midnightcrustcat · 10 months
hello intermission fandom, today i share my designs for tha felt
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drawing--dead · 1 year
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413 BABY!
happy 413, folks! thought i'd share my felt sprites. (not for public use! these are made by me, for me)
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faggotry-enjoyer · 5 months
new pinned
if you're here because i reblogged your post with an image description: please edit it into the post. make whatever modifications you want, with or without credit
if you know me in real life: please block me and stay away. i'm not joking, i'm not being hyperbolic. leave.
everyone else: hi
introduction: i'm some guy who hasn't picked a psuedonym. he/it, 18-24, disabled transmasc. goy, if you are too this post is required reading (archive link in case my beloved mutual OP deactivates or changes her url), and this post has a number of recommended readings and resources. these days half my blog is on antisemitism but i'm also here for queer stuff, disability, posting nonsense, etc.
DNI: not really my thing, i'll block you if i feel like it
tagging: i have a very intricate tagging system which i do not fully comprehend. most of my tags are primarily for archival and search purposes rather than filtering, and many of them are vibes-based. if you have anything you'd like me to tag, feel free to ask and i'll either tag it or tell you that i won't.
i take misinformation very seriously. if you see me share some, please let me know in good faith and i will either take it down or publicly correct depending on the exact situation (after verifying your correction, of course). same goes for any and all forms of bigotry and hate. "OP is a Zionist" does not count as good faith correction.
lastly: feel free to say hi, introduce yourself, or reach out in general whether in replies, asks, or DMs. i might take awhile to respond (or might forget...) but do appreciate it regardless.
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optimus-rhyme · 1 year
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kanogram · 2 months
(guess these pair's dynamics based purely on drawings and two lines of dialogue/lh)
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"Oh, but I forgot to mention how the decks here have all of their numbers slightly shifted to the left-"
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"Hey Ichiro, do you want to hear a joke?-"
"Fuck off."
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"...Yugetsusai? Are you okay?"
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"What a lovely day we're having!" (You're so annoying.)
"It really is quite lovely!" (Leave me alone.)
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… 16/15 green torsos drawn…?
Doc Scratch simply spectating- and Sn8wman getting a little voidy with it.
Doze and Itchy run the worlds easiest race.
Stitch gets onto Die for stuffing his own effigy full of pins (Die laments that he SHOULDN’T CARE- doesn’t even hurt that much).
Cans shows off his little friend, Clover.
Fin and Trace want to hold hands but often have trouble finding eachother- so Crowbar steps in the middle to cut the time bullshit.
Quarters and Matchsticks work together to bring Sawbuck home, wherever he is.
Eggs and Biscuits (eggs and biscuits)
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d4rkwater · 4 months
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JOSEPH BARKER, ele é filho de POSEIDON e CONSELHEIRO do chalé 3 e tem 23 anos. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ele está no NÍVEL III por estar no acampamento há DOZE ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, JOSEPH é bastante ALTRUÍSTA mas também dizem que ele é TEIMOSO. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
Joseph é filho único de uma renomada bióloga marinha, nasceu em pleno verão de Agosto na Califórnia e ali morou durante seus três primeiros anos de vida. Graças ao emprego de sua mãe, o jovem passou grande parte da sua infância viajando pelo mundo, morando de frente para o mar, onde acabou adquirindo uma enorme paixão pelo surf. Seu rendimento escolar era mediano, mas as justificativas para as notas não serem sempre as melhores eram devido às mudanças contínuas de estado e, não muito raramente, de continente. 
Sua convivência com a mãe era das melhores, vendo nela não só uma figura materna como também a paterna que nunca teve a chance de conhecer. Seu pai sumiu antes mesmo da mãe saber que estava grávida, fruto de uma relação de poucos dias, mas que foi o suficiente para marcar a vida da mulher para sempre. Joseph era tudo o que Lilian tinha e fazia questão de sempre protegê-lo. Até mais que o necessário, assim achava. 
A paixão pelo oceano vinha do esporte e também das curiosidades que aprendeu graças à profissão de sua mãe. Joseph, com menos de 10 anos, já tinha conhecimento sobre uma extensa lista de animais marinhos e, mesmo não possuindo um contato direto - apenas quando sua mãe permitia - sua ligação com as criaturas era deveras confusa e interessante. O único animal ao qual possuía um medo absurdo era o tubarão. E tudo começou quando um amigo quase perdeu a vida durante um campeonato de surf, sendo atacado pelo grandioso animal após ser confundido por uma tartaruga. 
As coisas começaram a ficar estranhas quando, em uma noite de tempestade na Ilha Wake, atual local de trabalho e pesquisa de sua mãe, criaturas estranhas surgiram e passaram a atacar ambos. E mãe e filho só escaparam porque Joseph, sem compreender muito bem, ouviu um chamado vindo do mar. Ao chegarem na praia foram recebidos por um grupo de homens desesperados, Joseph os questionou sobre as criaturas, mas foi taxado de louco, afinal, para todo mundo ali a ilha estava em chamas. Ninguém sabia dizer como ou quando o incêndio começou, espalhando-se rápido e queimando boa parte da reserva, mas com sorte todos os poucos habitantes - em sua maioria profissionais - saíram com vida. 
Os acontecimentos, aos poucos, foram se tornando frequentes e era sempre a mesma coisa. Os relatos que saíram na mídia ou eram comentados pelos vizinhos não batiam em nada com a realidade que Joseph e sua mãe estavam enfrentando. O perigo se tornava maior a cada novo ataque, tanto que Lilian pouco a pouco ficou encurralada e, num belo dia, viu-se obrigada a contar seu maior segredo para o filho. No começo achou que toda aquela história sobre deuses e ser filho de Poseidon não passava de uma piada de péssimo gosto, não era mais uma criança - ele sempre dizia - para acreditar em fantasias como aquelas. E por mais que lutasse e sua mãe tentasse encontrar modos de não enviá-lo ao endereço deixado há muito tempo por seu pai, Joseph foi arrastado contra a própria vontade para um acampamento de “verão”. Tinha apenas onze anos quando pisou pela primeira vez no acampamento para semideuses, ainda relutando para acreditar que todas aquelas crianças - e alguns jovens adultos - fossem realmente filhos de deuses que, para si, só existiam em livros e filmes. 
A nova realidade levou alguns dias para finalmente fazer sentido, o mais cômico foi descobrir a existência de outros “irmãos” por parte de pai. A nova “escola” de certo modo era mais divertida que todas as outras que já frequentou em sua vida. Além dos treinos, algo que no começo foi um tanto quanto complicado, Joseph se mostrou um aluno exemplar principalmente em mitologia grega e combate contra monstros. 
🐚︵‿ POWERS: Mimetismo de água: O usuário possui um corpo composto por água ou é capaz de transformá-lo para adquirir essa forma. Enquanto está sob essa forma, ele geralmente pode optar por manter ou não seu corpo esteticamente semelhante à sua forma normal, além de adquirir todas as vantagens da água: seu corpo se tornará "intangível", com objetos o transpassando sem causar danos, o que o concede vantagem contra diversos tipos de ataque inimigo. Além disso, ele poderá moldar seu corpo de forma livre e maleável, podendo se dividir e se remontar ao seu bel-prazer, bem como se misturar com outras fontes de água, passar por superfícies estreitas, entre outras utilidades. Supremacia Aquática: Joseph herdou de seu pai autoridade divina sobre falar (normalmente e telepaticamente) com equinos e criaturas do mar, principalmente de tratá-los com deferência e respeito senhorial.
🐚︵‿ SKILLS: Agilidade sobre-humana e durabilidade sobre-humana. 
🐚︵‿ WEAPON: Adagas Duplas ― Frostguard: As adagas duplas são armas de combates focadas em curta distância. São feitas de água do oceano em seu estado sólido temperado com bronze celestial e suas lâminas são levemente curvadas para cima. Possuí uma fina camada de gelo, graças a matéria prima utilizada em sua criação, que reveste toda a lâmina por puro charme. Quando arremessadas, após acertar o alvo, costumam aparecer novamente nas mãos de seu portador. Apesar da aparência simples, são ótimas em batalhas cujo a agilidade se sobrepõe a força física. Sua cor é dourada Tridente: Um tridente feito de ouro imperial, com lâminas afiadas e detalhes em forma de conchas marinhas. Pode ser usado por qualquer um, porém quando empunhado por filhos do mar, permite controlar as marés e as correntes oceânicas com grande precisão. Além disso, pode conjurar poderosas ondas para afogar os inimigos. O tridente pode ser usado por até 1 hora antes de exigir um período de descanso de 12 horas. Bracelete da Tranquilidade: Um bracelete feito de prata lunar, entrelaçado com fios de seda azul. Quando ativado, emite uma aura calmante ao redor do usuário, dissipando a raiva e a agitação emocional. Além disso, concede resistência mental contra ataques psíquicos e ilusões. O bracelete pode ser ativado por até 30 minutos antes de exigir um período de descanso de 12 horas.
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groggygrimalkin · 1 year
The Felt Headcanon sprite edits!!
(Colorpicked from the comic "The inaugural death of mister seven" bc I love the colors used in it!!)
Click for better quality!
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My hc is that leprechauns are broken down into three taxonomy categories and take aspects from fitting animals in that category!(Ex:I gave Matchsticks the tail of a fire belly newt!Etc)
Mammalian(Itchy,Doze,Clover,Die,Crowbar Quarters)
I'm very shy abt sharing headcanons so uh
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midnightcrustcat · 1 year
ehehehehehe sparkly leprechauns
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the pens are scented btw which makes it even better
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dovecoffin · 3 months
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Can you tell me why you act so sweet ... ?
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⌗ BUNDLES ... TO 〜 DO ! RQS ;; 0/6
Ask Game ... 🤍 – Wip , ☁ – Song ++ Lyric , 🍰 – Fun Fact , 🕸 – Fav Character 🪽 – Inbox Check . Also , Check out my Retrospring !
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Greetings ! You can call me Heavenic // Dollet . He Kiss Pronouns ~ Achillean Tmasc Boygirl ^_^ Minor ... Always int with care !
All interaction from @elemagical !
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Pre Trial One MV- Undercover
It first starts on a static shot of a singular tree on a hill, the only things moving are its leaves. The camera then starts moving towards the tree, as it hits its trunk, the camera immediately shoots down to the ground and enters what appears to be some kind of underground tunnel. The tree’s roots are all around the tunnel, and they continue until the tunnel ends. As the camera reaches the bottom, it ends up in a room full of roots, leaves, and a bed with a TV above it. At the very center of the room, Numen can be seen with his back towards the camera. She is holding two small boxes. One is pitch black, and the other is purely white. Numen begins to turn around to face the camera, and as they do so, the boxes begin to slowly open. The TV that was above the bed begins to flicker, and a smirk can be seen forming on it. The camera zooms in at the two boxes, as they completely open, the scene cuts. 
Numen now can be seen standing right at the center of ‘The Centrum Vitae’. Right behind them, ‘The Et Locus Fati’ is almost fully visible. Numen is looking at the ground, his expression is unreadable. After some time, Numen turns their back to the camera, and starts moving towards Et Locus Fati. After they almost reach its gate, the scene changes.
UNDER; Receiving and inflicting wounds, but never opening your mouth, No bark, no bite, you’re just a weakling now
01’s door is in full display. The door is pitch black, just like the others, with various details in crimson. The door has the number ‘01’ right at its center. In crimson, the silhouette of a ram can be seen below the 01. But, behind the 01, there is the silhouette of a sheep, its color glowing much more strongly than the ram’s.
UNDER; Tell me everything you like, Come one, come all! I’ll bring your perfect person
02’s door appears now. The door is just pitch black other than the number 02 and two theater masks, which are both in seafoam. The two theater masks are a comedy mask and a tragedy mask. They are at the sides of the ‘02’.
After the lyric ‘perfect person’ is said, two images flash briefly on the screen. One is of Aoi’s door open, with him leaning against it with a very angry expression. The other is of Emari’s door open, only her upper body can be seen. She has a weak smile on her face.  
The screen then changes, flashing two more images. The first is Syouga peeking his head outside his door, with a smirk on his face. The second is of Reika completely outside her door. Her arms are crossed over her chest, and she is also smirking.
UNDER; I promised that I would live on forever, If it’s going to be like this, then see you in hell
03’s door is shown, it has multiple indigo eyes scattered all across it. The ‘03’ is in the center of all of the eyes, as all of them are looking directly at it.
UNDER; I’ll show you what true evil is, I have no need to be worshiped when my crown is fake.
04’s door only has the ‘04’ and crown on top of it. They are both sapphire. The crown seems to have some kind of crack in it.
As the last lyric is said, it cuts briefly to the image of a leaf falling from a tree. After it hits the ground, the scene changes.
See everything with your own eyes, As the glowing halos wrap around their necks. Ignoring their wishes, disturbing the order, But who even are you? As life and death starts to become meaningless, You cling to what was never truly there. Extending your hand, while playing god, But can you really save them?
All of the souls can be seen with a shocked expression on their face. The camera continues to circle back and forth between them. As the last lyric is said, an image of Numen smiling is shown.
After that, four images flashed on the screen. The first one being Haru smiling happily as he is opening his door. The second is Harlow leaning against the door completely closed, she has a complete neutral expression on her face. The third is Genki sitting against the door with his head on his knees. The fourth is Saki closing her door forcefully, she has an angry expression on her face.
UNDER; Clinging to life as you avert your eyes, One day you’ll see what our love is like
05’s door is completely filled with pink hearts. Right at the center there’s a broken heart, the ‘05’ can be seen inside it.
UNDER; Bring a smile to every ‘who am I?’ Everything for the wishes of the masses
06’s door is completely null of color other than a yellow sun above the ‘06’. The rays of sunlight from the sun go from the top to the bottom.
UNDER; I’m so sorry for existing, Please, help me stop
07’s door doesn’t have anything other than the ‘07’ and an orange teardrop that’s coming out of the ‘07’.
UNDER; The daggers don’t hurt when you’re used to it, Spare me of your empty blessings, just leave me alone
08’s door only has the ‘08’ and a dark gray moon. The moon is almost covering the dark gray completely.
As the last lyric is said, another leaf falls to the ground before the scene changes.
See everything with your own eyes, As the glowing halos wrap around their necks. Ignoring their wishes, disturbing the order, But who even are you? As life and death starts to become meaningless, You cling to what was never truly there. Extending your hand, while playing god, But can you really save them?
A glowing halo can be seen wrapping around each soul’s neck. They are all trying to get it out as the camera continues to circle back and forth between them. As the last lyric is said, an image of Numen with their back to the camera flashes on the screen.
The music slows down, and a set of images start to briefly appear on the screen.
The first one is zoomed in with two hands holding each other on a bench. The sun seems like is setting
The second one is what it seems to be like a young girl doing various chores. 
The third one is zoomed in at a hand that is holding a golden earring. The hand seems to be handing it to someone.
The fourth one is an empty school hall. There is someone with their head on their knees sitting at a corner. They seem to be crying, there is a bloody knife next to them.
The fifth one looks to be someone arguing with a teenager in a kitchen.
The sixth one looks like someone walking away from a group of friends. They have their hoodie on, and they don't look happy.
The seventh one is someone happily petting a puppy.
The eight one is of someone handcuffed. They are being pushed onto a police car. They seem to be smirking.
The ninth one is a young teenager looking at a heart monitor. It stopped.
The last one is of someone laying on their bed, looking at a ceiling. The clock besides their bed says ‘2:00 AM’
After the last image appears, it cuts to Eisuke and Akari appearing beside their doors. Eisuke is leaning against his door. He is looking at the floor, he appears to be thinking. Akari is in the exact same pose as him. She just has more of an empty expression on her face.
UNDER; I know i’m not supposed to feel this way, But what do I do if it consumes me?
09’s door doesn’t have anything on it besides his prisoner number in dark blue.
UNDER; I don’t care about what was happening, This is just my life now.
10’s door has multiple violet bells around her number. They are all ringing.
Ravaging brawling, losers please exit left. Even with accusations full of faults and mistakes You will, for sure, with a smile for sure Be pleased and satisfied
All of the souls appear standing right in front of their doors. Each one has their hand in their mouth. As the last lyric starts to be spoken, the camera zooms in each of them removing their hand from their mouth. As they do so, they each start to have a different expression when the camera shows a different person. It goes from a faint sad expression, to holding back tears, to fully crying. As the last one disappears, an image of Numen on their knees on the ground appears, they are crying. Her eyes are glowing in two different colors. Black and white.
See everything with your own eyes, As the glowing halos wrap around their necks. Ignoring their wishes, disturbing the order, But who even are you? As life and death starts to become meaningless, You cling to what was never truly there. Extending your hand, while playing god, But can you really save them?
Numen is seen killing each of the souls in a different way as the camera circles back and forth between them.
Aoi is being shot in the chest by Numen with a gun.
Numen is on top of Emari while holding her neck. They are holding their fist back, as if they are preparing a punch.
Syouga has his hands on his back as Numen is pointing a gun at his head. Syouga is smirking.
Reika is in a fetal position while Numen has their back against her. Numen is holding a lighter.
Numen is stepping on Haru’s chest as he’s gasping for air.
Numen is kicking Harlow on the stomach, causing her to fall.
Numen is shooting Genki on his head. Genki seems to have dropped a knife that he was holding.
Numen is kicking Saki on the ribs.
Numen is looking down at Eisuke as he’s laying down on his back
Numen is holding Akari by her hair. They are throwing his fist back as if they are about to punch her.
Is it still possible to save what’s deep UNDER?
A faint image of a singular tree on a hill can be seen. The camera starts to get closer and closer to it. Until suddenly, the video ends.
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teknikolor-walters · 1 month
So with the way entogram is shaking up we only need three more prisoners
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kanogram · 3 months
(full bodies of the prisoners + warden in reblogs!)
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dviilcried · 3 months
test. tag dump
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linagram · 8 months
can you drop hints for the next linagram 🥺
sure! i just wanna say that a lot of things are not set in stone for now and there is a possibility that i will change some of them (for example, i wanted to post the beta designs, but now i'm looking at them and.. yeah, i don't think they show the characters' personalities that well hsdksks i'm going to change them).
but for now, here's what the next linagram is going to have for sure:
it will have ten prisoners (five male and five female), just like this one and the canon one.
most pairs' themes have already been decided, i'm just trying to come up with better titles/descriptions for them. i can definitely say that one of the pairs will have a "praise" theme. at first i was going to give one of the pairs something like a "smothering" (?) theme, basically, something similar to mahiru's crime: they ended up loving someone a little too much for that person to handle. but now that i'm looking at their crimes and their relationships with those people, i think "worship" sounds like a better theme for them?.. IT'S GOING TO BE DIFFERENT FROM AKIO AND ARATA'S CASE I PROMISE.
i've mentioned this before, but i feel like these prisoners' crimes are more.. like, they don't come from anger and some of them aren't exactly violent, a lot of those crimes are actually accidental/indirect in some way (however, it doesn't excuse those prisoners' behavior, because in a lot of those cases, it's like.. basically, even if it was an accident, it would've happened anyway sooner or later), and those accidental murders feel so different to me, for example, one of them actually makes me feel sorry for the murderer, meanwhile the other one is like.. yeah, that prisoner made some really bad decisions, haha.
i think the best way to describe these prisoners' crimes right now is "they thought they were doing a good thing" or "they thought they were doing the right thing". whether it's them doing something really horrible only for their own sake or whether it's them trying to "save" someone in a very cruel and twisted way, most of those prisoners genuinely think they were right and that their crimes were "the only way out". most current linagram prisoners think the same way, but like.. a lot of them are proud of what they did. eiko thinks her victim 100% deserved to die, riku also thought that his victim should die, naomi can say stuff like "i should be punished" but she still hates her victim and she's one of those prisoners who would kill again if given the opportunity. these guys, however.. they're kind of delusional when it comes to their murders, to be honest. like they'd just stare at the guard and go "huh? i did something bad? what are you talking about? :D"
this is just a fun detail (to me, at least) but i think it's interesting how in current linagram, most male prisoners are minors and almost all female prisoners are adults (aimi is the only teenager), meanwhile in the second one all male prisoners are adults (though one of them has.. kind of a vague age) and the youngest one is 18 years old. there are still only two female prisoners who are minors (one of them is 16 years old and the other one is 15), but still, i just find it fun to compare them.
i have a feeling that the first prisoner will follow in akio's footsteps and also get voted guilty in season 1 dhjdkskldl. that prisoner and akio have some similarities too, though that prisoner feels a lot more guilty to me.
i actually have some mvs' concepts ready, and, like.. i have a feeling that if those were actual videos and people watched one of them with no context at all, that prisoner would get the worst guilty ratio ever 😭 it's. kinda weird to say the least, i'll probably change it or maybe i should keep it to show that character's "less likeable" side
there are gonna be at least two "gaslight gatekeep girlboss" side characters
andddd if you're curious, you can read their "teaser" (like the very first milgram teaser, the one where they're just kind of talking over each other) lines under the cut!
(001 to 010 order)
"If you need any help, you can always rely on me!"
"Uh.. I think you've got the wrong person.."
"It's no surprise that I've ended up in a place like this."
"So I just went "Oops, did I do that?" and, uh, that's it!"
"I just wanted to protect everyone's children.."
"You can't fight your fate."
"Someone is waiting for me at home, you know?"
"We were.. such a happy family.."
"'Cause I'm nothing but a doll!~"
"I did my job and I did it really, really well!~"
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midnightcrustcat · 1 year
u know fucking what
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*cattifies the whole felt*
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