#(that said I won't complain if some of the careers are UPDATED that is like letting Miyako actually HAVE a career)
canirove · 5 months
Broken Hearts Football Club | Chapter 29
Author's note: And we've made it to the last chapter! 😞 Thank you very much to everyone who has read this story and for all the likes, reblogs and comments. They mean a lot! 💜 Especially since this story and June and Ben as a couple have become one of my favourites. Hope you like this chapter, and again, thank you very much for the support! 🫶🏻
Update: Don't forget to check the bonus chapters! 👀👇🏻
Previous chapter | Bonus chapter 1
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"I can't believe we've made it to the final. I still have to pinch myself!"
"Like this?" Ben said, squeezing June's butt cheek.
"Chilwell!" she laughed.
"You said you had been pinching yourself."
"It was in a manner of speaking, you idiot" she replied, twisting his nipple.
"Hey!" he complained. "Though that was welcomed."
"Does it turn you on when I pinch your nipple?" June smirked, moving to look him in the eyes.
"No. I mean, a bit… But no. That isn't what I meant."
"I have to pinch myself too because I can't believe this is real. Us being together" he said, caressing her cheek. "I still feel like any moment now I'm gonna wake up at the hospital after a crisis and that all this has been a dream. The best of my life, but just a dream."
"It isn't a dream, Chilwell. It is very real. This" she said, kissing his nose "is very real. And so is this" she continued, kissing both his cheeks. "And this" she whispered before leaving a soft kiss on his lips. "But if all that still feels like something from a dream, feel this" she said, taking his hand and putting it on her chest. "Feel the way my heart is beating. I had forgotten it was possible for it to go this fast for someone. Because of someone. I thought that after being broken in a million pieces, it would not be able to go back to what it used to be, that it could not be fixed, healed. Able to love again. And then you came into my life with your stupid facts and…"
"I love you, June" Ben interrupted her. 
"I hadn't finished my speech, Chilwell" she replied, rolling her eyes. "But I lo…" 
"Chilly, are you there?" Andrew said, knocking on his room's door.
"You've got to be kidding me" June groaned, resting her forehead on Ben's chest.
"Quite busy right now!" he replied, raising  his voice so Andrew could hear him.
"Well, wrap it up! We have some last minute things to film."
"Yes, now. See you downstairs in five" Andrew said before leaving.
"Duty calls."
"Duty can go to hell" June said while hugging him as tight as she could.
"Just three more days, June. Three days and we will be lying in the sun on a tropical island, just the two of us, celebrating that you are a World Cup winner."
"That does sound like a dream" she chuckled. "But if we win, it won't be three days. Because we will have to fly back, then we will have all the celebrations, the official visits…"
"Ok, fine. A week. A week and we will be together without no one bothering us."
"That's more like it" she smiled. "Now go shower before Andrew comes back and kicks the door down. I should probably get going too, I want to do some yoga before dinner."
"Wasn't everything we've done enough for today's workout?" Ben smirked.
"For my cardio, yes. But I want to stretch and keep my flexibility."
"I like your flexibility."
"I know" June replied, matching his smile. "Now go."
"Yes, ma'am" he said, kissing her nose and making her giggle before leaving the bed. 
The moment he walked into the bathroom and she was alone, June had to pinch herself. And this time it wasn't in a manner of speaking. Because this was real. Everything she felt for Ben, everything that was going on with her career after her injury, all this happiness… It was all real. 
"June, before you leave us, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for taking this trophy home, for the tournament every single one of you have given us, for how you've fought and made us enjoy watching football, but most importantly… Thank you for your hard work these past months. I know how tough it has been, that you've worked your ass off literally and figuratively to be here today. And it's all been because how much you love this sport and everyone involved. So thank you, June. Thank you."
"Aww, Andrew. Come here" she said, hugging him. "You've made me cry on live tv."
"Sorry" he chuckled. "But I've meant every word."
"I know" June smiled.
"Now whatever Chilly and I say is gonna sound stupid or worthless" Jacob laughed.
"It will" Ben chuckled, his eyes fixed on June. He was trying really hard to stay composed and not show his emotions too much. Again. 
When she had scored he had gone crazy, screaming and clapping until his hands hurt. Andrew and Jacob had gone as mad as he had, which thankfully had made his reaction less odd. But standing there in front of a camera, and once everyone had calmed down a bit and it was just happy faces everywhere you looked, he couldn't let his feelings take over him. He couldn't just kiss June and tell her how proud he was of her and of everything she had achieved even if the whole country knew that they were together. At least not yet. 
"Well, in that case, I think it's time we let June be free so she can keep celebrating with the girls" Andrew laughed.  
"There is something I must do before I go, tho" she said. 
"Oh, ok."
"Can you please hold this for us?" she asked Andrew, giving him her microphone and Ben's.
"Sure" he replied, not sure about what was going on.
"June…" Ben said. She was going to do something crazy. He could see it in her eyes, on the way she was looking at him.
"I love you too" she smiled before throwing herself at him, making him lose his balance a bit when she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. 
She had done it. She had finally told Ben that she loved him, and she had done it in front of the whole world to see, no one interrupting her this time. 
She was sure their kiss would be all over the internet in just a few minutes, that people who had never heard their names before would get to see it too. But she didn't care. Nothing else mattered. It was her and Ben, her lips on his. 
"Ok… That was unexpected" Jacob said while June and Ben kept kissing.
"Was it?" Andrew chuckled, more cameras and people with phones starting to surround them, all of them wanting to immortalise the moment.
"You are fucking crazy, Maxwell" Ben laughed when they managed to stop kissing.
"It's your lips, Chilwell. They were made to be kissed I can't help myself."
"And what you said before kissing me?"
"What about it?"
"Did you mean it?"
"With every fiber in my body. I love you, Ben Chilwell."
"I love you too, June Maxwell" he smiled before kissing her again, more and more people surrounding them while Andrew and Jacob tried to protect them, to give them some privacy. 
After so many years of being heartbroken, of thinking she would never be able to love again, June had found herself falling head over heels for someone with also a broken heart. Ben's was physically and hers was emotionally, but they had somehow healed the other. 
It hadn't been easy, definitely a bumpy ride. But neither of them would change it for anything in the world. 
━━━━❃━━━━ FIN ━━━━❃━━━━
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8/19/23 Update
Hi tumblr,
I haven't started school yet, so there hasn't been much to update on. I'm not sure if I talked about my classes for the fall, but I registered for Chem-100 and Biol-107. These are both online courses. I initially was gonna take Chem in-person, but after remembering what it was like going to school last semester, I decided to try to get an online class. My school is a 45 minute drive from my house... I can't drive yet so I have to take the bus which just makes this even longer. They often DID NOT follow their schedule and drivers would just take off if no one was there. Like bro...you're 10 mins early...YEAH NO ONE IS THERE YET. People would complain, nut the drivers suck and would still just take off. Also...LOTS of weirdos on the bus. So, I've opted out.
It was hard to get this Chem class though. It said they had openings, but that it was also waitlisted. Waitlisted usually means that it is full, which this class was not. I really wanted this class, so I could be more flexible so I asked a few people. I asked the professor of the class who never got back to me. I asked admissions who at first told me it's waitlisted and I have to wait... like girl I know you didn't read my email because I said it's waitlisted but also shows open seats... so I emailed admissions again saying something along those lines and then they got me connected with someone who works on the STEM courses. She was able to help me and I finally got in! All the people I asked and they either didn't give a shit or just completely ignored me.
The lesson I learned from this is that if you want something you need to go for it and that people really don't care, so again if you want it you need to put that effort in because no one will do it for you. No one cares as much as you do.
I can't wait for when I'm an RT in a couple years. Time are so tough right now, and I won't even lie those checks would be life changing. I know school will be tough, but I have to get out of this. I hate living like this. We're not even check to check. We're hoping for a miracle every time.
Some more related to RT would be that I finished my general ed more the degree! 7 classes were required and I got 3 A's, 2 B's, and 2 C's. The C's were from when I first started school during the pandemic and I had also just graduated and was dealing with some health issues. I've grown, persevered, and learnt from my mistakes while in school. My grades have been better and I'm proud of myself :)
Now I'm working on the prerequisites for the program. There are 3 and I got one done so far: algebra with a B. I need Biol 107 and Chem 100. I'm so excited to see this all filled out and feel the pride in my chest of knowing that there were tough and sleepless night but I pushed through and will be closer to having a fulfilling career which allows me to live my life the way I want to live it.
That's actually one of the things that drew me to RT was the flexibility and pay. I want to be able to spend half to more than half of my time not working. I want that work life balance that RT can provide. I've had my fair share of health issues. Lots of testing and procedures. I know it can be scary and you're very vulnerable at those moments. I was lucky to have staff that cared for me and helped make those moments less scary. I would like to be able to give the same experience to others. I also have family with COPD and asthma. I have asthma as well. I've had some really bad attacks. I'll work hard to give my patients the best care that I would have wanted for my family or myself.
I know I'll make an excellent RT. I've also considered pediatrics since I have a background with kids and honestly love working with children.
Well that's it for now. Not huge updates, but still some new thing in my life and on my mind.
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izzyizumi · 4 years
“Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna is OBVIOUSLY trying to retcon the 02 epilogue out of existence !!!1!”
{Warning: Pre Kizuna release venting under ‘read more’}
Taichi Yagami = begins studying hard after Tri events [ Tri part 6 ]
Yamato Ishida = “ Then maybe [space] ” [ Tri part 6 ]
Tri DIRECTORS in various interviews during Tri’s run: “ We’re trying to [connect this series] to [the 02 epilogue] ” - basically
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Sora Takenouchi = still in ikebana (however was also seen seemingly interested in kimono/fashion in general in Tri [Ketsui] + wearing a kimono here, wore various kimono in Tri merch) [ + even her Kizuna casual outfit is very fashionable-inspired seeming ]
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Jou Kido = medical / doctor ( still, obviously )
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Koushiro Izumi = basically has his own company; on a career path where he can eventually/EASILY become a researcher + work with Sora’s dad and Jou’s bro still
Daisuke Motomiya = his Kizuna profile is his chef outfit (ramen chef)
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The girl on the bottom left is holding a YukimiBotamon =
Digimon Adventure/02 Co-creator / Producer, Hiromi Seki confirmed Sorato back in the early 2000s (+disproved Takari) guess who’s also working on Kizuna as a Supervisor NOW
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