#A classic case of bands plagiarizing eachother
autodiscipline · 10 months
this is kind of weird so sorry if you don't know how to answer but out of everyone i follow you seem like you might know. i've noticed a trend in a lot of vkei (maybe mostly older groups but maybe it still exists) to cover the nose with a wide bandage? do you know how this originated or what the purpose is/what it represents? i've never seen it in any other subcultures and i'm really curious? again sorry if you don't know fhsgdj
Hi, I'm afraid I have no no concrete answer to this question, so I'll tell you what I can off hand
Face coverings are quite common across the scene for various reasons- some do it for anonymity, others because of insecurities about their appearance, or simply for aesthetics/personal expression. It varies case to case, which is why you'll see some people wear it occasionally, while others adopt it as more of a signature look.
To talk a little more in depth, I'll mention that this style seems to originate within iryou kei & eroguro kei scenes, which are prevalent subgenres that utilize medical & grotesque imagery, where blood stained bandages are a staple in the fashion.
ex. Mercuro / late 90s-
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La Mule / late 90s-
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I'd also like mention: early cali≠gari, mucc, Dir en grey- these bands are considered iconic & said to be pioneers in the eroguro subgenre, at their most macabre you'll see them wearing all sorts from eyepatches to gasmasks to surgical masks.
Now, probably the most Iconic example of what anon mentions is Reita of The Gazette - late 90's up until recently
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I've heard all different backstories to why he wears his nose bandage, 'to look mysterious' & 'he's insecure about a broken/large nose' etc.. lol. I'm unsure what the truth is/if he's ever given a concrete explanation.
I'm unsure where to fit this in so I'll just mention it now- but we've seen this style reemerging within the menhera subgenre , which focuses on themes of wavering mental health & self harm. various bandages are used as a way to portray extreme mental instability. I instantly think of AvelCain Karma
Various examples-
Kyohei // Kebyo - menhera
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Uru // Kane to juusei - menhera
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Mitsuki of Kiryu
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Speaking of, iirc, Takemasa from Kiryu wears a permanent face covering because he has a CHIN on him, & unfortunately in a scene where visuals are very important, I can understand why people would feel the need to hide 'unconventional' features. There's something to be said about the culture here. Maybe they were born from lack of excessive facetune & the sexless photoshopped faces we see pushed so much today.
I hope it was a little helpful!
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