#4) she is wounded by rue but sublimates her anger through hob as the cause of their actions towards her
obeetlebeetle · 2 years
trying to crack ep3 is SO hard. wuvvy. hob. what is going on in ur little heads
#like the best i can get at for wuvvy is#1) she doesnt smell smoke and thinks of hob as a person who gave rue cause to write their letter / led them on#2) she DOES smell smoke and realizes hob could pull rue away from their role (destabilizing/dismantling her role) so she tries to deter him#3) same as 2 but she is genuinely trying to kill him?#4) she is wounded by rue but sublimates her anger through hob as the cause of their actions towards her#5) she is wounded by rue bc she is suddenly aware that they are capable of seeking something else and she acts on impulse to hold them back#5.5) i have to think shes acting on impulse. wuvvy is calculating but not like this#6) she is wounded bc she is rue's protector and she does not know how to protect them#and 7) hob really pissed her off in that conversation#knick is both harder and easier to understand#my guess is: he wanted to apologize to rue earlier but chose not to out of fear of being scorned by his superiors#and now wuvvy appears to demonstrate the failure of that choice and the apparent worsening of rue's injury#he is guilty but then cannot get wuvvy to provide a path for remediation and hob NEEDS someone else to tell him what to do#how to resolve the guilt#bc if someone gives him the structure by which to act no one can blame him for doing it wrong#instead wuvvy insists on the guilt. perhaps she sees him as a rake perhaps a political enemy perhaps a threat of a more personal nature--#--she thinks he mocks her. she mocks him. it hurts. he chooses the only structure he knows which is satisfaction through violence#but i dont know what provoked them. why either of them react so so strongly and why the scene escalates so quickly#so uh if u have some answer for me.... hmu
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