world-of-wales · 2 years
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26 MAY 2021 || The Countess of Strathearn and Prince William hosted a special screening of Cruella at the Palace of Holyroodhouse for NHS staff in recognition of their vital work throughout the pandemic on the third-day of their visit to Scotland.
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kingwilliamv · 11 months
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Prince William and Catherine, The Earl and Countess of Strathearn hosted a drive-in cinema screening of Disney's 'Cruella' for Scottish NHS workers at The Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh, Scotland. — 26.05.2021
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svt-archivo · 1 year
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26.05.2021 DK en weverse
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ml3print · 2 years
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International Print Mail Art Project 2021 Theme : See Things In Perspective at Grafisch Collectief Thoets Amsterdam Netherlands
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ml3printstudio · 2 years
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International Print Mail Art Project 2021 Theme : See Things In Perspective at Grafisch Collectief Thoets Amsterdam Netherlands
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jacmacablog · 9 months
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Euro 2020: Coronavirus rules could cause Germany team major problems | Sports| German football and major international sports news | DW | 26.05.2021"
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panelki · 1 year
Особенности регистрации ООО в 2022 году
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью — популярная форма предпринимательства. Её чаще выбирают те бизнесмены, кто решил вести дела вместе с партнёрами, а не в одиночку. Сегодня можно зарегистрировать компанию не выходя из дома, например онлайн через банк. Уставный капитал общества В регистрации ООО могут участвовать один или несколько человек, максимум 50. У общества должен быть уставный капитал, в который вносят деньги все его участники, причём необязательно в равных долях. Минимальный размер уставного капитала — всего 10 000 рублей (статья 14 Федерального закона от 08.02.1998 №14-ФЗ). Однако для фирм, планирующих заниматься страхованием, кредитованием или торговлей алкоголем, сумма будет существенно выше. Оплатить доли в УК можно: деньгами; ценными бумагами; другим имуществом; имущественными правами. Решение о том, кто сколько вносит в УК, а также в какую сумму оценивается внесённое имущество, принимают все участники единогласно. Каждый партнёр будет получать прибыль пропорционально своим вложениям. Пошаговый план регистрации ООО Зарегистрировать юрлицо в 2022 году — значит провести собрания учредителей, оформить необходимые документы, отправить заявление в регистрирующую налоговую. Это если очень коротко. А подробная инструкция будет такой: Подумайте, как будете организовывать общество — в одиночку или с учредителями. Решите, как назовёте фирму, где будет юридический адрес, каков уставной капитал. Подберите коды ОКВЭД для видов деятельности, которыми планируете заниматься. Подумайте, какая система налогообложения будет выгодней. Все принятые на общем собрании решения оформите протоколом. Подготовьте и утвердите устав общества, назначьте гендиректора. Его можно выбрать из учредителей или со стороны. Соберите и подайте в регистрирующую налоговую инспекцию заявление по форме Р11001, паспортные данные и ИНН всех участников, устав юрлица, протокол о его создании, договор об учреждении юрлица (если в фирме несколько участников), квитанцию об уплате госпошлины. При подаче документов онлайн госпошлину не платят. А ещё не забудьте про уведомление о выборе налогового спецрежима, если не хотите работать на сложной общей системе налогообложения (ОСНО). Лучше его подать во время регистрации, но можно и в течение месяца после. От выбранного режима зависят порядок ведения бухучёта, суммы и график платежей, количество отчётов и другие важные нюансы работы. Новшества 2022 года С прошлого года начали действовать упрощённые правила открытия юрлиц через нотариусов. Раньше приходилось платить нотариусам и за подтверждение подлинности подписи заявителя, и за подачу документов в ИФНС. Сейчас, если нотариус подтвердил, что подпись на заявлении Р11001 настоящая, он самостоятельно передаёт документы в ИФНС. Теперь это считается одним нотариальным действием (Федеральный закон от 26.05.2021 №143-ФЗ). И ещё одно новшество: до конца 2022 года ООО могут проводить заочно любые собрания, в том числе общее собрание участников для регистрации юрлица, а также для утверждения годовой отчётности (Федеральные законы от 25.02.2022 №20-ФЗ и №25-ФЗ). Как зарегистрировать бизн��с онлайн Удалённая подача документов — это удобно, да и госпошлину платить не придётся. Однако вам понадобится электронная подпись. При открытии бизнеса через Альфа-Банк её можно получить бесплатно. Понадобится только паспорт и СНИЛС. Всё остальное сделают за вас: проверят документы; подготовят заявление в налоговую; выпустят ключ КЭП, чтобы вы могли всё подписать удалённо; отправят документы в регистрирующий орган. А ещё откроют счёт, подключат бухгалтерию, подарят бонусы на развитие. Настоящая статья и изображения подготовлены и предоставлены для размещения организацией. Независимое информационное агентство "Нижний Новгород" не несет ответственности за содержание статьи, финансовые, правовые и иные последствия ее опубликования. *На правах рекламы.
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world-of-wales · 2 years
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26 MAY 2021 || The Countess of Strathearn and Prince William joined the Fife Young Carers for a session of land yachting on West Sands beach at St Andrews on Day-3 of their tour of Scotland.
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kingwilliamv · 2 years
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Prince William and Catherine, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, hosted a drive-in cinema screening of Disney's 'Cruella' for Scottish NHS workers at The Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh, Scotland. — 26.05.2021
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svt-archivo · 1 year
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26.05.2021 Mingyu en weverse
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belgradeoldschool · 2 years
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Куп Србије – финале: Црвена звезда – Партизан 2:1,  26.05.2021.
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cabinofimagines · 2 years
Hearthstone's ABCs
Shoutout to that one anon on may 26th 2021 that convinced me to write this, without asking me to write this.
Pairing: Hearthstone x reader Request: No Warnings: 1.5k Word count: None
- Asnyox
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Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
You two mostly spend time exploring the outside, or reading inside. It depends on the general energy you guys have, and whether you can find some good quiet inside or not.
Beauty - What do they admire in their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Secretly, Hearthstone adores your hands. It is, to him, the way you speak and the closest he can get to you is by seeing you sign to him. He hopes that you like his hands too, for it takes up most of your time looking at him.
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Hearthstone would be a rock on the shore for you, he knows how to silently deal with a lot of problems and trauma and he shall try his best to comfort you.
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
The future is rarely on Hearth's mind. The past is around a lot, and the present is the most pressing matter, but the future has always been uncertain. He hopes that maybe one day you two can find somewhere peaceful - but to him those are just dreams.
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Romantically, Hearthstone is very passive. The relationship has grown naturally as it is and he feels no pressure to be dominant in it at all.
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He can hold a grudge, and he would press it down. If you hurt him he won't outright say it, but he would hide. He would hide from you and his feelings, until he is cornered and forced to calm down. Then, after some reflection, he sits you down and you two have a conversation about what happened.
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Hearthstone doesn't always notice what you would be doing for him, but he makes sure to thank you for your efforts. He is very grateful for help that comes to him, for he is not always sure how to ask for it.
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He hides his past, not because he is scared you wouldn't love him for it, but because he does not want to personally involve you in it. His past hurts him a lot, and he does not like dwelling on it. Don't ask either, he will shut you down.
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Hearthstone hardly changes at all, for he is rooted as who he is. He might try out some things if you insist, but change is hard and has never only been good up until now.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
With your friend group Hearthstone does not get jealous, but if a stranger approaches you he does feel a glint of anger come up. It's not that he does not trust you - it might be a bit of insecurity on his part. He would just glare at the person, until they go too far and he quickly interrupts the conversation.
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Kissing is not easy for either of you. Forehead kisses are often opted for, or cuddles in private. Don't expect a lot of kisses here, because the bond you two have goes above physical love.
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Probably after a big quest, or someone got hurt. He would find somewhere private, and scold you for being reckless or something stupid, trying not to tell you that he loves you. That is, until he sees your face, and he simply signs 'I love you'
Memory - What’s their favourite memory together?
A serene moment, just you and him sitting somewhere. The sun shined right onto you face and you were laughing at a joke he had signed. There was a calmness in the moment, and you were in your own little world.
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
He often just uses the first letter of your name, or your name sign, given that signing different words would only confuse the general person.
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It is not very obvious, for all you would be able to notice is how he seems more protective and worried about you. Alternatively, he would often opt to stand next to you when you're with friends.
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
To the outside public you would not need PDA to be dating. It is the general vibe around the two of you that makes people think 'Aww, look at that cute couple' without even trying. PDA itself is a no-go. Touching is not Hearth's forte, and he needs his hands to communicate.
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He seems to always find a sunny spot, wherever you two are. It can be rainy all day, but as soon as he leaves the building with you it is dry. It is either that he knows what the sun is doing, or that he literally brings the sun out.
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Romance is not anything Hearth is particularly good in, or really cares about. If you need a romantic date every now and then, he will arrange a dinner or so, but it would all be very movie-like.
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He is very supportive of whatever you do. He helps in every way he can, even if you don't want him to. However, if needed he will be a realist and pull you out of unachievable dreams before you destroy yourself over them.
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
The life you have already brings enough spice every now and then. Another quest, wolves haunting you, you name it. Whenever it is possible you two fall into a routine together, moving together and around each other as if nature intended your pairing.
Understanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Hearthstone knows you as much as he knows himself. It is only natural after the time you had spent together, and he uses this knowledge for the better during difficult times.
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Unconsciously you have become Hearth's life. If you were to disappear on him, the gap he has in his heart might tear him apart. He does not know how much you have filled the parts he had lost, and losing you could be something he might not recover from, ever.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He really likes it when you adjust his scarf. That way he can study your face while you are occupied. He enjoys the slight warmth coming from your hands, and the moment you two always have.
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
No, touch is very uncommon for Hearth, so don't expect a lot of skin contact. However, touching one's clothes is fine, and cuddling in a home environment too.
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He seeks out his other friends, yet stays away from actual conversation or contact with them. His friends notice and try to pick him up, but they all know that he will only go back to how he was when you are back.
Zeal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He would try everything for the relationship, to the point that his friends would actively need to stop him before there is no turning back. Even then, the question remains whether he will ever stop or recover.
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