#001.        headcanon ‚        she’s beyond your archetype.
azgedaspy · 2 years
echo dislikes the sky people in the early seasons but she dislikes trikru more so honestly? she would have allied with the delinquents just to fuck with them.
it would be a good strategy, too. that’s always her main motivation.
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azgedaspy · 2 years
trigedasleng group names.   emphasis on most common title.
pre-series groups:
trikru – “tree people.”  tree-crew. official name: trigedakru (tree nation people; tree-gather-crew).
azgeda – “ice nation.”  ice-gather. official name: azgedakru (ice nation people; ice-gather-crew).
sangedakru – “desert nation people.”  sand-gather-crew.
floukru – “boat people.”  flow-crew. literal translation: floudon kru.
yujleda – “broadleaf people.”  huge-leather. other words: yujledakru* (broad leaf people; huge-leather-crew).
boudalan – “rock line.”  boulder-[lan]. other words: boudalankru* (rock line people; boulder-[lan]-crew).
trishanakru - “glowing forest people.”  tree-shiner-crew.
podakru – “lake people.”  lap-crew. poda means lap as in “lapping waves.”
ouskejon kru aka  – “blue cliff.”  blue-cliff-crew. literal translation: ouska ejon kru.
delfikru – “delphi people.”  delphi-crew.
ingranronakru – “plains riders.”  even-ground-runner-crew.
louwoda kliron kru –  “shallow valley.”  low-water-clear-one-crew.
twel kru – “twelve clans.”  twelve-crew. how the grounders refer to themselves.
kongeda – “the coalition.”  come-gather. lexa’s alliance between the twelve clans.
maun-de – “the mountain.”  mountain-the. other words: maungeda (mountain nation; mountain-gather), maungedakru (mountain nation people; mountain-gather-crew), maunon (mountain man; mountain-one), maunkru (mountain people; mountain-crew).
new additions:
skaikru – “sky people.”  sky-crew.
wonkru – “one people.”  one-crew. this word follows different conventions from traditional trigedasleng.
spacekru – “space people.”  space-crew. alternate spelling: “speiskru.” they do not have a nation nor are they considered an official clan. this word follows different conventions from traditional trigedasleng.
edenkru* – “eden people.”  eden-crew. alternate spelling: “idonkru.” they do not have a nation and are not considered an official clan. this word follows different conventions from traditional trigedasleng.
other relevant words:
gonasleng – english.  gunner-slang. clan warriors are bilingual and also speak english.
trigedasleng – grounder language.  tree-gather-slang. likely originated in trikru and spread to the rest of the clans.
frikdreina – a person born with a physical defect (likely due to radiation).  freak-drain-er. these people are cast out of their clans as children.
splita – “outcast.”  splitter.
gona – “warrior.”  gunner.
gonakru – military.  gunner-crew.
fous – army.  force.
* names marked with an asterik are made up by me/other members of the community or words that i cannot find quotes for.
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azgedaspy · 2 years
help me  spell spacekru names. i referenced the romanization rules and the trigedasleng dictionary but i’m still not sure.
bellamy = belomi bleik (given)
echo = ekou (given)
emori = emori (given)
raven = reivon reyes (linguist)
murphy = jon mofi (linguist)
monty = moni grin. similar to “mon,” “pleni.” suname because i=ē. in trigedasleng, “in” is not only pronounced like the english in but also “een.” it is “een” in this context.
harper = harpa makintai. alternatively horpa. similar to “klark/klok,” “ripa,” “smak,” “in,” and “ai.” keeping the t because it sounds strange without a consonant.
other given names
clarke = klark or klok (official or original)
roan = roun
lexa = leksa
octavia = okteivia
indra ≠
gaia ≠
luna ≠
rafel ≠
nia ≠
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azgedaspy · 2 years
total:   86+ kills.  23+ direct / 63+ indirect
disclaimer: this is the  least charitable  interpretation of events. i am including  every death that echo has contributed to whether she was objectively responsible or not.  this is the logic i apply to all my kill counts.
see also: clarke’s kill count (1697+) and bellamy’s kill count (1315+).
pre-series,  01+ kills.  01+ / 00+
01 robyn kom azgedakru (combat, self defense) 
?? assassinations and other kills ordered by azgeda
season one,   00 kills.  00 / 00
she was trapped inside mount weather at this time
season two,   01 kills.  00 / 01
01 sgt. lovejoy (assist: to protect bellamy) 211
season three,   51 kills.  00 / 51
02 polis guards (indirect: to manipulate skaikru) 303
49 sky people (indirect: complied with assassin) 303
season four,   21+ kills.  11 / 10+
01 boudalankru ambassador (to establish control) 401
01 arkadia guard stevens (for betraying her people) 404
07+ trikru warriors in polis (indirect: approved retaliation for skaikru’s betrayal) 404
03 trikru warriors (supervised: to protect roan from skaikru’s betrayal) 409
03 final conclave champions (including ouskejon, sangedakru, and ilian to save her people) 410
06 grounders (to save bellamy, clarke, murphy, and emori) 412
season five,   12+ kills.  11 / 01+
01 kodiak (assist: to protect bellamy and raven) 503
?? eligius prisoners (indirect: approved murphy escalating the conflict) 509
01 eligius prisoner (to save murphy) 511
02 eligius prisoners (to save octavia, bellamy, and more) 512
07+ eligius prisoners (while fighting for wonrku) 513
01 eligius prisoner (while fighting for wonkru) 513
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near kills and proposed kills,   004 / 284
001 clarke (proposed, indirect: so roan could harness the power of wanheda) 401
001 octavia (accidental: meant to subdue her) 404
001 riley (proposed: to stop him from assassinating roan) 405
001 octavia (attempted: to save her people) 410
283 eligius prisoners (proposed, indirect: to defend wonkru against eligius) 503
001 shaw (proposed: to defend wonkru against eligius) 508
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azgedaspy · 2 years
questions and concerns about  commanders and clans:
if lexa was the first commander to unite and rule the twelve clans,  what was the commander’s role in grounder culture before?  was their rule limited to their clan, its allies, and others who chose to follow them? the wiki says that the commander’s birth clan takes power, but if there is no coalition what exactly do they have power over – and more importantly, where does that information come from?  theory: the commander’s clan, its allies, and religious followers would follow the commander’s rule while enemy clans would reject it... but then:
if the clans were at war,  why did they agree to give their nightbloods to polis instead of training them in their own clans?  why did they decide on the solo combat format instead of a battle royale format like the bunker conclave?  theory: after the commander was seen as a valuable tool, clans started to send their nightbloods to improve their chance at gaining power. maybe it started as a non-partisan religious practice that evolved into a governing position – like if an oracle became king.
was the commander expected to be single because of costia’s death or was it a pre-existing expectation?  theory: it was common advice so that the commander could not be compromised by personal relationships. it helped reduce blackmail and maintain objectivity.
is “the flame deepens what is already there” common knowledge amongst the grounders or is that titus’s insight as a flamekeeper?  theory: common knowledge since the commander’s subjects seem to prefer certain commanders over others.
list of commanders   (based on my main verse)
bekka pramheda (becca the first commander)
heda leksa kom trigedakru (commander lexa of the tree people)
heda ontari kom azgedakru (commander ontari of the ice people)
heda madi kom louwoda kliron kru (commander madi of the shallow valley people)
potential headcanon:  in grounder culture, the commander is, ideally, perceived a separate entity from the nightblood it possessed. example: commander lexa is not the same person as lexa kom trikru. lexa kom trikru was a trikru nightblood raised in polis whereas commander lexa is a god-like entity that transcends clan loyalties. whereas the spirit of the commander is a continuous being. ideally, commander is the same as commander becca but updated to be better suited for the current population (as opposed to the population a hundred years ago). the “update” comes from the knowledge and experience of the commanders before her.
those who do not believe in the sanctity of the blood/the commander may not see the commander as an unbiased individual. these sentiments rise in popularity when there are tensions within the coalition. concerns with this headcanon:
if the clans were not united, was the commander really seen as an unbiased figure? are the nightbloods seen as apolitical, or are they thought to favor their own clan?
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azgedaspy · 2 years
what kind of love are you?  “i love you, i've always loved you, i will always love you.”
it's commitment, it's devotion, it goes often without saying, but is felt nonetheless. it's accepting that you would travel to hell and back for them if they asked and knowing that they would do the same for you. it's an old ache, long after they've burrowed deep into your chest and settled there like a weight - grounding, an anchor point. even when you're apart, you can still feel the shape of them, it's like phantom pain. neither of you can help but succumb to the other's gravity, yet neither of you fear the collision. it means that you trust them, that they make you feel safe, that they feel like home.
pick a stage of falling in love. stability: you've loved them for a long time, your stomach doesn't flutter around them anymore, you feel grounded, safe, and strong, they've seen all your wounds and you've seen theirs – neither of you flinch at them anymore.
the obligatory seven greek words for love question. pragma: committed, companionate love.
you turn to look at the person you love. what are they doing? looking back at you.
pick a love language. vulnerability.  echo’s most important relationship scenes consist of her confiding in her boyfriend.
pick another love language. taking [mental] pictures of them when they aren't looking.  bonus: echo likes maintaining health together: sparring together, eating together, showering together, napping/sleeping together.
what do/will you remember them by? in their entirety, the best and worst of them.
how does your loved one make you feel? devoted.  wanted; echo did not have many personal relationships pre-space so being wanted for who she is as a person rather than her skillset is very new and dear to her.
is it better to have loved and lost or have never loved at all? loved and lost.
tagged by: @1eader, thank you! tagging: @be1omi, @damnbrain, @failedsoldier, @octeiva, @mcintyrie, @roseguided, @spacewalker, @forbaes, @octcvia, @justicescreaming !
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azgedaspy · 2 years
echo and octavia fight analysis    and 404-5 scripts
tldr:  echo tries to take octavia back to polis,  but octavia refuses. it comes to a fight. octavia kills echo’s companions.  echo accidentally impales octavia. octavia stumbles off the cliff and seemingly falls to her death. echo watches in horror  before reciting the warrior death phrase. shot by shot analysis of the moment coming soon.
echo does not:
push octavia off the cliff;  octavia stumbles and falls
intentionally “kill” octavia; she repeatedly states that  she wants octavia alive  and she is  surprised/horrified by the eventual wound  and/or its severity
echo does:
engage in combat with octavia in a  dangerous environment
try to subdue octavia  by attempting to injure her leg and then by engaging in combat with deadly weapons
recite the warrior’s death rite  presumably as a sign of respect as she does not do this for her other kills
so ultimately,
echo is responsible for octavia’s perceived death because she directly contributed to it, but it is clear that she did not intend to “kill” octavia. echo injured her by accident which lead to octavia stumbling and falling to her “death.”
after the fact,
she does not explicitly apologize during 404-405
echo informs bellamy and offers consolation in 404. she appears remorseful while doing so
upon learning that octavia is alive in 405, echo says she is glad the blakes have a chance to reunite
sources listed below the cut
echo and two azgedan warriors chase octavia through the woods on horseback.
echo: (trig) there she is!
octavia: faster, helios!
echo: (trig) this way, we’ll cut her off!
echo and two azgedan warriors surround octavia. echo and octavia look at each other. 
octavia (to helios): yah!
echo (to her horse): yah!
octavia takes off and the azgedan warriors follow after her. 
octavia: faster!
as the trees clear, octavia realizes she’s at the edge of a cliff. echo and the other warriors arrive behind her. octavia dismounts and sends helios away.
echo:  it’s over, octavia. don’t fight it. roan wants you alive. come quietly.
octavia: that’ll happen.
echo (to her warrior): (trig) one in the leg.
the first warrior notches an arrow, but octavia throws her sword and impales him before he can fire it. echo and the second warrior dismount. they all draw their swords. they fight; octavia cuts echo and kills the second warrior.
echo:  it doesn’t have to be this way.
octavia: it does. you made sure of that.
they begin fighting again. octavia’s sword breaks. echo knocks her down.
echo:  i said, i wanted you alive!
echo’s bleeding leg falters. octavia reaches for her broken sword and advances on echo. as echo raises her sword, it impales octavia in the stomach.  the women stare at the wound in surprise. echo pulls her sword back. octavia clutches her wound and stumbles. echo leans forward, alarmed, as octavia loses balance and falls off the side of the cliff. echo watches in horror.  she leans over the side and sees octavia’s blood in the river. she steadies her shaking breaths and steels her expression.
echo: (trig)  your fight is over, octavia of the sky people.
echo turns away.
bellamy: octavia will get there first.
echo and roan freeze.
bellamy: she’ll warn them you’re coming; you’ll lose.
roan looks to echo. this is her confession to make.  she looks away, preparing herself, before turning around.  she looks to bellamy and walks towards him. she pulls octavia’s broken sword from the inside of her coat. roan turns to watch. echo drops the sword to the ground. bellamy sees it. his expression falls. kane sees it, too, and looks to bellamy.
roan:  she wouldn’t be taken alive.
echo stares at bellamy remorsefully.  he stares back, shaking his head.
bellamy: no...
roan: i am sorry.
bellamy turns away.
echo:  it was a good death.
bellamy whimpers and starts to cry.
roan: (trig) bring the prisoners.
bellamy falls to his knees and begins to cry out. as the warriors move around her, echo continues to stare at bellamy. kane holds his head in his hands. echo follows her king out. bellamy and kane are led from the cell.
echo (to bellamy):  i’m glad you’ll get a chance to say goodbye to your sister before [the death wave] comes.
he looks over. she smiles slightly...
echo: unless we all die here today.
bellamy walks another moment in silence, then...
bellamy: if you had killed her, this would be a very different mission for you.
echo smiles slightly at the threat. knows it’s true.  then...
echo: it’s like queen nia used to say...  war makes murderers of us all.
bellamy takes that in. goddamn right it does.  they keep moving...
echo (to bellamy):  i’m glad you’ll get a chance to say goodbye to your sister before [praimfaya] comes.
bellamy watches her. his eyes narrow. echo resumes walking.
echo: unless we all die here today.
he walks with her.
bellamy: if you had killed her, these chains would be around your neck.
echo: it’s like queen nia used to say:  war makes murderers of us all.
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azgedaspy · 2 years
main verse:    follows seasons one through five with a few embellishments. information revealed in later seasons, six through seven, does not apply. each season is one month long with a three month time jump between seasons two and three and a six year time jump between seasons four and five.
azencova:   pre-series through season four.
space:   the six year time jump between season four and season five.
five:   season five; echo’s loyalty has evolved to include spacekru and their loved ones as well as azgeda/wonkru.
eden:   canon divergent. clarke shoots mccreary and the missiles never launch. earth survives. wonkru and eligius share the valley under a fragile peace. echo and her family take eighty acres on the eastern edge of the valley. all is well... until a small, foreign expedition team shows up at the edge of the valley.  who are they? where did they come from? and most importantly, what do they want?
alternate universes:    divergencies from my main verse and canon
skaikru:   echo was born in space and raised on mecha station. she served as a guard on the ark and continues to serve in arkadia. she was in the same cadet class as bellamy.   delinquent:   echo was born in space and was sent to the ground with the rest of the hundred.   simulation:   everything from canon was a simulation and skaikru echo wakes up on the ark.
the last of the human race:   takes place after the battle at mount weather.   version one:   also known as   “civil war au.”   azgeda allies with skairkur and prepares to dethrone commander lexa.   version two:   commander lexa does not abandon skaikru in 215 and instead the arkers and the coalition take down the mountain together as planned.
time jump:   any verse where echo is not in space during the six year gap between seasons four and five.   bunker:   echo lives in the second dawn bunker for six years.   azgeda bunker:   echo lives in the renovated alpha station bunker with 50 members of azgeda and 50 members of skaikru. the bunker was never damaged in 402.   valley:   echo lives in the valley/eden/louwoda kliron during the six year gap.
post-season five:   verses that take place after the season five finale other than the eden verse.   ark two:   after mccreary’s missiles blow up the valley, the human race returns to space. some decide to take the eligius ship and search for a new planet while others return home to the go-sci ring.   book two:   alternate versions of season six and season seven. rarely used.
modern:    her biological family died in a house fire and subsequently put into the foster system. in verses where she was adopted by nia, she becomes a lawyer who loves photography. in verses where she was not, she becomes an army soldier.
band:   echo is a bassist in a band and also sings backup vocals.
werewolf:   echo is a foster kid who ends up triggering her, unknown to her, werewolf curse.    azgeda pack:   echo joined nia's pack and serves her faithfully. based on tvdu lore.
hunger games:   echo is a district two victor who now mentors new tributes.   the hundred games:   echo and all the other characters are placed in the universe instead of the original characters.
walking dead:   to be announced.
dark angel:   echo is one of the x5 series. her primary function is as a spy/assassin and she partakes in seduce and destroy missions when necessary. her identification number is x5-507 (subject to change). she escapes manticore during the 2019 fire.
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azgedaspy · 2 years
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echo’s parents    2126-2134, eight years.
diana kom azgedakru: on the left, deceased. warrior, part of the azgedan military. 23-31 years old.
dayton kom azgedakru: in the middle, deceased. farmer, part of the trading community. 33-41 years old.
akron kom azgedakru: on the right, deceased. warrior, part of the azgedan military. 26-34 years old.
diana, dayton, and akron were in a polyamorous relationship. it took them a long time to conceive and echo was their only child.
their family farm was seized by trikru radicals in 2134. a group of power-hungry warriors defied orders and attacked the azgedan family because they believed that the farm would give them an advantage over azgeda. they killed echo’s parents but spared her.
akron died in the yard: an arrow through his head. it was the first sign of attack. dayton stalled the intruders for as long as he could, but he was no warrior. diana took echo to the cellar to hide. she clutched her weapon and prepared to defend her daughter. the intruders set fire to the cellar, expecting to smoke the women out, but diana caught fire and died. echo watched in horror.
echo survived. the warriors debated what to do: should they kill her because she’s a witness or spare her because she’s a child? she escaped and fled to the nearest village.
when queen nia was informed of the attack, she had the warriors killed. echo, now an orphan, was brought to troit for training. the army provided her food, housing, and stability in return for her service.
many people in azgeda are aware of her parents’ death as it was an important escalation in the border conflict between azgeda and trikru. her friends reed, kairo, and roan all know.
she tells bellamy about her parents’ death shortly after he tells her about his mom’s. monty and harper also know. by the end of the time jump, all of spacekru knows.
monty was the first to know anything about her parents. she told him her father was a farmer while they were monitoring the algae bloom.
echo: “i've been fighting to survive all my life. i was eight... when [the trikru warriors] took our land. my father[s] resisted. they killed [them] while my mother hid with me in the cellar. ‘if you cry, they'll hear you,’ she said, so i didn't... [the warriors started] a fire [to get us out]. i remember the way it smelled... the wood... the smoke... her hair... when nia heard what happened, she executed the men who did it [and] had me brought to troit [to start] my training.”
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azgedaspy · 2 years
pre-military:   age 0-8,  year 2126-2134.
diana kom azgeda: 2126-2134. echo’s mother. an azgedan warrior killed by trikru radicals. looks like alyssa sutherland.
akron kom azgeda: 2126-2134. echo’s father. an azgedan warrior killed by trikru radicals. looks like travis fimmel.
dayton kom azgeda: 2126-2134. echo’s father. an azgedan farmer killed by trikru radicals. looks like rodrigo santoro.
military and pre-series:   age 8-23,  year 2134-2149.
queen nia kom azgeda: 2134-2150. echo’s leader, mentor, and projected mother figure. an azgedan queen killed by heda lexa kom trikru.
prince roan kom azgeda: 2134-2150. echo’s leader, friend, and colleague. an azgedan prince and king, a former outlaw, and a protector of the flame killed by luna kom flokru in the final conclave.
robyn kom azgeda: 2134. echo’s friend, mentor, and first kill. an azgedan warrior, archer, and spy killed by echo in forced combat.
heda ontari kom azgeda: 2134-2150. echo’s leader and colleague. nia’s prodigy, a nightblood, and the commander of the thirteen clans killed by jaha kom skaikru and alie.
north (kom azgeda): 2134-2150. echo’s horse and best friend.
kairo kom azgeda: 2134+. echo’s friend, first crush, and sexual partner. azgedan warrior. looks like alex høgh andersen.
reed kom azgeda: 2134-2150. echo’s friend. azgedan healer. looks like nathan parsons.
andria kom trikru: 2149-2150. echo’s ally and ex-lover. killed by bellamy and pike kom skaikru in the trikru massacre. looks like christian serratos.
series timeline:   age 23-29,  year 2149-2156.
belomi kom skaikru: 2149+. bellamy blake. ally, enemy, and boyfriend.
spacekru: 2150+. bellamy blake, raven reyes, monty green, harper mcinytre, john murphy, and emori. found family.
erika kom wonkru: 2156+. adoptive daughter. looks like danielle rose russell.
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azgedaspy · 2 years
rough draft: raven/echo/bellamy sleeping arrangements years 1-3
i think that either raven or bellamy stayed with echo while they were adjusting to the ring (since the others were coupled up), but once they settled in  bellamy and raven were roommates  for a while.
reasons not to leave her alone:
they didn’t want another ilian issue  (the guy who burned down alpha station in 405 because he was traumatized by the city of light). leaving echo unsupervised wasn’t an option: she was clearly uncomfortable with technology and bellamy knew she had had a traumatic experience with it. echo wouldn’t have done anything, but they wouldn’t take that risk.
echo was a threat to herself.  she had tried to end her life shortly before they arrived on the ring and had motive to try again.
echo could have been a threat to others.  she’s the most skilled warrior on the ship and could turn almost anything into a weapon. locking up the obvious weapons wouldn’t be enough. if she turned on them, there would be casualties. if they kept an eye on her, they could keep the upper hand. again echo wouldn’t have done anything, but they wouldn’t take that risk.
echo did not know how to live on the ship.  even operating the showers was foreign to her. while this doesn’t necessarily require a roommate, it was helpful for her to have someone to go to with her questions (especially if others were asleep).
reasons they eventually did:
bellamy and raven are on better terms with each other  than they are with echo. it would simply be more comfortable for them to share a room than it would be for either of them to share with her.
echo was not a threat.  it took some time to establish this with certainty, but once they did there was less reason to watch her. she also became less of a threat to herself as she started to bond with the group.
so... who should it be? 
alternating:  neither of them really want to room with her and this gives them time to themselves.
bellamy:  he’s the most responsible for her being there in the first place, they have the closest relationship, and he has the best chance at calming her down when technology or modern medicine scares her.
raven:  she has less personal issues with echo, she can explain the technology better, and they have a more direct working relationship. echo was probably taking orders from raven early on in order to get the ship set up for human life again.
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azgedaspy · 2 years
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echo does have a tattoos   despite being part of the royal guard (and therefore not taking traditional azgedan markings). these are likely generic tattoos that she cannot be recognized by or tattoos that she had to get to keep her cover on a mission/several missions.
left shin: a swirling pattern that offsets itself.
right shoulder: a series of arching lines that are somewhat similar to octavia’s ever-changing right shoulder tattoo.
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azgedaspy · 2 years
echo becoming and unbecoming queen nia:
“finish her, or you’re finished!” just as her opponent prepares the killing blow, an eight-year-old echo stabs her in the chest. nia declares: “congratulations, echo. don't let me down.”
“machine of the family: dark fur, forests of the mother’s body. machine of the mother: white city inside her.” louise glück
“hurting someone is an act of reluctant intimacy.  we will be dangerous acquaintances with a history.” hanif kureishi
“at your age,  i wore a darkness several sizes too big.  it hung on me like a mother’s dress.” maggie smith
“it scares me to hell and back. mother, will you bandage my hand? or will you cry  ‘why have you done this? you have disappointed me; now and forever!  i gave you this life, and you use it to break yourself?’” unknown
“does your mother love you all the time? have you doubted?” chen chen
“i trust only azgeda. [queen nia] taught me that. our people loved her for it,” echo brags. “our people feared her, echo,” roan objects. “because she was fierce, and vicious,” echo insists proudly.
“you learned from a korean poet in seoul that  one does not bury the mother's body in the ground but in the chest,  or — like you — you carry her corpse on your back.” natasha trethewey
“if i love you, is that a fact or a weapon?”  margaret atwood
“you think we'll ever be able to trust each other again?” echo asks her new ally. “i doubt it,” bellamy replies.
“you're a mother, ma.  you're also a monster. but so am i - which is why i can't turn away from you.  which is why i have taken god's loneliest creature and put you inside it. look.” ocean vuong
“the centre of every poem is this:  i have loved you. i have had to deal with that.”  salma deera
echo kneels before nia: “my queen.” later, roan sneers: “don’t pretend to do anything for me, mother.” “you’re right. everything i do is for azgeda,” nia replies. “what’s good for azgeda is good for you.”
“i'm under no illusion as to what i meant to you,  but you made an impression and sometimes i still feel the bruise.”  trembling blue stars
“desire with no future, bitter longing —  i starve myself  by yearning for intimacy that doesn’t and won’t exist.”  eduardo c. corral
“i have belonged to you in a way you haven’t to me.” anaïs nin
“i am not my mother. i am not willing to cast aside honor for power... you will not shame our clan ever again. you are azgeda no more,” roan decrees. “sire, wait–” echo protests to no avail. “you’re banished, echo,” roan repeats, “and when i win this conclave, make no mistake, there will be no place for you inside that bunker.”
“she’s the evergreen kid,  and she’ll pay that price after spring comes and dies.”  ell-hs
“i was only trying to save my people. is that so wrong?” echo asks clarke softly.
“it’s winter. you ask me about love and i tell you about violence.”  unknown
as echo prepares to commit suicide, she prays: “for honor. for courage. for my kin. for my king. for my clan.”
“love opened a mortal wound. in agony, i worked the blade to make it deeper.  please, i begged, let death come quick. wild, distracted, sick, i counted, counted all the ways love hurt me.  one life, i thought—a thousand deaths.  blow after blow, my heart couldn't survive this beating. then—how can i explain it? i came to my senses. i said, why do i suffer what lover ever had so much pleasure?” sor juana inés de la cruz
“pay attention:  a solitary heart is no heart at all.”  antonio machado
“we all have things to answer for, things that shouldn't be forgiven but are because we did them for our people, our family. echo is no different. she was an azgeda spy, but now she's with me, your brother who is trying very hard to understand who you are now compared to who you were six years ago. all i'm asking is for you to do the same,” bellamy pleads.
“as adults, we try to develop the character traits that would have rescued our parents.”  alain de botton
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azgedaspy · 2 years
echo’s performative antagonism  (in service of azgeda)
in 401-404 especially, echo comes across as very performative. she’s obsessive about gaining power for azgeda and she’s much more emotionally stunted than usual. compare this, for example:
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though the lines are similar, the context for these gifs is wildly different: in 215, she is thanking an ally who has freed her and her people. in 401, she is thanking an enemy who (presumably) did something to protect skaikru and that happened to benefit echo/azgeda too. clarke is an active threat to her in 401 whereas bellamy is an active ally to her in 215. they both helped her and therefore get a thank you, but the overall interactions are very different.
interpersonally, she is very standoffish with those she perceives to be her enemies. she literally spits on bellamy in 211 and she is hostile with everyone who isn’t azgeda in early S4. to put it bluntly, she behaves like a mini nia. this makes sense given her support for the late queen and her vulnerable state when they were first introduced. at eight years old, she did what she had to do to survive in a hostile environment. she learned that in order to be accepted by her clan, she needed to perform certain public behaviors. nia was her blueprint for success. echo is especially performative around members of azgeda (like roan) or in situations where she is leading/representing her clan (like 401).
however, when she is caught in moments of vulnerability or her “us vs them” mentality is challenged, echo softens. she compromises and expresses remorse. this is true as early as 405 and 404 respectively (and i mean genuine remorse like her reaction to “killing” octavia in 404, not her “sorry not sorry” apology about not protecting gina like she protected bellamy in 401). it’s no coincidence that in these moments, she is isolated from azgeda. she does not have to perform for anyone; her mercy/empathy will not be discounted as weakness. she does not have to be nia to be respected.
in season five, there are more of these gentle moments because she is no longer required to perform hostility in order to be accepted. she still does what has to be done, but she communicates genuinely and respectfully more often. the echo we see in season five is more similar to the echo we see in season two because  she is no longer blinded by the toxic clan loyalty that controlled her actions  in season three and most of season four.
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azgedaspy · 2 years
echo has a selective sympathy for “outsiders” that must be earned and operates on a conditional basis. 
she is fiercely loyal to her people and she was raised in an environment where outsiders of any kind were considered a threat. this made it difficult to connect with people outside of azgeda for two reasons:
she never knew when they were going to betray her and her people
she never knew when she would be ordered to betray them
it was not a matter of “if,” it was a matter of “when.” 
she was hesitant to cooperate with bellamy in mount weather because she had been told that they sky people were the enemy. however, after he protects her, she returns the favor.  bellamy is an exception to her outsiders rule because he  earned  her sympathy.  as the series goes on, more and more people earn this sympathy, but it only applies when they are not an active threat to her people. as always,  her loyalty to her people supersedes all else.
though her loyalties expand in season five  –  she now considers spacekru and their allies her people, too  –  her perspective on outsiders does not change. she threatens roughly 300 eligius prisoners in 503 in order to leverage safety for her own people. the prisoners’ lives are no less valuable than her family’s, yet she does not protect them because they are outside her circle.
many characters on the show exhibit this “us versus them” mentality.  it is not specific to echo. she just seems less conflicted, likely due to her inhumane upbringing, and makes fewer false promises than the others.
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azgedaspy · 2 years
echo is not overly concerned with “right and wrong.” instead, she makes her decisions based on  “fair and unfair.” 
if you have helped her, she will help you.  example: bellamy helps echo escape the harvest chamber, so she helps him and his sister escape the mount weather bombing.
if she has harmed you, she will understand when you harm her.  example: octavia was put in harm’s way because echo cheated in the conclave. when octavia banishes echo, echo accepts this and does not hold a grudge. she is not happy, but she does not retaliate either time.
this perspective is  superseded by her personal loyalty.  if being fair puts her people at risk, echo will be unfair.
it was unfair to cheat in the conclave, but it helped her people survive so echo did it anyway.
echo was a child soldier who was enlisted into the army at eight years old. because of this,  she did not develop strong moral values like the ark kids may have.  she was not taught to prioritize kindness. she was taught to prioritize strategy and power for her people.  her military did not want her to be a good person. they wanted her to be a weapon.
her inclination towards fairness is in spite of her upbringing and culture,  not because of it. her (selective) sympathy for those outside of her clan also developed independently and it is directly related to outsiders “earning” her appreciation (ie. bellamy helping her escape).
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