#(tho idk if i count how he was w/leslie because she manipulated him)
firefly-sky · 3 months
You know I’m actually wondering if Kyle dates/gets married,if his Jersey side might be revealed and how his SO would react
I guess it would depend on the person tbh. Different people have different reactions. He’d probably have to explain to them after-I don’t think that’s something he would lead with. He said himself ‘I can’t ever let anyone know’ and despite his friends knowing, I can’t really see him telling a SO that. He probably had to pay Cartman not to snitch tho
But yeah. I can’t see him opening up a date with ‘hey so whenever I come into contact with someone form New Jersey I turn into my alter ego called Kyley-B and become a raging, gel soaked, axe body spray yielding asshole I hope that’s okay with you” so I think it’d just have to happen naturally. And if they can’t accept that part of him, he would try to hide it away forever because he wants to salvage any relationship he can, even if it isn’t a good one to begin with.
But if they’re okay with it, he probably wouldn’t do much. He’d probably be like ‘ok cool’ but that’s about it.
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