#2) it truly isn't hard to MAKE the fruit filling at all
imwritesometimes ¡ 1 month
I have such a neat idea for a mother's day cake I just hope I can pull it off 😵‍💫
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tuliptiger ¡ 1 year
Ah valentine's day, the time of year where stores start selling chocolate covered strawberries ♥️. (They are also super cheap and easy to make because the ones in the stores are WAY too expensive for what they are y'all.)
INCLUDING instructions because it really doesn't count as cooking to me how easy it is.
1.) Get yourself some fresh strawberries, as many or as few as you like.
2.) Get yourself whatever kind of chocolate you like as long as it's like a solid bar chocolate or chocolate chips or those little melting chocolate pucks that I think are made for dipping things into. Nuts might be fine but caramel fillings and the like are out.
3.) Go home, wash your berries and a really important step!!! Dry them! The chocolate has a really hard time sticking if they aren't dry and what I mean by this is it will slip off the strawberries like they're covered in oil if they're wet or damp.
4.) Get a pot and fill it 1/4-1/3 of the way full with water, tap water is more than good enough it's just to heat. Get yourself either a smaller pot OR I have used a small pan that is large enough to sit on top and cover the top of the pot or a metal bowl will do to. As long as it sits on and covers the top of the pot.
5.) Get the water boiling and then break up your chocolate(s) into smaller ish pieces. Precision isn't key here small pieces just melt easier and quicker. Throw the chocolate into whatever container is going on top of the water and set it on top of the pot with boiling water.
6.) Let the chocolate melt, you can mix it with a fork or something to make sure it's all melted. Once the strawberries are dry and the chocolate is melted all the way you can start dipping those puppies!
7.) I'd suggest for easy clean up, once you've dipped the berries, put them on a cookie tray with tinfoil or wax paper so they don't stick. Once you've dipped as many berries as you think you'll eat you can throw them in the fridge to cool faster or just set them in a cool place.
And that's it! It's really easy, the clean up isn't too bad (if you wait for the melted chocolate to cool and harden in the bowl it'll just pop out later especially if you throw it in the freezer) and it goes REALLY quickly I think.
You can have 4 chocolate covered strawberries for $7.00 OR ($4-6 for roughly 16 berries + $3-6 dollars for chocolate = $7-$12. Roughly $0.44-$0.75 per berry) (My local Safeway prices) It's also really cool to be able to make something so simple and delicious for yourself and others :) and haunting if you get carried away (I accidentally made like 60 one time because strawberries were on sale and the chocolate goes a long way).
And like once you dip one berry the possibilities are truly endless. Dip oranges, raspberries, any fruit you like or breads! Mix the chocolates too, my perfect blend was like %20 dark choco, %60 milk, and %20 white. Have fun! Make them together or for others or yourself! You don't need fancy equipment either I mean hell you can melt the chocolate in the microwave if you want too.
Anyway have a good one y'all!
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koshi-r ¡ 2 years
9 Ways to Lose Weight Without Exercise
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You've probably heard that the best way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. That sounds great in theory, but it doesn't happen easily for everyone. For some people, more physical activity just isn't an option when trying to lose weight.
There may be several reasons why you have to try and lose weight without exercising:
You have an injury that limits or prohibits exercise.
You're getting ready for certain types of surgery, such as knee surgery, and the doctor wants you to lose weight. However, you can't exercise much or at all due to the pain in your knee.
You have painful arthritis or fibromyalgia.
You have diabetes and low blood sugar, also called hypoglycemia. When you exercise, your blood sugar can reach dangerously low levels.
You're turned off by the word "exercise." This may not be a solid reason to avoid physical activity, but it could be why you try to find ways to lose weight without exercise, says Amy Kimberlain, a registered dietitian based in Miami and a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
9 Tips to Lose Weight Without Exercise
Be patient with the process.
 advises registered dietitian Heidi Katte, program coordinator for the Milwaukee Area Technical College's nutrition and dietetic technician associate degree program in Milwaukee. Even when you can exercise, losing weight in a limited time period can be a challenge. Since you can't move as much, realize it may take longer and you may have some setbacks.
2. Play around with plates.
 One common strategy used for weight loss is to play around with plate size and the portions on a plate. At dinner, one idea is to use your smaller salad plate for grains and protein and your larger dinner plate for non-starchy vegetables, Kimberlain says.
This helps you to fill up more on those low-cal veggies. Another plate idea: If you're at a holiday or special event with some of your favorite desserts, don't deprive yourself, Katte advises. Instead, serve yourself a portion using a small plate instead of a large plate.
3. Watch your portions. 
In the U.S., especially at restaurants, we're accustomed to getting super-sized meals, Weisenberger says. Plan to eat only half of what you're served. Don't be afraid to take home a doggie bag of leftovers.
The best way to Lose Weight
4. Eat without distractions.
 Think about the last few meals that you ate. Were you reading or watching something on a screen? Maybe driving and eating? It's easy to eat too much if you're not focused on what you're eating. Put away the phone (or turn off the TV or whatever else distracts you) to enjoy each bite. Eating mindfully by chewing slowly is another way to focus on what you're eating, so you're truly aware of when you're full, Katte says.
5. Get more fiber.
 Fiber is the substance in food that helps to fill you up so you stay full longer. The recommended serving for fiber is 25 grams a day to women and up to 38 grams a day for men, but most Americans struggle to get even 10 grams daily, Katte says.
Foods that are rich in fiber include:
Beans. For example, a cup of black beans has 15 grams of fiber.
Broccoli. One cup contain 5 grams of fiber.
Pears. A medium pear has 5½ grams of fiber.
Raspberries. One cup has 8 grams.
Whole wheat spaghetti. One cup will give you 6 grams of fiber.
Most fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber. Make sure to increase your water intake as you add more fiber to your diet. Otherwise, the extra fiber could be too hard on your digestion and may constipate you.
6. Drink more water.
 Eating more fiber-rich foods while drinking more water is a winning weight-loss combination, Weisenberger says. Water helps to fill you up more, just like fiber does. It also can replace sugary beverages such as soda that can easily add 250 to 500 calories a day to your diet, depending on what you drink, Katte says.
Here are a few ways to get more water:
Carry a water bottle with you.
Set a water drinking schedule, so you make sure to drink water regularly during the day.
If you're working, make it a point to get up regularly and refill your water. This could mean going to the water fountain or the kitchen more regularly, Katte says. In either case, you're getting more water and sneaking in a few extra steps.
7. Add protein.
 Although we all need a healthy mix of complex carbohydrates, healthy fats  and protein (you can work with a registered dietitian to find out the right amounts for you), protein-rich foods in particular can help you fill up and fuel your body, Weisenberger says. She recommends about 25 to 30 grams of protein per meal instead of eating a massive amount of protein at once. This keeps your body fueled throughout the day.
The current recommended daily allowance for protein is 10% to 35% of your overall calories, but many health experts favor ramping that up under certain circumstances, including weight loss.
Here are a few protein-rich food choices:
Atlantic salmon, 3.5 ounces: 22 grams of protein.
Canned tuna, 3 ounces: 20 grams of protein.
Chicken breast, 3 ounces: 27 grams of protein.
Greek yogurt, a half-cup: 11 grams of protein. Weisenberger adds a dollop of Greek yogurt to black beans (another protein-rich food) and stews.
Milk, one cup: 8 grams of protein.
8. Sleep more.
 Let your weight loss goal be the reason to push you to get more z's. That's because adequate sleep helps to regulate the hormones related to hunger. When you're sleep-deprived, your body often will signal that it's hungrier. It also raises your level of cortisol, a stress-related hormone that triggers your body to hold on to fat. Plus, when you're sleep-deprived, it can distract you from your focused weight loss goals. Most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep a night.
9. Keep healthier food around. 
You're ready for a snack and open up the pantry. You see chips, cookies and other less-nutritious options. It's only natural to want to reach out and make those unhealthier choices. To help avoid this trap, stock your pantry with healthier snack options, keep the fridge filled with chopped veggies, and have a fruit bowl in plain view.
The best way to Lose Weight
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toomanyfandoms02 ¡ 4 years
The Mission // Spencer Reid x Reader
Sooooo this was SUPPOSE to be a blurb for @andiebeaword BUT it ended up being much longer than that, my bad.
Summary - Spencer and Reader must act like a married couple at a party in order to get information on a hitman. They may do more than needed to prove being a married couple.
Word count - 2.7k
Prompts - "If we die, I'm going to kill you." ~~~ "You have a dirty mind." ~~~ "These heels are peeling off my **skin**. But yes, keep complaining about your tag you whine ass." ~~~ "Wow, I can't imagine being that rich! How old are his kids, maybe I can date one."
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It was a well-known fact that I loved partnering with Spencer. We could always joke around and make eachother feel better, even when working the bad cases. But I feel like this was a little ridiculous.
"Are you shitting me?" The words slipped from my mouth so easily, which I immediatly regretted. Spencer gave me *the look* and elbowed my side.
"I'm sorry Y/n, you and Spencer are the two people who are the most compatible to seem like a couple, and we need hard proof before we arrest him." Hotch explained with his usual amount of enthusiasm.
"Hotch, this guy is dangerous and we will be in there without vests, is what I believe y/n is trying to say." Spencer leaned back in his seat, flipping through the mans file.
"We will have sharp-shooters pointing through every window at him in case anything gets out of hand. This is non negotiable." And with that, he left.
"Well, clearly we have no choice." I stood from my seat, flattening my skirt. "I'm gonna go home and get an outfit ready. You aren't wearing that to the party either." I pointed to his outfit.
"What's wrong with my outfit?!" He scoffed, hugging his sweater vest.
"Okay, one, this isn't some dingy hole in the wall. And two, even if it was, you don't go to a nice party looking like someone who has 3 PhD's in the first place." The smirk on my lips grew wider as he feigned offense.
"Fine, I'll find something nicer to wear. I'll pick you up at 7 and tell the team to meet us there." I agreed and left the conference room a little grumpy, quickly making a bee line to the elevator before anyone could comment on my mood.
I stared at the 3 dresses in front of me. They were all the same style, but different colors.
White, yellow, and olive green.
I wasn't sure why I was having so much trouble picking a *color*. I always say that I dress for myself, which is what I was trying to do right now.
I totally wasn't thinking back to that conversation I had with Spencer a few weeks ago.
*"Y/n!" Emily looked at me with surprise. "You look so beautiful in white! Why don't you wear it more?" She was right, I never wore it. Me and Penelope were pretty known for wearing many colors, mine just had to be paired with a black skirt.*
*"I'm so clumsy." I laughed. "I live in constant fear that I'll spill coffee on it. Hence why I'm not holding a cup of joe."*
*"I agree with Emily, you look nice in white." Spencer chimed in. "You know the psychological meaning of white is purity, innocence, wholeness and completion. In color psychology, white is the color of new beginnings, of wiping the slate clean, so to speak." He then took a sip of his coffee.*
*"Yeah well I don't know about the innocent part." I giggled, looking to Emily who gave me a shrug and nod. Spencer choked a bit on his coffee. "You alright there Spence?" He saluted me and headed to his desk, which put me and Emily into a fit of giggles.*
I reluctantly grabbed the white one, silently hoping that I was less of a klutz tonight.
The satin dress slipped on me easily. It came down to about 2 or so inches above my knees and had thin straps. I paired it with some semi-transparent heels and called it a day. I put on a little heavier makeup to look the part. Foundation, winged eyeliner, blush, highlight, and mascara. Lastly, I tied my hair up in a simple straightened pony-tail.
By the time my indecisive ass was done choosing everything, it was nearly 7 and I knew that Spence would be early. My heels clicked as I walked on my wood floors, heading to the front door. Getting there just in time to hear a knock. I must have startled him by opening it so fast because he stumbled back a bit. He wore a nice white button up and tighter pants than usual, paired with nice black oxfords.
And then he just stood there.
I waved my hand in front of his face.
"Hi!" He shook his head a bit. "Hello there, back to Earth I see. Do you wanna come in and have a glass of water before this whole event, since you are," I leaned back into my doorway to look at the time. "12 minutes early?"
"Oh, yeah sure." I cleared the way so he could walk in. I shook the heels from my feet, taking me down at least three inches before stepping into the kitchen. I grabbed two glasses.
"Do you want ice?" I turned to him, he was sitting at my island. He just shook his head. "Okay." I laughed, putting ice in mine and just filling his with water. The glass clinked as it hit the island in front of him. "You're pretty quiet, are you okay?" The tips of his ears reddened.
"Yeah! I'm just a little nervous, you?" He swiftly brought the water to his lips, guzzling it down like he hadn't drank anything in days. He then stood up.
"Of course I'm nervous." I came around to his side of the counter and swooned into his arms. "But I'll have a great protector there." He smiled down at me with a shake of his head, standing me back up.
Now it's time to head out.
We pulled up to the location in Spencer's Volvo, which was incredibly nice to ride in. ~~and I would love to get use to riding in it~~.
"Okay, I have one thing to fix with your outfit." I turned to him before we exited the car. His eyes narrowed at this comment. I leaned forward and unbuttoned two buttons. "Now you look like your going to a party."
"Thank you expert. Stay in the car, I'm going to open your door, the bouncer works with him and we have to go all out on this act." He nodded his head at the bouncer a few yards away.
I wish this wasn't an act.
He opened the door, offering his hand. I took it with a gracious smile, interlacing our fingers. We walked up to the bouncer, who had an ipad with the guest list in hand. Penelope had hacked into their list and added our names, well fake names.
"Mr and Mrs. Adler." Spencer spoke as I leaned into his side. The man scrolled through the list, he tapped our names and opened the door.
It opened to a large room, filled with dozens of people. I leaned up on my tippy toes and whispered into Spencer's ear.
"If we die, I'm going to kill you." I pulled away with a smile, patting his shoulder. His Adam's apple bobbed while he gulped. "So, what's this guys networth, I mean he seems pretty damn rich to throw a party like this." He looked down at me quizzically. "I know you know what it is, I'm sure you have researched him extensively. So what is it?"
"6.2 million dollars." He recited, looking towards the crowd, scanning for the man in question.
"Wow, I can't imagine being that rich! How old are his kids, maybe I can date one."
"Be careful what you say, someone might think we are suspicious." He pulled me into his side, kissing the top of my head.
This night is going to be agonizing. "There he is." We made our way to him slowly, stopping at small drink stations. Just as we were about to get to some seats near him, a server came up to us.
"Hello! Welcome. Would you guys like anything?" She handed Spencer a very small menu. I could see the slight confusion in his eyes. It was truly a weird thing to do at such a big party.
*Potato Soup*
*Fruit Bowl*
*Veggie Bowl*
"I'll have a salad, and the lady will have a fruit bowl." He pointed to the seats we were on our way to. "We will be over there. Thank you." He put his hand on the small of my back, leading us to the seats.
"How did you know I wanted a fruit bowl?"
"You bring some kind of fruit cup to work every day, I'm observant." Right as we were about to sit down, another couple took the seats, not even noticing that we were heading there.
"Well damn. I say we stand next to his table until our food gets here, then we go to the other corner of the room and observe, then we catch him making the deal." I led him to the space by the table. After just a few minutes of waiting, the young lady who took our orders he returned, holding a small bowl of salad and a fruit bowl.
"Have a good night!" She chimed, how can someone be so happy with so many people around?
We ventured to the other side of the room, I grabbed two glasses of champagne from another server on the way. I peered at Spencer over the skinny glass, he was staring at his salad.
"What, is there something wrong?"
"Why is there so much white stuff on it? It's not ranch, I know what ranch looks like." My giggle was muffled slightly by the glass.
"That's what she said." He raised one eyebrow. Then a look of realization came over his face.
"You have a dirty mind." He mixed together the salad to distribute the 'white stuff'. We subtly stared every once in a while over at the mans table.
His name was Anton Todd, but his customers called him Ton. He was someone who frequently assassinated people. He was a hitman to be exact. We had an outside source tell us that a new customer would be coming in to request business, so we could kill two birds with one stone.
So far the man we knew as Cole Kamargo had not come to ask for Antons *services* yet. We had been standing in this corner of the room for a while, just watching him. That's when I caught his eye.
His gaze was terrifying, it struck me right through my soul, and I just couldn't stop looking. He squinted at me, tilting his head. Spencer shook my shoulder.
"Y/n, stop staring at him." It was like being lost in someone's eyes in the worst way possible. I watched as he stood from the table, making his way over with a sour look on his face.
"Shit shit shit shit." I mumbled as he got closer.
"Shit is right. Do you trust me?" I kept my eyes on the man.
"Of course." He grabbed my hips, pushing me against the wall behind us and kissed me hard. He trailed his left hand up to the back of my neck, holding me there. I gasped in surprise, leading him to slip his tongue in my mouth. Meaning we were full on making out. I pushed my hands into his hair, gladly accepting the kiss and sighing into it. Suddenly, Spencer was pulled from me. And there he stood.
"Tell your girl to stop fuckin' staring at me." He spat, glaring at me.
"Sorry sir, my wife has ADHD, she zones out frequently." He rushed to my side and pulled me into his side protectively. Anton rolled his eyes and left the area.
I looked up at Spencer, his cheeks were a deep shade of red, and he was touching his lips.
"Thank you. Also, you're a good kisser." I remarked, nudging his side a bit. He looked down at me with wide eyes. "What? Am I not allowed to compliment your kissing? It's good!" I laughed heartily, looping my arm into his.
"Ditto." A smile grew on his lips. I could get use to this. Spencer noticed an available seat near us, so he sat patting his lap.
"Excuse me?"
"Come sit on my lap!" He chuckled.
"I'm glad your getting use to the idea of me being your *wife*." I sat on his lap, leaning my head back onto his shoulder. My hands made their way to the heel of my foot, slightly slipping my shoe off. "These heels are from Satan I think." I rubbed at the sore skin.
"My tag is itchy." Spencer pulled at his collar, relieving the so called *itch*.
"These heels are peeling off my **skin**. But yes, keep complaining about your tag you whine ass." He turned his head to me, kissing my cheek.
"I'm sorry, I can put some neosporin on it when we get home. I mean, when we get-get you home." He stuttered, the tips of his ears once again turning an extravagant shade of red. I kissed his jaw.
"Thank you *baby*." We were then interrupted by a woman next to us.
"How long have you guys been married?" The lady leaned over the booth, a ring was clearly shown on her finger.
"8 years." I answered quickly, before Spencer could say a contradicting answer.
"Wow! You guys look so young to be together so long. How do you guys keep it so... so beautiful?" She tilted her head at the question.
"What do you mean?" I asked, reaching my hand into Spencer's hair and playing with it momentarily.
"You seem so in love. You act like teenagers, I don't think I've looked that in love with my husband since we first met." She huffed.
"You just have to find someone who's easy to love." He leaned his head on mine. "I've never had a doubt in my mind that she was the one." The words stuck with me, I felt like they would be embedded in my soul for eternity.
"I think I need to get a divorce." She sunk into the seat, I watched as her husband come back and sat with her, she gave him a weak smile.
"Okay, we need to leave this area before we become homewreckers." I whispered, pulling him to his feet and fleeing into another direction. "We must be amazing actors." I laughed nervously.
"Yeah, actors." He murmered, but before I could comment on it, I saw Cole making his way to Anton.
"Spencer! It's Cole!" I screeched quietly. We discreetly made our way near the table, quickly catching the conversation and relaying it to Hotch.
Cole spoke of the horrible things he wanted done to his wife, it made me sick.
"FBI, get on the ground!" I pulled my gun from the left holster that Spencer had for me. I couldn't exactly *hide* a gun on this white dress. Spencer pulled his gun as well.
"We have you surrounded by sharpshooters aimed and ready to fire, so I suggest that you comply." Morgan came in soon, cuffing the both of them and leading the men to cars.
We now remained outside, sitting on the stairs of the large building.
"I enjoyed being your husband for a night." Spencer laughed, nudging my shoulder.
"And I enjoyed being your wife." I played with the fake ring on my finger. "Okay. Fuck it. Did you mean any of the things you said in there?" The words spat from my mouth quickly.
"Like what?" His voice was shaky.
"Like, that you never had a doubt that I was the one. Or was that part of the act. I would totally understand if it was, you're an amazing actor if it was because it honestly had me believing-" He put his finger to my lips.
"Yes, I meant it."
"Thank God." I grabbed his jaw with both hands and brought him to my lips. He smiled into the kiss, deepening it. His hands ran up and down my back slowly.
"I wouldn't mind doing this every day." He remarked, gesturing between our lips.
"I wouldn't either pretty boy."
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okaylino ¡ 3 years
🌙 General Guidance Reading for the next 2 weeks 5/10-5/23 🌙 what do you need to hear?
Hi all! I originally planned to offer three groups to choose from, but as this is my first time I found I've underestimated that endeavor, so there's only one reading.
Please only continue if you feel pulled to. This is a general reading and multiple people might come from different spaces, so take what resonates, and don't force the rest ✨
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(yes that’s a mattress..)
Moonology deck:
I'm seeing there’s an issue involving someone else that’s causing problems for you, an internal struggle, that Spirit is saying you need to break out of. And in the next two weeks this is going to become more and more apparent until it has to be addressed with the "A fiery climax approaches" card. Like a volcano that builds until it bursts. Something is "coming to wits end" is what I heard. And as much as it involves someone else, because it is showing another party, a lot of the issues I’m seeing are in fact personal and internal.
Crystal deck:
As far as who is also involved in this process, with the Chiastolite “passed loved ones” I sense it could be a family situation or a relationship, although it could be a friendship if that resonates more. Possibly a living arrangement or living with family, or an unfulfilling or toxic/negative relationship of some kind.
Moonology deck:
With "the end of a tough cycle approaches", the situation you're in can end, but Spirit is asking how willing are you to make a change and put in the effort towards your own happiness? This “your hard work is paying off” in the reverse is showing fear of change and effort will be needed in order to overcome this.
A cycle keeps repeating here. You could very well find yourself in these situations often due to lack of identity and happiness in yourself, and you try to find it in the ones who aren't good for you almost as a way for you to receive validation from those same people, for it to mean more or for closure, and Spirit is saying to step into your own power. Give what you're searching from them to yourself instead.
For the next two weeks, the message is heavy with themes of endings. A cycle is coming to a close. A personal issue will be resolved. Everything is pointing to an end to the repeating negativity. And it does require your effort but you are being aided in this. The "luck is on your side" card I tend to take as a "shoot your shot" message because you won't miss. You'll get through this!
These endings showed themslves in different ways: The breaking point could mean choosing to physically move from a living situation into a better environment, cutting off communication with that past. For others it could be that relationship you know you should cut off, maybe an ex you keep going back to that's not healthy. I also got while seeing this play out this theme of compassion with the Zebra stone card. Spirit is saying that while your feelings are valid - if you're angry it's valid, bitter it's valid, hurt it's valid - to remember to be compassionate for yourself. This could mean to take compassion and don't put yourself through this anymore. Focus on yourself and what's best for you. But there's also a card here that connects it and it says to "speak with kindness", and while I don't see it completely in the literal sense, it's more of a message that yelling things into oblivion will only cause yourself more harm. "It's up to you on which note you want to leave it on".
Terra deck:
The Monarch: change
There is going to be positive change here if you open yourself up to it. It'll be so good for you! This change, these endings that are coming, you're stepping into who you're supposed to be. You're letting go of these shackles. You need to break out of this cocoon that's not helping you grow and the first step is to acknowledge that it isn't. With this you are finding who you are, you're true identity. Putting in the work will be so fruitful for you and will put that reversed card upright to truly mean "your hard work is paying off".
Reading from the deck's book: "moving from home". This change really could be about moving. "There's no right way or single destination. Everything is what you make it. What you do today will be a vital instrument in your life tomorrow. Start change with baby steps. Don't allow yourself to sink too deeply into comfort."
The monarch uses the food it ate as a caterpillar to get where it's going but from here it doesn't seem like there was any of that preparation. This is your start of metamorphosis. Like, you need to start eating like the caterpillar after this climax takes place so you can start your journey to becoming this butterfly.
The Mule: endings
"It might feel like a terrible curse but these endings have the potential to act as a tremendous gift, especially with time." Again with starting to put effort into yourself and this situation. “Let endings serve you. Let them be opportunities instead of misfortunes.”
The Macaw: identity
"In this situation, you could be holding back who you really want to be." This card is asking you to question "who am i?" and "who do I want to be?". "Move past the toxicity you might encounter from others and to not let it effect the decisions you make."
The Flower deck:
Cheerfulness. "It is spring again, the Earth is like a child that knows poems by heart." I feel like with this change coming, as potentially painful or difficult as it might be, afterwards, it is going to feel so freeing. You are going to be filled with so much happiness, this cheerfullness. Like walking on air.
The first emotions of love. "Love is the magician that pulls man out of his own hat." At first it made me think of blindness in love. That love can make one blind which could've led to this situation. Or in the sense of obligation/turning a blind eye for the sake of love. But now I'm seeing it to also mean after you break free, and you embody this cheerfulness, the first emotions of love of what love is supposed to be, you're going to experience these first emotions of what a true love looks like. You might even run into someone you're supposed to meet. You might be leaving someone to be with someone else you already know who will be good for you.
For the flower petal deck, I got cards for advice and affirmations. We have:
Poppy "Remember who you wanted to be" referring back to the theme of identity. Focus on your desires and what you want to do with your life because it is your life. You are your own person.
Violet "The answers and truths are always within" referring back to the "look at the bigger picture" card in reverse. Search inward at the small details. The answers you are seeking might not be in your face, it could be as simple as making what you want to do a priority. In the deep recesses of your heart.
Lily of the Valley "happiness is found with your purpose" so doing what you want to do is how you can achieve your happiness.
Snapdragon "listen with care, speak with kindness" referring back to the zebra stone with compassion. "Don't blow your head... for your own sake" is what I keep hearing.
Tulip "you are worth what it is you desire" Spirit is asking you to know your worth and know that you are worth your happiness. You are worth taking care of yourself and putting yourself in a better situation.
Aster "the past is over, let your true self step forward" this goes back to identity as well. This is pretty self explanatory but I'm also hearing to let go of things when it's time. Allow yourself. You could be holding yourself back without knowing.
Lily "Good partnerships are made up of equal amounts of positivity" and this reminds me more of relationships but it could also refer to any kind of relationship, between friends or family as well. A good partner/person won't drag you down or keep you in negativity.
And that is all for your reading !
Again, if this doesn't resonate, please don't force it to fit. You have free will and can choose whichever path you wish. If you do resonate, I really hope you choose your happiness ❤️
Much love
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