#1 World’s Best Powerhouse of Crypto Trading
tradestale · 1 month
Binance – #1 World’s Best Powerhouse of Crypto Trading
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Link: The Cryptocurrency Revolution: The Power of Digital Currency in 2024
In the dynamic landscape of finance, the emergence of cryptocurrency stands as a testament to the transformative power of digital currency. As we advance further into the year 2024, the influence and impact of cryptocurrency continue to reshape the way we perceive and interact with money.
At the heart of the cryptocurrency revolution lies decentralization, a fundamental principle that distinguishes digital currencies from traditional fiat currencies. By operating on decentralized networks powered by blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies offer a level of transparency, security, and autonomy that traditional financial systems struggle to match.
Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency introduced in 2009, paved the way for this revolution, challenging the hegemony of centralized financial institutions and traditional monetary systems. Since then, thousands of cryptocurrencies have emerged, each with its own unique features, use cases, and value propositions.
One of the most compelling aspects of cryptocurrency is its potential to democratize access to financial services. With traditional banking systems often inaccessible to large segments of the global population, particularly in developing countries, cryptocurrency provides a viable alternative, enabling individuals to participate in the global economy with nothing more than an internet connection.
Moreover, the borderless nature of cryptocurrency transcends geographical limitations, facilitating seamless cross-border transactions without the need for intermediaries or exorbitant fees. This not only fosters greater financial inclusion but also opens up new opportunities for global commerce and collaboration.
In addition to its role as a medium of exchange, cryptocurrency has also emerged as a store of value and a hedge against inflation. With the proliferation of central bank stimulus measures and concerns over fiat currency devaluation, many investors are turning to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum as a means of preserving their wealth and diversifying their portfolios.
Furthermore, the advent of blockchain technology has ushered in a new era of innovation, enabling novel applications beyond traditional finance. From decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to supply chain management and identity verification, blockchain technology holds the potential to revolutionize virtually every aspect of our lives.
As we look ahead to the future of cryptocurrency in 2024 and beyond, it is clear that we are witnessing the dawn of a new era in finance. With its disruptive potential and transformative capabilities, cryptocurrency has the power to redefine the very fabric of our economic and social systems, ushering in a more inclusive, transparent, and equitable world for generations to come.
So join us on this journey as we explore the boundless possibilities of the cryptocurrency revolution and discover the power of digital currency in 2024.
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cryptocozy · 5 months
A Simple Guide to the World of Smart Contracts and Decentralized Applications!
In the vast realm of blockchain technology, Ethereum stands tall as a pioneer, revolutionizing the way we interact with digital transactions and decentralized applications (DApps). Born out of a vision to expand the capabilities of blockchain beyond mere transactions, Ethereum has become a powerhouse for smart contracts, paving the way for a decentralized future.
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Understanding the Basics
Let's start with the basics. Ethereum is a decentralized platform that allows developers to build and deploy smart contracts. Now, what are smart contracts? Think of them as self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. These contracts run on the Ethereum blockchain, making them secure, transparent, and free from the need for intermediaries.
Smart Contracts in Action
Imagine you want to buy a house. Traditionally, this involves a lengthy process with multiple intermediaries like banks, lawyers, and real estate agents. With Ethereum's smart contracts, this process becomes streamlined. The contract could automatically transfer ownership of the house to you once the agreed-upon conditions, such as payment, are met. No need for middlemen, just trust in the code.
It you want to start a Crypto Trading Business Click How to Start a Crypto Mining Business!
Decentralized Applications (DApps)
Ethereum is not just about smart contracts; it's also the foundation for a multitude of decentralized applications. These applications, known as DApps, operate on the Ethereum blockchain, offering a wide array of services without relying on a central authority. From finance and gaming to social networking, DApps bring decentralization to various industries.
Ether (ETH) – The Fuel for Ethereum
To participate in the Ethereum ecosystem, you'll encounter its native cryptocurrency called Ether (ETH). Ether serves multiple purposes – it's used to execute smart contracts, pay transaction fees, and secure the network through a process called mining (though Ethereum is transitioning to a proof-of-stake model, known as Ethereum 2.0).
Ethereum 2.0 – The Upgrade
Ethereum is constantly evolving, and one significant upgrade in progress is Ethereum 2.0. This upgrade aims to enhance scalability, security, and sustainability. The shift from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake reduces the energy consumption of the network, making it more environmentally friendly.
How to Get Started with Ethereum
Now that you have a grasp of the basics, let's explore how to get started with Ethereum:
1. Get an Ethereum Wallet:
   - To store and manage your Ether, you need an Ethereum wallet. There are various options, including online wallets, hardware wallets, and software wallets. Choose one that aligns with your preferences for security and accessibility.
2. Acquire Ether:
   - You can obtain Ether through cryptocurrency exchanges by purchasing it with traditional currencies or by exchanging other cryptocurrencies. Make sure to use reputable exchanges and secure your investment by following best practices for crypto security.
3. Explore DApps:
   - Dive into the world of decentralized applications. From decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms like Uniswap and Aave to blockchain-based games and social networks, there's a plethora of DApps waiting to be explored. Interact with these applications and witness the power of decentralized technology.
4. Learn Smart Contract Development:
   - If you're inclined towards programming, you can learn how to develop smart contracts. Solidity is the primary programming language for Ethereum smart contracts. Numerous online resources and tutorials are available to help you kickstart your journey into smart contract development.
5. Stay Informed:
   - Ethereum's ecosystem is dynamic, with constant updates, improvements, and new projects. Stay informed by following reputable sources, participating in online communities, and attending blockchain events. This ensures you're aware of the latest developments and opportunities within the Ethereum space.
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Closing Thoughts
In essence, Ethereum has opened the door to a decentralized future where trust is coded, transactions are transparent, and intermediaries are minimized. It's not just a cryptocurrency; it's a platform that empowers developers to create innovative solutions and users to engage with a new paradigm of decentralized applications. As Ethereum continues to evolve, its impact on the world of finance, technology, and beyond is poised to grow, shaping a decentralized future that empowers individuals globally. So, whether you're a developer, investor, or enthusiast, Ethereum invites you to explore the endless possibilities within its decentralized ecosystem.
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vikasthakur3121 · 8 months
Your Gateway to Cryptocurrency: The Best Exchanges for Buying Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Altcoins
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The cryptocurrency market, with its vast array of options and opportunities, can be both exciting and overwhelming. For anyone stepping into the world of digital assets, choosing the right exchange is akin to finding the perfect gateway. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best exchanges for buying Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a myriad of altcoins. We'll not only discuss the top contenders like Probit Global or Binance but also unravel the mysteries behind which exchange suits your needs the best, whether you're interested in Bitcoin, Ethereum, or a diverse range of altcoins.
Why Choosing the Right Exchange Matters
Before we delve into the specifics, let's understand why choosing the right exchange is of utmost importance:
Security: Your cryptocurrency holdings are valuable and need to be safeguarded. Reputable exchanges employ robust security measures, including encryption and cold storage, to protect your investments.
Variety of Coins: Whether you're interested in mainstream cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum or you want to delve into the world of altcoins, a good exchange should offer a diverse selection.
User Experience: A user-friendly interface, responsive customer support, and easy navigation are essential for a seamless trading experience.
Fees: Transparent and reasonable fee structures are vital. High fees can significantly impact your profits, especially if you're an active trader.
Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring that the exchange operates within legal frameworks is vital for your peace of mind and adherence to your country's regulations.
Now, let's explore some of the best exchanges that cater to these needs:
1. Probit Global: Your All-in-One Solution
Probit Global is an exemplary exchange that shines in multiple aspects. With a user-friendly interface, top-notch security, and an extensive array of cryptocurrencies, it's a favored choice among traders.
Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Beyond: Probit Global provides seamless access to Bitcoin and Ethereum, the cornerstones of the crypto market, along with a plethora of altcoins. This makes it a one-stop destination for a diverse range of trading options.
Security Measures: Probit Global employs state-of-the-art security practices, including cold storage for the majority of funds, ensuring your investments are shielded from potential breaches.
User-Friendly Interface: Navigating Probit Global's platform is intuitive, even for beginners. The clean layout and easy-to-use tools make trading a breeze.
Let's look at an example to understand Probit Global's appeal:
Example: Bitcoin and Ethereum Accessibility along with many others.
Suppose you're a crypto enthusiast looking to invest in both Bitcoin and Ethereum, two of the most prominent cryptocurrencies, and are always looking for new cryptos to invest in as well. Probit Global allows you to do just that within a single platform, offering convenience and efficiency. You can swiftly purchase Bitcoin and Ethereum, or your favourite crypto directly from their platform, diversify your portfolio, and explore various altcoins—all in one place.
2. Binance: A Global Powerhouse
Binance stands tall as one of the world's largest and most versatile exchanges, offering an extensive range of cryptocurrencies. This makes it an ideal choice for altcoin enthusiasts.
Altcoin Variety: Binance is renowned for its vast selection of altcoins. Whether you're interested in well-known options like Litecoin and Ripple or emerging tokens, Binance has you covered.
Low Fees: Binance offers competitive fees, making it an attractive option for frequent traders. Additionally, their native token, Binance Coin (BNB), provides additional discounts on trading fees.
International Presence: Binance's global accessibility allows users from various countries, making it a truly international platform.
Here's an example illustrating Binance's high appeal:
Example: Exploring Altcoins
Imagine you've been researching promising altcoins—cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin and Ethereum that have unique features and potential. Binance's extensive altcoin selection provides you with the opportunity to diversify your portfolio and explore these promising projects. You can easily trade between different altcoins, harnessing the platform's liquidity and versatility.
3. Coinbase: Ideal for Beginners
Coinbase is renowned for its user-friendly interface and straightforward approach, making it perfect for those new to the crypto world.
Ease of Use: Coinbase's intuitive design makes it exceptionally easy for beginners to buy, sell, and store cryptocurrencies. It's an excellent starting point for those unfamiliar with trading platforms.
Regulatory Compliance: Coinbase adheres to regulatory standards, providing a secure environment for users. This compliance fosters trust among users and regulatory authorities.
Educational Resources: Coinbase offers a wealth of educational materials, including articles and tutorials, empowering users with knowledge about the crypto market.
Let's consider an example to better understand the Coinbase's appeal:
Example: Smooth Onboarding
Picture yourself as someone new to cryptocurrencies, eager to explore this exciting digital frontier. Coinbase's straightforward user interface guides you through the onboarding process, from setting up your account to making your first cryptocurrency purchase. The platform's educational resources ensure you understand the basics, empowering you to enter the crypto space with confidence.
4. Kraken: A Secure Haven
Kraken is synonymous with security, offering a robust platform for trading various cryptocurrencies.
Security Focus: Kraken prioritizes security, implementing advanced measures like two-factor authentication (2FA) and cold storage for the majority of funds.
Fiat Support: Kraken supports various fiat currencies, allowing users to easily deposit and withdraw funds. This feature is particularly beneficial for those transitioning from traditional finance to crypto.
Liquidity: With its high trading volumes, Kraken offers excellent liquidity, ensuring you can execute trades swiftly and efficiently.
Let's understand with an example highlighting Kraken's strengths:
Example: Secure Storage
Imagine you're a long-term investor who values security above all else. Kraken's commitment to secure storage aligns with your priorities. The majority of funds held in cold storage protect your assets from potential digital threats, offering peace of mind as you hold your investments for the long haul.
In the diverse landscape of cryptocurrency exchanges, finding the right one depends on your specific needs and preferences. Whether you're seeking a wide variety of altcoins, a user-friendly experience, or top-tier security, there's an exchange tailored to your requirements.
Probit Global, with its extensive range of cryptocurrencies, emphasis on security, and user-friendly interface, emerges as a leading choice for traders. It also provides airdrops of trending cryptocurrencies on its platform. However, the ultimate decision rests with you. Consider your goals, trading style, and level of expertise when choosing your gateway to the captivating world of cryptocurrencies. Armed with this knowledge, you're well on your trading or investing route to making informed and profitable trading decisions for successful years to come.
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whalemediaboost · 2 years
What Are the NFT Marketing Services?
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NFT promoting administration alludes to the partner move a NFT project proprietor makes to plug their utility-driven project.
It means to convey independent expenses for the task householders, with the drawn out objective of building a faithful local area.
But this, NFT advances administrations unit extra with respect to arriving at the normal group, and, subsequently, to cause individuals to comprehend the administrations lastly empower them to comprehend.
What's more, a NFT showcasing administrations unit goliath begins with virtual entertainment advancement similarly as local area the board.
Kinds Of NFT Promoting
There is a unit of movement positive sorts of NFT Marketing Services that unit of action significant these days. the scope of the unit of action is recorded underneath:
Website Promotion Organically (SEO)
Website optimization represents bug improvement, that is the method of getting traffic from free publication similarly to regular list items in web search tools. The principal point is to build up your site's situation on indexed lists pages.
Influencer Promoting
Force to be reckoned with business can hush up trade that involves powerhouses as far as elevating an entire to a significantly greater market.
Email Promoting
Email trade can be a strong business channel or a sort of computerized trade that uses email to plug an item or administrations of a specific business or organization.
Reddit Promoting
Reddit can be a specific stage on the net, consolidating parts of web-based entertainment, and message sheets as far as building a local area.
Telegram promoting
Message business can be a sort of individual trade that infers advancing an entire through the wire. With this channel, you will actually want to develop your stretch, support deals, and work with clients to investigate your administration.
Well known NFT Marketplaces
Who are Popular for NFT Marketing Services
SDLC CORP is one the most well known place that gives Best NFT Marketing Agency to its clients. It is chief important commercial center for a wide range of NFT; consequently, planned on the Ethereum blockchain.
Hub unit the incredible animals that unit brought similarly as prepared against different players hence to acquire rewards.
3. Hatchling LAB
It is striking for the creature crypto troublemakers Nft project. What's a ton of, Beast Labs computerized contains positive workmanship that embraces Autographs, and so on.
It is the National Basketball Association and Women's National Basketball Association's attack into the NFT world. Besides, NBA high shot is not difficult to enlist moreover as a private ought to buy straightforwardly all through this commercial center.
5. Super RARE
It's structure a commercial center for computerized makers. It contains craftsmanship, recordings in like manner as 3D photographs. Aside from this, the badge of very uncommon units are acclimated with notice new ability for the commercial center.
6. Nifty Entrance
A partner craftsmanship curation stage is powerful by the crypto trade and has mitigated the offer of various the premier ordinary computerized specialists.
Job Of NFT Marketing Services And Its Importance
Promoting assumes a significant part in rising business possibilities during a lengthy method. advancing strategies are the unequivocal elements for making specific business achievement. In addition, NFT Marketing Solutions would be utilized by computerized makers. It's a seriously fundamental variable as a few computerized makers mint their computerized deals with the stage.
Honors of choosing partner degree NFT advancing Agency For Promotions
At the point when an individual lean towards dropping NFT, mindfulness, comparatively in light of the fact that the perceivability for your NFT project, is very required. Notwithstanding, drawing nearer a suitable NFT-advancing organization can bring various advantages. It incorporates the accompanying:
Staying into the NFT circle with the right arrangement of selling strategies for a much better reach.
Financial plan agreeable after you decide to choose the office or organization as opposed to anticipating in-house designers.
Everytime elevating a mission to accomplish the objective market with known time limitations.
Utilization of cutting edge instruments in order to bring positive effects and results.
Adaptable in giving the advancing techniques according to your necessities.
Reference URL: https://naftmarketingagency.wordpress.com/2022/07/15/what-are-the-nft-marketing-services/
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thechiefhustler · 2 years
What are the best crypto currencies to invest in to hold until 2022?
If 2021 was a defining year for cryptos, 2022 promises much more. For crypto investments in 2022, you can never go wrong with these four crypto assets-
1. Bitcoin (BTC) - As the crypto assests with the largest market cap, Bitcoin has stood the test of time. Despite market fluctuations, Bitcoin continues to be increasingly accepted as a medium of payment worldwide. In 2021, El Salvador accepted Bitcoin as legal tender. In 2022, many more countries and large corporations will adopt Bitcoin as a means of payment. Bitcoin’s rising adoption makes it one of the best crypto assets to bet on in 2022.
2. Ethereum (ETH) - Ethereum is a powerhouse in the crypto world. In its first version, Ethereum inspired several crypto projects, thus leading to a boom in the crypto world in the last five years. With the increasing hype to buy Ethereum 2.0, Ethereum is expected to perform very well in 2022. In January’22, the price of 1 ETH was $2000, which is half of the price of ETH in 2021. However, the price has increased to $2700, proving that one can expect significant progress in Ethereum 2.0 or the evolved version of Ethereum.
Buy Bitcoin and Crypto at India’s Leading Exchange | ZebPayBuy & sell Bitcoin and cryptos with your Bitcoin ki dukaan, ZebPay. We are India's first & most widely used crypto trading or exchange platform.https://zebpay.onelink.me/3539094372/471fed22
3. Cardano (ADA) - With the former co-founder of Ethereum, Charles Hoskinson, at the helm of affairs, Cardano is one of the strongest non-BTC, non-ETH projects in the crypto world. It is one of the leading proof-of-stake cryptos and has a lower energy consumption than Bitcoin. Its eco-friendly attributes make it one of the most promising crypto investments for the future. Many large companies look for sustainability options and thus, prefer eco-friendly cryptocurrencies as a means of payment.
4. Solana (SOL) - 2021 was all about Solana. The price of SOL was approximately $200 throughout the year. According to SOL predictions, in 2022, you can expect Solana to further build on its growth story so far. It may reach $350 to 400$. Transactions on its blockchain are superfast and cheap. Many crypto enthusiasts view it as the real ETH killer. Solana’s versatility has inspired several decentralised apps or dApps. Solana’s rise has also led to the rise in crypto gaming. As millions of gamers venture into crypto gaming projects, expect SOL soon to become one of the largest cryptocurrencies in the world.
These are the four best crypto assets to consider in 2022. Please note that crypto investments are subject to huge fluctuations, so always do your diligent research before investing.
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sycriptouk · 3 years
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Sports Crypto Movement Continues As PSG Signs With Crypto.com https://bitcoinist.com/sports-crypto-movement-continues-as-psg-signs-with-crypto-com/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=sports-crypto-movement-continues-as-psg-signs-with-crypto-com
Soccer giant Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) has announced a sponsorship deal with Crypto.com, as the sports cryptocurrency movement continues.
Crypto.com Becomes PSG’s Official Cryptocurrency Partner
Crypto platform crypto.com has announced a multi-year agreement with French powerhouse PSG, becoming the club’s official cryptocurrency partner. The partnership will also involve exclusive NFT releases on the firm’s official non-fungible token platform.
Due to the large scale of the deal, the platform has decided to pay a significant amount of the sponsorship fee using the cryptocurrency token CRO.
PSG is the most successful French club in the past decade, having won 7 out of the last 9 Ligue 1 titles. This season, the club has strengthened an already star studded side with the exceptional signings of Lionel Messi, Sergio Ramos, and more.
Crypto.com is one of the leading cryptocurrency platforms with over 10 million users. The company’s crypto card offering is one of the most popular in the world.
“We are delighted to welcome Crypto.com to the Paris Saint-Germain partner family. We share the same passion for innovation and the same ambition to reach the very top,” says Marc Armstrong, PSG’s Chief Partnerships Officer.
Related Reading | Major Reasons For Bitcoin And Ethereum’s Sudden Decline In Price
Armstrong further comments:
With this partnership Paris Saint-Germain demonstrates once more it’s vision and leadership as a pioneer in areas such as lifestyle, esports and digital. It is an exciting time for Cryptocurrency and we cannot wait to work with Crypto.com to bring new experiences to all of the club’s fans.
Sports And Cryptocurrency-Related Deals In Recent Times
In the past year, sports teams and leagues around the world have increasingly started to accept lucrative partnerships with crypto platforms.
Earlier in the year, Crypto.com signed deals with a variety of sports organizations including UFC, Formula 1, and Serie A.
The newly promoted English Premier League club Watford FC now wears Dogecoin on its sleeve in sponsorship with Stake.com.
Top Shot, the official NBA NFT fan store, also continues to move strong with recent addition of in-stadium digital collectibles.
Kris Marszalek, CEO and co-founder of Crypto.com, says:
Our mission since day one has been to accelerate the world’s transition to cryptocurrency. We do so by finding the best partners in the world, and Paris Saint-Germain is second to none.
Related Reading | Bitcoin Volatility Going Crazy Right After Hitting Shocking 2021 Lows
Sports-persons have also naturally showed more interest in crypto investments recently. Tennis star Naomi Osaka earlier revealed her interest in Dogecoin, while Lionel Messi received some of his PSG salary in the club’s token.
Another prominent example is NFL’s Russel Okung, who put half of his 13 million dollars salary in Bitcoin last year.
At the time of writing, BTC trades around $45.3k, down 10% in the last 7 days. The below chart shows the trends in the price of the crypto over the last three months.
BTC's price continues to fall downwards | Source: BTCUSD on TradingView
Featured image from Crypto.com
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Top Affiliate Networks (2021)
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An affiliate network helps web and application publishers to adapt their stock by giving an assortment of alternatives, just as all essential devices for running campaigns (following connections, creatives and so forth) For promoters, affiliate network administrations and advantages incorporate installment preparing, advertisement following technology, advertisement crusade announcing apparatuses, just as admittance to an immense data set of publishers. Affiliate networks work on a CPA (Cost per Action) based model which implies that they can viably convey a 100% fill rate for publishers. A few publishers, known as 'affiliates or 'media purchasers' will make or purchase traffic utilizing publicizing explicitly to advance campaigns from a network (as opposed to simply to adapt existing stock).
As per Wikipedia the definition of an affiliate network is:
"a delegate between publishers (affiliates) and shipper affiliate marketing programs"
There are two attributes that portray the assortment of affiliate marketing programs, that are interconnected into a network, the best – kinds of offers and commissions. In the present affiliate marketing the most well known sorts are down offers, club offers, application offers, dating offers and nutra offers. The most sought after commission types are CPA and CPI.
Since the last part of the 90s advanced affiliate marketing has developed to a major industry, in 2016 US-based retailers have burned through $4.7 billion on affiliate marketing. As per gauges by 2021 the affiliate marketing industry will develop to $6.8 billion. Of course, given the size of the area, there are many affiliate marketing organizations working in different market portions.
As indicated by the Awin affiliate network information, of the all out income produced on this affiliate network in Q1 2016, practically 40% was credited to cell phones. One of the patterns that we can notice for the affiliate marketing of today is that numerous web-based media powerhouses incorporate affiliate connects to the photograph and video content depiction they share with their large adherents swarm. Lately, a significant number of the most lucrative and most rewarding affiliate programs have been identified with the application area (for instance advancements for application or game introduce campaigns).
Top Affiliate Networks
Profit Pixels - Forex Crypto Trading Affiliate Program
Performcb - #1 Performance Marketing Network Worldwide
PMAffiliates - Affiliate Program for Parimatch and Parimatch International
Converting Team - CPA Network | Dedicated Managers | Unique Offers | Multiple Verticals
ClickDealer - Start Generating Revenue with ClickDealer Offers
Olavivo - Boutique Affiliate Network and Agency
Affitool- Connecting Publishers and Advertisers around the world, affiliate tool online, Social media profiles, promoting landingpages,
MaxPartners - Casino affiliate program
FPM.global - Mobile Affiliate
CrakRevenue - The One-Stop-Shop In Affiliate Marketing
NetoPartners - Join Us!
This rundown of affiliate networks is centered around the organizations that have a huge spotlight on portable and application related traffic and offers, either as expert versatile affiliate networks or as broad affiliate stages with a high extent of portable agreeable affiliate programs
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Crypto Tidbits: Bitcoin Hits $9ks, a16z Raises $500M Crypto Fund, Ethereum 2.0 Nears
Another week, another round of Crypto Tidbits. Bitcoin has been one of the best-performing assets in financial markets over the past week, managing to rally as high as $9,500 — over 25% higher where it started this week. Altcoins, interestingly, have underperformed the market leader, with Ethereum and XRP both gaining around 10% over the past seven days. Crypto’s strength this week comes as the stock market has started to stagnate in the 2,800-2,900 point range, seemingly playing with the idea of a reversal as the economic outlook remains dismal, with a total of 30 million Americans filing for unemployment over the past month. Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, went as far as to say that the U.S. economy is currently in its worst rut in history due to the outbreak of COVID-19. The recovery will not be V-shaped, Powell added, asserting that it may take a while for life to return to pre-virus levels due to the long-lasting effects of the shutdown of the world’s biggest economic powerhouse. Whatever the case, analysts are still bullish on Bitcoin. Roch Rosenblum, the co-head of trading at GSR, remarked to Bloomberg that the ongoing BTC rally is predicated on the macroeconomic environment: “This latest run past $8,000 is as much about positive macro sentiment as it is about the upcoming halving. We’re starting to have a lot more certainty, as more countries begin to share their plans to reopen the economy in May.” Chart from Coin360.io This optimism was echoed by Zac Prince, a co-founder of crypto startup BlockFi, who said that the “current market dynamics are driving a bolstered interest [for] digital currency.” These dynamics he was referencing was the Federal Reserve’s commitment to money printing and the growth in stablecoins. Related Reading: Crypto Tidbits: Bitcoin Surges to $7,800, More U.S. Stimulus, Tether Erupts Bitcoin & Crypto Tidbits Elon Musk ‘Talks’ About Bitcoin Again: Elon Musk created quite the stir in global financial markets on May 1st, when he tweeted “[The] Tesla stock price is too high imo,” resulting in the asset collapsing by approximately 10% during the day’s trading session. Although many holders of TSLA saw Musk’s statement as controversial because of the seeming effect it had on their investment, the operator of the @Bitcoin account on Twitter, which has over one million followers, decided to leverage the situation to tweet that the “Bitcoin price is too low imo.” The Tesla chief executive surprisingly responded, first with the tweet below that has Musk laughing at the comment. Musk followed this up ten minutes later by asking @Bitcoin how much it would cost for “some anime Bitcoin.” While he made these comments in jest, Musk has previously mentioned crypto in interviews in a positive manner. Bitcoin price is too low imo — Bitcoin (@Bitcoin) May 1, 2020 Bitcoin Spikes in Popularity in China: According to Samson Mow — CSO of Bitcoin development company Blockstream — the Chinese term for “BTC” (比特币) recently exploded in popularity on Weibo. This comes shortly after the Chinese term for “Bitcoin halving” experienced a similar treatment last week, suggestive of a larger hype cycle for cryptocurrency. As of April 29th, the search term was the 19th most popular term on the trending page, registering hundreds of thousands of comments on the matter from the over 400 million users that frequent the social platform. Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) Raises Big Crypto Fund: This week, Katie Haun and Chris Dixon, partners at Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) — one of the largest Silicon Valley venture capital firms — unveiled “Crypto Fund II,” a new “$515 million fund that will be used to invest in crypto networks and businesses.” The two partners claim they will be focusing on five main categories of investments in the cryptocurrency space, one of them being DeFi: next-generation payments, modern store of value, decentralized finance, new ways for creators to monetize, web 3.0. Ethereum 2.0 Draws Ever Closer: The “Topaz” testnet for Ethereum has continued to gain transaction, with the network recently hitting 100,000 slots. The Topaz testnet is currently testing Ethereum 2.0 software, which is expected to be launched in late-June or July to the mainnet.
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cryptocozy · 10 months
Exploring the Best Trading Platforms for Digital Assets!
In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, trading platforms play a pivotal role in enabling enthusiasts and investors to participate in the dynamic market. These platforms serve as gateways to the digital asset landscape, allowing users to buy, sell, and trade cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a plethora of altcoins.
However, not all trading platforms are created equal; each offers a unique set of features, security measures, and user experiences. In this post, we'll dive into the realm of cryptocurrency trading platforms and explore some of the best options available.
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1. Coinbase: The User-Friendly Pioneer
Coinbase is often considered the starting point for many new crypto traders due to its user-friendly interface and simple onboarding process. It provides a secure and regulated platform for buying, selling, and storing various cryptocurrencies. Coinbase's educational resources and intuitive design make it an ideal choice for beginners seeking to venture into the world of digital assets.
2. Binance: The Global Powerhouse
Binance has rapidly grown to become one of the largest and most influential cryptocurrency exchanges globally. Known for its extensive list of available cryptocurrencies and trading pairs, Binance caters to both beginners and experienced traders. The platform also features advanced trading options, including spot trading, futures trading, and even a decentralized exchange (Binance DEX) for users seeking more control over their assets.
3. Kraken: Security and Variety
Kraken stands out for its robust security measures and wide range of supported cryptocurrencies. The platform offers a diverse selection of trading options, including spot trading, margin trading, and staking. Kraken's commitment to regulatory compliance and its reputation for security make it a favored choice among traders looking for a reliable and secure platform.
4. eToro: Social Trading and Copy Portfolios
eToro brings a unique twist to cryptocurrency trading by incorporating social features. Traders can follow and even automatically copy the trades of successful investors on the platform. Additionally, eToro offers investment options like Crypto Copy Portfolios, which bundle various cryptocurrencies into a single portfolio managed by experts. This approach caters to both active traders and those who prefer a more hands-off investment approach.
5. Gemini: Security-First Approach
Gemini is renowned for its emphasis on security and regulatory compliance. Founded by the Winklevoss twins, the platform offers a user-friendly interface and a strong focus on customer protection. Gemini also operates under stringent regulatory frameworks, which can provide peace of mind to traders who prioritize compliance and transparency.
6. Bitfinex: Advanced Trading Features
Bitfinex caters to experienced traders seeking advanced features such as margin trading, derivatives, and various order types. While it may be less suitable for beginners, its comprehensive set of tools and options make it a go-to platform for those looking to engage in more sophisticated trading strategies.
7. Robinhood: User-Centric Simplicity
Robinhood has gained popularity for its simple and intuitive design, aimed at making financial markets accessible to a wider audience. While it offers a limited range of cryptocurrencies compared to other platforms, its user-centric approach and commission-free trading have attracted many newcomers to the crypto space.
As the cryptocurrency market continues to expand, the diversity of trading platforms grows in tandem. Selecting the right platform depends on individual preferences, trading goals, and risk tolerance. Whether you're a novice trader looking for a user-friendly experience or an experienced investor seeking advanced features, there's a cryptocurrency trading platform tailored to your needs.
It's essential to research each platform thoroughly, considering factors such as security, available cryptocurrencies, fees, and user feedback. With the right platform at your disposal, you can embark on a journey of exploring and profiting from the exciting world of digital assets.
To get a trustable and user-friendly crypto trading platform you can check here-
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brettzjacksonblog · 4 years
Crypto Tidbits: Bitcoin Hits $9ks, a16z Raises $500M Crypto Fund, Ethereum 2.0 Nears
Another week, another round of Crypto Tidbits. Bitcoin has been one of the best-performing assets in financial markets over the past week, managing to rally as high as $9,500 — over 25% higher where it started this week. Altcoins, interestingly, have underperformed the market leader, with Ethereum and XRP both gaining around 10% over the past seven days. Crypto’s strength this week comes as the stock market has started to stagnate in the 2,800-2,900 point range, seemingly playing with the idea of a reversal as the economic outlook remains dismal, with a total of 30 million Americans filing for unemployment over the past month. Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, went as far as to say that the U.S. economy is currently in its worst rut in history due to the outbreak of COVID-19. The recovery will not be V-shaped, Powell added, asserting that it may take a while for life to return to pre-virus levels due to the long-lasting effects of the shutdown of the world’s biggest economic powerhouse. Whatever the case, analysts are still bullish on Bitcoin. Roch Rosenblum, the co-head of trading at GSR, remarked to Bloomberg that the ongoing BTC rally is predicated on the macroeconomic environment: “This latest run past $8,000 is as much about positive macro sentiment as it is about the upcoming halving. We’re starting to have a lot more certainty, as more countries begin to share their plans to reopen the economy in May.” Chart from Coin360.io This optimism was echoed by Zac Prince, a co-founder of crypto startup BlockFi, who said that the “current market dynamics are driving a bolstered interest [for] digital currency.” These dynamics he was referencing was the Federal Reserve’s commitment to money printing and the growth in stablecoins. Related Reading: Crypto Tidbits: Bitcoin Surges to $7,800, More U.S. Stimulus, Tether Erupts Bitcoin & Crypto Tidbits Elon Musk ‘Talks’ About Bitcoin Again: Elon Musk created quite the stir in global financial markets on May 1st, when he tweeted “[The] Tesla stock price is too high imo,” resulting in the asset collapsing by approximately 10% during the day’s trading session. Although many holders of TSLA saw Musk’s statement as controversial because of the seeming effect it had on their investment, the operator of the @Bitcoin account on Twitter, which has over one million followers, decided to leverage the situation to tweet that the “Bitcoin price is too low imo.” The Tesla chief executive surprisingly responded, first with the tweet below that has Musk laughing at the comment. Musk followed this up ten minutes later by asking @Bitcoin how much it would cost for “some anime Bitcoin.” While he made these comments in jest, Musk has previously mentioned crypto in interviews in a positive manner. Bitcoin price is too low imo — Bitcoin (@Bitcoin) May 1, 2020 Bitcoin Spikes in Popularity in China: According to Samson Mow — CSO of Bitcoin development company Blockstream — the Chinese term for “BTC” (比特币) recently exploded in popularity on Weibo. This comes shortly after the Chinese term for “Bitcoin halving” experienced a similar treatment last week, suggestive of a larger hype cycle for cryptocurrency. As of April 29th, the search term was the 19th most popular term on the trending page, registering hundreds of thousands of comments on the matter from the over 400 million users that frequent the social platform. Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) Raises Big Crypto Fund: This week, Katie Haun and Chris Dixon, partners at Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) — one of the largest Silicon Valley venture capital firms — unveiled “Crypto Fund II,” a new “$515 million fund that will be used to invest in crypto networks and businesses.” The two partners claim they will be focusing on five main categories of investments in the cryptocurrency space, one of them being DeFi: next-generation payments, modern store of value, decentralized finance, new ways for creators to monetize, web 3.0. Ethereum 2.0 Draws Ever Closer: The “Topaz” testnet for Ethereum has continued to gain transaction, with the network recently hitting 100,000 slots. The Topaz testnet is currently testing Ethereum 2.0 software, which is expected to be launched in late-June or July to the mainnet.
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 4 years
Crypto Tidbits: Bitcoin Hits $9ks, a16z Raises $500M Crypto Fund, Ethereum 2.0 Nears
Another week, another round of Crypto Tidbits. Bitcoin has been one of the best-performing assets in financial markets over the past week, managing to rally as high as $9,500 — over 25% higher where it started this week. Altcoins, interestingly, have underperformed the market leader, with Ethereum and XRP both gaining around 10% over the past seven days. Crypto’s strength this week comes as the stock market has started to stagnate in the 2,800-2,900 point range, seemingly playing with the idea of a reversal as the economic outlook remains dismal, with a total of 30 million Americans filing for unemployment over the past month. Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, went as far as to say that the U.S. economy is currently in its worst rut in history due to the outbreak of COVID-19. The recovery will not be V-shaped, Powell added, asserting that it may take a while for life to return to pre-virus levels due to the long-lasting effects of the shutdown of the world’s biggest economic powerhouse. Whatever the case, analysts are still bullish on Bitcoin. Roch Rosenblum, the co-head of trading at GSR, remarked to Bloomberg that the ongoing BTC rally is predicated on the macroeconomic environment: “This latest run past $8,000 is as much about positive macro sentiment as it is about the upcoming halving. We’re starting to have a lot more certainty, as more countries begin to share their plans to reopen the economy in May.” Chart from Coin360.io This optimism was echoed by Zac Prince, a co-founder of crypto startup BlockFi, who said that the “current market dynamics are driving a bolstered interest [for] digital currency.” These dynamics he was referencing was the Federal Reserve’s commitment to money printing and the growth in stablecoins. Related Reading: Crypto Tidbits: Bitcoin Surges to $7,800, More U.S. Stimulus, Tether Erupts Bitcoin & Crypto Tidbits Elon Musk ‘Talks’ About Bitcoin Again: Elon Musk created quite the stir in global financial markets on May 1st, when he tweeted “[The] Tesla stock price is too high imo,” resulting in the asset collapsing by approximately 10% during the day’s trading session. Although many holders of TSLA saw Musk’s statement as controversial because of the seeming effect it had on their investment, the operator of the @Bitcoin account on Twitter, which has over one million followers, decided to leverage the situation to tweet that the “Bitcoin price is too low imo.” The Tesla chief executive surprisingly responded, first with the tweet below that has Musk laughing at the comment. Musk followed this up ten minutes later by asking @Bitcoin how much it would cost for “some anime Bitcoin.” While he made these comments in jest, Musk has previously mentioned crypto in interviews in a positive manner. Bitcoin price is too low imo — Bitcoin (@Bitcoin) May 1, 2020 Bitcoin Spikes in Popularity in China: According to Samson Mow — CSO of Bitcoin development company Blockstream — the Chinese term for “BTC” (比特币) recently exploded in popularity on Weibo. This comes shortly after the Chinese term for “Bitcoin halving” experienced a similar treatment last week, suggestive of a larger hype cycle for cryptocurrency. As of April 29th, the search term was the 19th most popular term on the trending page, registering hundreds of thousands of comments on the matter from the over 400 million users that frequent the social platform. Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) Raises Big Crypto Fund: This week, Katie Haun and Chris Dixon, partners at Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) — one of the largest Silicon Valley venture capital firms — unveiled “Crypto Fund II,” a new “$515 million fund that will be used to invest in crypto networks and businesses.” The two partners claim they will be focusing on five main categories of investments in the cryptocurrency space, one of them being DeFi: next-generation payments, modern store of value, decentralized finance, new ways for creators to monetize, web 3.0. Ethereum 2.0 Draws Ever Closer: The “Topaz” testnet for Ethereum has continued to gain transaction, with the network recently hitting 100,000 slots. The Topaz testnet is currently testing Ethereum 2.0 software, which is expected to be launched in late-June or July to the mainnet.
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cryptnus-blog · 6 years
Ethereum vs EOS - The Battle of dApps Supremacy in 2018 |
New Post has been published on https://cryptnus.com/2018/06/ethereum-vs-eos-the-battle-of-dapps-supremacy-in-2018/
Ethereum vs EOS - The Battle of dApps Supremacy in 2018 |
EOS (EOS), the cryptocurrency that is ranked 5th when it comes to its market capitalization of over $12 billion, and it currently trades at around $13 USD per EOS token. During the February cryptocurrency market crash, this cryptocurrency demonstrated that it was able to maintain its stability seeing as most other altcoins experienced a dramatic drop in price.
Since the end of October, EOS experienced an incredible rise of nearly 2000%, climbing rank after rank, and slowly gaining up on Ethereum. On the other hand, Ethereum(ETH) declined with 25% over the past month. As you all know, Ethereum is the second largest coin, with a market cap of $60 billion dollars, currently trading at $600 USD.
Sure, there is a noticeable difference in both market cap and price, but many crypto experts say there are signs that hint that EOS has the chance of surpassing Ethereum. In our article, we will try to figure out if this technology could really overthrow the number two coin in the crypto world in the long run.
What is EOS (EOS)?
EOS is a blockchain platform that was created to provide a stable environment in which decentralized applications can be developed. In certain functional ways, you could say that EOS is somehow similar to Ethereum.
EOS is advertised as the fundamental solution to the various issues of the blockchain infrastructure, such as scalability. It integrates a delegated proof-of stake protocol that basically works like a system of dedicated delegates, which are in charge of verifying transactions.
While there are already several blockchain-based networks that also facilitate decentralized applications, EOS emphasizes critical issues that plague blockchain and tries to resolve the problem of speed, scalability, and flexibility that often hit performance bottlenecks on these platforms.
They claim their protocol is able to process a higher transactional volume throughput producing rates ranging as high as 100,000 transactions per second. The efficacy is further enhanced by separating the numerous modules used in the operational process of dApps, such as the authentication process being implemented separately from the execution process.
What’s more, it also claims it is capable of solving the problem of transactional fees which has become a problem in crypto trading ever since Bitcoin’s price surged. Actually, the coin proposes that transactions shouldn’t be charged at all by implementing horizontal scalability.
EOS runs on its own blockchain called Block.one, which is a decentralized platform that enables developers to test and create multiple decentralized apps.  Block.one’s CTO, Dan Larimer, has also created two other relevant blockchain projects: BitShares and Steem.
He developed completely different blockchain architectures for these two projects; he established the first stable coin and implemented DPoS or the first time; he developed the first dApp to be generally adopted.
What is Ethereum?
Ethereum is a blockchain-based distributed computing platform and operating system that supports smart contract (scripting) development.
Ethereum’s token, “Ether,” function similarly to Bitcoin. You can purchase and sell it, with the transactions being confirmed over the blockchain. Ether can also be transferred between accounts to pay contributor mining nodes for the computations made.
Ethereum uses a decentralized Turing-complete virtual machine, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), to perform scripts using a worldwide network of public nodes. Its internal pricing mechanism named “Gas” is used to moderate spam and distribute funds on the network.
Ethereum implements a proof of work (PoW) consensus model and has the advantage of being the first powerhouse in the smart contract and decentralized app (dApp) scene. Recently, the platform has been criticized for its high transaction fees in bearish market conditions, lack of scalability in low transaction (approximately 15 per second), latency in transaction completion (6 minutes to confirm a transaction), and the low percentage of network transactions that derive from applications.
Can EOS (EOS) Really Dethrone Ethereum (ETH)?
There have been many speculations in the crypto space regarding the possibility of EOS outclassing Etereum. It is known that Ethereum is currently the biggest player in the crypto space when it comes to the dApp platform development.
Ethereum plans on becoming more scalable by implementing plasma, sharding and switching to a proof of stake protocol.  But if Ethereum cannot accomplish these objectives, it is very possible that EOS will become the leading smart contract platform for the following reasons:
Scalability: EOS finalizes transactions in one second and has a throughput of up to 6,000 transactions per second. However, many time the Ethereum network has become jammed as it maxed out its transactions per second limit.
Zero Fees: Ethereum converts ether to pay various network fees on every transaction, and transactions are paid directly by the user. Fees in the EOS network are paid through inflation, where 1% of the yearly inflation is distributed to the block creators. This means that token owners are paying fees via increased supply instead of the end user.
Token Model: because the Ether token is used to pay network fees, it is subjected to velocity, which means the token value will not rise linearly with the network adoption.
With EOS, tokens can also be used to access network resources. A user that has 1% of token supply is allowed to have 1% of network ram, compute, bandwidth and storage. Users are not required to pay fees to transact. Instead, they must own or rent EOS tokens.
Bitfinex Exchange
Bitfinex, a leading exchange, announced that it will base a decentralized exchange on EOS’s Block.one blockchain platform. The new exchange will be called EOSfinex and will not only permit scalability of EOS as a dApp platform but also solve the issue of high transaction fees that are usually charged on exchanges.
Obviously, if the Bitfinex project becomes successful and more innovation on the EOS platform is realized, EOS (EOS) will become a rival to the biggest coins in the crypto space.
EOS still has a long way to go, but if Ethereum fails to improve its issues in time, EOS will most likely become the platform of choice which developers will use in creating consumer-grade applications. In the meantime, all that cryptocurrency enthusiasts can do is wait and see, as such takeover will not happen overnight.
Over the recent facts, as EOS mainnet fails to meet expectations – Ethereum seems it will keep the lead for at least a few months, until EOS will prove that they will have a functional product. If they will fail to prove that, EOS will probably stay behind Ethereum.
A lot of people are bullish on EOS right now, but its still a billion dollar project which have issues at this moment. Indeed, Ethereum had their issue too in past. Let’s not forget about the CryptoKitties hype which caused a network congestion in the ETH network.
Moreover, we need to take into consideration the project that will use EOS or Ethereum blockchain. If solid projects will use the EOS blockchain instead of the Ethereum one, it will probably have an impact over the price.
Do your own research on this battle for the dApps supremacy and see which one have the best potential but also – the one that its working the hardest on the development part and its more likely to succeed on the long term. Remember, there are a lot of projects that sounds good on paper, but aren’t working.
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Tags: Block.one, Blockchain, DApps, Eos, EOSfinex, eth, Ether, ethereum, Ethereum Virtual Machine, EVM, PoW, Scalability, smart contract, token
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coin-river-blog · 6 years
Crypto exchange Golix is entering three other African markets in an effort to survive the ban imposed by the central bank in its home country – Zimbabwe. Moreover, the troubled trading platform claims the move is part of a strategy to offer its services across the whole continent. Golix says the shortage of infrastructure has slowed down the adoption of cryptocurrencies in Africa.
 Also read: Johannesburg Gets a New Crypto ATM, Ban Threatened Harare May Lose One
Golix Moves On After Ban, Expands in Africa
Trying to stay afloat after the crackdown by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), Golix has turned its attention to Kenya, Uganda, and South Africa. Zimbabwe’s leading cryptocurrency exchange hopes to continue trading in these African countries, despite the ban imposed by financial authorities in Harare.
In a statement quoted by News Day, Golix head of growth, Panashe Tapera, noted that moving outside the country was part of a new strategy – the trading platform plans to expand operations across the entire continent. Tapera said:
As part of our strategy, starting from Friday, June 1, people in Kenya, South Africa and Uganda will be able to start trading from Golix. This is one of our plans to be the leading exchange in Africa, which is inspired by the vision to provide financial autonomy in the continent.
Golix has been offering exchange services in Zimbabwe for the past three years and was the only crypto trading platform there for quite some time, processing transactions worth $20 million and having 50,000 local users. Now it’s planning to continue to do the same in more and larger markets, saying that shortage of crypto infrastructure has slowed down the adoption of digital currencies in Africa.
The Republic of South Africa, the region’s economic powerhouse, has the highest number of cryptocurrency exchanges on the continent. Its central bank has set up a special unit tasked to review its position on cryptocurrencies and a “self-regulatory” approach has been proposed by legal experts working in the crypto sector. Uganda has been mentioned recently as a crypto-friendly destination, where the leading crypto exchange Binance wants to open a new office.
Challenging the Central Bank in Court
The announcement comes after last month the central bank in Harare issued a circular to banking institutions instructing them to stop providing bank accounts to cryptocurrency companies. The new guidelines effectively banned all crypto-related activities in the country. The RBZ gave local banks and cryptocurrency operators 60 days to comply.
Golix has since sent several letters to its clients informing them that they would not be able to trade digital coins or deposit fiat currency, and also helping them withdraw their funds.
According to local media, the operator of the exchange, Bitfinance Limited, has filed a lawsuit against the central bank. Later, it was reported that the country’s High Court has ruled in favor of the company’s argument that the RBZ has no authority to ban digital currencies.
Last week, Golix said it had been granted “an interim relief.” In further communication with its customers, the exchange shared that its accounts had not been restored and the legal proceedings were still ongoing. “Nevertheless, please note that we are in the middle of promising engagements with a financial institution which is willing to process our fiat withdrawals through a prepaid debit card,” the platform told its clients.
Golix Takes Its Token Sale to the New Markets
The Zimbabwean exchange intends to enter and operate in Kenya, Uganda and South Africa by also conducting its $32 million token sale there. The aim of the coin offering is to enable instant remittances and international payments through cryptocurrencies.
According to Golix lead of special projects, William Chui, “Since the onset, our main agenda is to provide financial autonomy in Africa. The GLX token is going to be used to facilitate and realize this agenda.”
Clients from different countries will be able to buy the GLX token from the exchange with fiat currencies, he explained. Then, the coin issued by Golix will be used to purchase other cryptos on its trading platform at zero transaction fees.
Zimbabwe’s first crypto exchange also promises lower fees, in comparison with traditional banking methods, for remittances and international transfers facilitated by the GLX token. The Golix representative believes that will contribute to the GDP growth in African countries.
Do you think the expansion to new markets will help Golix survive the ban in Zimbabwe? Tell us in the comments section below.
Images courtesy of Shutterstock.
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Crypto News - LAPO – The Next Generation Cryptocurrency
LAPO – The Next Generation Cryptocurrency Bitcoin Press Release: Switzerland, a country famous for its stable, private and secure banking system, is also a Crypto Powerhouse. In this privileged and unique business environment, a global cryptocurrency called the LAPO Coin (LAX) is being d... You May Likes reading: Also Read: How to Buy Bitcoin With USD Dollar
LAPO – The Next Generation Cryptocurrency
Bitcoin Press Release: Switzerland, a country famous for its stable, private and secure banking system, is also a Crypto Powerhouse. In this privileged and unique business environment, a global cryptocurrency called the LAPO Coin (LAX) is being developed. It exhibits low volatility, high speed transactions and a solid level of privacy and security, features that makes it the next generation coin. The token sale takes place from May 1, 2018 to June 1, 2018 (CEST).
9th of May 2018, Switzerland – The LAPO Coin is a cryptocurrency designed for real-world application. Unlike other Cryptos that are too volatile, too complex, or too slow, LAPO Coin has the right adaptive technology that will be integrated into real-world businesses. This means that everybody could use the LAPO Coin to buy different products or pay for various services, easily and quickly. The volatility of Bitcoin has made it extra helpful as a vehicle for hypothesis than as a forex, say critics — when the worth can change drastically from hour to hour, it introduces undesirable danger for sellers and patrons alike.
Integrating a monetary policy is what LAPO Coin proposes to solve this problem. Stability creates a more favourable operating environment for economic activity, is important to developments in the real economy, and is the most valuable contribution that monetary policy can make to economic growth. For that reason, they are building an open source self-critical, intellectually honest, and adaptable Artificial Intelligence that can handle the monetary policy, they call it The Stability Fund.
The LAPO Stability Fund is an Artificial Intelligence that analyse and calculate monetary policy and it is used to protect the coin against artificial price volatility. This completely autonomous Stability Fund can detect and avoid illegal market manipulation. Thanks to its Artificial Intelligence, it can analyse the market, social network news and historical data. This feature is then able to predict and understand, if and when, an illegal manipulation is taking place. Using Seigniorage Shares, the Stability Fund will be able to neutralize the threat and stabilize the market.
LAPO Coin is a non-collateralized coin, and it is independent of all other currencies. Even if the US Dollar and Ether collapse, a non-collateralized coin like LAPO Coin could survive them as a stable store of value. Unlike the central banks of nation states, a non-collateralized stable coin would not have perverse incentives to inflate or deflate the currency. Its algorithm would only have one global mandate: stability and long-term growth
This is one of the best features of LAX to break the limits of today’s crypto-world. Simplicity along with the elegance of concept, easy integration points for partners and business, and the ability to work with an exchange, are some of the additional traits that will give LAPO a competitive advantage from the rest, and thus assist in the wider adoption of the LAPO Coin in the Cryptocurrency market.
LAX has its own blockchain based on the DASH technology, and has improved this protocol by adding new features that include smart contracts, greater 2-tier network stability, and a faster block generation.
The LAPO Coin is the first step of a bigger project: The LAPO ePlatform, a set of Financial Tools enabled by Blockchain innovation and powered by Artificial Intelligence. The ePlatform integrates a decentralized trading platform, an online (eGateway) and offline (Point of Sale) payment system, payment protection for commercial transactions, and as last step, the LAPO Bank. This will establish a secure and stable bridge to connect cryptofinance with the traditional financial industry and the LAPO Coin will be at its core.
LAPO Coin will be used to provide liquidity to the platform and  will be used in all transactions. LAX could also be used as collateral for loans. As the platform grows in popularity and use, the value of LAX should rise due to its limited supply based on the blockchain protocol. The LAPO ePlatform will also allow users to create their own unique tokens as a means of exchange.
In the near future, the financial industry will be among the first parts of the economy most impacted by blockchain technology. The nature of the blockchain removes the need for brokers and intermediaries such as banks, and thus transactions will be much faster and cheaper, benefiting businesses and consumers alike. Moreover, the blockchain will provide added security given its immutable and decentralized nature, preventing the altering of the ledger and any single point of failure. By using the DASH technology with improvement features such as the ability to execute smart contracts, the LAPO Coin and its ePlatform are positioning themselves to become the leader in the financial industry.
To learn more visit the Website : https://lapo.io
Chat on Telegram – https://t.me/lapodiscussion Meet the Team – https://lapo.io/#company Connect on Twitter – https://twitter.com/LapoBlockchain
Media Contact Name: Luiis Contact Email: [email protected]
LAPO is the source of this content. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are extremely volatile. There is no guarantee of a stable value, or of any value at all. Token sales are only suitable for individuals with a high risk tolerance. Only participate in a token event with what you can afford to lose.This press release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest.
  source: https://bitcoinprbuzz.com/lapo-next-generation/
Post source: LAPO – The Next Generation Cryptocurrency
Source #bitcoin #news #cryptonews #cryptocurrency #dailybitcoinnew #todaynews
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