laughs and flops down on Ford’s bed, which has become second nature. He folds his legs criss cross leaning against the headboard. She lays on the lower part of the bed.
“Today was been so great it’s almost unbelievable. Supernatural even.” She turns her head to smile at Ford.
He quirks and eyebrow, interested in what she means. “Care to explain?”
“This morning the person before me in line at the cafe paid for my coffee and a free bagel! Then I found my keychain that I lost the other day.” She explains.
“The ufo one?”
“The ufo one! Can you believe it? So then I head into class, ace this test and go to get lunch. What did they have today for lunch you might ask. Burgers. They had burgers, Ford!” She throws her hands up in disbelief.
“And burgers are your favorite.” He nods.
“My favorite, Ford!” She laughs.
“Sounds like a great day.” He smiles fondly at her.
“Wait, I didn’t even tell you the best part!” She stops him.
“Did you finally see bigfoot?” He teases.
She scowls. “That’s no laughing matter, Stanford.”
He holds up his hand in defense. “So tell me.”
“Okay, so,” she starts to say but covers her hand with her face and wiggles around excitedly. She says something muffled by her hands.
She takes a deep breath and moves her hands. “Daniel McDanielson asked me to the formal!”
Ford had to stop himself from frowning. He knew you were infatuated with said boy, but he had gotten some rotten vibes from him. “Really? That’s great.” He smiles.
“I know! Me and Annie are going dress shopping tonight at five! I just had to come tell you about my day.” She informs him with a giggle.
Ford looked at the wall clock. “It’s five o’ eight now.”
She sits up with a start. “Shoot!” She scrambles towards the door. “Thank you again, Ford. I wouldn’t have passed without you!” The door slams shut behind her.
There's a moment of silence before Fiddleford rolls over to look at his friend.
“I know, you were right.” Ford sighs looking defeated.
“How long have I been telling you to ask her? With that cute of a face someone was bound to ask, even with her bein’… unique.” Fids frowns at his friend.
Ford stands up, then sits back down. Opens his mouth to say something then closes it, before falling back into his bed with an exasperated sigh. “I blew it.”
“You can always just tell her how you feel.” Fids offers.
“She clearly doesn’t feel the same way or she wouldn’t be going to the formal with McDanielson.” Ford grumbles. Fids gives his friend a look. “What’s that look supposed to mean?”
“Oh nothing, nothing.” Fids rolls over to return to his nap. ---------- Next week Ford decided to stay in his room and study while the formal was going on. He would normally go to the library but decided he didn’t want to see all the couples headed towards the student union. Unfortunately he could hear the distant base of dance music in his dorm. Fortunately it began to rain soon drowning out the sound majority of the sound. Fiddleford was gone for the weekend to see family across the state, so he had the whole dorm to himself.
Ford was deep in his study when there was a knock on the door. He blinked at the door in confusion, before getting up and answering it. He definitely did not expect to see what he saw.
She was on the other side of the door in a beautiful gown that flowed down her body, or rather stuck to her body. She was drenched from head to toe. Her done up hair was stuck flat to the side of her face.
“Greetings,” she offers him a small smile, even though she has tears in her eyes.
“W-what happened?” Ford stammers before ushering in the door. He went to scramble through his draws to find some extra clothes to offer her.
“I got stood up.” She says plainly. “Not that he,” she swallows hard trying to prevent tears from falling. “Not that he had ever planned to show up. His friends made sure to tell me that it was just a prank.”
Ford stops his search to look over at her. She wipes at her cheek as a tear falls. He walks over and places his hands on her shoulders. “You don’t deserve that, I’m so sorry.”
She leans her forehead against his chest and sniffles. “I should have known. I was a fool to think someone like that would be interested in someone like me.”
“Someone like him isn't good enough for you. You’re brilliant, talented, beautiful, so many wonderful things. Someone like you could do so much better.” Ford says honestly. He’s surprised when her shoulders start to shake. She looks up at him with fresh tears in her eyes. “Did I say something wrong?” Ford started to panic.
She pulls him into a hug. “You’re so sweet Stanford, you’re making me cry.”
He returns the hug, noticing how cold she is, he pulls back.
“I know,” she sniffs. “I’m sorry I’m all wet.”
“Here,” he moves back over to his dresser drawers to pull out a pair of sweatpants and a sweater for her to borrow. “They’ll probably be a little big, that's all I have.”
She takes them, lingering her touch on his hand. “I appreciate it.” She walks into their shared bathroom with the dorm next to theirs before awkwardly shuffling back out. “Ford?”
He looks at the girl in front of him. She looks meek compared to her regular confident self. “Yes?”
Her face turns red before she even says anything. “I need you to unzip me.”
Now it’s Ford’s turn for his face to turn red. “Oh,” he clears his throat. “Alright.”
She turns around as he walks up to her. He gently takes the fabric in one hand and the zipper in the other, before slowly pulling the zipper down. His large hand comes to rest at the bottom of her back. He can’t help but eye over the exposed skin. She can tell the zipper is undone but doesn't move away, enjoying the warmth of his hand on her. There’s a moment of silence before Ford moves his hand away.
She turns and thanks him. Holding the dress up in the front, then closes the door to change.
Ford takes a deep breath to calm himself. He curses himself for getting worked up just from seeing her exposed back. He busies himself microwaving some water for hot chocolate. He has two mugs ready when he hears the door open.
She steps out from the bathroom rolling up the sweater leaves so she can access her hands. The bottom of the sweat pants have been cuffed too, but still slightly drag behind her.
Ford smiles at her and offers her a mug. She takes it and sits next to Ford on his bed.
“You can sleep here tonight, if you’d like.” He offers after a beat. “Fids is visiting family this weekend and will be gone. I don’t think he’d mind if you used his bed, although, I can't tell you the last time I saw him wash his sheets.”
“Thank you, Ford. I don’t want to go back to my room. I think my roommate might have been in on the prank.” You confess, smile wavering.
“Although we will be breaking the rules.” He tries to lighten the mood.
“I’ve already slept over once.” You laugh, reminding him of the time you fell asleep on his couch and neither boy had the heart to wake you until you had to go to your 7 am class the next day.
He chuckles at the memory. There's another moment of silence as you both drink from your mugs.
“Thank you again.” You say.
“Don’t mention it.” He thinks for a second then speaks. “This hot chocolate is nice but would you like something stronger?”
“Hell yes.” ---------- “Truth or dare?” She asks Ford for the fifth time, it’s his turn.
They're both sitting cross legged on his bed facing each other. She has her back against the headboard. Both their mugs have been filled with a dark amber liquid.
“Truth,” he says for the fifth time. She scowls. “Alright dare!” He rolls his eyes.
“That’s the spirit Stanley Boy!” She pokes his shoulder and he chuckles. “I dare you… to moon the common area!”
His face flushes, but he gets up and looks out the window. He moves over a chair and looks at her, then the floor, with almost a disappointed look. He pulls down the back of his pants with it facing the window and she howls with laughter. Quickly he pulls up his pants and returns to the bed.
“Hope there’s no werewolves out there or they’ll be turning tonight!” You joke.
“Alright, truth or dare.” he asks, refusing to acknowledge what he just did.
She thinks for a moment. “Truth.”
He thinks on his words before speaking. “If I had asked you for the formal, would you have said yes?” Her eyes fall from him to her mug.
“Yes.” She almost whispers. “Truth or dare?”
“Why didn’t you ask me for the formal?” She's looking up at him from under her lashes.
He almost chokes as he drinks from his cup. “I was going to but I took too long and some else asked you.” He frowns. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth,” she finishes the rest of her drink and sets the mug on his nightstand.
“Did you really have a crush on McDanielson?” Ford looks away.
“I just thought he was handsome.” She frowns, fiddling with her hands. “And maybe just a little hopeful someone like him would be interested in someone like me.”
“Anyone would be lucky to be with someone like you.” He says without thinking.
“You’re breaking the rules,” she reminds him. “No commenting on the truths.”
“Right, sorry. Dare.” He says without being asked.
She looks up at him and then looks away. Her tongue darts out over her lips quickly. “I dare you to…” she thinks, unsure if she should really say it. “Kiss me.”
He looks at her with disbelief, before she looks back at him, then away. He sets his mug down before rising to his knees to move closer. His hand moves to her cheek and she leans into the touch. He can feel her breath on his lips and shudders. He pressed a gentle kiss onto her lips, then another, and another. Her hands move to rest on his chest as she presses back into the kiss.
The kisses become sloppy and passionate. Slowly she starts to slide back onto the bed. He follows her down, hovering above her. Her hands grab at his collar pulling him as close as she can get him. He chuckles into the kiss and she smiles.
She takes his hand not on her face and moves it to her hip. “You can touch me, Ford.”
He freezes. He had never been this intimate with a girl before, he didn’t want to do the wrong thing. She could sense his hesitation.
“Only if you want to. We can stop here if it’s too much.” She gives him another gentle kiss.
“No, I mean, I want to, but I’ve never, I don’t want to…” He fumbles over his words. “I don’t want to do the wrong thing.”
She pulls her head back and smiles at him. “I haven’t either. I mean, with anyone. But I trust you.”
His heart skips a beat. How could she be so perfect? He gives her another kiss. “You can tell me to stop, and I will.” He returns to giving her passionate kisses, as he runs his hand up and down her side a few times before slipping his thumb under the sweater to brush across her skin.
She sighs at the contact, giving him confidence. He moves on knee in between her legs to get over her better. He moves both his hands to her side and slips them under his sweater she's wearing and caresses up her sides, moving it up toward her shoulders. He doesn't expect her to pull it off and over her head.
He can’t help himself as he starts covering her chest with soft kisses. Her hand moved to tangle in his hair, slightly pulling at his brown locks. He lets out a soft groan, moving to one of her nipples he takes it into his mouth and gives it a quick experimental suck.
She leans into the touch with a moan. ‘That’s a good sign.’ He notes to himself, moving to her other nipple to do the same thing. She moans out his name and he groans against her breasts. He wondered how she could turn him on with barely even touching him.
Her hand moved to tug at his shirt. He obliges, moving back to help her slip off his shirt. Instantly her hands are all over his chest, roaming from his shoulders to his soft stomach. All this attention to himself is making him embarrassed so he goes back to kissing her, except this time he kisses her jaw, down her neck. He remembers his brother telling him that drives girls crazy, and the reaction he gets does not disappoint.
She wraps her arms around his neck and whispers his name. He stops at the base of her neck of suck a soft bruise. He’s about satisfied with his mark when she moves her leg under him and it brushes against his erection tenting in his pants. He groans deep into her neck.
“Ford, I, I,” she stamers trying to find words. “I want you, Ford.”
He never thought he’d hear her say that. “Me too,” he kisses her. “I mean, but you, I want you.”
She giggles into the kiss.
The whole exchange is sloppy and new and experimental. Ford has to root around Fid’s nightstand to find protection. They laugh and moan. She has to show him the right way to touch her body, and when he gets it right she's a whimpering mess. He is soon after her.
They lay in bed together after. She’s pressed into his chest, her head on his shoulder. His arms wrapped around her body.
“I’ve never felt like that before.” She says against his chest. She feels him chuckle.
“Me either.” He confesses.
There is a beat of silence before she props herself to look at him. An almost worried look on her face. “Was this… This wasn’t a…” She sighs. “Were you just after my body?”
Ford’s taken aback. How could she even think that? He sits them both up so he can talk to her. “If I did anything to make you think that I apologize. I adore you, mind, body, and soul.” He kisses her forehead and when he leans back she’s smiling. “Were you just after my body?” He jokes.
“Oh absolutely.” She jokes. ----------- Summer was rapidly approaching. Ford was going back home to work to help his family. His girlfriend, he proudly got to say, was going to do field work in Roswell with a world remound ufo hunter. Currently the two of them were in his dorm packing for the return home.
“I just hope he’s not actually crazy.” She sighs.
“He can’t be much crazier than us.” Ford jokes.
“I suppose so.” She thinks, then frowns. “I’m gonna miss you.”
He wraps her in a hug from behind. “I’ll miss you too. I know my mother is going to kill me for not bringing you home for her to meet you.”
“Maybe I’ll have time to meet your family at the end of summer. I don’t know exactly how long I’ll be gone.” She reminds him.
“That’s one of the worst parts.” He kisses her collarbone and she giggles.
“I’ll be back before you know it.” She assured him.
“I love you.” He confesses.
“I love you, too.” She turns to kiss him. ----------- “Stanford!” His mother gasps. “You never told me how beautiful she was!”
There was one day left before she could move back into the dorms, she had arrived back in town that one day. Of course Ford was happy to host her at his childhood home, but warned her his parents were a bit… much.
His mother was pulling her into a hug and grabbed her chin tilting her head side to side. Saying how she could afford to eat a little more. She managed to shake his father’s hand. “I’m impressed,” was all he had to say. Also she met his little brother Shermie before Ford pulled her up the stairs to his room and closed the door.
“Sorry about that,” he rubbed the back of his neck.
“It’s alright, they seem nice.” She assures him.
She takes a second to look around the room, there's two twin beds one on each side of the room. She can tell which side is Ford’s, it’s covered in papers and books. The other side however has a bunch of things related to boxing and copies of ‘Hot Babe’ magazine.
“Your brother doesn’t look the type to be into boxing.” She says aloud.
“Those aren't Sermie’s.” He sits on his bed with a sigh.
“Oh, they’re yours?” She looks puzzled.
“They’re my brother’s,” he waves his hand, almost dismissing the idea of him. “My other brother. My twin.”
She beams at him. “You never told me you had a twin. That’s exciting!”
He frowns and furrows his brow. “We haven't talked in a few years. Parents kicked him out after he ruined my chances at a scholarship to a good college.”
“I’m sorry, Ford. That’s sad.” She walks over towards him.
“It’s nothing. Besides if I didn’t end up where I am now I wouldn’t have met you.” He reaches out a hand and she takes it and he pulls her closer.
She smiles ear to ear. “Still, I can’t believe you kept that secret from me for so long.” She decided to make a bold move and straddle his lap. He lets out a choked sound. “What other secrets are you not telling me?” She leans her forehead against his and they kiss. ----------- Their last year of college goes by in a flash. The year is full of fond memories of her and Ford spending late nights together studying, and also not studying. There’s also many late nights of her, Ford, and Fids staying up late to debate whether or not other realities and dimensions could exist.
“If other realities exist, there’s definitely one where everyone had an evil twin,” she jokes. She's sat on the couch while the boys are at the table.
“It’s a possibility!” Ford insists.
“In that reality I’d definitely be dating your evil twin instead of you,” she jeers.
“I already have one in this reality,” Ford jokes.
“But what if every choice you have made opens up a new reality? If you hadn’t gone to college, or you didn’t eat a bagel for breakfast? Anything else could have happened.” Fids argues.
“I don’t get why you’re so against the idea when you yourself have seen such unbelievable things.” Ford gives her a look.
“I don’t know,” she sighs. “I guess I’ve just thought things I’ve seen are ancient beings who have always been on Earth, or things from a different galaxy. However I do see where it would make sense if there was a rip or a tear in our reality that allowed things to come through. Things that we find odd but would be normal in another reality or dimension.”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean!” Ford beams.
And that’s exactly what he set out to do. He’s given a grant to study anomalies in a small town called Gravity Falls.
“Did you ask her yet?” Fids asks Ford as his friend walks into their shared dorm. Fids is packing boxes of belongings as the year comes to a close.
Ford sighs and slumps down at the table giving him an answer.
“You do remember what happened last time you waited to ask her something right?” Fid reminds him.
Ford smirks. “That ended up working out just fine if I remember correctly.”
Fids rolls his eyes.
“Plus I haven’t seen her today.” He informs, then there's a knock on the door.
“That'll be her now,” Fids slips on his coat as he walks to the door. “Told her you needed to talk to her about something today.”
“Fiddleford, really?” Ford sighs but rises to greet her.
She gives Fids a quick hug as he walks out the door before closing it behind him. She turns to look at Ford with a worried expression.
“Are you breaking up with me?” She blurts.
Ford is taken aback. “What, no! Are you?”
She laughs. “No, I hadn’t planned on it. Fids didn’t say what you wanted to talk about and I guess my anxiety got the better of me.”
“No, I…” Ford rubs the back of his neck. “You know about my grant to study anomalies. I was wondering if… you’d like to join me?”
The looks she gives him is almost of heartbreak. “Oh, Ford.” She cups his face and gives him a kiss. “I, geez, If you had asked me two days ago I would have dropped everything to go but…” She sighs leaning away from his face. He wraps his hands around her waist. “I signed a year long contract to do field work in Roswell. It’s a paid internship.”
He feels his heart slightly break, and leans his forehead against hers. “That’s what I get for not asking sooner.”
“But, when my year is over, yes. If you still want me to that is.” She gives him a weak smile.
He surprises her by picking her up and spinning her in a circle before giving her a passionate kiss. “Yes, definitely, absolutely.”
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