#*moira rose voice* ask memé
oliver-smee · 11 months
What do they want to do when they retire?
be left alone.
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itsmarygibbs · 1 year
send me ( lost ) for my muse to talk about an item from childhood they wish they still had
"when i was a kid in the orphanage, there was this blue and purple bear i had. it was given to me the first christmas i can remember. i adored it. i carried it everywhere. i guess it was the equivalent of my comfort blanket when i was younger. but then this other child came in and they were struggling with settling in and i gave the bear to him. i don't regret giving the boy the bear, i just miss the bear"
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[ IN-DEPTH HEADCANON QUESTIONS ]: does your muse regularly check the weather, or do they play it by ear? do they keep an umbrella on hand? do they love storms, or fear them?, [ send me a number for my muse to talk about … ]: 7. someone they view as a mentor
does your muse regularly check the weather, or do they play it by ear?
buzz plays it by ear. he'll maybe give it a check if it's the day of an event, but usually he completely wings it.
do they keep an umbrella on hand?
no, buzz barley remembers his keys at times
do they love storms, or fear them?
he's indifferent towards them. doesn't love them, doesn't fear them. he just finds them inconvenient.
[ send me a number for my muse to talk about … ]:
7. someone they view as a mentor
buzz sees woody as a mentor. woody the the kind of golden guy that is just better. he once hated that about woody, found it annoying as hell. but once he saw the level in which woody had to step up in his personal life and work life, he came to respect the guy and admire how strong willed he is.
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iridessa-sol · 2 years
2. what is your muse’s favorite joke?
*iridessa in borat voice* "my life"
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itshxneylemxn · 2 years
[Honesty Hour] What happened between you and Anastasia? What's going on between you now?
"we were friends back in school years ago and i felt like i was hiding who i felt i really was. it wasn't the image associated with the popular crowd of people in school and we drifted apart or had a falling out. i'm not really sure how things has ended as badly as they did. as for now, we've run into one another a few times recently and we've been civil but it feels like a lot remains unsaid between us both"
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patrickpattersxn · 2 years
[Honesty Hour] How are you feeling?
"i'm fine...i guess. feeling all sorts and having no words to comprehend it seems about right"
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vixletparr · 2 years
[Honesty Hour] Who would you like to make friends with in town, but are too afraid to?
"literally everyone. i'd like to make friends around my own age. maybe people like rita, fawn, charlotte, penelope? there's way more people i'd like to make friends with."
@ritasaysrelax @charlxttelabouff @fawnfaefauna @penelopedeery
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itsmarygibbs · 1 year
ask memé week
open to all memés
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itsmarygibbs · 2 years
*moira rose voice* ask memé
open to all memés
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patrickpattersxn · 2 years
P, A, N, I, C - 13, 6, 4, 10, 17
P - Philosopher - Are they particularly philosophic? What do they believe is the purpose of life? Do they have any particularly strong convictions or ideologies?
no, he's not philosophic at all.
patrick struggles with the idea of a life's purpose. to dilute someones life down to one sole reason, it seems menial and sort of cruel.
don't get in his way, he won't get in yours & technology was made by the devil and it smells fear.
A - Advocate - How do they show their support for others? Are there any causes that they publicly support? Why?
he's. just. there. like a stray cat. or a big plant. if someone want's patricks support and he cares enough to give them it, then he always makes sure he's wherever that person needs him.
he's not a demon, he does support causes. lgbtq+, kids in care, healthcare, human rights - he doesn't give it a second thought to support these causes. he just does. people should be allowed to life their life without judgement.
N - Navigator - What’s their sense of direction like? Do they have a set path in life that they’re planning on following? What do they do if they’re knocked off course?
patrick knows his life plan. it's been mapped out for his brother and him since they crossed the threshold into the bodaway household and became a part of the bodaway family dominion. when patrick is knocked off course, he'll do his best to push himself to get back on track
I - Inventor - How creative is their thinking? Do they seek out the opinions of others or rely on their own ideas? What’s their problem solving approach?
he finds new ways to smash up his phones and laptops every time he needs to. that's creative, right? there are a few people in his life who's opinions and advice he seeks out - paxton, persephone, hayden...
patrick's problem solving approach is panic and hope it works out for the best
C - Caregiver - How do they give/receive care best? Do they care for everyone or just a small number of people? How do they react to someone in need?
patrick is a dumb dumb. he's not great at identifying what people need in terms of care but he tries his best and that really shows. he only tries when he's around people he cares about. patrick is selective of who he cares about, he's been burned before. he keeps his circle small to his family/extended family. if someone's in need and it's an emergency, it's probably not patrick you want to call for.
4. what is your muse’s happiest memory?
patrick doesn't have many happy memories. when hayden took in the pattersons is the most obvious one.
6. what is your muse’s favorite kind of weather?
dry and sunny, no nonsense
10. who does your muse consider their best/closet friend?
already answered
13. what would your muse consider their best physical feature?
his height? he can reach the top shelf when you need him to
17. what was the best/most thoughtful gift your muse has ever received?
his life. hayden saved him and took paxton and himself in. he owes hayden everything.
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patrickpattersxn · 2 years
10. who does your muse consider their best/closet friend?
@paxtonpatterson without question.
he would say @sweetellafontaine as well, but things have been weird for them since everything that went on.
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oliver-smee · 2 years
[Honesty Hour] Do you think James is making a mistake marrying Tina? What are your thoughts on all that?
"yes. i don't know how i can be more clear on that. i make no effort to hide how i feel about james' decision to marry tina. however, despite how i much i despise tina bell, my friendship with james matters more, and if this is something he really wants to do then i will support him. lord knows he's done more for me than anyone else has, i owe him everything, and if my support is something he asks for then he has it. it's that simple. my feelings don't mater because it's not my life and it's not my decision."
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oliver-smee · 2 years
[Honesty Hour] You doing okay there, buddy?
"i'll take no for five-hundred please, bob"
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itshxneylemxn · 2 years
R, E, A, C, T, I, O, N - 14, 15, 13, 21, 10
R - Rebel - Do they follow rules, bend or break them? Do they find rebelliousness in others attractive?
she's a certified rule bender. she would find it attractive, but that's just because she finds everything exciting.
E - Entrepreneur - How do they make money? Are they willing to take financial risks? How do they approach making deals with others?
honey works as a scientist and also runs an online boutique to earn a living. she's spontaneous and that can result in financial risks, she needs someone to be the logic and reason when she gets over-excited about ideas she has. honey doesn't really make deals with people, mainly because she has no reason to.
A - Advocate - How do they show their support for others? Are there any causes that they publicly support? Why?
she gets excited as hell. she's your one woman cheer team. honey would go all out and make banners and signs to support someone in anything they did. anything to use the glitter glue.
honey supports lgbtq+, human rights, women in stem, education for all, medical research funding to name a few but she could go on and on about all the causes she supports. she's really passionate about her stance on how everyone should be able to live their lives, in a healthy and fulfilled manner without having to endure things like poverty. she's also a big fan of equal opportunities for all and levelling the playing field so people from all areas have the same access to opportunities and not just the rich getting a leg up because of their money.
C - Caregiver - How do they give/receive care best? Do they care for everyone or just a small number of people? How do they react to someone in need?
honey would drop everything for someone she cares about. she'd give them the shirt off her back if they needed it. she cares about everyone in her life.
T - Teacher - How often do they have to teach others? How do they go about it? How do they learn best? Do they dive in first and reflect later or study the theory of something new before putting it into practice?
not often. she has the luxury of being able to work on her projects solo in her lab but she does love the inputs from lucius whenever he has them. honey has always had the ability of picking up information really quickly and reading alone is enough for her to be able to learn and retain information. she's the type of person to dive into the reading and research and then will practice what she reads.
I - Inventor - How creative is their thinking? Do they seek out the opinions of others or rely on their own ideas? What’s their problem solving approach?
she's creative as hell. she needs to be to work in science. she often asks lucius' opinion on ideas she has as a way to bounce ideas off someone and to see her theories from another perspective. honey's problem solving approach is trial and error.
O - Organiser - How organised are they? Do they have any unusual organisation systems? What would cause them to be uncharacteristically (dis-)organised?
she's somewhat organised. in the labs, she's very organised. at home? not so much. her organisation systems depend on what she's organising. in the lab the systems are straightforward, at home it's all hell breaks loose.
N - Navigator - What’s their sense of direction like? Do they have a set path in life that they’re planning on following? What do they do if they’re knocked off course?
terrible. she's has none. she's laid back and goes with the flow in life.
10. who does your muse consider their best/closet friend?
probably @iceice-best she doesn't have many friends
13. what would your muse consider their best physical feature?
her eyes.
14. what was the best/funniest dream your muse has ever had?
honey has weird dreams all the time, it's down to her love for sugar. she dreamed she was one of those sylvanian family toys once but everyone else was normal size. she got to live in one of the big sylvanian family houses & she travelled around in lucius' shirt pocket when she was in the labs.
15. what is something that’s made your muse so happy they’ve cried?
honey cries at everything. she's so happy all the time. she once cried at a bee getting to have a drink of sugar water.
21. what is something good that your muse carries with them from childhood?
she keeps a strip of the last photo-booth pictures she and @itsme-anastasia got before they had fallen out/stopped talking
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itshxneylemxn · 2 years
23. does your muse like receiving gifts? what would be the best gift to get them?
honey loves both giving and receiving gifts. she loves giving gifts because she likes seeing other people happy and she loves receiving gifts because she really appreciates the fact that someone thought enough about her to get her a gift to begin with.
she's massively sentimental. she loves thoughtful gifts, handcrafted gifts, personal gifts.
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itsmarygibbs · 2 years
[Honesty Hour] Do you think Adam has changed since he got out of the hospital?
i have noticed that his temper is shorter than usual and that he's easily irritated since leaving the hospital.
in his defence, something terrifying and traumatic happened to him. the brain and body responds differently to trauma as a form is self-preservation, it's not uncommon and it's understandable.
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