#*•.¸♡ Interactions 【FAERYWORLDS】
faeryworlds · 2 months
@tofeelthecold | Kenna & Mary | liked for a starter
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Kenna was on her way to Mary her chambers as she heard that the queen and her friend had requested to talk to her. The gaze went up to the guards standing in front of the doors as she told them that Mary was expecting her. Walking inside and looking at her friend. "You asked for me to come. Everything okay, Mary?" Making sure the door was closed behind her when she walked in.
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It's no secret that things aren't going that well between her and Bash. Despite her trying and knowing they were forced to marry each other. They tried, yet something changed and it was tense between the two of them.
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dereliquitpactum · 2 years
closed starter for @faeryworlds​
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Having been back in New Orleans was an inviting breath of fresh air but it was tinged with memories of all the horrible deeds he and his family had done. He had promised he would look after Hope, and he was trying to make good on that promise even if she weren’t interested in help from the family. Kol had meant what he had said about Davina, she was gutted that she could not come, but Kol intended on making good about his promise to visit.
Unlocking the front door, the man took off his shoes and jacket putting both away. There was a good chance he has already missed Davina off on her way to work or plans, she was a social butterfly in her own right.  ❝ Honey, I’m home. ❞ His voice rings through the hallway.
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faeryworlds · 5 days
@redemptivexheroics | Claire & Leon | plotted starter
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It had been a while since the last time she had seen or spoken to Leon to begin with. Claire tried to stay in contact with him and then life got in the way and got busy that she just lost track of to checking in on Leon from time to time. They went through enough at Raccoon City and with her saving Sherry and bring her to safety after her mother had died. It was a few months later and Claire was on her motorcycle driving as she stopped somewhere, taking off her helmet looking around. Once she got off she spotted someone she hadn't seen in months. "Leon?" She first questioned it as she wasn't entirely sure if it was him.
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Walking closer to the man that was standing there and she recognised him now. "It is you, it had been a while. How have you been?"
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faeryworlds · 12 days
@devilsanddarlings | Davina & Kol | starter
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Davina was on her way back home from work, it was actually really refreshing of not living in New Orleans anymore, and just having her own life together with Kol in San Francisco. Just having a normal married life, although what is normal when she's a witch and her husband an original vampire. It's their normal, let's keep it with that. After work she went grocery shopping as they needed some stuff that they didn't had anymore. Once she pulled up on the driveway she parked her car and got ou. Carrying the grocery bags, opening the door and walking inside, closing the door with her foot as she walked to the kitchen to put the bags down. Unpacking the groceries as she was looking around. She didn't see Kol his car outside, so was he home or where could he be.
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"Kol?!" Davina then said as she was looking around if there was a note lying around, taking her phone out of her pocket to maybe see if he had texted her. It's probably nothing, they have a good marriage. It was still something she never expected to happen, to fall in love with a Mikaelson. She hated that family, wouldn't do anything for them and now she is a Mikaelson because she married one. Davina wouldn't change it for the world. She will start making dinner soon, first she was taking a shower and putting something more comfortable on. After an hour she was back downstairs and in the kitchen starting to make dinner.
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faeryworlds · 8 months
@boywiththcbread | Katniss & Peeta | closed starter.
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Things has been good between them, yes he has his episodes and they only are getting stronger out of it. Something was also different, since they actually did finally got married for real this time. Who would've thought that she would actually get married and yet here she is. She loves him and she didn't wanted to imagine life without him in it. Her mom comes to visit from time to time to see how everything was going. Today was different, she hadn't been feeling well for a few days or maybe even weeks. And she didn't even know what was going on to begin with, yet she kept on going to the woods to hunt even when she wasn't feeling 100%. When then she finally figured out what was wrong since her mom had been visiting and just left to go back to 13. As Katniss was in utterly shock and she was about to freak out. No, no this can't be happening. Yes they talked about having kids and he finally managed to convince her and yet she didn't expected to end up pregnant this fast.
Katniss went for a walk to just let this all sink in and not sure how to tell Peeta, she was not going to be a good mom. Or at least she was thinking she wasn't going to be a good one. Once she was back home and closed the door behind her she took a deep breath. Still having a panic attack, walking to the kitchen where she saw Peeta was. "Peeta..." Katniss mumbled as she just had to tell him. "I-I know why I haven't been feeling well for the past weeks." Taking a deep breath again. "I'm pregnant... we're going to be parents." There she said it and she didn't know how he would reply to it.
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Right after she told him, she felt like she had to run to the bathroom as she turned around and ran out of the kitchen and threw up in the toilet. Yes, this all definitely made sense the constant throwing up, especially during the mornings. She then sat down on the floor by the toilet as she sighed. Was this going to be like this for nine months? If that was the case it was going to be a long pregnancy. She was still freaking out, this can't be happening. Slowly getting up and then she was sliding down the front door as she pulled up her legs. "I can't do this, I am not going to be a good mom. I know we talked about this and I agreed. I just didn't expected it to happen so quick. You, I am absolutely sure you are going to be an amazing father. Me? a good parent? Don't think so."
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faeryworlds · 1 month
@brokenegoed | Max & Nancy | Liked for a small starter
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Max was going through a lot at the moment and it was like she was pushing her friends away and all she did was listening to music and the same song almost over and over again. The redhead walked out of her house, since her mom isn't there which wasn't even new to begin with. Closing the as she turned around and suddenly saw Nancy standing there.
"What are you doing here?"
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faeryworlds · 2 months
@tootyfuckingfruity | Sam & Baby | liked for a starter
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Yes she was still working two shitty jobs to make sure she was paying rent of the apartment she and her sister are living in. It wasn't easy, then again when was her life ever easy. After yet another ghostface attack that they survived, Sam was working at a bar and it was close to closing time. With her back to the door she heard the door open as she was cleaning some glasses and putting things away, slowly cleaning evertyhing.
turning around. "Anything I can get you?"
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faeryworlds · 11 months
@bchemianrhapscdy​ | Starter |
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She hadn’t seen her parents in so long, not when she left Woodsboro the moment she turned 18 to join Sam in Modesto. Yes she did kept in contact with her brother and lost all contact with her parents, meaning they didn’t have her phone number, didn’t know where she was or what she was doing. The girl needed a fresh start, luckily it was easy to have your best friend/sister there with you. Time had past and well, Hayley got herself a boyfriend knowing for a fact her parents wouldn’t approve, neither would her brother. He would maybe more understandable. Okay not really. Sam was the one who didn’t really make a big deal out of it. 
Hayley had decided one day to reach out to her mother and she was back in contact with her again. some texts here and there. One day something happened she never thought she would be doing, hurt her brother, her twin, her literal other half. Was it a thrill with being Ghostface? In a way yes it was. It was only in a way to scare him or more likely her parents. When she was back home the next morning her mother called saying Riley got rushed to the hospital as he was stabbed badly. How was this possible no, no. What did she do. 
Once arriving in Woodsboro, the brunette walked in the hospital and to the room where her brother was and where she saw her parents again after years. The way she saw Riley laying like that just made her anxious. The guilt was probably on her face and still hoping no one would notice. “I-Is he going to be okay?” Her mother nodded. Taking some steps backwards. “I need some air.” While she had also received a text so she ran out and went outside. Not knowing that Billy would follow her outside when she started an argument with Stu. When Stu spotted Billy a smirk appeared on his face. “Like, father like daughter. It’s in your blood.  You can’t tell me you didn’t enjoyed it.” With that he walked away, which made Hayley throw a ring at him. “Screw you!” Running her hand through her hair as she sighed, tears welling up in eyes not even noticing her father has seen everything what just played out. She then walked up to her car taking a deep breath, before she was heading back to the hospital as she spotted her father, as she was pretending nothing had happened, knowing for fact he had seen everything. “What? Did you follow me outside? I just needed to get some air.”
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faeryworlds · 4 months
Closed Starter | @rawbutprecious
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They all went to the Underworld because Emma wanted to rescue Hook, it was her fault that he was there in the first place. After she had became the Dark One and then made Hook one to save his life. She barely got any sleep and even refused to get some sleep. Everyone sort of went their own way when arriving in the Underworld as did Emma, although she had no idea where to go at this point, or where to look, her head was a mess and all she could think about was finding Hook and hoping he's okay. She never wanted this to happen, this wasn't supposed to end this way, look where it brought her. The blonde went her own way when she suddenly bumped into someone. "I'm s-" She didn't even finished her sentence when she looked up and saw who she bumped into.
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"N-Neal?" From all the people she did not expected to see him here. Taking a step backwards to see if she wasn't going crazy with seeing him here. Her first love, the first one she loved here in the Underworld while she was looking for her current love. God, this hasn't been too difficult right. "Wait, if you're here. Does that mean you have unfinished business. What is it?" Emma then asked, as she was curious about it. Then again, this must not be a coincidence that she ran into Neal like that.
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faeryworlds · 1 year
@alwaysthesitter​ | continued from here | Kirby & Steve
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“I technically did die for four minutes.“ Kirby told him which she didn’t really kept a secret at this point it is what happened and she is damn lucky to be alive and just be an fbi agent now. “It has gotten better over time, can’t help when I heard things were happening again that I was drawn to it and wanted to help my fellow Woodsboro people. Since I know first hand what it’s like to be attacked by Ghostface and then be left for dead.” Remembering how charlie stabbed her and how she actually felt betrayed by both Jill and Charlie, especially since Jill was her best friend. The blonde chuckled hearing him saw that about that no one hear would judge her. No one in Woodsboro would either. There is no way that she would go back to that town.
No idea how she ended up in Hawkins anyway, just after New York she just had to go somewhere else and she ended up here. “I don’t even care what people would think, let them judge if they want.” She would care less, she has other things on her mind then to keep track of who is judging her and who isn’t. “You sleep with a baseball bat next to your bed? That’s one way to defend yourself when it’s needed during the night. Wait, why would you need to sleep with a baseball bat next to your bed? What’s wrong with this town?” 
Kirby asked as she was curious in a way and no she did not asked that question as an fbi agent just as a thirty year old woman who was just curious about this now. 
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faeryworlds · 4 months
Closed starter | Swanfire | @rawbutprecious
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Everyone probably noticed how she and Neal acted around each other and that they still had that chemistry and love for one another. Henry the other hand was throwing in subtle hints that he wanted his parents back together and knowing Emma and pushing people away when they are getting too close. This was different, she was more scared to be heartbroken again by Neal. Did they share some intimate moments together, yes they did. Emma wouldn't be Emma if she wasn't pushing someone away that was getting to close. There was a leak coming out of the apartment only she and David couldn't really know where it was coming from. Henry took matters in his own hand and without asking anyone he called for backup to help out.
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The woman was upstairs to check there to see if the leak was somewhere there when she heard the door open and then close, a frown appeared when Emma walked downstairs and spotted Neal there. "What are you doing here?" She had a feeling why he was here and also a feeling who had called him, looking at Henry who right away pretended he was helping David. "We got it all under control here." The tension went up 100% since Neal walked into the apartment. Mary-Margret right away told David and Henry to go to Grannies, once they left the apartment. Emma kept on looking around. "I don't know what Henry told you, we got it all under control here." They found a few places the leak was just hadn't found the main source to fix it.
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faeryworlds · 1 year
@heavenconsumed​ continued from here  | Tara & Chad
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A small smile appeared on her face when he laced their fingers together. Tara did not expected that she would develop feelings for Chad and yet here they are. The girl sighed when looking at him. “We are protecting each other, we have one another. I don’t want you or the others to get hurt again either.” Tara then leaned her head against his shoulder while still holding his hand. “We will make it out again.” Was she a 100% about this? No not at all and somehow she has to try and stay positive about this all. Which isn’t always easy, she was doing her best. Last year she had been stabbed seven times and was in the hospital for like three days. Got attacked by ghostface twice. Chad almost died, the fact how they all survived the first attack last year was beyond her. “I don’t want to lose you.” Tara then murmured. 
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faeryworlds · 11 months
@vcnusians​ | Max & Jane 
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Max was at home and ready to just go out with her skateboard to just take her mind of things. Walking around in the house to find her skateboard when she found it, grabbing her walkman and put the headphones on. When she opened the door and suddenly saw Jane standing there. The redhead frowned while looking at the girl. “Jane. Everything okay?” Max didn’t expected the girl to show up at her house like that, and her first instinct was that maybe there was something wrong. She was home alone anyway, as her mother wasn’t really at home or when she was she was drunk as fuck. 
“Come in.“ Max then said as she stepped aside so Jane could walk in and she closed the door as she then folded her arms over each other leaning against the wall. 
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faeryworlds · 1 year
@heavenwrought​ | Tara & Sam
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They really went through hell again, no one expected that it would follow them all the way to New York, yet again you really can’t trust anyone. Tara got back home from the hospital as she was visiting Chad. Opening the door and walking inside the apartment, it was weird to just be living with Sam and not have a roommate, then again they don’t really trust anyone. Besides the only ones they trust are the twins, Gale and Kirby and that’s about it. Closing the door behind her and hanging up her jacket. “Sam?” Tara looked around and then taking out her phone to see if maybe her sister had texted her but that wasn’t the case. Walking to her room to get her inhaler and using it. 
As she went to the kitchen to get herself something to drink, not that Tara was worried or anything like that, they got the killers they dealt with it. Tara need to deal with she would never have a normal life anymore. It is what it is, all she has is Sam with family. Okay Chad and Mindy are part of their family now too. Sitting on the couch taking out her phone and turning on the tv. 
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faeryworlds · 9 months
@loomiskiller | Sam & Billy
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Two years ago she found out who her real father was, two years ago was when her 'dad' walked out on her and her sister. Her mom hated her at that point for some reason. Sam started to act out and started drinking and using drugs whenever she could and just partying, Sam was on her way home as she was at a party last night and it was a long night so she stayed at a friends place, knowing once she got home her mother would be pissed. Then again she had to watch her sister anyway since her mother had a work thing out of town. The moment Sam got home she was right about her mother being pissed, she couldn't be mad for too long, since before the teen knew it her mother told her to behave and left.
She sighed while rolling her eyes, making sure she was taking a shower first and then getting dressed. Tara then asked if she could go hang out with her friends, which she said was fine and her sister left. Not long after the teen heard the doorbell, getting up from the couch and walking up to the couch. "Tara, if you forgot something you know you have a key to the house." When opening the door she saw a man standing there as the brunette looked at the man standing there. "Can I help you? My mom isn't home, if you're here for her."
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faeryworlds · 10 months
@redemptivexheroics | Lizzie & Jackson
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Lizzie was finally used to being a heretic and with help from her mom and MG to control her vampire side she was better at it, mostly since she isn't really a newby at it anymore. She had been so busy with controlling her vampire side and just spending time with her mom whenever she could. She kind of neglected spending time with Jackson. The blonde went to town to get coffee before returning back to the school and went up to his room and knocked on the door.
"I come bearing gifs." Lizzie said as she was going to do anything in her power to make it up to him. Especially since she had been spending a lot of time with MG too.
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