#...but yeah I'm definitely burnt out now heh
skyward-floored · 7 months
Whumptober Day 31: Emptiness, (“I thought that I was getting better”)
Last one finally! ...a day late, but hey, at least I’m close, right..? This may be a bit rambly and headcanony, but it’s something. It’s done. I finished it.
Thank you everyone for supporting me this year! I appreciate you all more then words can say <3
Read on ao3
Warnings: pretty light, discussion of death and grief, mild mention of blood.
Rusl was familiar to Wind.
Well, okay not exactly, he wasn’t one of those people that popped up no matter what era they were in or anything (like Beedle, seriously what was up with that?), but he was familiar in a different way.
One that made Wind’s chest feel weird whenever he looked at him.
The sailor swallowed, and looked down at his full plate of food, the others chattering loudly around him.
They’d finally ended up at Twilight’s home village, and the rancher was ecstatic, showing the Links all around Ordon, and introducing them to his family. It was late in the day when they’d arrived, and after showing them all around, Rusl and Uli had invited them all for dinner, insisting despite the large number of them.
They’d all piled in their house, the space a bit tight with eight extra people, but they managed, and set out a big meal for everyone.
It was chaos, everyone talking, passing food, holding Twilight’s baby sister, but despite everything going on, Wind found his gaze drawn continually towards Rusl, and Twilight and Colin as well. They were all sitting next to each other, and kept smiling, and laughing, and despite the delicious-smelling food in front of him, Wind had lost his appetite.
Twilight said something Wind didn’t catch over the din, but Rusl laughed at whatever it was he’d said, squeezing Twilight’s shoulder with a fond look on his face.
Wind felt the weird pit in his stomach suddenly grow, and he quietly slid off his seat, slipping out the door without barely a sound. Nobody seemed to notice him leave, and he stepped out into the night, closing the door and blocking most of the noise from inside. Cool air met him, and he breathed in deeply, shaking himself as he lingered on the doorstep.
The image of Rusl and Twilight together flashed suddenly in his mind, and Wind crossed his arms, kicking at a pebble on the ground.
Why was he feeling so weird about this? Twilight was finally home and able to visit his family, Wind should be feeling happy for him, right? He got to be with his whole village, and his little brother, and baby sister, and his parents...
Something stung in his chest again, and Wind swallowed.
Was that really what it was?
This... that was stupid, he wasn’t jealous of Twilight’s family! He had Grandma and Aryll! That was more than most of the other heroes had at all, some of them didn’t have any family, so why—
Why did seeing Rusl ruffle Twilight and Colin’s hair make a pit open in his stomach?
Happy laughter came from inside, and Wind felt the pit get deeper, something cold rising in his chest.
He suddenly couldn’t stand the idea of going back inside. Wind turned from the house and stalked away through the village, the moon shining too calmly for his mood. He circled the village a few times, then eventually found a secluded spot behind a house by the stream, throwing off his shoes and dunking his feet in.
The water was a little cold, chilly from the coming autumn, but Wind didn’t care, swishing his feet around.
A distant trill of music floated on the wind, and Wind hunched over himself as the tune changed to a different one in his head. He remembered his parents dancing to songs like that, and eavesdropping from his bed at night so he could hear them sing.
There was less music after Aryll was born, but it could still be found, and Wind still remembered his father quietly singing up at the lookout tower, Aryll asleep in his arms as Wind tried to fill in the missing harmony.
And even after that, Wind and Aryll still sang, to the seagulls outside, and with their grandmother when they helped her make soup. Sometimes Wind still sang Aryll to sleep when he was home, and they’d curl up together and he’d hum lullabies he’d learned on his travels.
Wind startled, and turned to see that Sky had walked up behind him without him noticing.
“We were wondering where you’d slipped off to, Uli was about to serve dessert,” he said warmly. Then his smile dimmed a little as he looked at Wind’s face, and he hesitated. “...is everything okay?”
Wind swallowed, then turned back to the water, not sure what to say.
Was everything fine? He’d thought it was, but the empty hole in his stomach spoke otherwise. He should probably tell Sky to just go back and eat dessert with everyone else, but for some reason those words didn’t come out.
“...Do you remember your parents?” Wind asked shakily, and Sky let out a quiet oh, moving to sit down next to him.
He looked out at the water for a moment, then took off his boots as well, dipping his toes in next to Wind’s.
“I do somewhat,” Sky replied, his voice soft. “My father and mother were both knights, though my father took it much more seriously. He was always patrolling, and practiced with the sword whenever he could, he helped train people to use it actually. My mother was more laidback like me, and mostly preferred just flying with her loftwing though. Apparently she was the best rider Skyloft had seen in a long time, she saved a lot of people.”
His smile dipped, and he breathed out.
“They both died when I was about seven.”
“I’m sorry,” Wind said quietly, and Sky gave him a small smile.
“It’s okay, it was a long time ago. I still miss them of course, but... in more of a good way, if that makes any sense.”
Wind crinkled his eyebrows, but he didn’t really have time to think that through, since Sky then gave him a searching look. Wind squirmed a little under the scrutiny, and looked back out at the water.
“Do you remember yours?” Sky asked softly, and Wind swallowed.
“Kind of,” he whispered, his mind falling back to one of his earliest memories. “My... mom died when Aryll was born. I don’t remember a lot about her, but I remember that night. There... there was a lot of blood.”
He paused and glanced at Sky, seeing that the Skyloftian was watching him with a gently sympathetic look on his face.
“My dad didn’t die until Aryll was three,” Wind continued, clearing his throat. “I remember more about him, he... he loved the ocean. Loved the waves and wind, and sailing. He went out on his boat a lot, but he’d never be gone too long, and he’d always throw me up in the air and catch me when he got back,” he finished with a smile, old laughs ringing in his ears.
Then they faded, and he felt his smile slip away.
“Sailing is hazardous, though. A storm blew up after he left to trade at Windfall once, and... nobody’s seen him since.”
Sky set his hand on his shoulder, and Wind swallowed again.
“I’m sorry Wind,” Sky said gently, and Wind gave him a small shrug.
“At least I have some memories of them. Aryll doesn’t remember Mom at all, and she barely remembers Dad. A-and at least I know who they were, I mean Wild doesn’t know anything about his family, and Four barely remembers his mother, and I don’t even know if Legend ever had parents and—”
“Sailor,” Sky interrupted carefully, and Wind looked at him, his throat tight. “...Where’s all of this coming from?”
Wind clenched his fists, feeling that huge empty feeling in his stomach again.
“How come Twilight has a whole family?!” he burst out, feeling his lip tremble. “He’s got two whole siblings and parents that love him and are still alive and he gets to be around them and love them and I’m happy for him, I am but how come he’s the only one of us? Why doesn’t Time get to have parents? Or Warriors? Why did b-both of our parents have to die, it’s not fair Sky!”
Sky pulled an arm around Wind’s shoulder, and to his horror he realized he was crying, tears dripping into the water they were still dipping their feet in.
“I-it’s not fair,” he choked out, and Sky didn’t reply, gently rubbing his shoulder.
Wind let out a thick sniffle, mopping his sleeve over his face, and Sky held him a little tighter, a sigh escaping his lips.
“...I wish I had a good answer for you Wind,” he said finally, voice quiet. “Other then me just agreeing with you that you’re right, life isn’t fair. I... I don’t know why most of us lost our families. Maybe it’s due to us being heroes, maybe it’s just a big coincidence, I truly don’t know.”
Something deeply grieved flickered over Sky’s face, but it was gone as soon as it appeared.
“...I know it hurts, Sailor. It’ll probably hurt the rest of our lives,” Sky said as he closed his eyes, the moonlight somehow softening his features. “And we can’t bring our parents back, no matter how badly we’d like to. But... for me at least... I’ve had so many people in my life who’ve filled that role in their absence.”
Wind looked at him again, and Sky gave him a small, grieved smile.
“Zelda’s father, all the teachers at the knight academy... everyone on Skyloft, really. They’ve cared for me like my parents did, and while they’ll never replace them, they’re also my family. It’s a lot like that for Twilight too.”
“What do you mean?” Wind asked, and Sky looked at the water again.
“I guess you hadn’t joined us yet when we had that conversation... Rusl and Uli adopted Twilight, they’re not his birth parents,” Sky explained, and Wind’s eyes widened. “All of Ordon helped raise him, like Skyloft did for me, but he says he just ended up here one day. He has no idea what happened to his birth parents.”
“...Really?” Wind asked, and Sky nodded.
The weird hole in Wind’s stomach shifted again, and he felt even more miserable, staring down at his feet. For some reason the information only made him feel worse, and he felt Sky’s arm give him a little squeeze.
“Wind... you lost your parents a lot more recently then I did,” Sky said after a moment’s silence, and ran a gentle hand through Wind’s hair. “It’s okay to miss them.”
Wind swallowed back the sudden lump in his throat.
“I... I guess I thought I’d gotten over it,” Wind said thickly, voice shaking. “And then I saw R-Rusl and I just...”
A loud hiccup escaped him, and Sky gave him a squeeze.
“Even with Grandma, and Aryll, and L-Linebeck and Tetra and everyone I just... I miss them,” he finished in an embarrassing squeak. “And Rusl j-just... he looks like my dad.”
Sky didn’t say anything, just let him cry into his shoulder, and Wind shut his eyes and leaned against him a little more.
He didn’t know how long Sky sat with him, holding him while he cried, but it was long enough that his feet had started to feel numb in the water they were dipped in.
Wind shivered a little as his tears had finally slowed, the pit in his stomach feeling a little less empty as he wiped his face again. Then he looked up at Sky, the Skyloftian’s eyes looking a little red themselves.
“Are you okay?” he asked, and Sky let out a wet chuckle, wiping his own eyes.
“Yeah. I’m alright. You ready to head back?” he asked gently, and Wind hesitated a moment, then nodded, pulling his feet out of the water.
“Yeah, I... I think I’m... okay,” he said, and was a little surprised to find that he meant it. “Thanks Sky. Sorry for all the...”
Sky gave his shoulder a squeeze before he could continue.
“No problem, Sailor,” he smiled. “A good cry never hurt anyone. Now... let’s go see if somehow the others didn’t devour all the pie.”
Wind grinned. “Well if they did, I bet we can guilt Wild into making us more. I could sniffle and everything.”
Sky laughed, and Wind joined him as the two headed back across the village, the moon gently lighting their path.
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prsrott · 3 months
CONT. / @unrealization
Danny hadn't been sure what to expect from the kid, but this wasn't it. He narrowed his eyes at him. Not quite a glare, but close.
"You ask a lot of questions."
His panic from earlier was fading, allowing his analytical mind to take center stage again. The design wasn't necessarily scrapped. Improvisation was not ideal. He needed a plan. He needed to outthink this kid, which in his estimation wouldn't be that hard.
He was a master of the mask. Everyone else had their field of vision constrained by it.
The kid's attitude was grating. Faux-politeness dripping with concealed derision. Just what he might have expected from a high-society school like this. Danny could play the bully if he wanted. Forcibly take the camera and destroy it, but that was likely to break his cover even more. He needed to adjust. Pick a more suitable mask.
His expression softened, a slight smirk crossing his face.
"Freak? Come on, man I'm just doing my job."
He'd burned his old cover in his flight from Florida, but the mask of Jed Olsen still fit. The mild-mannered reporter persona was a useful one to cover for his activities regardless of where he was. He made a dejected face.
"Heh.. Who am I kidding? I know how this looks... I wanted to be an artist. Now look at me. I'm a glorified Paparazzo."
But he was an artist. Just not the kind who hangs his work in a gallery. He felt something in the kid's gaze. Something so familiar that he couldn't quite grasp. Maybe it was recognition. Was he standing before a fellow artist? Or maybe just someone with the potential.
꩜ WHAT COULD HE SAY ? he was curious, fascinated even, as to why this random guy ( art snob ? no… he definitely isn’t. ) had stationed up & drew his target right on jefferson’s forehead, the focus uncanny & his eyes like lenses dilating, flicking from setting to setting—trying to find the perfect shot. a steady breath from unsteady lungs, smile starts to fade into indifference - the dread of night confrontation is both a fear & a thrill ; adrenaline-injected veins hardly hidden beneath paper-pale skin that itches for some kind of release, “ what ? you think this is normal this time of night ? outside a school ? ‘ you know how this looks ’ —pfft. i don’t think you have the faintest fuckin’ idea. ” voice heightens itself, pitch increasing in intensity - fury like a flame whose twin had long since burnt out. a low growl follows soon after from cigarette-scarred lungs, “ okay, picasso. did i ask for your sob story ? & even if you are a pap, why jefferson, you run out of c-listers to blackmail ? ”
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he chuckles to the side, forget this kindness bullshit, it’s tiring & so utterly boring to be so averagely amicable—& yeah. yeah, he does ask a ton of questions, so what ? he has no clue what he’s doing getting involved in this, he doesn’t know who he is. who jefferson is. & there’s something so morbidly beautiful about that, the naïveté, when he disconnects the conscious from the man, human, thing, creature to be caught, strung & pictured. a blink. holy fuck. he sounds exactly like him, sick automatically rises to his throat, acidic residue sitting on his tongue as he refuses to throw up, “ hmph.. look. you - you haven’t gotta tell me. just.. find it weird you’re out here running after some, semi-recognized photographer. just email him or—talk to him in his free time. ” ‘prestigious’ my ass. being in such a small town such as blackwell, coming across jefferson is easier than it ever should be. “ it’s not exactly hard. ”
a breath in. he could feel his body screaming out for something to happen, some revelation, his insides were twisting to match that of his tutor’s, it wouldn’t be long until his exterior was a mere copy, too. the image of it made him dizzy with a deep, rooted nausea—his mirror holding only a reflection of the murderer who weened him on poisonous, backhanded praise & threats of his throat slit for all of arcadia to see. all of his terror, sickness, anguish swallowed back in trade for a shell of apathy. “ now, fuck off. ”
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