#(will trade a playlist of good c songs for a playlist of good k songs)
kimchokejin · 2 years
Rules: Make a new post and spell out your URL with song titles. Then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL.
i was tagged by my dwayne @joon-rkive, my rock @blueside-hobi, and my johnson @wistfulocean (holy trinity?) to play this! thank you these games are my favorite! i actually did this a while back with this same url but then i started thinking about more songs and couldn’t stop lol. so here’s another one <3
k - the killing kind by marianas trench
i - if jesus saves, she’s my type by role model
m - massachusetts by handsome ghost
c - catboys by lil mariko
h - hit my phone by megan thee stallion feat. kehlani
o - on the train ride home by the paper kites
k - keep ya head up by 2pac
e - eenie meenie (radio version) by sean kingston and justin bieber
j - julia by hollie col
i - in touch by daul and charli taft
n - needle and a knife by tennis
i tagged a bunch of people last time i did this and i’m not sure who’s left. so if anyone sees this and wants to do it please say i tagged you (ALWAYS looking for music recs...always...)
#tag: i'm it!#joon-rkive#blueside-hobi#wistfulocean#yes no one asked but i'm still oversharing in my tags <3#not even trying to push the marianas trench agenda this time i just don't know a lot of songs that start with k lol#(will trade a playlist of good c songs for a playlist of good k songs)#also just be aware if you listen that song starts out quiet but it does NOT finish quiet#the second song i don't know exactly what it means or if the artist is a fuckboi or anything but it sounds fun :)#number 4 goes out to all the hard yoongi stans...love you crazy freaks...#don't think it's a coincidence that meg's best album is called suga AND she has a song named tina montana#we've seen them in the same room sure...but we also know a yoongi hologram exists...I'M JUST SAYING...#the paper kites song goes out to tae stans i think he recommended one of their songs before#(but this one is better)#number 7 has never stopped being relevant but it feels even more so recently...#eenie meenie is a banger i will be dying on this hill. i AM decisive. i CAN decide.#i keep on looking from left to right and the view is LOVELY up here#and kate bush is here too! crazy!!#[hobi voice] eenie meenie miney mo#(just like...ignore the lyrics)#please love hollie col...don't be like julia...#in touch is a song from the teenage mutant ninja turtles nudisco playlist that my friends and i listen to for chill happy nighttime vibes#https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=te5SP_CKQ3k#and needle and a knife was a rec from a random tinder or bumble guy years ago#he was sweet and had great taste but i forget why we never actually went out lol#hope he's having a wonderful life :)
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Fanfic writer asks: any of the questions you didn't get asked that you'd still like to answer <3
B:  What was the first fandom you read fic in?  Which was the first you wrote fic for?
First to read was Smallville, I was big on fics that had Oliver Queen in them.
First to write was Supernatural.
C:  How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
I am just going to answer this one as a general answer since it wasn't specified.
Most of my fics are titled based on something that happens in the story. Whether it's the theme, the setting or the trope or just a general plot point.
Some are song titles.
D: What’s the most personal fanfic you’ve written?
"A Life Lived Fully" is very personal to me.
It's a short about Ava towards the end of her life. There is a lot of love and emotion in that fic.
Not to get too personal, but my dad died when I was still a preteen so I saw what my mom went through trying to keep it all together and to try and carry on with her life for my sake, hers, and the memory of the man she loved. So a lot of those feelings were put into it.
F: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?
I have playlists for all my fics, aus and main timeline. I've posted a few, and I've answered a fair few song asks before.
I’ll link them here:
Ava playlist
Au playlist
and then 2 song asks that are taken from Ava’s main timeline playlist:
 here and here
G: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
I do plan on writing the "sequel" to Ava's main timeline story. Her post canon needs to be written out. It would include her time running the Board, bringing Max and Felix with her to Byzantium, the "separation" from Max and the subsequent proposal and marriage and then maybe some stuff with the kids. I have posted snippets of post canon before for Fluffy February but I would like to expand upon it.
J:  What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
Hurt/comfort. I love the vulnerability of it and giving characters those quiet moments of trust and relationship building.
I have and I love it. "Trading Battle Scars", "Let Me Tend to Your Wounds" and even "Gorgon's Eye" have some good hurt/comfort going on.
K:  Do you have a guilty pleasures in fic (reading or writing)?
Uh, smut. lol.
L:  Which of your fanfics was the most emotionally challenging to write?
"Gorgon's Eye" having to write the events through Ava’s eyes was super difficult. It took me so long to finish because of the subject matter of it and how it directly relates to everything she believes as a character. Having to get into the mindset of a woman who wants to help people with her medical knowledge and having to toss her into a scenario where people were tested on and then tossed into a literal meat grinder, had quite the effect on my own emotions. Let's just say many tears were spilled for that fic.
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
There is honestly a Neverending supply. I have so many wips on the go for so many different aus right now.
There is a demon au that is yet to be written that is up there for one's I would like to start soon. Where Ava is a succubus/demon and Max is a priest who gets tied up with her. But at this point that fic is a few notes and mostly saved images for inspiration.
O: What are your thoughts on people writing fanfic of your fanfic?
That would be pretty cool! If anyone ever wants to borrow Ava for a fic you need only ask. I'd be happy to share her.
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?
I'm not really against anything...at least not that I can think of. As long as it's used creatively have at her.
V: Are there certain comments you’ve received on your stories that have stuck with you?
Anytime I get compliments on banter or characterization I am over the moon. Those are two things in my fics that I am an absolute stickler for. I am always trying to make sure I am keeping all of my characters as in character as possible at all times.
X: How would you categorize your fanfic reading?  Are you a voracious reader?  Do you carefully pick and choose?  Something in between?
I'd say I'm pretty careful. There are my choice writers where I will read anything and everything they write (generally these are my friends/mutuals). And then there are some pairings where I'm willing to test the waters and see if the fic is worthwhile. I don't have a lot of time to read fan fic so I try to make sure I make my time spent worthwhile.
Y: What are your thoughts on your personal satisfaction with something you’ve written vs. the popularity of your stories?  Do you tend to be most satisfied with your most popular stories?  
I'd say overall I have my regular readers (and I absolutely adore them all!) and most of my fics have been fairly well received. Generally I think the stories I'm most passionate about are the ones that do the best. Though there are the odd outliers that just don't pick up traction the same way, though those are AUs so they generally don't do as well as more of the Canon fics do.
Z: Is there a story you’ve written that doesn’t seem to get much love?
Iconoclash. It's a timeline divergence fic where Graham Bryant runs Monarch after Ava helps him take out MSI. Max also becomes an Iconoclast after stopping the Board in this timeline.
it's a niche premise so I get why most people don't read it, but it is one I do love (despite not having updated it for some time...oops)
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rangergirl3 · 7 years
Alphabet Game
I saw that @butteredonions did this, and it seemed like fun! :D
A - age: I’m in the 25-30 range. However, I did just find that I have a few strands of pure white hair. They really aren’t very visible, but yeah...so that’s a thing. I am now convinced my nickname should be Shiro. :-)
b - either centipedes or failure: I’d avoid the centipedes. I hate insects that are hairy and big and crawly. 
c - current time: 8:46pm.
d - drink I last had: In the morning? Coffee with hazelnut creamer and some hot cocoa mix. Just now? Water. :-)
e - every day starts with: two cups of coffee and queuing up my Amazon Music playlist so I can have background music when I go for a walk or do other work.
f - favorite song: Oh, man, I have so many... but the latest one I’ve been listening to non-stop is ‘Titanium’ by Voices In Your Head. Also, a close second is both ‘Light Up The World’ by the Glee Cast. I haven't seen the show, but I love the beat to that version of the song.
g - ghosts. Are they real?: I think there’s some merit to it. I’ve definitely felt completely creeped out in places where I had no bad associations with, and then found out later that something pretty bad went down there. In a similar category, I do think that those who love you are looking out for you in a similar manner. A few years ago, I was driving and barely avoided a head-on car accident at 70mph because someone in my backseat (which was empty) told me to just keep driving straight and not panic. I was a complete mess of nerves later, but I swear that it was my uncle and my aunt who were doing the backseat driving. They both died long before could really get to know them, but damn. They are bad-asses protectors.
h - hometown: Didn’t really have one growing up. I currently reside in the Midwest, but I’m not particularly attached to it. For me, home is people and where you can relax with a good story and a cup of coffee. :-)
i - in love with: My awesome husband who is just as much as a nerd as I am. I’m absolutely head over heels for this guy. I’m serious. He’s not perfect, but then neither am I. Together, we make a pretty good team. <3 <3 <3 
j - jealous of: Um...to be truthful, I’m not really /jealous/ of anyone. I do wish that some things in my past were different...but I’m not really jealous of those who had what I didn’t. I do wish I could do parkour and sword fight and make it as a published author...but you know. Those I might be able to work on. :D
k - killed someone: I killed an OC in a fic in my Lost Paladins series. It was one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever done. That OC was a jackass.
l - last time I cried:  Oh, honey, I’m Irish-Italian. Count on us to tear up at almost anything. But the most recently that  I really, truly, cried was with both relief and fury last month because two of my siblings were in an airport shuttle and some jackass ran into their shuttle going over 100mph in a 30mph zone. Miraculously, they are fine. Every single aspect of the accident should have resulted in death...but it didn't. *insert PSA about safe driving here because life matters*
m - middle name: Catherine, after my aunt who apparently likes to make life-saving cameos in my life. From when I nearly got hit by a car when I was three, to the head-on collision avoidance by about five feet, to not being electrocuted in a freak accident. Dang, did I get a great namesake or what. :-)
n - number of siblings: Seven, every one of them unique and awesome. I wouldn’t trade being their sister for the world. Or universe.
o - one wish: Being better at feeling confident in social situations where I feel uncomfortable - mostly gatherings where I want to impress people but I’m not sure what they’ll think of my accomplishments or interests.
p - person you last called/texted: My twin sister. Yep, it’s awesome when we get  together. Fun fact: siblings interactions always give me inspiration for writing. :-)
q - questions you’re always asked: “Do you think the same as your twin sister?” No, honey, but we both think that’s a really annoying question. Please stop it.
r - reasons to smile: My ‘Lost Paladins’ series just beat the word count of Crime and Punishment in less than a year because apparently, I am a queen of true nerdiness. *noisemaker sound of celebration*
s - song last sang: ‘Light Up The World’. The beat is addicting. Also, hugely fun to practice ridiculous dance moves to.
t - time I woke up: 8:45am.
u - underwear color: Lol, no. Just...no. 
v - vacation destination: Somewhere with lots of beautiful rolling hills near the sea and a really cute bed and breakfast with wifi so I can still access my music. So, maybe, Ireland? Europe would be pretty neat too.
w - worst habit: I have been listen to the same one, or two, or three-minute song on repeat while writing for hours. Hours. I must use headphones because otherwise anyone near me goes absolutely bonkers, which I understand.
x - x-rays you’ve had: Really, only one, for my arm a while back...but as far as reactions to pain meds, it’s somewhat legendary. Ever since I was little, I have regularly been 1) Unable to keep them down 2) they didn’t really do shit and 3) I lost six hours of awareness. Not consciousness, mind you. Just awareness of what I was doing or saying. Apparently I wandered around the house looking spaced out beyond belief and said rabbits were cute before sitting on the couch and staring up at the ceiling for another hour until on of my roommates took pity on me and helped me curl into a snuggly ball of still-completley-out-of-itness on my bed. Needless to say, I never took that kind of pain med again.
y - your favorite food: Chocolate. It’s a food group.
z - zodiac sign: Libra. Dangit, I was so close to being a Sagittarius - I always liked that they had an archer for a sign :D
I’m tagging @teenage-mutant-angsty-zukos @havetoomanyfandoms and anyone else who’d like to play! :D Don’t feel like you have to - it’s just for fun! :D
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