grillz-godz · 1 year
Are teeth grills still popular?
Teeth grills, also known as gold grills or grillz, have been a popular accessory in hip-hop culture for several decades. While their popularity may have peaked in the early 2000s, they are still a popular and trendy accessory among some people today.
Teeth grills have evolved over time, with new designs and materials being used to create unique and personalized pieces. They are not only made of gold, but also of other metals such as silver, platinum, and even diamond-encrusted designs. Teeth grills can also be customized to fit individual teeth or entire dental arches, and can be removable or permanently affixed.
While teeth grills may not be as mainstream as they once were, they continue to be popular among musicians, athletes, and others who want to make a bold fashion statement or showcase their wealth and success. Ultimately, the popularity of teeth grills will depend on individual taste and fashion trends.
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