#3. as shes grown older; hunting becomes sacred to her.
bronzebtch · 1 year
it's the intimacy in little things: the way she takes her gloves off. the way she lets her full hair down. the way she asks you to join in her hunts.
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abbochan · 2 years
so i’ve made a little exposition/small character thing(s) for Fresh Bones! this kinda covers all the unspoken details of the story & the already established setting/timeline. i just wanted to whip this up for y’all to chew on while i work on the next chapter and also to kinda fill in tiny story gaps that i didn’t necessarily go into detail with.
-Laura and Travis have been teamed up for about 8 months
-Travis is retired
-The only other surviving Hackett is Bobby
-Travis now owns the land that his parents once did, including the mansion, the camp, and the scrapyard.
-Bobby still runs the scrapyard from time to time, using the cash he makes to get himself into different hobbies his mother never let him try.
-Travis’ cabin has become their “base of operations”. his organized mess has grown since Laura came back.
-Laura stayed at a motel for 3 months before Travis decided to clear his spare bedroom for her.
-Bobby and Travis spend time together making homemade bullets, and more recently, making holy/sacred salts for bindings/rituals/banishments
-Travis and Laura working together has subsequently given Laura and Bobby a chance to face the past and Laura’s actions. Bobby is still a bit wary of her but if T trusts her, then Bobby can get there too
-Laura does the majority of the research, the bitch is a rabbit-hole diver
-Travis and Bobby do the majority of the scouting and sourcing.
-Laura is an only child
-Into horror films but now they kinda make her feel a bit uneasy and are a bit too ironic
-LOVES japanese candies/treats. Travis drives two towns over just to get them for her but she doesn’t have the heart to tell him she can just order them online. It’s one of his kindest gestures.
-Kickboxing for 5 years has REALLY paid off during certain situations. she is SPICY.
-Laura is not attending university
-Laura likes to cook but she and Travis often find themselves eating fast food at 2 am with documents all over the cabin floor.
-Laura’s not 100% sure what the hell they’re doing but she knows they’re helping people that others would normally call crazy, and that’s very important to her.
-Literally not afraid of shit. she’s been so brazen lately that her courage has started to eclipse into recklessness and Travis has had to save her skin a few times now.
-Travis’ favorite pastime was fishing, he stopped when the curse started. Laura wants him to teach her someday.
-Most of the money they use for hunts comes from Travis’ pension. It’s just enough cash to provide for their needs.
-Travis has an aquarium in his living room. Just a little hobby he picked up in the 90s. He has two angel fish. One is named Hall, the other's name is Oates.
-Travis keeps his health up by working out a few times a week. Nothing much but it helps him stay in shape. In fact, he never stopped exercising after he got older, even when the curse began.
-Travis loves 70s/80s music (duh) and enjoys putting on his old record collection on days they have nothing going on
-Travis hid that record collection from Constance for nearly fifteen years so he fucking LOVES playing the music loud with the cabin windows open.
-Travis is a decent cook, he’s surprised Laura a few times with his meals.
-Lots of small town drama/bullshit happens after the events of the game and Bobby is quick to defend his brother if he hears negative gossip.
-He adopted a stray kitten and named it Goblin. She lives at Travis’, and despite his initial efforts to keep the animal out of his house, everyone enjoys having her around.
-Bobby typically stays behind on hunts to watch the house and take note of anything that comes to Laura’s “desk” while she’s away. He likes helping anywhere he can.
-Bobby knows how much his brother struggles with the guilt and aftermath of last summer, so he tries his best to be supportive of Travis when he’s going through his emotional days.
-Despite everything that happened, Bobby still loves Travis and is very happy he’s still alive. He understands why he did what he had to do.
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