#(took me a solid minute to figure out which ship i've miss mentioning - sorry 2min nation)
lala-pipo · 4 years
A quick reminder that the Summer of SHINee event is still in its prompt claiming stage. If you feel your muse striking, you might want to consider taking a look at the sheet linked here.  I participated in all three fests so far (though I had to drop out of the Halloween one because it turned out that I had less time to write than I had expected during that time - maybe I will eventually get around to write that prompt. It was a JongKey one - I just can’t remember what it was about - yay me! 😂). Anyway, it was always a lot of fun, the admins are super well organized, and very forthcoming, so don’t be shy and just take a look at the sheet. 
Three prompts of mine have been claimed so far which is really exciting and I’m looking forward to reading the stories if the writers manage to complete them. 
I’m making good progress with the prompt I’ve chosen this year, and it’s so much fun to work on it because it’s so fluffy and cute which is right up my writer alley. 😳 None of the JongTae prompts have been claimed so far (as far as I can tell) which makes my heart ache a litte, so I’m considering claiming a second prompt for the sake of JongTae nation, but that depends on two things 1) how quickly I progress with my current prompt (things are looking good for once) and 2) if maybe some other writers come around to snag some JongTae (which would be awesome *crosses fingers*).
Anyway, if you see this and know writers who might be interested in a challenge, please forward them the sheet linked at the top! Thank you!  ❤️
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