#* interactions.
displacedbias · 23 days
penny from @ask-all-the-kindergarteners hands you a tulip!
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[Felix]: Teddy seems to be... erm, preoccupied at the moment.
[Felix]: --But I promise I'll show him the tulip once he gets back! Thank you again. How sweet of you.
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giselle-clarke · 3 months
@limalatina: Dios los cría y ellos se juntan.
You've said this before so I know this means birds of a feather flock together. And you're not wrong.
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unbrcxkxble · 2 months
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𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝚁! ⸻ na frente do complexo.
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Fazia pouco mais de três horas que havia chegado em Haneul. Não que Nate tivesse o costume de contar o tempo, mas considerava lugares desconhecidos estressantes, ainda mais aquele que era tão significativo emocionalmente. Assim que seu corpo reduziu a velocidade da corrida até encontrar-se totalmente imóvel, inclinou-se para frente, pousando ambas as mãos nos próprios joelhos enquanto tentava recuperar o fôlego, não demorando-se muito naquela posição ao que rapidamente prendeu a gola da camiseta entre os dedos longos que trataram de puxar o tecido com certo desespero devido a sensação de desconforto que surgiu ao senti-lo grudar na pele suada, despreocupando-se com as cicatrizes de seu tronco e costas que não seriam tão aparentes durante o breu parcial do local. Embora sua dupla nacionalidade fosse constatada em seus documentos, Nathan não possuía o comportamento polido geralmente usual daquele país e não tinha a mínima intenção de fingi-lo, mesmo que tivesse plena noção de que aquilo não somente perturbava algumas pessoas, mas era visto como inadequado pela maioria delas. Porém, rapidamente a postura desleixada tornou-se tensa e os olhos se focaram na silhueta que se aproximava, tentando, de alguma forma, identificá-la em meio a pouca iluminação do complexo.
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salaciabonny · 4 months
( open to all ! )
Caution marked Salacia's movement as she took a step forward, her feet moving forward in almost slow motion. She could feel people eyeing her, could hear them whisper to their companions excitedly about having caught a glimpse of one of the new tributes, but she paid them no mind. No, her attention was on the enormous lobby of the Tower. Her eyes scanned the room from corner to corner, taking in the modern sleekness of its furniture, listening the cacophony of sounds, observed the hustling busyness of its passing occupants.
It was quite something — and already, she hated all of it.
"It's definitely different from home." Salacia murmured, unsure if anyone even heard her. "It's so———" Disgustingly artificial. Devoid of human touch. Lacking anything that resembles a soul. "Impressive." A word tumbled out of her mouth with the practiced ease of a career who knew the importance of the appearances, even if she didn't believe a word of it. "How long it'll take before I get used to this?"
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isuttonstrode · 26 days
OPEN STARTER. Local: Anfiteatro.
Sutton soltou um suspiro pesado ao ver MUSE se aproximando. Desde que havia voltado da sua missão estava evitando qualquer pessoa, fosse por ter tido seu orgulho ferido ou por ter se ferido fisicamente mesmo, algo que não era comum quando se tratava daquele nível de ferimento. "A lua está linda, não é? Artemis, mesmo silenciosa, continua fazendo um ótimo trabalho" falou, mas a realidade era que o céu continuava tão nublado quanto antes e isso a fez suspirar novamente. Era uma péssima mentirosa. "Tá bom, tá bom. Ok, ok. Não esperava falhar. Não assim. Não na missão de chegar no Acampamento Júpiter. Eu adoro aquele lugar e admiro todos lá. Achei que minha equipe seria a que chegaria, parecia a chance perfeita. Mas foi tudo tão bagunçado… Mal consigo lembrar direito do que aconteceu. Apenas sei que os sentimentos. Nossos sentimentos saíram do controle. Minha telepatia só fez com que eu fosse tomada ainda mais por eles." Ela olhou para as bandagens em seu pescoço, rosto e braço direito, como se buscasse respostas nessas marcas físicas. "Foi um fracasso total." e então começou a rir. "Falando assim parece até meio engraçado, devo admitir." e então virou o rosto para o MUSE "Mas enfim, eu fiquei isolada na enfermaria por uns dias, o que aconteceu enquanto estavamos em missão? Por aqui?"
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dommavmason · 5 months
(JB) Hey Maverick. Not sure we've met before but now we have to get gifts, lol.
Hey JB, nice to meet you then I guess, haha. Happy holidays let’s do it! @jbjonesxdomme
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elifalvey · 1 month
LOCATION: Eli and Asli's home, Claret Park.
WHEN: After Spring Extravaganza's annual kayak race.
WHO: Elijah & Aslihan ( @draslihanxfahri-bailey ).
The sound of the idling Jeep rang through Elijah’s ears and nothing else, having sat in the driveway with his hands still clutching onto the steering wheel for more than a handful of minutes now; it was a bloody miracle that he even managed to make it home in one piece, all puffy-eyed and mentally disheveled by the time he turned the corner of their street. Things had been fine when he’d first showed up. He’d been determined to have a good day, spending much needed quality time with Erol as they watched the town’s yearly kayak race commence. The moment that Erol had left, however, it was like it had all gone to shit — with impeccable timing, another ghost of his past had decided to waltz back into his life and now he was stuck, replaying their conversation over and over in his mind. He would have hated you for doing this to us. His knuckles were white — had been the entire drive, actually — and he slowly, meticulously, almost painfully unfurled his fingers in an attempt to calm down. He turned the car off. Released a breath. Shut his eyes as the engine came to a halt and he was met with complete silence. No, no, he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t fucking calm down. As he sat there and tried, the only thought that had reared its ugly head was how badly he needed a fucking cigarette instead, and his breath easily turned into a frustrated groan. The crux of the issue was Kaya, and how easily she and Roman had managed to crumble the walls he’d placed in front of himself after nearly five whole years of building them up, but the inability to process any of that so quickly meant that his anger had redirected in different ways; the inability to find his stupid cigarettes being the main one, at the minute, itching to relieve an almost insatiable stress-induced urge. He patted his pockets down several times when he first hurried back to the car, but found nothing except his phone and wallet. Afterwards, he practically turned the whole damn thing upside down to sift through every compartment — no luck there, either. He couldn’t even visualize them sitting atop his bedside nightstand, like most misplaced things he happened to realize were misplaced far too late. He was at a loss. Opening his eyes again, he finally willed himself to move, locking the vehicle behind him and barreling into the house. He didn’t make time to kick off his shoes, or to pet the cats that came trotting to say hello as he usually would. Rather, he barreled up the stairs and made a beeline for their bedroom in order to tear that entire place up, too. No blanket left unruffled, no pillow spared as he feverishly searched for the tiny blue box he’d been needing as a crutch. As to be expected, there was no sight of them, and so he detoured to the balcony, and then the bathroom, and each of the guest rooms until the entire upstairs had been rifled through. He couldn’t fucking find them. He expelled another irritated groan. “Babe!” he called out, his voice practically booming through the otherwise quiet house as he hurried back down the stairs, searching for Aslihan this time. Undoubtedly an easier task, and maybe she’d know where he put them. “Asli, have you seen my American Spirits? I thought I saw them this morning, but now I can’t fucking find them, and I —” He tiredly ran a hand over his face, into his beard before he finally made eye contact with her once it dropped to his side. “I’m sorry,” he breathed out, a little softer. “Have you seen them?”
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marinas-drafts · 8 months
I imagine a (really) quick tour basically consisting of Elvis going there's the kitchen, you know the outside, I'll give you a proper tour later lil girl and ushering her up the stairs to a guest room. Where Gigi ofc would get teary eyed and insist on "being with you and taking care of you Daddy".
So they head to his bedroom and he excuses himself to the bathroom only for her to get anxious / worried about idk a grunt or something she hears and she barges in. Look, it's Gigi the girl who has no boundaries in that respect I think anyway. So, she finds him mid-enema and just moves to help (sorry? Can probably be glossed!). He ofc is Very Hesitant and Shooked she's this… Doing this… Being his salvation when he's utterly exhausted and worn out from the day's events.
Gigi just does the things necessary, gets a damp cloth to wipe his sweaty face and sideburns and no she does not at all REVEL in the fact that she gets to do this and care for him and shower him with the affection we all know he deserves.
Once they settle into getting ready for bed Elvis is shocked again by her insistence in either a) sleeping neckid or b) being the bigger spoon cause she knows he's tired and can't handle pressure on his stomach right now. Actually probably B. As she soothes him to sleep, he murmurs to her that he "I'll get even with you Little" or whatever sounds good and drifts off. Gigi is left with all these feelings running through her of needing to take care of E and simultaneously needing to feel him Everywhere.
Hope this helps!
It’s like you read my most harbored wants for this chapter but I thought no one else would want to explore the less fluffy aspects of caretaking and then BAM -there’s you with this. Oh gosh, this is very emboldening, thanks babe. …and being the big spoon! I need to be his little jet pack and let his the back of his head rest on big tittys and have him be cradled by arms that can barely reach around his bulk. 🤧
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riverbills · 7 days
WHO: Open @woodrowhub
WHEN: Sunday September 4th 11pmish
WHERE: Secondary Kitchen
For the umpteenth time in River's life he regretted drinking wine. He hadn't drunk enough to make him vomit into a vase or walk into town so he could phone a not quite ex. He hadn't been eighteen in a long time and had left those kinds of mistakes in the past. But River had drunk enough to exaggerate his growing hunger. The buffet at the wake was spectacular. There was enough pâté and cuts of salmon to feed a small country. However, River forgot to eat as much as he should have. He was distracted by entertaining various of Richard’s former colleagues and acquaintances. While some of the other wards talked to the funeral attendees out of obligation River was engrossed in the conversations he had. He found discovering aspects of Richard he didn't know about while he was still alive fascinating. He learned that the funeral guests had completely different interpretations of Richard than he did. But the discovery did come at the cost of his own well-being.
River ventured into the secondary kitchen instead of going to the main kitchen like he did as a teenager when he needed a midnight snack. He saw trays of leftovers from the wake get carried towards the secondary kitchen. For once, he didn’t go somewhere in the house with the hope of bumping into another ward. His focus was on getting food quickly and with minimal effort. He opened the refrigerator when he noticed the presence of someone else in the kitchen. He was pretty sure it wasn't Ms Tristan. He couldn't feel her judgemental stare. “I guess it's still impossible to get a midnight snack in peace around here.” River mused lightly as he reached for a mini quiche. It was obvious that growing up he liked that it was difficult to be alone in Woodrow House. “I'll trade you a quiche for a cigarette.” He commented, closing the refrigerator. In the rush to pack he had forgotten to bring a packet with him, a mistake he was starting to regret. He hoped most of the wards still smoked.
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valeria-flint · 16 days
Starter for: @r-lestrcnge Location: A corridor away from the gala
Growing up in the Pureblood community meant one thing; you grew up visiting a lot of parties and gala's. And Val's limit on enjoying a gala like this from the Ministry was very, very low. But she was expected to show from her father.
So instead of moving around the busy Atrium, she had stolen a bottle of champagne at the catering and had found Rabastan to make sure that it would be empty by the end of the night and the company was pleasant too.
"Do you think we will ever be able to get out from under our parents' influence when it comes to these stupid things and just decide by ourselves if we want to attend these gala's or not?"
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switchingwren · 7 months
❤️ @dom-i-nate liked —
like what you see, sir?
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displacedbias · 16 days
Carla from @cursed-kg wants to give one of you a very VERY cool fistbump
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[Ted]: One VERY cool fist bump, coming right up!
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giselle-clarke · 2 months
@steviebevans-wmu: How did you get banned from Pappadeaux??
So that's the lie, sorta. It wasn't every one in Houston, just the Galleria location (which was my favorite one). I unintentionally started a fight in there that got out of hand, so the manager said I can never come back. Fuck that guy.
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jesseelmassalamy · 11 months
— setting: the midnight club ; not picky on day or time of day  — availability: open starter for anyone (4/4) ; @providencepeakstarters
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"Hey, I, uhhh..." The Boston accent was still faintly there despite the dilution of time spent away from where he'd originated. "Yeah, I'm sorry to interrupt— I'm the only one here and I'm headed on break," he said, still not entirely used to this line of work even though this brief stop began two years ago. "Do you need anything— can I do anything for you before I step away for a bit?" Likely, Levi would just find an empty table to sit at as he wouldn't be able to do much else since no one else was there to cover. Mostly he just wanted to get off his feet after ten hours.
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evelayton · 2 months
Starter for: @antoniasullivan Location: Paradise Point, Ballroom Time: 8.30pm
They had gotten ready together for the gala but as soon as they had arrived together at the Masquerade Ball, Eve had lost sight of her best friend. You would think it would be rather easy to find the beautiful black gown that her friend was wearing in the crowd but apparently there were more people who had decided to wear black. Which had been expected.
It had taken Eve a while but finally she had found Antonia with two glasses of champagne in hand. "You, my dear, are very difficult to find. Next time you need to wear bright red or something so I am at least able to find you." She handed over the flute of champagne to Toni, raising the glass slightly. "To a fun night out. And that we will win some fun dates!"
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mcrlsxmckinnon · 2 months
Starter for: @rxxlestrange Location: A muggle nightclub
It wasn't the first time that they had met at a nightclub. It was how they had met the first time around. Not that they made it a ritual of meeting here but from time to time, Marlene just needed it. She needed to forget everything that had happened with her brother. And unfortunately for her, she had searched her refuge in alcohol and party.
With a glass of champagne in her hand, Marlene leaned against the bar as she looked at her company. A rather unexpected person to be in her company, Marlene knew that but she enjoyed herself around him.
"I know we are in a muggle nightclub but can you at least try and pretend like you want to be here?"
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