#12C || There is a monster in the basement. [Vincent Valentine]
ghostofnibelheim · 1 year
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He stared at the book, eyes only slightly widening in surprise, before he simply raised a brow. He observed the book but was still unsure of its content. Was it…a dictionary? Or a story book? What exactly did they even attempt to teach him through books?
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He hesitated a moment longer, observing the child as he was presenting the book, before finally, taking it carefully. “I can do my best, I suppose…. Some of my explanations may still confuse but…we may manage to…figure it out.” he opened the book, flipping through it for the moment, then looking back to S. “Was there anything in particular you were wanting an explanation for right now…or is this…an extended ask?” he found himself considering. Was he agreeing to let this young boy come wandering around for questions, without thinking it through?
Could he really say no, even if that was the situation?
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The child remained silent after the other’s question; his eyes blinked, confused and still so cat-like slow while he elaborated the man’s words. He really did word things in a strange manner sometimes.
“Start with this one!” Taking the initiative and dismissing the matter, he brought the book back to the first pages, where a few words had their description covered in thick black lines of dried glue, unable to be read. He pointed to one of the top ones that had caught his interest.
“What is an ‘ac…cident’? Ack-cident?”
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ghostofnibelheim · 1 year
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He resists a sigh, but at least with this question, he doesn’t have to straight out lie. He could tell a truth, even if it was to be a layered one. Retracting his touch after realizing it had not-so-positive effect on the child and was therefore ineffective, he looked about his coffin before shaking his head. “No. Not simply because of you. He’s not fond of most people–you could say…he dislikes everyone…even me. But he has to deal with me.” he finishes explaining.
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That beast was still writhing against his push, even now as they spoke, and that left a sickening dread in Vincent’s stomach, as he watched the boy. His control seemed….firm, for now, but he wasn’t sure how much longer he could endure testing it. He wasn’t even sure what would come, what damage this beast would really be able to do, if he lost control.
“No one can really know what’s in the mind of others….so…try not to worry too much, when you can’t understand people.” he advised absentmindedly, not really considering how the cryptic nature could come off confusing.
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“Then I won’t. I promise.” S said, and no one would understand just how deep from the heart he spoke, even for something so small. This lesson was bound to shape him into the man he was bound to become. And while the child had little to no role models in his life, a part of him thought it wouldn’t be so bad if that man was even a little close to the who sat before him now.
“Oh!” Completely carefree of his oath now, the child whipped his head left and right, casting all other matters aside then to pick up the big old book that was among his things and presenting to the man. “I have this, too. The Doctors gave it to me so I can learn, but… some things are too strange. I want to ask you to explain it to me. Please?”
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ghostofnibelheim · 1 year
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He hesitated to explain. It didn’t sit right to lie, no matter how easy or necessary it may be. But he certainly couldn’t tell him the truth, could he? He would fear Vincent, or he would fear those that ‘care’ for him and thought he might be right to fear both, he would have nothing if fear consumed him. So…now was not the time. So, he would just have to manage.
“Well….it’s not so much an animal, and not so much a human, either. It’s a special being…I’m still learning to understand. I didn’t find it, so much as we found each other….and found ourselves bound. You could say he hides in me, like the spiders hide in the dark.”
He considered his explanation, watching the young boys reaction, and considering his warnings as well. In their time locked away, he’d only neutralized his demons, if not unsettled them and made them restless. He couldn’t be sure he wouldn’t lose control again…like in the beginning. They were always shuffling about in their own ways, even now, some more simple, others more chaotic. But that thing….was very much aware of their going ons right now.
And then the boy asked if he could see it, and his eyes went wide.
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Yes. Free. Let me out…. Let me take him… Let me reach him. Let me out! he could hear it demanding, feel him clawing, and he shut his eyes, brows furrowing with his focus to hold the beast back, to act as a sort of psychic guard against him, fighting it’s very primal urge to sink its claws and teeth….into the boy. He didn’t understand it, but he could feel it and see it clearly, that this beast saw S as a threat. What made him, had so much potential for corruption and destruction, much like the monster the cells were taken from. But Vincent would not believe it…would not allow it to be so simple. He would not fail this boy a second time.
He took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes, patiently. He reached to pat the top of his head. “Not just yet… He’s not very good…at socializing. He doesn’t like it.” he lied. “So…it’s better not to. Understand?”
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The child’s air of placid curiosity shifted to attention; his head perked up when the man in the coffin closed his eyes, noticing some kind of struggle in his features. Wondering what could be wrong, he waited and stared, boring those vivid jade eyes into the man’s form.. with anticipation, even.
Whatever seemed to be affecting the brunet ceased, and S let his shoulders relax a little, relieved that nothing bad seemed to be about to happen to neither of them. His body did tense a bit again, with surprise, when the man’s hand reached towards and rested on his head. Such a heavy and foreign feeling.
His eyes blinked slowly and looked upwards with a vaguely uncomfortable – no, maybe the right word was ‘timid’ – frown in his little brows, head bobbing slightly with each shift of that hand on top, unable to resist its strength. It was big enough to swallow him whole, had it been a mouth instead.
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“… Is he hiding because of me?” He asked then; while he did sound dejected, there was no real amount of upset in his tone. S spoke as though this was a common situation to him. “… Things don’t like me. Everything runs away and hides if I try to touch it. I don’t know why.”
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ghostofnibelheim · 1 year
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His eyes widened at his careful question, but he wasn’t upset by the curiosity whatsoever. Just, surprised, before realizing, he really shouldn’t be. S was….unique, and gifted, in ways perhaps a boy shouldn’t have to be. He swallowed, gaze, lowering,  before he looked him back in the eyes.
“It doesn’t eat…. It’s a unique creature, one im…still learning to understand. But, it doesn’t eat…so don’t worry.” he told him, unsure if he should explain anymore. Could he sense the others, or simply the strongest one?
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There was no point in telling the young boy the gravity of his monstrous nature. He would hold them back if he must, though most had been rather silent as of light, captured by a depressive state given their fate forced upon him.
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In the dimly lit room, green eyes blinked slowly, as new information was processed by a mind so keen to quick conclusions and easy logic. By the sound of it, the ‘thing’ under the cloak was definitely a ‘thing’. Something that lived and breathed. But somehow, it didn’t need to eat? How could that be?
Clearly it didn’t need sunlight either, considering how dark this place was, not to mention the poor ventilation. So, the ‘thing’ was quite not like a plant, either.
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“Where did you find it?” He asked, not really leaving room for an answer either, his soft voice getting carried away with excitement that slowly bubbled up in his chest. “I saw a cat once, but it was outside. Animals aren’t allowed in here, the Doctors said so. Although, I see spiders sometimes. But they hide quickly.”
And then, he practically blurted, one hand already reaching forward to the crimson cloth of that cape.
“Can I see it?”
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ghostofnibelheim · 1 year
No, it’s because the bastards you were left in the care of want to restrict and control you so severely that they will not allow you any more experiences and exposure than is necessary, the sick bastards. Vincent’s mind seemed to rumble with is anger, but he contained it, and did not speak it out loud. He kept it in, and ignored the way his emotions seemed to provoke the restless minds within his own. They were more rowdy than usual…
“…Perhaps…” was all he could say, having halted eating as he focused on quieting the clawing, crumbling beasts and beings within him–they weren’t usually this rowdy, but that was became he’d managed to keep them at a steady rumble while allowing himself his punishment of forced slumber. But he’d been up, and aware, and free of mind too much lately…
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He winced, taking a few breaths with his eyes shut, to stamp them down. It wasn’t impossible, but it was taking a bit of effort. Eventually, with a deep breath, and a sigh, he opened his eyes again, glancing carefully to S. “…I think I’m finished eating. I’ve had just enough…”
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His chewing of the apple slowed down, and S gave a slow nod when the man announced his meal was finished. Still, those eyes so alien and curious kept staring at him, shifting only in the slightest, from this to that point of the man’s features, as though taking in a framed picture in every detail.
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“Is… it… hungry, too?” He asked with some hesitation. He wasn’t sure what exactly to call that presence he perceived. The one that had made the hair at the base of his nape stand on end that time he had flown up the stairwell in this man’s arms.
That something, it was still there. S had no name for it, but he hoped the other understood, when he gave a pointed glance in direction of the crimson cape draped around his shoulders.
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ghostofnibelheim · 1 year
He winced, not liking that he provided yet another thing for S to question, and finding himself even more annoyed that the young boy had so little experience with proper food and preparation of such. And even how he spoke, he noted how S seemed…reluctant, as if he were concerned about asking his own question. But he tried not to let his mind drift towards his answer, and his disgust, and instead, he simply focused on answer S.
“Yes… There is…” he had to speak carefully, so as to be honest, but to also preferably avoid pushing the young boys curiosity to the point of him acting out with his care takers to understand what Vincent may be speaking of. “There are foods that taste different than this, but I assume those looking out for you simply can’t acquire such food for you. They can only manage to get what’s local and available. But there are different kinds of food, and different ways of providing them. I am…unsure why your caretakers provide this food, in this way…but I imagine there is a reason… But, I’m sure, one day, you’ll be able to experience other kinds of meals, that are prepared differently than this.”
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He imagined the meals he could fix this poor, neglected child, but…that wasn’t really an option right now… Not without drawing attention to himself, and his bond with S. And for now, he felt it would serve them best if that was not known. If they knew Vincent was still alive, and was up and around, he couldn’t be sure he would be allowed to stay here. There were many things he was not ready to be forced to change, but he certainly couldn’t risk leaving this child alone here.
“Thank you again, S, for the food. I appreciated it.” he tells him carefully.
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The blessing of being so young was for S to be able to still be so sincerely awestruck by such a simple prospective. It sounded like a promise, that of trying something new he’d never experienced. He did not care about food much, but he did care about the new.
What was this other food like? Where did it come from? How many different meals were there exactly, and what could they possibly taste like and why? How would it feel to find something he truly liked to eat more than anything else?
It was so overwhelming, he could feel the heart in his chest pound with excitement. With a lack of words, he just nodded, both in return to the man’s gratitude and to the information he’d received.
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The only thing he could address was his speculation. He just shrugged a little, head shaking gently. “It’s probably because I am sick.”
That was the answer to most of his questions when he asked to the doctor why things were run a certain specific way in this house. In his life, the only life he’d ever known.
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ghostofnibelheim · 1 year
So this food was all he had. Simple rations, that of course the boy was left to choose from and prepare, if any preparation was needed and allowed, by himself. He bottled up the boiling disgust, as it wasn’t worth it to express any of it here. He was simply accepting the fact that his hate and disdain for the life S had been left in would grow the more and more they interacted and the more he learned.
He would just have to stomach it, until… Well, until he wasn’t sure what…but this couldn’t continue forever… Surely, he couldn’t allow it…
It was then as he finished his first cracker with cheese, and began setting up a few others, that he just barely peaked how intently S watched him. The stare, and the soft grin on his face made the man suddenly…well, not nervous, but put on the spot. He could feel the attention boring into him and he wasn’t sure what to do about it. But he didn’t address it, lest S feel awkward for his staring. But he did note with a painful tug of care in his heart, a fondness he had long since forgotten how such could feel, that S was…mimicking his efforts. He could really feel, in this moment, the weight of how S was clearly imprinting upon him in ways the boy didn’t understand.
He would have to make sure that was not wasted.
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He tried one of the apples, then, finding it was nothing compared to what it should taste like, but S seemed to eat it just fine, so his efforts in eating became a bit mechanical so as to not show his displeasure. A bitter, regretful pang stirred in his chest thinking of meals filling up a kitchen with warm aromas, met with the faces of a kind, familiar woman.
That’s what a boy like S should experience, not….a package of food.
“Some foods can making eating worth it…but I understand, this food does what it needs to…but It’s not exactly flavorful..” he remarks, to express his understanding in the boys confession about not liking eating. That itself was not right, either, but unsurprising to him. “Is there…anything you like to eat, at all…?” he asks.
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The child tilted his head in question. Hadn’t he already answered that? Or did the man mean something else…? Something other than the food he received at the door every few weeks?
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“Are there… other kinds of food?” He asked, uncertain in his voice. Like he expected his question to be one he shouldn’t ask. His eyes lowered on the apple between his hands and then shot right back up at the man, small brows furrowing together.
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ghostofnibelheim · 1 year
He looks over the offerings, endeared by the boys consideration, even if it was perhaps unnecessary. Vincent had been surviving well enough, for the passage of time thus far since he originally went into the coffin, without food. S clearly needed it more than he did….however…he got the feeling the boy would be either offended by the denial, or simply concerned, so he considered his options.
“I would be fine, I believe, with a few crackers and cheese. And perhaps an apple. I’m not very hungry.” he tells him, hoping that would appease any concern the boy hand, and leave him to consume what he wanted and needed instead. He did feel just a bit concerned, however, about whether the boy ate enough, or what he could even stomach. But to not be so obvious, he simply asked, “What food do you like most, that they bring you…?”
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He started setting up a few crackers with cheese once he was offered such, and carefully ate at them. He hadn’t eaten in so long, he was….a bit concerned, really, with how his body would react. He wouldn’t be surprised if he dealt with any nausea, but preferably, he could hold it off until the boy returned upstairs. “Thank you, S….by the way…” he munched slowly. The taste wasn’t the most appealing, so it didn’t invoke any painful levels of hunger due to such, but he did feel a pang grow as he consumed the food.
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S didn’t address any question right away. He looked enraptured into staring at the man as he prepared his humble cracker and cheese, so focused and curious as if he’d never seen somebody eat before.
And to be perfectly fair, he hadn’t. He’d eaten, but never in company. This was a terrific newelty that he was fully entertained by, and when the cracker snapped between the man’s teeth, the child couldn’t contain a grin from touching his lips. This was an absolute first. Even the times he’d snuck a piece of bread through the window trying to entice a bird to come and eat beyond the glass, he’d always received no positive result. The thing would stay there untouched until he left. At least, knowing it’d been snatched in his absence had been of some comfort.
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“Don’t worry. I have a lot of these upstairs.” He reassured, toying with an apple between his hands, but nodding towards the sealed packages rather than the fruit. “I don’t really like to eat. But I have to. I’m still growing.”
He said that mechanically, repeating words he’d heard time and time again. The words of the Doctors. As though he’d just heard them from their mouth rather than his own, he sighed a bit and then sank his teeth into the fruit. The apples were of the drier variety, so they could last longer. But there was a bit of sweetness that he could appreciate. It just wasn’t quite enough.
S could confirm though, eating with someone else really made a difference. Even as he chewed he couldn’t help but intently watch the other doing the same. Soon enough, the movement of his chin was in sync with the man’s, even pausing his chewing when he did.
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
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The question almost made him wince. He wasn’t…entirely sure why, but it did. The boy looked to him, as if it were such a simple and hopeful question and option. Perhaps, logically, it made sense to his young mind to ask this, to seek this. And if so, what was there for Vincent to say?
This boy was alone, could he really just tell him that the one thing that could make him feel not so alone, was impossible? But he couldn’t give him something that wasn’t true, could he? He couldn’t lie…
He lowed his gaze, before taking a breath and sighing. He…should be honest.
“…I can’t…be it, exactly, S.” he informed him, looking up at him again. “A father is some who…by blood or by bond, has taken care of you in many ways for some time, a man that would claim you as their child. I…am not a man that is meant to be a father, and so, to be honest… I can’t be that, truly, for you…”
For a fleeting moment, he imagined, what if he could?
Who was he kidding himself. He was a monster. A child, especially this child, deserved better than a monster for a father. And what did he have to offer, given his own history with his father?
“..But I can try and by as close to that as possible. This place, here…” he looked around the room. “…It’s where I’ve felt I’ve belonged…and so I’ve restricted myself to a difficult existence… But perhaps, within these walls, at the very least, I can be something of use again. You aren’t alone anymore…”
He wasn’t sure what possessed him, but, it seemed fitting–he reached out his normal gloved hand, and gave a very slow and careful singular pat, and then pet, to the top of S’s head and over his hair.
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The small frown that had started to curl between small silver brows soon dispelled when the man appeared to have a change of heart – or at least to S it sounded like that – and gave his approval of the child’s suggestion. S felt the buzzing tension that had been forming at the pit of his stomach come loose, and his lips turned into the most polite smile.
He wasn’t quite aware of the weight of his words right then. The meaning of a father, of blood and bond, as the man had attempted to explain, was lost to him. Therefore, asking him to take such position had been easy and devoid of meaning to him.
All he knew was that like this, there was no reason to worry about him being alone. And worrying people was what S wanted to avoid. This solved all problems.
Completely oblivious to the turmoil he’d caused the other through his request, he meekly accepted the awkward pat on his head, looking up at the underside of that large hand as it moved to pet him, with a bit of curiosity in those strange green eyes. Was the man gauging his height, maybe? That type of touch was new to him. The man’s hand was not like that of the Doctors. Their touches were always fleeting, quick, firm and intrusive at times. Always prodding him like an object, to be moved in this or that direction.
This touch was… heavy. S wasn’t sure that was exactly the word he wanted to use, but it was the first thing he noticed. This hand didn’t feel like it was just adjusting him or taking some kind of measurement. It had weight to it, as though he was being invited to feel it, its shape and pressure, and be made aware of its presence against his head. Almost as though that hand could communicate something.
It felt… oddly good. Enough to make his eyes flutter closed for a moment, focusing on that sensation. They blinked back open only when he remembered something now that all worries were pushed aside.
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“I’ve brought you something.” He announced, half-turning to retrieve the bundle he’d brought down with himself and bringing it on his own lap, crossing legs around it to make sure nothing would spill as he undid the knot on top.
His trove revealed to be a series of packages. Air-tight packs labeled with prints onto each informing of their content. “This is beef steak.” He pointed at a large black packet. He then pointed at a transparent one showing round dried bread shapes within. “And these are crackers.”
Bit by bit, he displayed the whole lunch pack at his disposal to the man, including the spread cheese, dried spinach, sweet bread, and even a small packet of candy-coated nuts. Each meticulously sealed in sterile wrap and properly labeled with expire date.
“I also have this. These are special.” He pulled out a couple fruits then. Green apples, not packed or in plastic this time. “I like these better, but they spoil quickly, so I don’t get them often.”
After making sure he’d laid out everything before him on the coffin lid between them, he looked up to the man, expectantly.
“What do you want to eat?”
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
Well that…understanding was a bit flawed… Believing someone is always right in word and action, isn’t what trust was. He sighed, considering correcting him. But was it really his job? And he could see the boys realizations left him in a thoughtful state.
Either he was helping this boy, or he was hindering the process in which he usually learned.
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“Belief and trust aren’t exactly the same… Sometimes one or both can be wrong, sometimes people aren’t always right in what they say and do. But…still, you seem to understand it enough.” he sighs, shaking his head with his gaze cast down. Why was he trying? He’d only make it worse.
He needed to just get the boy back where he belonged, return to his resting place, and be done with it. So, still kneeling, he opened his arms. “I’ll have to hold you. So, whenever you’re ready….we can go.”
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He was ready, but… ready for what, exactly?
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His head turned left and right, scanning those large, armored and cloaked arms in all their length, from the metal-gauntlet-clad tips of one to the gloved other one. What was this?
What was he supposed to do? Some kind of exercise, maybe?
Without better instructions, S reached the conclusion that maybe he should imitate the red-eyed man, and so he spread his arms open in turn. His aperture was by no mean as significant as the other’s though. That was a little frustrating.
Small silver brows frowned in concentration, as he did his best to achieve as close to an opening as possible, until his arms were so open his ribcage hurt a bit in protest.
“I’m… I’m ready…?” He spoke under the strain of his effort.
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
🎽 with Vincent (because he's trying new things)
Croptop meme || Always Accepting!
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It takes a bit for Sephiroth to realize his mouth is hanging open. When he retrieves some composure, his throat clears and he manages to say what we all would like to say.
“Care to explain?”
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
Guardians, doctors, but not always… They just…left this kid to be on his own? He knew they were heartless, he’d found that out in the worst ways possible, but could they be so illogical and daft on top of it to think it was good for a child to be on his own like this?
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He watched the boy, though, as he seemed to understand it was time to go, and he reached for the door. But his strength wasn’t enough. Of course it wasn’t. It was too heavy for him. The man sighed.
He then climbed out of the coffin, slowly and carefully. He watched the kid for a moment, then slowly and carefully walked forward. He stood over him, watching how he reacted to the proximity, before reaching to grip the handle, and pull the door open with ease. And there he held it. “…Go back where you’re supposed to be… It’s probably safer for you there…”
Was it, though? Was this child safe? Was any of this okay, to just allow this kid to roam around at Shinra’s Scientists whims, while he locked himself away in a coffin? But then, what else would he do…? What else could he do? Nothing. He had showed clearly that his weaknesses made him cruel. His failures made him evil. His choices made him a sinner. He couldn’t help this boy, he would only hurt him. He…wasn’t his responsibility…and shouldn’t be. No, his responsibility is to pay for his wrongs.
“…Be careful, kid… It’s best you stay out of this basement.” he warns him.
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S didn’t appear intimidated nor particularly concerned, only stepping aside to give the man room when he reached for the door. His eyes widened in slight awe as the door seemed to be so effortlessly opened. Just as he thought, this person was a lot stronger than him. Possibly stronger than anyone he’d ever met.
He was a bit disappointed to not know more about him, but for the time being he thought he should listen to his instructions. As he always did; adults, for the most part, knew better. The Doctors repeated that a lot.
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“Thank you..” He replied with courtesy, quietly walking his way out of the room. He half-turned to look back. In the darkness of the dark ossuary, the crimson eyes of that man shone. S lifted his free hand weakly. “Take care.”
The child turned to trot his way back where he came. Now that his mind was a bit more focused, he realized he’d spent much longer down here than he should have. He should catch up on his studies, or risk disappointing the Doctor when he came to assess his preparation.
His steps accelerated carelessly as he started to run on the old wooden pathway towards the upper level of the mansion. A risky behavior that he wasn’t considering, and for which he paid a price.
He was just on the final turn of the long spiral when the planks under him gave in to his weight, snapping in two. S was caught by surprise, landing poorly, all-four onto the planks of the level below, the plate with the candle falling in the dark deep pit and disappearing.
One split second, and he heard it, the crack beneath his feet. This support was about to give in under him too. The child’s eyes shrunk into dots, and before his brain could even make a decision, his body was reacting to an instinct he’d never known he had.
His legs flexed and pushed against the collapsing wood and the stone of the wall behind him, hurling him into the center of the pit. And then, he was following, straight as a bucket into a well, only there was no chain attached for his safety. Looking down at his inevitable direction, he had totally expected some amount of pain, but instead, that strange pulse in his mind and body reverberated again. Brows furrowed with concentration, and he started to spin, twisting and shifting his posture. And suddenly, he was on the ground, both hands on the ground, one leg folded under him, the other stretched out to touch the ground beside him. A perfectly executed acrobatic feat he’d never been taught.
His focus snapped out when he heard the cluttering noise of wood falling around him, and the child looked up towards the distant light above, observing the damage he had caused. It looked like a heavy mace had been smashed into a vertical swing onto the wooden pathway, leaving a straight line of broken gaps. Uh oh.
But more concerning than that to S right now, was exactly how was he still alive? Standing back upright, he looked down at himself. He didn’t have a single scratch.
Green eyes wide with shock studied his hands like they weren’t his own, front and back, fingers flexing. How had he done… that? Where did those reflexes and knowledge come from? He knew he was pretty sharp at noticing things, and could move quicker than any adult he’d interacted with before, but it was nothing he had ever been tested for. The Doctors never really appeared to have an interest in his physical form, so much as to what his mind could do.
Should he tell them…? Would that make them happy, if he did? Maybe… he was starting to feel better? Could that be it? The idea that he might be finally improving made his shock subside to swelling hope.
It did occur to him however that no matter what, he couldn’t do anything staying down here. After spending a little while before the first of the large gaps he had created, attempting to jump to the other side, he had to think back on the idea. Landing on the other side would in all likeness cause the wood to collapse even further.
With a lack of better options then, he was returning to him. Maybe he’d have a suggestion, or know another way up. S found that returning to the door was not all that difficult even without light, any any spooky effect the surroundings might have had in the beginning were completely gone.
Less than 20 minutes since bidding him good bye, he was pushing the door open again with a grunt, letting it close behind him with its heavy tud while he returned to the middle coffin, and… decided to knock. A little gesture of consideration for the man inside.
“Um… There is a problem.” He had no other words to describe it exactly.
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
There was a silence, before those red eyes looked directly into the emerald ones. Those eyes belonged to no one but this boy. It made it a tad easier to look at him, even if he felt a tad bit like an echo.
But finally, he nodded. “Yes… I am.” he wouldn’t bother explaining that he wasn’t always, that it had happened unfortunately. He was still a monster, and a lot of it was his fault, and there was no changing it. “So you should not be here. Get out of this basement, kid, before you get hurt.”
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“Whoever watches over you will be worried.” he explained to him further, trying to further convince him. But he did narrow his gaze at him, and against his better judgment, he found himself wondering enough to ask, “…Who does watch over you…?”
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That rose so many questions in his mind. S had never heard of monsters like this one, who could speak like a human, or look like one, too. Plus, if he really was a monster, why hadn’t he attacked him yet? The story didn’t add up.
He was about to debate when the ‘monster’ said something that actually affected him. A hint of concern and guilt furrowed his brows, and he threw a regretful look towards the exit.
He didn’t want to make people worry. It was an emotion he had been explained early in his life, even though it started with a ‘W’. He was told very clearly, he shouldn’t do anything that made the Doctor worry. Like going outside.
This was complicated, because for all intents and purposes, here was not ‘outside’. If staying inside could make the Doctor worry as much as going outside, then where was he supposed to be?
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Shuffling slightly, his voice grew quiet, hands toying with the edges of his shirt for a moment. “The Guardians. Sometimes the Doctors, but not always. They’re not always watching.”
The surveillance used to be more intense, but as S grew and shown obedience and diligence, many restrictions had gotten lax. The cameras that eventually broke here and there were simply discarded and not replaced. Only the one in his room was properly maintained.
A little dejected, S went to pick up the small plate he had left on another coffin. The candle was almost entirely consumed, so he knew he should go as well, lest he remains without light.
He moved to the door, but upon holding onto the heavy metal handle, he recalled how he’d been unable to push it open with just one hand. Pulling inward would perhaps be an impossible task even then. So, he turned to look at the man in the grave.
“… It’s too heavy.”
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ghostofnibelheim · 3 years
//So I was looking into infantile memory and remembrance, and found this interesting aspect:
At what age do babies retain memories?
"The hippocampus should be ready at about the age of 4 and this is usually when children start remembering things consistently," says Rachael Elward, Ph. D., an expert in the cognitive neuroscience of memory. "The older a child gets, the more stable their memories become."
We know from the scene of the Nibelheim incident, that Sephiroth felt he remembered the scenery outside of the inn in the village. This should imply that at the very least he was inside the manor as late as 4-5yo before being transferred to Midgar.
In Dirge of Cerberus, we see Lucrecia begging Hojo to let her have her child back. This could mean that Hojo was possibly keeping Sephiroth somewhere in the house that she had no access to. 
According to the FFVII Timeline, it was around 1984 when Vincent confronted Hojo about his experiments, the fate of Lucrecia and Sephiroth himself, upon which Hojo shot him dead. If we go by the same timeline, in which Sephiroth is stated to have been born in 1980, that means~
Sephiroth, Hojo, Lucrecia and Vincent were all in the manor for four years, possibly with Sephiroth kept separated from everyone but Hojo.
Sephiroth was 4yo when Vincent was shot, and possibly old enough to form early memories.
Kinda makes me want to headcanon that Sephiroth does faintly recall hearing the gunshot that killed Vincent. It’d be so lovely angsty if the poor kid grew with a fear for loud bangs for a while (man, imagine the shock being thrown in the Wutai War with that?).
Also the idea of Vincent possibly finding a way to sneak in and see 0-4yo Sephiroth sometimes makes me super soft~
Yes, yes, I’m rolling with that.\\
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
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//Fresh reminder than in this here blog, in my portrayal and in all my verses (canon or AU), I headcanon that Sephiroth’s real father is Vincent, not Hojo. I still consider Hojo’s fling with Lucrecia canon of course, but the baby was already in her tummy because THERE’S JUST NO WAY Lucrecia alone is responsible for Seph’s looks. And fuck Hojo. He’s hideous.
Of course I still do RP muse suspecting his father may be Hojo. He has no memory whatsoever of Vincent Valentine, so he’s none the wiser. And I’m all for Hojo to believe the same. The tense dynamic between those two is intriguing.
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
Some sort of lump caught in his throat and made it feel so dry after that question, and he couldn’t seem to answer right away. He knew how to answer. Yes, yes a father could. Every parent or guardian had the potential to be good or bad.
But Vincent himself did not know whether he’d experienced the right love a father is supposed to give. It wasn’t anything like what his mother and grandmother gave. However, was it just different? If so, why did it feel so…lacking as he got older?
Finally, he snapped out of his own mind and memories that only seemed to drag forth a heavy, dark, guilty and upsetting blanket threatening to wrap him up and suffocate him. He focused on S once more, and then nodded.
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“Yes. A good father, that wants the best for their child….he can absolutely love like that, too.”
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A small hum of understanding. Jade eyes fell back to a generic spot in the middle of the man’s chest, while his fingers absently rapped without a noise against the lid of the coffin upon which he still sat.
“… My mother died short after I was born.” He recalled, more so to himself, while he pondered on the subject. Again, sadness wasn’t shown on his face. The child spoke about the matter as though it was a rather unpleasant fact he’d accepted for a long time…. though it was more accurate to say it was never something that had torn away at him to begin with. Perhaps he didn’t quite understand how death worked yet, the heavy weight it carried. He spoke of his mother as any person who simply was not there, regretfully.
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“I don’t know what a father is… but..” Shifting a little, S let his head tilt and looked once more at the crimson eyes of the man in the coffin. “You are here. Can you be it?”
If being in this house with nobody to give him love was as much of an issue as the man made it sound, then someone should do it. And if a father could do it, then maybe finding a father was the best solution. S didn’t really know of who else to ask.
“If you’re my father, then I’m not alone anymore. Then there is no need to worry anymore either, right?” He nudged with a little more emphasis in his voice, trying to lead the other’s mind to see the solution his young brain had so skillfully come up with. “Can you do it?”
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