#002. arc v: raven tail. what if you fall? what if you fly?
wearyworn · 9 months
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To be in a guild again was---quite something, to say the least. The atmosphere was quite different from what she had experienced before, but dare she say it? She did not miss Master Lucielle's inquisitive glances, shot down from the woman's perch. Her new guildmaster was inquisitive and curious, certainly, but there was a different quality to it. With the wisdom and the knowledge she had now, she would say that it was that Master Ivan was not constantly searching for gaps in people's armour. A fact that she appreciated greatly.
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Flipping the last page in the book that Niall had recommended, she hummed to herself for a moment, her foot tapping rapidly against the floor. A cliffhanger? Really? How unfair! Especially since the next volume would not be out for another month. Sighing quietly to herself as she put the book back into her bag, she looked up---directly at the master's daughter.
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wearyworn · 9 months
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Verse Name: what if you fall? what if you fly?
Guild Affiliation: Raven Tail
After the War, there are several possible directions for Jade to take in terms of future employment; she does not quite need a job, she has always lived a more frugal life and was able to save up a nice amount of money, but she is used to a busy schedule and feels uncomfortable without something to do. Either way, no matter which verse an interaction takes place, she follows the Crime Sorciere trials as an uninvolved party, having never had any interactions with them (her own mage career barely ever happened, after all), but some aspects of the trials left her wondering about a few things. Naturally inquisitive, Jade sets out to find some answer, a path that leads her to a guild where an old friend and someone she would dub a knowledge seeker works as a doctor---Raven Tail.
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wearyworn · 9 months
“you wanna hear about it?”
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Curiosity, her mother used to say, was the beginning of all wisdom. Questions needed to be asked. Conclusions needed to be drawn. And all this---the blazing flame of knowledge---could only be sparked by curiosity. That being said, Jade understood the difference between scientific interest and interest in her fellow living beings. Boundaries were important for both, she thought, but unlike the research topics her mother had poked and prodded at, people could express their boundaries and say when things were getting uncomfortable for them.
She was curious about what had led Zilla to arrive later than anyone had expected, covered in blue paint but smiling her little smile that, as Jade had come to understand, meant that she was currently feeling very happy and cheerful.
Tapping her forefingers together, Jade smiled a little. '' I am curious, '' she admitted as she poured herself a second and Zilla a first cup of tea. '' I think I heard that Flare wanted to remodel her room and give it a fresh coat of paint? ''
That, she guessed, would make a little bit of sense? Flare and Zilla were close, so if the redhead would want to redo her room, she would probably ask the shadow mage for any assistance she might require. It was likely not the full story, but she could wait for Zilla's answer.
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wearyworn · 9 months
tag drop: verses.
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