#......................splickedy did you find-- A WAY TO DRAW THE GHB SOME MORE?? YES I DID THANK YOU.
palestporn · 7 months
Don't have to tell you twice, you're so motherfucking down with that--except when you hit the ground and start scrambling at the door, you only make it four staggering steps before red and blue sparks snap back around you like burning ropes and drag you back.
It lifts you full off your feet again, and for a second you're so pissed off and so fucking scared, you don't see anything. Don't feel anything except the way it burns everywhere, don't hear anything except howling, roaring, so loud and close it rings your horns and tears out of your throat, too-- They'll cull you, you'll rip them apart, they'll burn you alive, lowbloods and mutants, how motherfucking DARE--
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Someone half-catches you, half-tackles you as the psionic full drops you, purple in the eyes now and yelling out, holding his head--you slap out at whoever's touching you and your useless motherfucking claws scrape pointless over the Second Coming's face. Would've ripped him open if you weren't--bound, HOBBLED, motherfucking DEBASED is this your revenge, mutant, is this why you watched them do it IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED--
"Hey, hey, hey," says Karkat, and grabs your shoulders and shakes you hard. Makes you breathe, startles a gasp into you. "Shhh, fuck, stay there. Stay--stay put, a second, shh."
He doesn't touch your neck with those knife-claws this time, he puts his palm to your cheek and pets and pats at you, like you're supposed to do, pulse in his wrist where even fangs as blunt as yours could tear it out.
It's clumsy as a fucking pupa. The head conciliatrix would shout him in shape for hours over just the sound of his shooshing. It still feels all hells of motherfucking good right now.
"I gotta--" you say, without any fucking idea what you're saying, clinging and clawing at him, both useless without any fucking claws. "Get the fuck off, motherfucker let go--!"
"You're the one holding on!" he says, and he's right, and you can't let go. "Shhh, sh. Sollux, you glass cannon piece of shit, you better be good over there."
"Fuck," says the psionic, kinda wheezy. "Fwh. Yeah. 'M fine. Lemme get him--"
"Nobody's getting anybody," Karkat says, before you can make another fucking bolt for the door or rip him apart. "Hey, look at me, don't freak out--We're good, we're fine. Everybody calm the fuck down. I'm handling this bullshit."
"Yeah you're handling something," says the psionic, still gasping, but he manages to snicker at you anyhow, while his sparks lift him up on his feet. "Ehehe. Damn, KK." You figured he just had stupid motherfucking glasses, but his eyes glow the same red and blue underneath, too, a real familiar set of colors.
The Ψiioniic's spawn pops his gazepanes back on his pointy li'l nose and grins at the both of you. You try to cringe back from him and try to spring up at his throat with your fangs, and don't manage at doing either. Just sit there like a bounding hornbeast that wandered up in front of a scuttlebuggy, and try to remember how you ever breathed without panic-growling the same time.
Karkat says over your head, "You said you couldn't go talk to him because it was too dangerous, well that barkbeast's fucked. So, it's time for you to pry some answers out of that crimped deformity you call a squawkblister. Your Ascendance." Either he gets some shape of a nod, or he doesn't care, because he looks back down at you and pats your face again, firm. "Okay. Focus up. What do you want to know?"
Gamzee: What the fuck DO you want to know?
==> Audience: Enter Question
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