#...am I going to write pre-meeting siffrin
auncyen · 5 months
Ok ok another thing about Siffrin and his past
I really like that little detail of Siffrin having dyed his hair in the past. Because you go to the king recognizing them as a fellow countryman partially by hair color (or shade, I guess LOL) which makes it clear that it's fairly unique to their country/rare otherwise. And both the King and Siffrin noting again and again how welcoming Vaugarde is, and what first comes off as just "Siffrin tried dark hair and decided eh, grow it back out" is like. "How much grief did Siffrin get in other countries for strange clothes and hair and forgetfulness and he could at least fix the hair and then he gets to Vaugarde and people are so welcoming to strangers that he gets to visit people's homes, even if it's just the first room, and the strange clothes are probably just noted as interesting, and when some bright strands start poking out too much people just point them out as interesting instead of bad and he realized he didn't have to hide it anymore."
ok tangent. But also related. The majority of the party is Vaugardian and defending their home. Even Odile is half-Vaugardian, though her motivation is probably just searching for a familytale and then "whoops I got attached to these two-barely-adults, I need to make sure they don't do something stupid". And as Odile and Isa and Mirabelle are traveling to fix the curse they just so happen to find Siffrin helping them to take out a strong Sadness. They say the King's Curse started a year ago and that Siffrin met Mirabelle "months" ago which...really leaves a lot of leeway on if that's like 3 months or 11 but still, they probably at least had time to book it out of the country if they wanted to. And they didn't and instead they just see 3 people fighting a strong Sadness and are like "sure I'm getting myself involved here" and then "sure let's go beat the king" instead of "uh, no, I don't have any ties here, I want to go somewhere I don't risk being frozen forever" that it's like...even before getting attached to the party itself, Siffrin had gotten attached to Vaugarde as a country, hadn't they, for the same reason as the King. Like. If they hadn't met Mirabelle, and the curse had kept spreading. Were they going to risk being frozen in a country that had been kind to them rather than go try somewhere else? How many places did they go to and feel alienated in?
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