Is Concrete Printing A New Industry?
Our company gets calls every week from people and companies that are interested in knowing more about the new industry of 3D Concrete Printing. People are intrigued by the possibilities, but the industry is so new. They have lots of questions and the more questions that are answered, the newer ones they discover.
The truth is that concrete printing is going to revolutionize construction in a way that we haven’t seen since the invention of the tractor. Our parent company is a robotics manufacturer so we understand as well as most the changes before us. Automation is coming and those who embrace it will discover distinct advantages over their competition. These are the pioneers that are on the forefront of technology and their companies will lead the day moving forward.
The opportunities are endless
From printing fountains and statues to decorative fencing, monuments, and of course, homes and warehouses. This is a new industry, but it will evolve very quickly in numerous directions.
We recommend that before giving us a call, you take a moment and read some of the history and information below that you should find helpful.
Concrete 3D Printing - Is it a new industry?
As the world is slowly learning about a 3D Printed Castle, and similar videos are beginning to go viral, entrepreneurs all over the world are both fascinated and enamored with thoughts of potential possibilities. There is no doubt that this technology will change construction forever, but as thousands of curious prospects begin to come in, it’s becoming obvious that the cost to educate the public is going to be extensive. Everyone has so many questions, but no one is really talking.
At first glance, the idea of printing concrete seems easy. After all, everyone has seen a 3D printer or CNC router tables, so where is the real mystery? As hundreds are anxious to simulate what they’ve seen on YouTube, they do so with a very naive approach.
The idea of moving concrete with a computer controller isn’t hard at all. Anyone with a CNC router table can rig up a funnel and some sprinkler pipe to simulate most of the videos we’re beginning to see. And 90% quickly discover that the real mystery is in controlling and finishing the mud. Most of the people we speak to are fascinated by the idea, but nearly everyone hates the layer by layer look of the finished product. Even still, the idea of plastering the finished product is a viable solution, but the preference would be the ability to finish as you go and eliminate even more expense in an unnecessary step.
So while many CNC companies are just getting around to pouring their first bucket of mud through a funnel connected to a CNC table, and discovering the challenges of working with a material that changes every minute, the real players are already working to engineer a way to provide a finish that doesn’t require a crew of plasterers to come behind and make the finished product look good.
The Real Challenge with this New Solution
So even if you have a thousand hours to waste on figuring out the formula for mixing the right mud that will support itself without turning into a flat mess or falling over when trying to cantilever the third and fourth pass, the next step requires a team of engineers to design a troweling feature that can follow the printed path and rotate with every turn. This is where others generally lose interest because it requires a competent group of software and mechanical engineers that understand the dynamics of 5-axis robotics as well as the structural characteristics of building with mortar.
The Germans lead the pack right now, but they aren’t interested in selling what they have built. Their business model is to provide service rather than sell their printing machine. Several Chinese companies are trying to cash in, but to date, they haven’t shown anything more than pushing some mortar out of a 2-axis CNC table. All they have accomplished is linear printing rather than 3D printing as evidenced by their videos. The group that started most of this with the 3D printed castle is ahead of most, but still have no solution for the undesirable finish that everyone’s concerned about. Those that are a year or two into this know enough to recognize the challenge of managing a mechanical device that can rotate every corner and move in a manner that does not knock down the work that’s been done in an attempt to trowel as-you-go. It is the real task.
So now that we’ve shared a view of where this industry is at, let’s take a look at who we are.
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Going Up
“This cutting edge technology will change everything we know about traditional methods of construction.”
3D Concrete Printing is the hottest new technology to come along in decades. The benefits allow for reduced production times by as much as 70% resulting in significant cost and time savings. This cutting-edge technology will change everything we know about traditional methods of construction. Those who recognize this will be able to capture the momentum and position their respective product offerings as the de-facto of the industry.
MudBots is a 3D concrete printing company eager to partner with all industry players from batch plant equipment builders, bag mix suppliers, to additive and chemical companies. MudBots is a proven print platform and the perfect equipment to develop the cement, concrete, and epoxy mixes of the future. Just as the home office printer revolutionized the inkjet cartridge industry, we aim to revolutionize the specialty mud industry.
MudBots is the first in the industry to offer a 6’ x 6’ x 5’ Cartesian 3D Printer to aid in the development of specialty concrete mixes. We are excited to offer you a turn-key system consisting of: a work envelope optimized cartesian printer powered by high quality IP65 direct drive NEMA 34 hybrid stepper motors. These motors run in tightly controlled servo loop and is controlled by custom FPGAs and administered by LinuxCNC running on a real-time operating system. These elements combine to form a system with low jerk, high payload, and a repeatability of > 0.1” .
Simplify3D & LinuxCNC
Simplify3D software is capable of generating complex tool paths using multiple extruding nozzles — all from a simple .STEP file! Simplify3D is a current industry leader in 3D printing software with full control over print parameters including print speed, slice height, width multiplication, infill generation and percentage, and multiple workpiece support. These features allow you optimize YOUR printer for YOUR mud mix to ensure that YOUR prints match YOUR models!
A robust and vetted mixing and concrete delivery platform fully integrated into LinuxCNC, allowing you to pump small aggregate and synthetic fibers right to the extrusion nozzle with on-the-fly control overflow rate and out-feed pressure.
See MudBots in action with 3D Printing of Concrete Structures demo videos.
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