#*007. good ways to hear the gods laugh // memes.
dcspiteevcrything · 8 months
tag dump: general blog things
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meadcwcroft · 9 months
tag dump: general blog things
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otakween · 5 years
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009 Re: Cyborg 
This movie was REALLY BADASS but also REALLY STUPID at the same time! I was so hyped until the ending where I realized the plot was just a bunch of nonsense. Great action/camera work, ACCENTS! I’ve been waiting to hear accents in the dub for forever! I would recommend watching it but...just ignore the story they’re trying to info dump on you, it’s not really worth it in the end.
P.S. I know I’m watching things slightly out of order. I was waiting for the bluray to be delivered from my library :) 
-This movie is the reason why I followed up .Hack with Cyborg 009 in my “watch every anime in alphabetical order” project. If you didn’t know that’s what I’m doing...that’s what I’m doing. (009-1 is next!)
-So many questions about “normal” Joe. Did they hire someone to be his mom? Was her memory erased too? Is his girlfriend going to file a missing person’s report when he just vanishes? Why is his TV on the floor of an empty room?
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-I like Jet’s design in this more than Call of Justice because I feel like his hair is more recognizable but why is his skin literally the color of paper? He blended in with his white suit!
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-Francoise with a French accent was amazing. I didn’t really like the awkward attempts at making her sexy tho. I mean, she’s allowed to dress sexy but...no one’s going to find your CG model sexy, they just aren’t.
-Again, 007 only really uses his powers as camouflage instead of transforming into any animals :/
-Angel girl was really cool looking but...I feel like her only purpose was to be cool looking lol 
-The animation in this film was so much better than Call of Justice! I think it was a combination of exciting camera work, choreography and more traditionally drawn backgrounds.  The 3D wasn’t perfect but I think they were able to do more with it because they didn’t have to stretch their budget over 3 movies.
-Those angel fossils/monuments were creepy af. I still don’t get what they mean so if anyone would care to shoot me some theories, I’d be interested in reading them. 
-Ivan kinda sounded like SHODAN lol. I really liked the effect and his accent. I dunno how he had time to develop a Russian accent if he was abducted as a baby but oh well...
-So many casualties! This is like an early Avengers movie lol. I was a little confused during the accelerate scene because it looked like Joe’s running was causing things to burst into flames but I guess it was more like he was outrunning the flames...
-Speaking of that scene. THAT WAS SO COOL! I’ve actually seen it before in memes but I still got major goosebumps watching that. That was the fastest Joe’s ever felt!
-That scene where it was revealed that Jet attacked everyone & his memories are fake was pretty freaky. The way I interpreted it was, people who hear “His Voice” or see that angel girl, go into a trance-like state where they see the world differently. Or something like that. 
-I think it was a good idea to have the cyborgs dressed casually in the half the film and then in their suits for the second half. The best of both worlds! I enjoyed watching Joe dramatically put on his scarf haha:
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-I feel like this movie is Cyborg 009 in a nutshell: weird religious plot? Check. Bad guy trying to cleanse humanity? Check. Dramatic space sacrifice? Check.
-The part where Joe screams at God was really hard not to laugh at 
-The ENTIRE scene in Venice was just one big -shrug- to me. It felt kind of fake-deep. And then they show that fossil on the moon for extra “WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?” Nonsense. Apparently the supplementary guide will help me understand things so I’m going to read that next. Still, I was annoyed by the pretentiousness. The weirdest part to me is Francoise describing the “His voice” terrorists as having “done the right thing.” ...?
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