#15. IVFCommunity
nidarchhattisgarh · 9 months
Test Tube Baby :  IVF के द्वारा नि:संतानता का इलाज संभव, जाने क्या है IVF
Test Tube Baby :  आजकल के टेक्नोलॉजी के जरिए असम्भव कार्य भी सम्भव हो रहा है। जहाँ लोग चाँद के बारे में जानते तक नहीं थे। आज लोग चाँद पर कदम रख रहे है। इस बढ़ती टेक्नोलॉजी के चलते जहाँ लोग पहले संतान सुख से आजीवन वंचित रहते थे। लेकिन आज IVF  के माध्यम से निःसंतान  दंपती संतान सुख पा रहे है। इस पोस्ट में हम आपको आईवीएफ क्या है? कितना खर्चा लगता है? इसकी प्रक्रिया क्या है? आईवीएफ का अर्थ क्या है?…
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svasthvida · 2 years
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Infertility is a condition of both partners where they are unable to get pregnant or conceive a baby within a year. If you are a woman of age more than 35 years, then if you didn’t get pregnant within six months, it may be diagnosed that you are facing infertility issues. Both partners should be having frequent sexual intercourse without any birth control or contraceptive measures during this period of time to be said that they are infertile. Around 10 per cent of women aged 15 to 44 years face challenges to get pregnant in the USA, And Worldwide, 8 to 12 per cent of couples face fertility problems, and 45 to 50 per cent of infertility problems are seen in men. We know how important children’s in our lives are, and we do our best with the help of ayurvedic treatment for infertility. We will make a proper diet plan for both of you so that all three doshas (mainly Vata ) so that it becomes orderly. Our ayurvedic doctors are all trained professionals with years of experience in the treatment of infertility with the help of natural herbs and Ayurveda. Most of the patients facing infertility are very stressed and facing mental health issues also, so we at Svasthvida prepare ayurvedic exercises and stress-relieving techniques like panchakarma and yoga. Visit Our Website: https://svasthvida.com/services/ayurvedic-treatment-for-infertility.php #infertility #ivf #fertility #ttc #infertilityawareness #pcos #ivfjourney #pregnancy #ttccommunity #infertilitysucks #endometriosis #infertilityjourney #fertilityjourney #ttcjourney #infertilitysupport #miscarriage #in #infertilitywarrior #ivfsuccess #iui #ivfsupport #health #ivfwarrior #womenshealth #ivfcommunity #baby #icsi #ttcsupport #fibroids #fertilityawareness
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hopingforbabyblog · 4 years
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Feeling like a turbo nerd with my face shield on my flight for my embryo transfer tomorrow. I was surrounded by a symphony of sneezes about every 15 minutes or so. Not to mention coughing too. Most of which was coming from the family in front of me. So I felt a little better having worn this dork costume. Hopefully it provided some protection. I have to take a COVID test at the airport when I get home, my work also requires it. The stress I'm feeling with the pandemic and fertility treatment at the same time, is nothing compared to the families who are struggling with positive COVID tests, with loved ones in the hospital. I pray for them and I'm hoping we get a vaccine soon. Yes my face shield may seem over the top to some people, but there are people in my life who are immunocompromised and I would feel immense guilt if I didn't take every precaution possible. Stay safe everyone. ♥️ . Follow IG @hopingforbabyblog . . . #ivf #ivftransfer #frozenembryotransfer #frozenembryo #embryotransfer #ivfjourney #ivfsupport #ivfsisters #ivfwarrior #ivfblogger #ivfblog #ivftreatment #ivfcommunity #ivfwarriors #infertilitywarrior #infertility #infertilityblogger #infertilityblog #infertilitycommunity #infertilitysupport #infertilitysisters #infertilityjourney #lowamh #lowamhlevels #lowovarianreserve #diminishedovarianreserve #mthfr #mthfrgenemutation  #infertilityover30 #ivfover30 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDapZXuB9zO/?igshid=15z4qcmbkg9ug
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